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Chapter 681: : A huge stage of fate

In order to maintain a recognized right, in addition to legitimacy, there is also necessity.

Altria's quality as a leader needs to be gradually manifested in the long time to come.

However, as long as the enemy's threat is publicized, the necessity of the king can be quickly maintained.

Therefore, after the bombardment of public opinion during this period of time, everyone in the world understands that there is a group of ambitious “grant of gods” who want to rule the world, want to destroy freedom, and want to destroy people’s happiness and peace. life.

And now.

The three of Xiaonan who appeared in the sky and exuded a terrifying murderous aura perfectly fit the image of a "villain" in public opinion.

For a time, the whole city fell into panic.

The harsh sirens sounded through this ancient and famous city, the streets were full of vehicles and frightened people, and there were harsh horns everywhere, and fear continued to spread in this panic.

It is not his own king who does not believe.

Rather, he was worried that this city would become a battlefield for the god-given. After all, the mighty power of Altria's sword out of the sky that day was deeply imprinted in everyone's mind.

However, wanting to escape from this city in a short time is an idiot.

Most people can only look at the sky in horror on the blocked road.

Altria's heroic posture was accompanied by the same strong momentum.

In this panicked city, the figure familiar to everyone in just a few days became the dawn of fear in most people.

"Why do you want to do this?" Altria asked aloud.

Her voice did not spread, only Xiao Nan could be heard.

"This is a gift." Xiao Nan said calmly, even showing a gentle smile, "We are competitors, but not enemies. I will return to my world after the event is over. Therefore, a kingdom united as one in crisis, It’s a trivial gift I gave you."

I have to say that my companion has changed Xiao Nan's actions.

If it were not for the words of Cangqi Orange last night, Xiao Nan would not have done such a meaningless thing.

The enemy is the enemy, and the opponent is the opponent.

But now.

When facing her opponent, she still had a warm feeling in her heart, and she did not even realize this change.

Altria was silent for a moment.

"There is a sentence that I agree with. We are not enemies." Her cold expression seemed to ease. "However, I was surprised to be able to receive such a'gift', because the real king can't play with it. The fear of the people, but your kindness, I still accept it, so-in return, I will bet on the glory of being a king and fight with all my strength!"

In the last sentence, her voice spread throughout the city.

Even though I knew that this was a battle with great disadvantages, Altria was still working hard to give the people confidence and comfort, just as she did in the past.

And at this moment.

The roar of the engine suddenly resounded across the sky.

Nearly a hundred fighters reached the higher clouds, and even left traces in the clouds.


The soldiers of this country are not prepared to let their king fight alone.

Altria's face changed suddenly.

"I order you as a king to retreat immediately!" Her voice continued to roll in the sky with an effect like a lion's roar, but it didn't work. The fighter plane was already diving with supersonic power.

"do not worry."

The two ceremonies whispered and drew the long sword before Altria launched the Destiny Stage.

Not knowing what happened for a moment.

All fighters in the line of sight were all shattered in mid-air.

There was no collision, no explosion, as if it had been carefully dismembered by a sharp blade, only the dropped parts and the drivers who opened the seat parachutes automatically.

The people on the ground who were still cheering for the appearance of the fighter fell into a deadly calm.

This scene seems to be taken for granted, but it is also extremely shocking.

The crystallization of human civilization has conquered nature, and the technology of comparing the power of the gods with the human body is as weak as a child holding a toy in front of the god-givers.

"Alice Phil, help." Altria shouted, and a green light emerged from the ground, collecting all the fallen wreckage and drivers one by one, but the stage of destiny was also activated at this time.

Visit mode.

Scope-the entire city.

This is probably the fate stage with the largest audience.

The broken glass lines spread to the entire city at an astonishing speed, and then crashed into pieces. People screamed into the sky with all the ground and buildings in horror.

The whole city, everything, is divided and suspended like a puzzle. The fragments of the city are scattered all over the sky, and the densely packed people are scattered on the outermost periphery of the stage. Even the nearest two people are separated from each other. A straight line distance of one hundred meters.

"It's really spectacular." Xiao Nan said softly.

She heard that there was a similar stage of fate in the village of Konoha.

However, the kind of small village with only tens of thousands of people, and there is 1% of the majestic at this moment.

"No need to panic! This is the stage of God, a space different from reality. Here, mortals will be sheltered on the stage and will not be harmed..."

Altria's voice spread to the entire stage, and even at this time, her first thing to do was to appease her people.

Xiaonan had to admit that Cangqi Orange was right.

This is an "ideal king".

She didn't rush to make a move, she just hovered here quietly, waiting for Altria's comfort to be completed.

For the nearly tens of millions of people everything in front of them is like an illusory and absurd dream, but this is not a dream, but a reality. The God possesses the ability to make reality like a dream The same wanton distorted playful Weili.

"You must win! Your Majesty the Queen!" I don't know who shouted first, with a hysterical voice in his voice. It seems that it is not clear whether this is a reality or a dream. The only thing I want is the victory of Her Majesty.

Most people gradually adopted the same response method to vent their fears.

Blushing, yelling while pulling his neck.

The shouts of nearly tens of millions of people should have been deafening and magnificent. However, on this huge stage, their voices are even hard to hear each other, as if it highlights the insignificance of mortals on this stage. .

However, Altria heard it anyway.

Even if it reaches her ears, it has become a buzzing noisy sound.

However, she felt the dependence of her people.

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