Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 270: : 10 points of salted fish

   It's just a matter of beauty, but it doesn't feel much, but these wood leaves people are a little surprised.

   "Who is this person?"

"do not know."

   "Even if Naruto is here for dinner, I haven't seen it so politely."

   "Where is the US food appraiser?"


  Because the silence moved a little means, besides the hand hitting, there were two other people, Zhao Meiming, on the other side, the others could not recognize the silence.

   But these words came to Zhao Meiming's ears.

  Isn't Konoha?

   She was a little curious, but at this time she sniffed her nose and felt so sweet.

   The fragrance diffused in the air, even she had a little tongue and mouth, and was appetite.

   is a seductive fragrance that has never been smelled.

   "It's worthy of Konoha, even an ordinary ramen restaurant has such a delicacy." Zhao Meiming said with some envy, and then lit up, pulling Nagajuro, and walked directly toward the silent side.

   There are still a lot of people here. At the time of eating, there is only the kitchen counter, and there are some places.

   sat down directly beside Silence.

   propped his chin on his side, leaned on his side, bent a soft curve with a thin waist, and thin red lips also evoked a charming smile.

   "Sir, are you a food appraiser?"

   At this time, Zhao Meiming, the mature atmosphere of her body was released unscrupulously.

  Nagajuro couldn't help covering his face.

   This is not like the adult Zhao Meiming he knew.

   turned his head in silence. He didn't expect that instead of going to her, she kept up with her.

  All kinds of thoughts flashed in my heart, but at this time, I just smiled, "Although it is not a professional beauty food appraiser, but there can be no better than I can taste food in this world."

   "It's a domineering speech." Zhao Meiming slightly licked her red lips before realizing that she was a little too charming, and she could not help being covered in a faint blush.

   However, the man in front of him did not look like a normal man at once.

   Instead, Zhao Meiming noticed his pupil.

  Dark eye pupils are relatively common in Ninja, but... this man's eye pupils are unusually deep. Just staring, there is a feeling of involuntarily immersed in it.

"the host."

   At this time, a sweet and soft voice pulled Zhao Meiming back.

   It was Icarus who was holding the silent clothes corner and staring at the small bowls on the counter.

   "Master?" Zhao Meiming froze for a moment, her slender eyes seemed to narrow her eyes.

"She was Icarus, I bought it from a place before." Silent explained with a smile, then stretched out his hand, rubbing gently on the top of Icarus' head, with a spoiled look in his eyes, "In this world, only we are each other's companions."

"Meow meow--"

  Two meows came from the shoulder.

   "Yes, and Yuju."

   silently smiled and rubbed the face of Fei Ju's kitten with the other hand.

   Zhaomei stared at the emerald rubbing on his palm, as well as the same half-squinted eyes, which seemed to be some enjoyment of Icarus.

   felt that there was an unspeakable warmth in these people.

   is simply... just like a few of them, it is independent of the group outside this world.

   really is a super gentle person.

   Zhao Meiming's eyes are shiny, and she looks like a nympho.

   Silence didn't think of it, and one day when I got the favor of such a mature beauty just on the first side.

   Sure enough, the charm of men lies in temperament.

   He casually chatted with Zhao Meiming for a little while, knew each other's name, silently said that he was a traveling businessman, Zhao Meiming only said that he was from Wuyin Village, but did not say what identity.

   "Wuyin Ninja Village." Silently sighed in a long tone, "I heard that although it was covered with dense fog all the year round, it was a beautiful place."

"Of course." Zhao Meiming has a little pride. "The mountain in the fog has a very nice view. If you climb to the peak, you can also see the fog rolling under your feet. The sunrise in the sea of ​​fog is also amazing. ..."

  Although she grew up there, Zhao Meiming didn't look at the scenery there.

   It is better to say that it is because of the cruel life before that the beauty of this beauty is more prominent.

   "It seems that Miss Zhao Meiming should like her village very much." Silently said with a smile.

   "Well, I like it very much."

   Zhao Meiming admitted unabashedly that her eyes were full of tenderness.

  If you don't like your village.

  Why do you try to become stronger and initiate a coup, even if you risk your life, you must save it.

   It really is like this.

  Silent through mind reading, you can experience the love of Zhao Meiming for Wuyin Ninja Village.

  If people like Bo Feng Shui Men's love for the village stems from their emphasis on their companions and villagers, then Zhao Meiming is pure and pure love for the land where she was born and raised.

   However, this is not enough.

  Looking silently at this future fifth-generation water shadow, it seems to ask casually: "So, what do you expect your village to become?"

   "What..." Zhao Meiming seemed to be asked by this question.

"Because it is a traveling businessman, so I have been to many places." Silently said, "Every place has its own unique appearance, just like the wooden leaves we are now, It has its prosperity, inheritance, spirit, nature, and unknown shadows, which constitute the entire village. So, what do you look forward to the Wuyinren Village that you love so much?"

   listened to the silence, turned her head according to Meimei Ming, and looked at the people in this noodle shop.

   either with a smile, or with worries, or eat noodles in silence, or talk broadly with his companions.

   These are not available in Wuyin Ninja Village, which is the prosperity she just envied.

   But if, move such a scene to Wuyin Ninja Village...

  Zhao Meiming is just fantasizing about such a picture, and there is an unspeakable strange feeling.

  Wuyin Ninja Village has been basically isolated from other countries since its establishment.

   Although Zhaomeiming intends to open the village and build prosperity, it really has no direction.

   "Can't think of it?" The silence was slightly disappointing.

  Think about it, it seems that this is also the case in the original book. According to the merits of Meiming, apart from overthrowing the fourth-generation Naruto controlled by the soil and participating in the ninja war, there is nothing to do.

   soon resigned and handed over the post of Shuiying to Nagajuro beside her.

   Such a look.

   Too salted fish.

   seems to overthrow the fourth generation of water shadow, her life has reached its peak.

  Unless the village encounters a big threat, otherwise, she does not need to continue to work hard to save the village as before.


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