Chapter 40 Witch Gu Master

"What's going on?" Zhang Yuanqing had a guess in his mind.

"There is a battle between spiritual realm walkers here in Fenghui District. One is dead and the other is injured. I need you to come and ask for help."

There was a lot of noise from Li Dongze's side, and it seemed like someone was quarreling.

As expected, he knew that he was asking for help. He was definitely not asking for help. In other aspects, he couldn't help. After all, he was still a child.

"Where is the Night God in Fenghui District?"

Taiyi Sect has arranged night wandering gods in every major district of Songhai, and here in Kangyang District is Yuan Ting.

Fenghui District will naturally have it too.

"The deceased was a witch and Gu master. The ghost body of the witch and Gu master is famous for being evil and ferocious, but that witch and Gu master was a little different... the risk of devouring souls is a bit high. Taiyi Sect's Yeyoushen was unwilling to take risks and had a dispute with our colleagues in Fenghui District." Li Dongze's voice was deep.

As he said that, the noise on the other side of the phone became more intense.

The spirit body of a witch and Gu master? Zhang Yuanqing was overjoyed when he heard this. He had read a lot of professional information in the past few days. If divided according to mental power, Night Walker and Illusionist were tied for first, followed by Witch Gu Master.

This can gain a lot of experience.

However, Zhang Yuanqing frowned and said: "The Taiyi Sect is also an official organization. This is within the scope of responsibility. No one cares about him."

Even if there are risks, since you enjoy the official benefits and treatment, you should do things instead of just eating.

"The Taiyi Sect is different from the Five Elements Alliance. There are only a few Night Walker Gods. The Council of Elders is in the capital. The Night Walker God captains in each region are all of the same rank." Li Dongze's tone was filled with helplessness.

Of course you can make a complaint, but you have to report it to the capital, as there is no one in Songhai currently in charge.

I will definitely complain later, but now I have to do something first.

And because of the ferocity of the wizard's spirit body, the night wandering gods in other districts will not take risks for events in other districts.

At this time, the importance of the Five Elements Alliance's own night wandering god came to the fore.

"I'll be right over." Zhang Yuanqing said.

At this time, he vaguely heard someone speaking on the loudspeaker: "Li Dongze, what you are doing is inappropriate. Although I really need to ask the spirit, he is still Level 1..."

The words stopped suddenly and Li Dongze hung up the phone.

Zhang Yuanqing hung up the phone, Lao Siji turned his office chair, turned around, and said with a smile:

"From the sound of it, it sounds like it's Li Yuanfang from the second team... The second team in Fenghui District hasn't made any meritorious service for a long time, and its performance has always been at the bottom. That's why the Night Travel God in that district is so big."

Li Yuanfang? Good name! Zhang Yuanqing complained in his heart.

Guan Ya added: "The captain of Fenghui District's second team is also one of our White Tiger Soldiers."

Lao Siji came over with a wink.

She was hinting to me that she wanted to establish a good relationship with the middle-level members of the White Tiger Soldiers and sell favors... Zhang Yuanqing said with a complicated expression:

"Sister Guan Ya, you are so kind to me, are you falling in love with me and want to eat young grass?"

puff! Wang Tai, who was at the next table, was drinking water and suddenly gushed out.

He looked at his two colleagues with some horror. When did they get better and I didn't notice at all?

"Old Niu?" Guan Ya's eyebrows were raised, the veins on her smooth forehead were pulsing, and she bit her plump lips, "Yuanshi, I think we still have time to fight before the long car comes back."

"I was wrong!" Zhang Yuanqing was able to bend and stretch.


The black business car drove into the Fenghui District Public Security Department. Through the car window, Zhang Yuanqing saw Li Dongze waiting in front of the office building early, leaning on a cane.

After getting off the car, the two nodded and entered the office building together.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the morgue.

Outside the morgue, in the spacious and bright corridor, seven or eight spiritual realm walkers gathered. Zhang Yuanqing swept past them at will, guessing their occupations based on their appearance and temperament.

He has strong muscles and looks very violent. The fire master has not run away... What is the profession of the bird on his shoulder? Well, the director said that the wood demon of Baihua Club loves animals... The one with a dull expression Looks like a monster...

These spiritual realm walkers all looked a little angry.

Finally, Zhang Yuanqing looked at the middle-aged man who came up to him. He was about forty years old, with sunken eyes, an aquiline nose and thin lips, giving people a sharp and serious look.

"Let me introduce, this is the captain of the second team of Fenghui District, a level 3 scout, and the spiritual ID is Tang Dynasty Li Yuanfang." Li Dongze smiled as he introduced the opponent's ID.

"Li Dongze, you can't wait to introduce my spiritual ID to others every day." The middle-aged man sighed, looked at Zhang Yuanqing, and a smile appeared on his serious face:

"In the past few years, I was obsessed with the TV series with the background of the Tang Dynasty, so I chose this name. You must be the newly recruited night wandering god of our White Tiger Soldiers. You are young and have a lot of talent."

I don’t know if there is anyone named Di Renjie. It must be awkward for you two to meet each other. No, it’s very funny... Zhang Yuanqing held back his smile and shook hands with the other person eagerly. He said, “Everyone is a captain.”

This made Li Yuanfang smile even more, "Our own Night God is better."

After sighing with emotion, he continued:

"Have you heard from Li Dongze what happened? I'm sorry, but the Night Traveling God of the Taiyi Sect stationed in Fenghui District refused to ask for help. We have no choice but to ask you for help."

The muscular young man snorted coldly, "Even if there is a risk in swallowing the witch and Gu master, it won't kill anyone. Doesn't it mean that if we are fighting evil professions on the front line, there is no risk? The Night Travel God of Taiyi Sect is always aloof, every time Asking them to do things is as if we are begging them."

The young man with the bird on his shoulder smiled and said, "So, it's better to be among your own people."

Li Yuanfang waved her hand, interrupting her subordinates' complaints, and muttered:

"Although Li Dongze has given you a guarantee, I still want to remind you that the spiritual power of wizards and Gu masters is extremely powerful, chaotic and manic, and the deceased was a level 3 wizard and Gu master.

"His remaining spirit body is very dangerous. Are you sure about it?"

Several team members immediately looked at Zhang Yuanqing, their eyes full of expectation.

Zhang Yuanqing nodded: "No problem, I'm sure."

The faces of the spiritual practitioners in Fenghui District were happy. Li Yuanfang's expression was slightly relaxed, and he looked at Zhang Yuanqing with a little more approval.

"Trouble." He nodded.

Li Dongze immediately led Zhang Yuanqing into the morgue and closed the door, blocking out colleagues from Fenghui District who were looking forward to coming in to watch.

Li Dongze, leaning on a cane, walked to a steel morgue and lifted the white cloth covering the body.

Seeing the corpse under the white cloth, Zhang Yuanqing was startled and showed a look of astonishment.

This corpse had short dark green hair and dark brown skin that was rough and strong. The elbows, knees and other joints were covered with thick keratin, like armor. The nails were ink-colored, with sharp and curved ends, containing highly toxic substances.

The skin on his face is also dark brown, his dim pupils are as vertical as snake pupils, and his eyeballs are amber.

Li Dongze, holding a stick with one hand, explained:

"Witch and Gu masters in the extraordinary realm have two major methods. One is to raise Gu and use Gu insects to kill people invisible. The second is to assimilate with Gu and gain an ability based on the characteristics of the Gu insects to improve their close combat capabilities. For example, one can Healing ability, vitality, strength, speed, toxicity..."

Zhang Yuanqing sighed: "It sounds very strong. It is indeed an evil profession."

It is worth mentioning that among the local spiritual realm professions, witch masters, illusionists, and bewitching demons are all top professions, ranking alongside the night wandering god.

Therefore, there are only three evil professions, and their number cannot be compared with the official spiritual realm walkers.

Li Dongze said: "He was killed when he was transforming into a poison, and his body has always remained like this. Ha, his death was not elegant at all. Because of the fusion with the poison, his spirit body was full of hostility and animality, and his spirit was extremely polluted. , which is also the reason why the Night Travel God of Taiyi Sect doesn’t want to touch it.”

Zhang Yuanqing nodded.

He has a magic pestle to protect his body and is not afraid of mental pollution.

Li Dongze continued:

"The person who fought against him was also a witch and Gu master. When our people arrived, they killed one person and the other one was injured and escaped. Preliminary suspicion is that this person may be a member of the Psionics Society or a subordinate of Hei Wuchang.

"Hurry up and see what clues you can get this time. I think the colleagues in the second team outside can't wait."

Zhang Yuanqing nodded, opened the inventory, took out the Demon-Conquering Pestle and handed it to Li Dongze, then walked to the humanoid corpse and awakened the remaining spiritual power sleeping in the body.

An illusory figure slowly emerged, with a dull face showing ferocity and gloom.

Even more manic than Ou Xiangrong's spirit body, he wanted to eat it but didn't want to eat it... Zhang Yuanqing sighed silently, a sticky black light appeared in his eyes, occupying his eye sockets, he opened his mouth and sucked it in, swallowing the spirit body into his abdomen.

There was a pain between his eyebrows, and countless chaotic memories flashed through his mind.

These memories were broken and messy, and Zhang Yuanqing learned part of the deceased's life experience through half-reading and half-guessing.

Before this witch and Gu master became a spiritual practitioner, he was an unemployed vagrant and very aggressive. He specialized in collecting debts for some financial companies that made loan sharks, watching the scenes in nightclubs, playing fairy dances, forcing foreign women to sell sex, etc.

He did all the bad things, but lived a happy life.

By chance, he gained the favor of the spiritual realm, received a character card from the sky, and became a spiritual realm walker.

He named himself "Outlaw Outlaw". After becoming a spiritual practitioner, he was keen on doing charity. When he accumulated a certain moral value, he began to kill ordinary people and rape women to vent his evil thoughts.

These broken and messy memories were painful for Zhang Yuanqing. His outlook on life was strongly impacted, and a rage of contempt for everything grew in his heart.

At this time, he read the key memory he wanted.

In a luxuriously decorated tea room, a man with the upper half of his face covered by a silver mask sat at a glass round table, sipping tea from a ceramic cup.

He looked at "Zhang Yuanqing" on the other side of the round table and said:

"Judge Cunning Eye is dead. The position of president of the Eastern District of the Psionic Society belongs to none other than the master. The two vice-presidents have been fighting for so many years, and the dust has finally settled."

"How did Judge Cunning Eye die?" Zhang Yuanqing heard the host's voice.

"This is not something you should know." The man wearing the silver mask looked sharply.

"I'm sorry, Lord Butler."

The masked man's eyes softened, he poured him a cup of tea and said:

"Hei Wuchang hid with the Holy Grail and the roster. The Holy Grail is a regular prop for the Gu Master profession, and its importance is self-evident. The roster is a collection of slaves that Judge Cunning Eyes has conquered over the years.

"By controlling the roster, you can control many spiritual realm walkers. Both things are very important. Fanatic, our opportunity has come to make a contribution. Help the master find Hei Wuchang and integrate the strength of the Eastern District Chapter. We can allied with the Five Elements Songhai Chapters will fight.”

"Then Lord Deacon, what should I do?"

The outlaw's breathing was slightly rapid, and his tone contained excitement.

"I have a list of Hei Wuchang's subordinates. If you search according to the list, you may be able to find Hei Wuchang's hiding place. Of course, the people on the list have long been hidden. They are 'Wang Xing Wu Ji', 'Hei Wuchang' ', 'I kill without blinking an eye', 'Young woman is very smooth', the corresponding real-life identities are..."

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