Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 251: : You can't protect her

  The man with the earth is pitiful and hateful from the perspective of a silent bystander.

   It is pitiful that, like all weak people who secretly love the goddess, he can only sadly watch the goddess and the strong people continue to move closer, but also represents those ordinary people who have no ability but are not willing to be weak.

   hate is that he not only resented the incapable of himself, but even resented others because of this, resented the whole world.


   Silence doesn't care whether he is pitiful or hateful.

   The world is not black or white, and there will be a thousand colors in the eyes of a thousand people.

   In this case, he only needs to manage his own interests.


Silently looked at Lin, and she knew very well that her wish with earth was impossible to realize. Even if she knew the cruelty of the world, she would not be blackened. Even if she killed the teacher and destroyed the earth in the village, she Probably also forgiving with tears and smiles.

Since    cannot be realized.

   That would not be realized.

  After making a decision, silence made a lot of relief. After all, the thing of opening jars to chase girls was already unreliable. At most, it can only be solved by a bottle of permanent obsession. How many cans can be sold.

   So, after discovering that the four of them didn't know when, they walked to an unmanned place.

  The silence suddenly stopped.

   "Today, just stop here." He said.

   "Don't you go shopping?" Lin was a little disappointed.

   "I'd rather want to go shopping, but someone has found you." Silence turned her head with a mysterious smile and looked at a corner.

   There, a man wearing a mask and wearing a red cloud on a black background emerged from the twisted void a little bit.

   The one-eyed one-eyed stared at the silence carefully.

   Until the very moment.

   He suddenly realized that this man, as well as his female companion, were not ordinary passers-by at all.

   is clearly a mysterious man in intelligence.

  He has followed him all the time, but he hasn't even found it?

how can that be!

   "Who is the organization?"

   Kakashi protected Lin behind him for the first time, holding nothing in his hand, staring at the man in front of him with vigilance.

   This dress, this mask.

   Could it be...

   was the teacher said at the meeting yesterday, the culprit behind the death of him and his wife?

   "This is your own destiny."

   Silence just left such a sentence, and the deep eyes finally looked at Kakashi, then, with Icarus disappeared directly.

   came to the sky and entered the theater mode.

  Icarus seemed to think for a while, then stretched out his hands towards silence.

   "Master, potato chips."


   The silence was a bit dumbfounded.

   So the angel girl in her own family, did she learn badly with herself?

   But still take out the potato chips, and then add a small dried fish to Fei Ju.

   Their disappearance brought Kakashi's sense of crisis to its peak.

   The most terrible thing is.

   The person in front is not a member! ?

   It's useless even if you want to use the stage of fate to protect Lin.

   and the earth at the moment is staring at the place where the silence disappeared.

  He realized.

  Dried persimmon shark's evaluation of this person is no exaggeration.


   But the other party doesn't seem to want to interfere.

   For a moment of silence, the one-eye moved to Kakashi's direction.

   To be precise.

   is staring at Lin!

   "You can't protect her." A hoarse voice came from under the mask.

   Kakashi's pupil suddenly shrank.

   Sure enough, this man stared at Lin!

   thought a lot in his mind. Silence once said that Lin had endless blood and a cruel war. Today, he said that without becoming a member, there is something more painful than death.

no doubt.

   These two near prophetic words are related to the masked person in front!

   "I don't understand." Kakashi was protecting Lin with one hand, "Lin is just an ordinary ninja, what is your purpose?"

   This is also where he couldn't figure it out.

   If it is said that the other party is staring because of Lynn’s resurrection, now there should be something more important than Lynn’s resurrection that deserves attention.

   The resurrection of the fourth generation of Naruto.

   Merchants from a different world.

   So many things, why does this person still stare at Lin?

   "You don't need to understand."

   looked at that face with earth, and was almost unable to restrain his anger, but looked at Lin again, he still restrained.

   said in a hoarse voice:

   "You just need to know that you can't protect her."

   The moment the words fell, his figure rushed directly towards Kakashi.

   "Be careful!" Kakashi wrapped her arms around Lin's waist and backed away quickly. "Lin, hold tight."


  Lin responded heavily, held Kakashi backhand, and pressed his head against him.

   She knows very well that her strength can't help.

  Do not add chaos to Kakashi, is the biggest help.

   looked at such a scene with earth.

   Anger continued to emerge.

   Obviously failed to save Lin, even let Lin die in his own hands, why can he still make such a look that must protect Lin.

   With both hands raised, he finished printing quickly.

  Mu Dun · Silent Bound Technique!

  Growed branches directly from the ground and rushed towards Kakashi and Lynn.


   Kakashi exclaimed.

   This is the first-generation Mu Dun Ninjutsu!

   Blood success limit!

   Even if this person is Uchiha spot, how could the first generation of wood escape ninjutsu?

   This time.

   The silence in the sky, turned his head curiously and looked at Icarus.

   "How about Can you analyze such ninjutsu?"

   There are a large number of transplanted cells in the body of the earth with the transplanted body.

   So you can use Mu Dun.

  According to the setting of this world, Mu Dun is a combination of water-based chakra and earth-based chakra, but its roots come from the power of the **** tree, which is not something that ordinary people can grasp.

   Icarus's pupil has already radiated a bright light.

   Xuan Ao's array emerged deep in his eyes.

  Original Code·Analysis.

  Not only analyzes Chakra's operation, but also the power of cells between columns.

   As you can see, this is more difficult than the silent imagination.

   But plus the system.

   He opened the system and mastered Mu Dun as a skill. The system only needs more than 30 million trading points, but to help Icarus analyze its essence of power, he needs more than 4 million trading points.

   Is it a different concept to gain strength and analysis?

   Silence seems to understand, and sure enough, there is not much cheap to pick up.

   He directly customized the purchase.

  In just a moment, a lot of difficult-to-parse information poured into Icarus's mind.

  The water and tuchakra in the body generate new power under the action of a certain rule.

   is not just a wooden escape.

   is a force that is the essence of life.

   in silent perception.

   Icarus suddenly had a certain kind of breath that was not there in the past, as if from a doll with a soul to a real person with blood and flesh.


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