Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 263: : Kakashi knows the truth

  With the power of this artifact, at least, the possibility of guarding those who want to guard is higher.

  Fengshuimen also didn't want Kakashi to face the pain of losing the important person again.

  He deeply understood that feeling.

   glanced silently at Feng Shui Gate.

   The teacher was still hesitating, whether or not to tell Kakashi that the masked man was carrying soil, but depending on the situation, it seems that the Feng Shui Gate has already decided.

   "Okay." Kakashi didn't know his teacher's thoughts. He reached out and touched the artifact.

   "The cost of using it is quite high, but the process of changing jobs is not dangerous." Silent said.

   And as he said.

  The whole process is without any danger.

   The whole magic integrated into his left hand and disappeared. At this moment, Kakashi became a new generation of Red Dragon Emperor.

   Of course, it's just incomplete.

"I feel that I can summon it." Kakashi felt the message in his mind. "Is there currently only a power of this kind? But it really is powerful...I will meet that masked person next time, Definitely want him to look good."

  Although I am not used to this kind of feeling of being in the body.

   But compared to this power, this discomfort seems nothing.

   "Although the cost of using it is relatively high, it is similar to the jars in the taboo series. There are still items in the limited jar series that make up for the price, as long as you use it carefully." Silence finally said.

   In fact, this transfer is still very practical, greatly enhancing Kakashi's ability to explode.

   Looking at Kakashi's expression, he was still quite satisfied.

   Obviously, this power is exactly the kind he is after.

   Kakashi whispered for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and asked, "Can I still continue to buy the cans of the Taboo series? Many of the forces there are also very powerful."

   The effect of today's rogue copying eyes made him fresh in his memory.

   If not this.

   He simply couldn't insist that the teacher came to the rescue.

   "Of course." Silent laughed.

   He did not limit their flexible use of various unrestricted series.

The Chilong Emperor's limited series of jars can continuously develop Chilong Emperor's strength and strengthen his physical qualities, but at the same time, the use of the taboo series of jars, even with the medical series of jars, can also be more effective in combat Developed its strength.

   This needs to be groped.

   The gameplay is a little more complicated, which is also conducive to the attractiveness of the jar.

"This meeting is over." Bo Feng Shui Gate stood up and looked at everyone. "No matter whether ordinary ninjas still need to participate in the war, everyone is a member of the elite squad. Every month, jar funds will be allocated. The credit will be calculated separately. Now, the meeting will be closed."

   is accompanied by the last two words.

   Everyone's face was relaxed.

  Although the future is still bumpy, but now the direction is clear, and after this night, everyone also recognized the ability of the current Huo Ying, Feng Shui Men.

   sat silently on the seat, just looking at this scene with a smile.

   As the center of the world, Konoha seems to be on the right track.

   Then, almost all the other villages should catch up.

   Silent eyes seemed to look into the distance.

   He doesn't need to walk one by one like Shayinren Village.


   Those villages should find themselves.

   "Kakashi, you stay for a while." Wave Feng Shui Gate called Kakashi again, "I have something to say to you."

   "Yes." Kakashi froze for a while, but remained.

  The rest of the people left one by one, and only had a thoughtful glance at the Feng Shui Gate.

   Then went out too.

   However, silence is still sitting in a chair, it seems that there is no intention to leave.

   Wave Feng Shui Gate looked at silence for a while, and said softly, "Sir, you should know that too."

   "I didn't know." Silent smiled, "But, as soon as you speak, I will know."

   "So..." Bo Feng Shui Men seemed to squeeze his fist, "You should also know, why is that?"

  Although on the battlefield, he can try to keep himself calm.

   But at the moment.

Faced with that reality, there is still no way to suppress the emotion inside.

   Guilt, self-blame, dazed...

He has been thinking, if at that time, he recognized the belt, is there any hope to stop him before this happens, or even pull him back, so that the wife will not die, the son will not endure and endure In that childhood, many companions in the village will not be sacrificed.

   "Yes, I know the reason." Silently said, "As long as I think, there is no truth in this world that can hide my eyes."

   "Can you tell me?" Wave Feng Shui Gate's eyes looked at the silence a little nervously.

"This is the fate between you." Silence shook his head, and then seemed to think of something, looking at the waves of Feng Shui Gate, "However, one of the reasons, you should know, the documents left over from the second generation of Naruto In this, only Huo Ying can see it, it is the secret of the Uchiha family."

   Wave Feng Shui Gate was shocked.

   He recalled the documents he had seen since he became Naruto.


   There is such a document, it seems to say that if the people of Uchiha family meet their favorite person and die in front of them, they will activate some kind of dangerous is called kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

   It seems... will also be accompanied by a big change in temperament.

   "That, teacher." Kakashi interjected a little weakly, "What are you talking about?"

"Kakashi..." Bo Feng Shui Gate took a deep breath, staring at Kakashi's eyes, and finally told the facts, "The masked man is carrying soil, Uchiha carrying soil. "


   Kakashi's eyes widened almost instantaneously.

   His entire pupil was trembling slightly.

   Masked people... just bring soil?

   is similar to the wave Feng Shui Men, his first reaction is how it is possible, and then appeared in his mind again.


  Although I resurrected Lin before. He already knew that the man who brought the earth was not dead, but who had always been regarded as the most important companion, turned into an enemy who committed unforgivable deeds to the village, even to the teacher and the teacher, Kakashi felt I have lost the ability to think.

   "I know it's hard to believe, but today, I did see his true face, and he did not deny it." Bo Feng Naomen understood this pain, and he was in the same mood.

   There must be some reason for this.

   Wave Feng Shui Gate looked at Kakashi's state.

   said nothing more.

  He knew that Kakashi needed time now.

   Instead, he looked at the silence and continued to ask, "Sir, what did you just say... mean?"


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