Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 293: : Conditions for becoming a businessman

In fact, even the Xiao organization.

If it is not that Jiao has always had the habit of saving money, it is difficult to take out so much property at a stretch. After all, they manage an entire Yuyin Village, and the consumption is not low.

Just like Da She Wan, most of his money was actually consumed and replaced by various bases and experiments.

"Then I bought 1,500 three-level cans." Xiao Nan made a very decisive decision and explained, "Yuyinren Village can't rely on me alone, it must leave a part of the funds for the village. And the development of the rest."

"Sounds like, you seem ready to dissolve Xiao organization?" Silence read her thoughts.

""Xiaonan was silent for a moment, and looked up at the sea under the distant night with a delicate face, whispering, "Xiao Organization is an organization established by Yahiko, I will continue to maintain its existence, but the members inside must also inherit Yahiko and my will."

Although the members of the Xiao organization now have outstanding abilities, they each carry their own will.

No one has the same ideas as the leader.

Such an organization violates Yahiko's original intention.

Xiao Nan still missed the former Xiao organization. Although he was weak, his companions recognized each other.

Silently understood.

The reason why she doesn't buy all the money is that she wants to cultivate some like-minded new companions.

"Very good decision." The silence said suddenly.

Xiao Nan turned his head.

She found that in front of this powerful existence like the master of the world, the smile at the moment was slightly different from before.

More gentle.

"You did not live up to my expectations, Xiao Nan." Silence looked at her so gently, laughing, "Facing the powerful power at your fingertips, not everyone has the courage to share it with the rest of the people. In the near future, you will be thankful for your decision."

Xiao Nan's eyes widened, and he didn't seem to understand the meaning of this sentence.

But she lacked a firm memory.

In fact, silence is indeed satisfied with her decision. From the perspective of long-term benefits, in the later period, we must avoid excessive concentration of resources as much as possible.

To this end, silence has made plans.

It's just that it's not yet time for implementation.

But improving the strength of the rest of the companions, even ordinary ninjas, will undoubtedly be more beneficial by then.

After thinking about it in silence, he said suddenly, "Do you know what conditions are needed to become a merchant of the Chamber of Commerce?"


Xiao Nan's eyes suddenly widened when he heard this sentence.

"After opening so many jars, your strength is indeed qualified to know, I will say it in advance." Silence does not seem to surprise Xiao Nan's reaction, he raised three fingers, then said, "Want to become a businessman of the Chamber of Commerce , The first step can only be a boost, and three conditions need to be met."

"First, have the strength of senior members."

"Second, be recognized by an official businessman."

"Third, sign a permanent contract, or trade yourself to the chamber of commerce, you will get a lot of points, and more trust, by the way, Icarus behind me is the latter."

Whether it's a purchase or a contract, it's for the employee's inability to betray.

However, there is a difference.

If it is a contract, as the employee's strength increases, the contract also needs to be strengthened, and if it is bought at a one-time price, just like Icarus, no matter how to strengthen her strength, there is no possibility of betrayal. .

So for the silence, the latter will undoubtedly save money and be more at ease.

But what to say.

If you want to be a companion, silence still wants to respect your personal choices.

After all, the chamber of commerce is to be big, and employees have pimples, and it doesn't make sense.

At this moment, in the face of this sudden information, Xiao Nan also gradually recovered. Some of the information she had obtained before was related to the Chamber of Wisdom, but she thought it was an extremely mysterious and huge organization.

Crossing countless worlds, almost omnipotent.

Xiao Nan's heart thumped.

This is inevitable.

Some people who have seen the power of the jar will have some uneasiness. They do not understand the purpose of the chamber of commerce, but they can feel the pressure from the chamber of commerce. But in the face of an irresistible existence, joining them seems to be the best choice.

"You don't need to think too much. After all, these three conditions are not met by you now." Silent laughed. "There are many senior members who want to become members of the chamber of commerce. Now you still think about how to enhance your strength. "

He just planted a seed first.

The initiative must definitely be in your own hands.

If you are excited, then act well.

Then he decides.

Xiao Nan also tried to suppress his mood.

Sure enough, it is not so easy.

She kept these three conditions firmly in her mind, and then said, "Five thousand and five hundred pots in the Fulu series, Master."

"as you wish."

With a wave of silence, a large number of jars appeared neatly on the shore, reflecting the magical light under the moonlight.

At the same time, more than half of the materials stored by the Xiao organization have disappeared.

Fortunately, it was all sealed.

If it is manually supervised, so much reserve material is suddenly lost, at this time Yuyinren Village is afraid that it will directly mess up.

Xiaonan began to grow in strength.

Her luck is not too good, but it is not bad. Basically, a blue rare prize can be opened in about a hundred jars. Most of them are some powerful but need to learn and practice, and there are some Quite a powerful skill, and even contains a magic weapon for writing symbols.

And along with the continuous opening of cans.

Xiao Nan's breath changes with the naked eye.

Because of the spiritual washing, her skin became smoother, fairer, more beautiful, and with the confidence brought by her strength and knowledge growth, even her temperament seemed to start to change.

Silence can feel She is transforming.

The change of jars to people is very fast, which is inevitable, or it is normal growth, and people's state of mind will continue to grow with changes in strength, status and vision.

Silence can't help but wonder how she will grow up.

This is the first time someone has bought so many jars in one go.

The speed at which Xiao Nan started was not very fast.

One thousand five hundred tertiary jars opened three days and nights.

Silence naturally didn't always stand beside.

Of course, he did not leave. He still cares about the growth of this largest customer, but he is not bored. Icarus and Yuju have been playing in the sea or on the coast. Silence will occasionally accompany them. Looking at Icarus' swimsuit, it feels like a vacation.


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