Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 530: Chicken Sichen

"It's like a bird thrown into the forest after eating it, and the land is so clean!"

Standing on the gatehouse, looking at the city of Shangqiu, Zhao Wuqi only said this sentence. 【...】

This is the whole city serving the state mourning for the Duke of Song, the mourning of the emperor, the people of the country have to serve ninety-nine-eighty-one days, and the mourning of the princes can only be lifted in seventy-seven forty-nine days. But at the same time, this is also the collective funeral of the nobles of the Song Dynasty.

In just two months, Song Guochaotang was like harvesting millet in the beginning of autumn, planting wheat in autumn equinox, and the grain in the fields changed from crop to crop.

Three days have passed since Zhao Wuxi led the army into Shangqiu City, the situation has stabilized, and all the remnants of the traitorous party have been swept away. But after the great chaos, the foundation of the Song state's rule, the family of the Qing doctor was ten rooms and six empty rooms. Afterwards, the count of the remaining number of the Song state's nobles was simply staggering.

The most serious damage was the public office. Not only was the monarch dead, but among his four younger brothers, Da Situ Gongzidi failed to escape the cavalry after the defeat of Meng Zhu and became a prisoner; Gongzichen died directly from the defeat of the left wing. It was Yu Xi's great contribution that their family members barely survived Duke Song's frantic revenge, and even their youngest son was stabbed to death by a spear. The son, Shi Yu, died at the hands of the same mother's older brother, son Zhong Tuo, who was hacked to death by Gong Jia after killing Song Gongluan...

Chaos, really **** chaotic, this is Zhao Wuxi's intuitive feeling of Song Guo, compared to that, the struggle within the Duke clan of the Lu country is simply a play.

So now there is no owner in the palace, Mrs. Song Gonggong's wife is dead, and a new wife has not yet been established. The other concubines and concubines are not favored because they have not given birth to sons for him, so the eldest daughter-in-law, Nanzi, has become a prince. The successor to the power of the chamber. She is also skilled, so hundreds of palace armors, nearly a thousand vertical people, temple people, and concubines pledged allegiance to Nanzi, and she took control of the palace walls.

"Isn't this the nephew Sichen?" Sima Geng was upright, not seeing the many entanglements of interests, so he came to Zhao Wuxi and complained: "In this way, isn't it exactly the same as what Le Daxin said in the letter. already?"

Zhao Wuxi looked at Sima Geng with some pity. Brother Ziniu, how on earth did you live to the third season in the ethics drama Song Guo? And it's on the right team every time...

Wu Xie has been working hard to control the outer country and various city gates for the past few days, instructing the eldest brother to secure manpower in various important positions, and he is not too concerned about the affairs in the palace: "Now the office can talk. Nanzi is the only one left. She doesn't control the court, so is it possible that you and other ministers should enter the palace to arrange the funeral of the monarch, and go off to manage the temple staff and maids in person? There is nothing wrong with the male lead and the female lead ."

Sima Geng was dumbfounded. Then he said: "Nanzi arranged for Duke Song's funeral very well, and even the ceremonies couldn't fault it. I know that, but she not only takes care of these internal affairs, but also firmly controls the wealth and silk of the inner government... "

"Who made Shangqiu riot three times a day and asked the rioters to rob the treasury, and only the inner treasury in the palace survived? Now unless the * palace asks Nanzi to hand over the wealth and silk, don't even think about forcibly taking a cent from her."

Zhao Wuxi was also a little distressed, not to mention that Song Gong's death is still doubtful, anyway, there is no proof of son Zhong Tuo's death. Huang Yuan also settled the case. He was a small Sikou in the country of Lu and couldn't go to the country of Song to overturn the case, so that's what happened. Surprisingly, Nanzi became extremely eager for power. She controlled the court. Some of Song Gong's wife, such as his wife, wanted to make a fuss and seize power, but Nanzi used thunder methods to beat her on the spot. After death, the huge Song Palace was suddenly silent. Accept the reality of changing hands.

It's already done, it's not easy to get rid of it, what's more, Zhao Wuxi also needs someone who can cooperate with him and the Le family to live in a stable office in the palace. Remove for what?

Although Nanzi controls the financial resources in the city, she will cooperate with Sima Geng to ask for money and silk to reward soldiers and collect dead bodies. The food and clothing sent to Zhao Wuxi and Le's camp were never in short supply. This was a smart woman, and she knew that she could stand in the Song Palace because of the acquiescence of the two families. She knew that once the Xiang brothers and the prince-in-law of Wu, who were eyeing the city, came into the city to share the fruits of victory, it would be another scene.

After the king-killing chaos, there was a vacuum of power in Shangqiu, not to mention the public office. In the original Liuqing, the family of Youshi Le Daxin was slaughtered in Dongshi, and he himself was torn apart by a car in front of the palace gate. . The rest of the Xiang brothers were expelled from Shangqiu, and now they are still locked outside the city gate and drinking the northwest wind with Fuchai!

So Song Qing in the city was only left with Da Sicheng Le Mix and Da Si Kou Huangyuan.

The reason why Zhao Wuxi still kept Huang Yuan was because although he controlled Shangqiu, the situation in the entire Song Kingdom was uncertain, the remnants of the rebels still held Xiaoyi, the people of Zheng Kingdom remained in the territory, and the Wu and Xiang clan at the door even more. Is relying on not to go. Zhao Wuxi needed the always stable Huang Yuan and the upright and loyal Sima Geng to help Le Mix handle government affairs and stabilize the situation. After all, the ability of the eldest brother to manage a family of hundreds is barely enough, and it is enough to dominate a country of thousands. Find a way to hold on to the fruits of victory and draw more.

So in addition to Nanzi holding the palace firmly in the palm of his hand, the soldiers of the Zhao clan and the Sichengle clan controlled Shangqiu's access to the outside gates and the vast outer Guo area, while the Huang clan obediently retreated to the inner city gates to guard.

The outer kingdom, the inner city, the palace, and the triple gate tower, the three forces are forming faintly. In Zhao Wuxi's eyes, this is also the basis for the future political structure of the Song Dynasty.

But he looked left and right, and it seemed that something was missing, right! The harem should not be occupied by the daughter-in-law for a lifetime, and there is still a monarch!


"If a country does not have a monarch, it will be uneasy, and the monarch's throne cannot be suspended for a long time. I hope that the second minister and the public office can decide on a candidate as soon as possible..." Sima Geng was the first to raise this matter. Sima Ziniu has the same temperament as the Master, in short, he has to find himself a monarch to serve, and his heart will be at peace.

The election of a new monarch is a major event in a country. After the death of Duke Song, the palace was opened to the public for the first time. The main hall was decorated with the old monarch's hall, and the side hall was cleaned up as a public meeting place to elect a new monarch.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, ministers of various countries were extremely powerful, so if the princes of the princes were not old enough or not strong enough, they would not be able to succeed the throne.

The more famous one is that Zhao Xuanzi, the ancestor of Zhao Wuxi, raised his heir, repented several times, drove away the Hu clan, deceived the people of Qin, and finally chose Jin Linggong as the monarch. This is one of the black history of Zhao clan. One, in addition, Lu Zhaogong was also selected like this...

In the early morning of September 20th, Zhao Wuxi, the most powerful soldier in the city, was invited to attend the meeting as a guest. In fact, the so-called public discussion was actually just a cutscene to show the historian.

In the side hall where there were not many people standing, Nanzi sat inside the curtain as the only representative of the office. Looking from Zhao Wuxi's position, the beautiful woman behind the curtain was wearing a plain dress, and her figure seemed to have lost a lot of weight. She glanced at Zhao Wuxi from time to time, and she couldn't see her emotions through the curtain, but Zhao Wuxi's general manager I think it's a bit meaningful.

Since he entered Shangqiu, he hadn't been alone with Nanzi, and for some reason she didn't take the initiative to find him. Maybe it was because she was afraid that Song Gong had just died, and she was still wearing filial piety, so she couldn't act rashly in front of everyone's eyes?

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Huang Yuan coughing lightly: "The first emperor Xuan Gong once said that the son will continue after the death of the father, and the younger brother will continue after the death. Song Zhichang also..."

Le Mixed said, "Although, the four young masters are either dead or imprisoned, and they are all unworthy. They are not the choice of the Dijun!"

After Huang Yuan was fooled by Nanzi to welcome Zhao Wuxi and Le Shi into the city, he knew that he was at a disadvantage, and he did not dare to fight for any more ruling positions. Therefore, the elder brother Le Mix has been doing Zhengqing's work for the past two days. He has already entered the role and continues the process of selecting the king.

As they said, the two inheritance laws of the Song state alternated. Since Duke Song has no sons, it stands to reason that it should be the turn of several younger brothers. But three of his four unfortunate younger brothers have already died, and the remaining one has also been labeled as a rebel. It is impossible to succeed, so there is only one person left to choose...

This candidate must be proposed by Nanzi, the representative of the office.

Her voice was a little hoarse because of the day and night of the past few days, but the charm of the past has not diminished, but it has increased a bit of maturity: "When the ancestors were alive, they said that there is a worthy nephew Gongsun Jiu, who can inherit the great line... …”

The two ministers in the hall naturally praised him for being good. Gongsun Jiu, this unremarkable young man with the surname of the son, suddenly became a fragrant pastry, and it was almost a certainty that he was the future King of Song!

This is also the reason why Huang Yuan did not dare to compete with Le Mix. Gongsun Jiu, for various reasons, happened to be in the hands of the Le family in Sicheng, and was placed in Daiyi, a day and a half away from Shangqiu.

Therefore, Song Gongluan's funeral was held, and Gongsun Jiu was greeted. These are the two major events that everyone present will do in the future, saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, and starting the new era of the Song Dynasty.

It will become a new era for Zhao Wuxi and Zhao's stable allies!

Nan Zi, who rarely spoke behind the curtain, suddenly became serious: "But Yingli Gongsun Jiu has a premise, that is, Wu Jun and Xiang's military vehicles are still stuck outside the city and will not retreat, and they are not angry that they are rejected. He shouted that he must come to the city, and Gongsun might be robbed by them when he came from Daiyi. I wonder what the two gentlemen and Zhao Xiaosikou plan to do?"

Zhao Wuxi had a sense of drama at this moment, Nanzi seemed to be the heroine who was listening to politics.

Of course ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this idea is just a thought. Although the Song Dynasty has more women's rights, women can have their own private property and land, and the daughters of scholars and Chinese people can even choose their son-in-law freely. But this kind of thing about the heroine's courtship has never existed in ancient times, and the world may not be able to accept it easily. In the Song Dynasty, even the goddess of Song Xianggong interfered in government affairs for a few years, and only abolished a monarch.

Le Mi, who had tasted power, also became fatter: "Why don't you send troops to attack?" He calculated an account in his heart. The Zhao, Le, and Huang families added one piece. There were five thousand soldiers in the city. In the past few days, the dissatisfied Chinese people who have been looting outside the city, it seems feasible to gather 10,000 people to expel the Wu army.

Zhao Wuxi shook his head: "If the husband is unhappy, after returning to Wu country, how about ordering 5,000 Wu Jia to take revenge?" According to the temperament of the husband, this is possible. The news was delivered in real time, but Zhao Wuxi thought rationally that it was inappropriate to have a complete confrontation with the people of Wu.

After two consecutive months of chaos, the Song country has been hurt enough that there is no need to fight another war with Wu and Xiang.

He looked at Nanzi behind the curtain and said, "I have a plan, I can get the people of Wu to make way and evacuate from the city without spending a single soldier or soldier..." (To be continued.)



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