Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1192: Chu Wangsheng

ps: 5,000-word chapter, one top and two

"Say, where is the King of Chu!?"

The sergeant slammed out a fist, and the corner of Chu Guole Yin Zhongjian's mouth suddenly cracked with blood, blood and saliva splashed, and one of his teeth flew away.

The resistance in front of the Chu palace gate did not last long, the inner city was broken, and Yin Sima was dead. Under the attack of the ferocious Huainan soldiers, the palace armor of Chu State resisted for only half an hour before the palace gate was broken. Zhong Jian, who led them in the battle, was also captured and brought to Duke Bai, where he was severely tortured and asked to tell him about Chu. whereabouts of the king.


However, Zhong Jian seemed to be old and angry, and he was extremely conservative when it came to reform, but he was a tough guy. He spit out another old tooth and blood at Bai Gongsheng's feet. This was his answer.

"Don't say it? Keep fighting!"

Bai Gongsheng had a gloomy face. After killing the two uncles in a row, his heart was as hard as iron. Whether it was humiliation or scolding, he had no fear. He immediately nodded and let someone hold a dagger and began to destroy Zhong Jian finger.

For a musician, the fingers that can encourage and play the sheng are his everything, not to mention that the fingers are connected to the heart, and the pain is so piercing every time.

"The palace has been surrounded by us, and even a bird can't fly out. The king must still be in the palace. Where is it, whether you say it or not!"

However, Zhong Jian endured the excruciating pain and said nothing until he fainted from the pain, but was unable to breathe, and was woken up by someone splashing him with a bucket of cold water.

At this time, Gao She hurried over and told Bai Gongsheng: "The lord, ministers and others searched the palace, but did not find the King of Chu, but found a secret passage that can accommodate the two of them side by side, the King of Chu must have passed this secret passage, from The palace crossed the wall and went straight to the outside of the city..."

"Secret way?" Bai Gongsheng glanced at Zhong Jian suspiciously and said, "Why don't I know about this?"

Zhong Jian was pinched his chin again and raised his head, asking him to answer Bai Gongsheng's question.

He drooped his eyelids and said with a miserable smile: "The former king was worried that Wu Shi's division of Ying's division would repeat itself, and before his death, he ordered Yin Sima to dig a tunnel to prepare for unexpected events. Only Yin Sima, And we, who were exiled with the previous king, knew that even the craftsmen killed them all afterwards. At that time, we all felt that the previous king was over-hearted. Who would have guessed that there was really a big traitor in the country, and the tunnel really came in handy. already."

Zhong Jian suddenly raised his voice: "Now the king has left smoothly, Xiong Sheng, even if you stole the capital of Ying and killed Sima Ling Yin, it was all in vain. Soon, the king will be able to raise the king's flag again, I call on the loyal ministers and righteous people of the entire Chu country to come and destroy you, when the time comes when a hundred thousand teachers come to the city, and your death is coming!"

"I want to see who is dying."

With a wave of Duke Bai's hand, he ordered Zhong Jian, the minister who opposed his reform the most violently, to be untied from the stake and hung on a rope, to hang him alive!

"Xiong Sheng, from the very beginning of the reform, you kept saying that everything was for the Chu country. But from the old man's point of view, you were just a child who built a city with mud and sand by the water, thinking you were doing the right thing. If there is something unsatisfactory about the city in the city, you will only slap it down angrily! Yingdu, Chu country, in your eyes, but this is the case, even if you establish yourself as Ling Yin and Sima, the people of Chu will not Follow you and listen to you!"

Zhong Jian told the truth, his acerbic language removed Bai Gong's disguise, and pointed out that he was a murderer who destroyed the country and slaughtered his relatives for his own selfish desires.

"These words, go to Huangquan and say it!"

Bai Gongsheng was furious, and after approaching, he kicked away the wooden bench under Zhong Jian's feet. Zhong Jian suddenly swayed in the middle of the palace gates, his tongue stretched out, his eyes bulged, and finally, with a thud, he broke his neck and died. ...

He was hanged with him, and there were dozens or hundreds of noble children who resisted Bai Gongsheng and denounced him as a "traitor". Their families would be implicated and still be kidnapped by Bai Gongsheng's soldiers.

After being killed, these rebels were hanged on various city gates, or on the palace towers of the former King of Chu, to promote the prestige of Bai Gong.

As a result, no one dared to resist.

Xia Wuyue was supposed to be the most lively season in Chu, but Yingdu was eerily silent, and even the sound of frogs seemed to be afraid of Bai Gong's prostitution and did not dare to make a noise, only the sky was ruthless, washing the city with drizzle. The atrocities that are taking place...


In May and June, the state of Chu has entered the rainy season. When the rain falls, it stops. These heads and corpses are exposed. The long ropes cause the corpses to swing with the wind. on the face.

At this moment, only terror shrouded Yingdu, and the nobles stayed behind closed doors, holding their breaths under the military might of Duke Bai.

After a long time, there was a sound of footsteps in the palace tower. It was the sound of clogs stepping on the rain, and the sound was very soft, as if afraid to wake up the dead.

Dressed in red, a solemn palace woman appeared in the palace gate. Under the guarded eyes of the soldiers and escorted by the spear and halberd, she stepped over the high threshold and came to the tower.

As soon as she looked up, Ji Mi almost fainted, because she saw her husband, and he was hanged above his head with a tragic death.

She forced herself not to cry, but looked angrily at Bai Gongsheng who saluted her and called her "Aunt".

"Wang Sunsheng, you are really good. Since you have already killed the two uncles of Ling Yin Sima, can you also kill me, then overthrow the royal palace and destroy the government of Chu? Go to Yiling and take the tombs of the previous kings of Chu. Burned too?"

Mr. Bai didn't say anything. When he first arrived in Yingdu, he received a lot of care from this aunt. Yes, he once felt the long-lost family affection from Zixi and her, but that kind of touching only lasted for a short time. , was swallowed up by his ambition.

Seeing that Bai Gongsheng didn't answer for a long time, Ji Mi raised his head and said lightly, "Since you won't kill me, can I retrieve the body of my deceased husband?"


Bai Gongsheng gave way and let Ji Mi go over. Today, he has killed too many people. As the daughter of the Chu State, Ji Mi will offer a lot of sacrifices every time he is a priest, and he will also give alms in the West City. She has a high prestige among the people and kills her. , without reason and without benefit.

With Bai Gongsheng's consent, Zhong Jian's body was gradually put down from the tower. Ji Mi watched him get closer and closer, and tears could not help pouring out of her eyes.

He was originally a son of the Zhong family of the music official family, and he served as the bodyguard of King Zhao of Chu. During that escape, he saved her life many times, and Ji Mi also belonged to it. After the restoration of the state of Chu, she rejected her brother's will to marry her to other great nobles, and declared that she would not marry Zhong Jian.

Because she can be sure of one thing, that he may not be able to hold the high position and hold the power, but he will definitely treat her well and be consistent.

As she expected, after the marriage, the two of them were very close to each other and gave birth to Zhong Ziqi, who was unparalleled in talent and beauty. The family of three often gets along with each other and is happy. As for Zhong Jian's political orientation, whether it is conservative or radical, whether these actions will benefit the state of Chu in the long run, Ji Mi doesn't care, she only knows that he is the best husband...

Now, husband and wife are inseparable.

The clothes were still the same clothes he wore when he left in the morning. The crown had not changed, but there was no warm flesh and blood under the clothes. When he was exiled in Yunmengze, the broad shoulders that carried her on his back were so icy cold. ; how many nights she had rested on her arm, but could no longer lift it up to shield her from the wind and rain.

And the slender index finger with which she played the strings, but became **** due to the torture, but even so, Ji Mi hoped that he could touch her face with this finger again, even just once...

Despite her grief, Ji Mi silently sorted out her husband's appearance and straightened his hair bun. However, the piece of jade that Zhong Jian wore before has been torn off and taken away, and it is unknown if he killed him personally. people do.

It wasn't until the soldiers helped to load Zhong Jian's body into the carriage that Ji Mi looked at Bai Gongsheng faintly, and said bitterly, "Although I am a woman with little knowledge, I have heard that even if one arrives at Huangquan, killing relatives. You will also be punished by the spirits of the ancestors and boiled in oil 10,000 times! Wang Sunsheng, if you can do this today, you will be rewarded in the future!"

After saying that, she covered her face and wept, while supporting the hearse carrying her husband's body and walking away in the rain.

Until Ji Mi was gone, Bai Gongsheng remained indifferent.

He could feel the coldness in Ji Mi's words and the hatred reflected in his eyes, but so what? From the moment he started the army, it meant that he broke with the royal family of the entire Chu country, and the guilt of those ordinary people was also killed by him in his heart.

Those who achieve great things can do everything they can!

That night, Ji Mi hanged herself at home, sacrificed her life for her husband, and sacrificed herself for the rejuvenation of Chu, which died before it was formed...


On the third day and night after Yingdu was broken, the city was deserted due to the curfew. Although there were still many people walking over the wall, and normal life could not be restored, the situation had stabilized.

On the side hall of the former Chu Palace, it was brightly lit, but the temple and maids were replaced by Huainan soldiers fighting with open flames, while Bai Gongsheng's advisers and generals were sitting in the hall, discussing what to do next.

"According to the previous plan, it was to follow the example of the Zhao clan in the rebellion of Liuqing, and use the name of the Qingjun to conquer Yingdu, control the king of Chu, and then rely on the king to give orders to the county magistrates. Depends."

That day, Shu Chu, the general who dressed up as a merchant and helped the rebels break the water gate of Yingdu, was very excited. He stood up and said loudly, "But what about now? Although Yingdu has been won, King Chu, where did King Chu go! ?"

Another counselor in charge of the matter came out and said: "On that day, the King of Chu, escorted by Gongsun Ning, Zhong Ziqi and others, took the chaotic route out of the city, and disappeared among the refugees who were fleeing, serving the lord. As ordered, we pursued northwards, and we were blocked by the crowd many times along the way, or by Chu soldiers, and by the time we arrived at Lanyi, the King of Chu had already fled into it..."

Lanyi is located thirty miles north of Yingdu and is an important ferry crossing on the Han River. The doctor there, Lan Yinyi, is a die-hard loyalist of King Zhao of Chu. Soldier...

"Then what are you waiting for, immediately attack Lanyi and capture the King of Chu!"

Shu Hu cupped his hands and said to Duke Bai, who was sitting above: "My lord, now it's just because Po Yingdu has suffered heavy casualties, and it is impossible to send too many people to Lanyi. We should continue to transfer troops from Huainan to reinforce Yingdu. , and then send 5,000 men north to pursue the King of Chu!"

Another counselor stood up to oppose: "Even if it is useless to capture Lanyi, the king of Chu may continue to move north at any time, and he may have left now. If he is brought to Yuancheng, it will be the companion capital of the state of Chu, and the city is Gaochi. Deep, I am afraid it is difficult to easily conquer. After a long period of troops under the city, the division of King Qin from other places arrives, and under the attack from both inside and outside, wouldn’t it be a great defeat?”

He said: "The plan now is to use the county magistrates and nobles in our hands to send letters to their clansmen to force the cities around Yingdu to surrender, and then the lord will let the Huainan soldiers fight upstream along the river. As long as we control Yanjiang, half of the state of Chu will be in our hands, and we don't have to be in the lonely city of Yingdu, so we can't go out."


Shu Chu scolded: "If you can win the King of Chu, the teacher of King Qin will naturally not dare to force it. We can win the Kingdom of Chu without fighting, but you are greedy for the city and forget the King. This is putting the cart before the horse!"

What followed was continuous quarrel. Under Bai Gong's shogunate, every advisor and general had the right to speak. They also seized the opportunity to express their views with all their might.

Bai Gongsheng, who has the power to make a final decision, did not speak, but sat behind the counter with a gloomy face, sitting quietly and listening intently.

Because of the failure to capture King Zhang of Chu, the mutiny fell into the chaos of losing its goal.

At this moment, Gao She, the first counselor of Duke Bai's long-silence, patted the table a few times, and only stood up when everyone was quiet.

"Master, two or three sons."

Gao She bowed his hands to the crowd and said: "Confucius in the Central Plains has a very reasonable saying, if the name is not correct, the words will not go well, and if the words are not in line, things will not be successful. If we can get the King of Chu, we will enter this time. Ying said that he was called to go, and then let the lord serve as Lingyin and Sima in the name of ordering the state of Chu, and he could do anything. However, now that King Zhang of Chu has fled, he may call on the king of other counties in the state of Chu at any time. What we need most now is not a quarrel, but a flag, on the one hand, let us continue this mutiny justifiably, let the soldiers continue to fight willingly, let the county magistrates and people of Chu state see another possible flag!"

"that's right."

"What Gao Zi said is very true."

Everyone nodded, and even Duke Bai couldn't help but look sideways. Now everyone stopped talking and stared at him, wondering what the mastermind of Duke Bai had.

Gao She smiled: "Second or third son, She is a native of Qi, not a native of Chu, so I boldly express my views on King Zhang of Chu here, don't take offense."

He suddenly spat on the ground and said, "King Zhang of Chu is neither a monarch nor a king to me, he is just a yellow-haired child who eats brocade clothes and jade every day. Why let him sit on the Zhanghua stage and rule the state of Chu?"

Then he pointed to Bai Gongsheng and said: "Our lord is different. In terms of background, he is the eldest grandson of King Ping of Chu; in terms of merit, he is the only one who has opened up the territory of the state of Chu, regained lost territory and destroyed the state of Wu. Hero; in terms of vision, he once stayed in Zhao State and knew the aggressiveness of Zhao Hou in the north, so he began to reform in Chu State, hoping to enrich the country and strengthen the army, but was hindered by traitors, and had no choice but to advise. The ambition of the lord is us Everyone knows that he only hopes to be Ling Yin and Sima, and to assist King Zhang of Chu in revitalizing the state of Chu... But now Xiong Zhang doesn't know the heart of a loyal minister, and he has just burrowed away like a lost dog, abandoned the country and fled. Senior, what else is there to do to come back here and be the king of Chu?"

Everyone was shocked and looked at each other in dismay, but they nodded at his remarks, and some people even stood up and responded: "Yes, it was Duke Bai who gave me the courtesy and honor, not the king of Chu."

On the other hand, Bai Gongsheng's expression was a little surprised. In today's scene, Gao She didn't ask his permission in advance. What does this Qi people want to do?

However, Gao She nodded at Duke Bai, smiled mysteriously, and when the time was right, he stepped on the table in front of everyone's eyes, tore off his clothes, and revealed his left arm: "I once heard in the West City A nursery rhyme, Da Chuxing, Bai Sheng Wang. Since Xiong Zhang can't keep Chu State, it is better to replace it, two or three sons, I think Bai Gong has the qualifications to be a king, and I think what I said makes sense, please bare your left arm!"

"The lord should be the king of Chu!"

At this time, all the counselors and generals also got up one after another, baring their left arms and shouting loudly. Occasionally, one or two people who hesitated immediately followed suit.

They began to gather towards Bai Gongsheng. Before Bai Gongsheng, the protagonist, had time to speak, Gao She and a few others put a scarlet ochre robe that had been prepared on him, and put on a crown for him. Pushing and pushing, he walked to the main hall of the Chu King's Palace, and let him sit on the luxurious king's couch.

Then, under the leadership of Gao She, everyone took a few steps back, knelt down on the ground, bowed their heads, and shouted at Duke Bai. The sound was so loud that it resounded in the halls of the previous kings of Chu.

"Da Chuxing, King Bai Sheng!"

"King Chu!"

"Your Majesty!"

"King of Chu?" This matter came a little off guard, and Bai Gongsheng was still a little dizzy. Looking at the group of ministers kneeling in front of him, as well as the ochre robes on their bodies, and touching the Mian Hao on the top of his head, he understood a little bit. It was designed by Gao Amnesty and others from the very beginning...

Since this mutiny has already happened, there is no way to turn back. If the King of Chu is not captured, they may be encircled and suppressed as a rebel at any time. But if Duke Bai is the king, the situation will be different. This is a grandson who has claimed power over the throne. He expelled the ignorant prince and children. Instead, as long as the flag is raised, even if they face it head on, they will have some chance of winning. Those soldiers who risked their lives to mutiny. In my heart, I will have some confidence...

In this way ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has a big banner in his hand, but doing so also has great drawbacks, that is, an immeasurable scale of the civil war in Chu is about to break out, and the situation is no longer the same. A beheading operation can solve it.

However, even so, listening to the mountain call in his ears, Bai Gong closed his eyes a little intoxicated. After a while, he was already reluctant to take off the Wang Mian on his head and body, and was reluctant to leave this position above ten million people. .

"I'm the king of Chu... the king of the state of Chu."

Until this moment, he did not understand one thing.

Any reforms, or anything for the sake of the people of Chu, are all fake, and they are just means to achieve their goals.

All he wants is this throne! Everything he does is for his own ambition!

"Widow..." This was the first time he tried to use this title.

Wang Sunsheng smiled: "A widow should hold a three-footed sword. Following the ancestors of Yu Lie, he thought that the king of the state of Chu would bring a brand new era to the state of Chu!"

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