Chapter 26 Escape

7pm, dining table.

Grandma looked around the table to the family members, and announced in a good mood:

"Yuanzi, your uncle will be back tomorrow afternoon. Yuanjun, remember to drive to pick him up. Yu'er, go home early after get off work."

Yu'er is my aunt's nickname.

Zhang Yuanqing and Jiang Yuyi each gnawed on a chicken leg, while Chen Yuanjun drank chicken soup, both with calm expressions on their faces.

When grandma saw this, she clapped her chopsticks and glared: "Did you hear what I said?"





My uncle and aunt have been traveling abroad for almost two months. My uncle is neglectful and cynical, and my aunt is totally uninterested. There is no difference between the two of them in the house and the absence of them.

Just coming back is coming back, it's not a big happy event worth celebrating, probably only grandma will be happy because uncle is back.

Jiang Yuyi gnawed on the chicken leg and said, "Why don't the scum of the family play for a few more months? The house is extra clean without them."

Chen Yuanjun glanced at his sister-in-law and said, "Don't say that. After all, the scum of the family is my father."

Zhang Yuanqing glanced at his cousin and said, "Don't say that. After all, the scum of the family is my uncle."

Seeing that her grandmother was furious and wanted to tear her unworthy descendants apart with her hands, Jiang Yuyi quickly comforted her and brought up a topic that would definitely be of interest to her mother:

"Mom, our hospital is haunted."

Haunted? Zhang Yuanqing immediately raised his ears.

As expected, grandma no longer cared about her son and asked hurriedly:

"Oh, what's going on? Tell mom."

"Sister Zhou from our department heard the laughter of children in the office when she was on duty at night. She went in to check and the laughter disappeared. Then she went to the toilet and saw a baby lying on her shoulder in the mirror. She almost died She was scared to death.”

The aunt said plausibly: "Not only Sister Zhou, but other colleagues on the night shift also said that they occasionally heard the laughter of children in the middle of the night. Everyone said that it must be an aborted child who was unwilling to give up and lingered in the hospital."

Grandma listened with great interest and commented: "It's really evil. I think it's probably the same. I'll wait until you work the night shift and let Motoko accompany you. Is there anything else?"

"Yes, yes..."

Grandma's gossip was not passed on to her mother, but was inherited by her aunt... Zhang Yuanqing listened to the mother and daughter's chirping gossip, but the interest aroused in his heart slowly died out.

As a night wanderer, he knew immediately that this was a rumor and was not true.

First of all, it is impossible for spirits to make sounds because they have no physical body and no vocal cords, unless the power of the spirit directly acts on the human spirit.

But with a baby's will and mental strength, it is impossible for a spirit body to remain after death.

Finally, ordinary people cannot see spiritual bodies with their naked eyes. Those who are short-lived and have heavy Yin Qi may interact with spiritual bodies, so occasional situations are reasonable.

But many people hear babies laughing, which is ridiculous.

"Auntie, be careful. Don't bring home the dead child from the hospital." Zhang Yuanqing said quietly.

Just as Jiang Yubai was talking enthusiastically, his oval face suddenly stiffened and he shouted, "Mom, he scared me again!"

Grandma symbolically scalped her grandson.


After dinner, Zhang Yuanqing quietly left home and took a taxi to the nearest tertiary A hospital.

He is going to the hospital to save the dead and increase his experience points.

Yeyoushen's "Spirit Devouring" skill is currently the best way to upgrade. I don't know when the next spiritual realm will be opened, so it is necessary to improve your strength before entering the spiritual realm.

It's also level 1, with 99% and 1% experience points. The comparison of combat power is quite different.

Hospitals are a good place for night wandering gods to increase their experience points. They are all born, old, sick and die in the hospital. Of course, the crematoriums are also very good, but the crematoriums in Songhai are all in the suburbs and there are few in the urban area.

Sitting in the car, Zhang Yuanqing suddenly remembered what Guan Ya said today.

"Why is it that the Night-Wandering Gods of the Taiyi Sect are taboo about swallowing spirits? Is it an industry rule and does it seem to be detrimental to one's moral integrity? Or is there another reason?"

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and logged into the official forum of Spiritual Realm Walker to search for relevant information.

The search results show: No relevant entries found.


In the suburbs, night begins to fall.

In the dirty living room of a low-cost rental house in an industrial park, Ou Xiangrong held a large basin of freshly cooked instant noodles and came to the table filled with beer cans.

He swept the beer cans and other debris to the ground with a casual sweep, clearing the space for a large basin, and then took out a can of beer from the refrigerator.

Eat a lot of noodles and drink a lot.

The noodles that had just come out of the pot were extremely hot, but they could not burn his strong oral cells.

Ou Xiangrong, who has sparse eyebrows, has an expression that is sometimes fierce, sometimes indifferent, and sometimes disgusting... like a mental patient on the verge of onset.

Suddenly, his ears moved, he stopped using his chopsticks, and his expression immediately turned ferocious.

Ou Xiangrong stood up slowly, pulled out the willow blade from the scabbard on his back, and leaned against the door lightly and silently.


As soon as he approached the entrance, the door was violently kicked open. Then, a blazing light lit up and a scorching fireball hit him.

The scorching wind blew against his face. Ou Xiangrong paused and waved his right arm holding the sword. The sharp sword light hit the fireball, and with a "boom", the room was filled with colorful and gorgeous flames.

In the sudden firelight, a figure with a flaming body rushed into the rental house. His knees bounced and he hit Ou Xiangrong like a rocket.

Ou Xiangrong was more ferocious than him, thrusting his body and shoulders forward fiercely.


The figure flew out and hit the wall of the corridor, causing the wall to shake violently.

Ou Xiangrong, who had burn marks all over his right hand and shoulder, endured the pain and turned and rushed towards the window. He did not dare to take the corridor. The corridor of the old residential building was cramped. If he was surrounded, he would definitely die.

With the sound of glass shattering, Ou Xiangrong jumped out from the third floor.

"Bang bang!"

Ou Xiangrong, who had just smashed through the window, heard two gunshots. He knocked away the bullet that hit his head with a willow blade, but he couldn't stop the bullet that hit his chest.

The bullet's powerful kinetic energy penetrated the skin and was stuck in the strong muscles.

Following the sound of the gunfire, in the shadow beside the green belt, stood a tall mixed-race beauty, wearing an OL skirt and a white shirt, with her hair flying in the wind, looking stunning.

She held a silver pistol in each hand, and two gun holsters were tied to her long legs covered in black stockings.

Bang bang bang... The mixed-race beauty calmly fired with precision, as if she could predict his falling trajectory.

After Ou Xiangrong was shot several times, he finally landed. He suddenly looked at the mixed-race woman, with two twisted blood runes appearing in his pupils.

The next moment, the woman's expression became dull, she turned the muzzle of the gun and aimed it at the center of her eyebrows.


The muzzle of the gun spurted flames, but the bullet failed to break the woman's smooth forehead and was blocked by a pair of rough palms.

She didn't know when a worker wearing a miner's hat appeared beside her. His dark face was solemn and he said:

"The bewitched demon?"

"Level 3 bewitching demon."

In the darkness, a man walking with a cane walked up, wearing a black formal suit with a black vest and a white shirt, and his oily hair was combed meticulously.

"Let the little ones set up defenses outside the community and stay away from here."

Another voice came, and a beautiful woman wearing an ink cheongsam walked out of the corridor. Her temperament was gentle and quiet, and her appearance was beautiful.

Ou Xiangrong held the knife and looked around with a gloomy expression.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this time, the roar of a motorcycle came from the distance, the bright lights pierced the darkness, and a motorcycle roared over. The woman on the car was wearing a white racing suit, leaning over her upper body, holding a three-foot-long black With a long sword, he was the first to charge.

The next moment, gunfire rang out again, blocking Ou Xiangrong's retreat. The flaming figure jumped out of the window and blocked Ou Xiangrong from the side.

Tang Guoqiang, who was wearing a miner's hat, pressed his hands on the ground. The cement floor cracked and shattered, and a pair of hands condensed with soil grabbed Ou Xiangrong's feet.

Ou Xiangrong calmly waved the willow blade and knocked away the bullet at a tricky angle. The bullet collided with the blade and produced dazzling sparks.

Immediately afterwards, his leg muscles swelled, shattering the soil in his hands, and he rolled forward, just in time to avoid the Flame Man who rushed down from the third floor.

Kick, kick, kick... After rolling to his feet, he ran wildly towards the woman riding the motorcycle.

In the night, the two of them passed by each other. The sharp willow blade cut open the woman's chest, but it did not feel like it was chopping something solid. The woman on the motorcycle turned into water the moment she was struck by the blade.

And her long knife swept across Ou Xiangrong's chest and abdomen.

Ou Xiangrong's chest split open, and large amounts of blood spurted out.

He completely ignored his injuries and ran away from the community without stopping.

At this time, a beautiful woman wearing a cheongsam jumped out of the window on the second floor. Her bare feet were running on the wall as if they were walking on the ground.

With a leap, he landed in front of Ou Xiangrong. With a squeak, he spun around, his cheongsam flying, and his long and powerful legs roared like a whip, lashing Ou Xiangrong hard.

The latter flew away like a cannonball, cracked the wall of the residential building, and slowly withered to the ground.

"You dare to kill official spiritual realm walkers in my jurisdiction, you are very good."

At this time, Li Dongze, who had been watching the show from beginning to end, walked slowly with a cane. This man's face was serious, as calm as a boss behind the scenes, and he said calmly:

"Next, I will personally send you on your way."

"Alas..." Huge sighs echoed around him, and Ou Xiangrong stood up slowly. His eyes were as red as blood, full of madness and violence, and a powerful evil force awakened from his body.

He said hoarsely: "You all must die."

Li Dongze silently took two steps back and said, "Brothers, I was just joking. I am by no means the one who takes all the credit."


In the taxi, Zhang Yuanqing found no relevant information. He returned to the forum homepage and refreshed the page instinctively.

Then I saw a post marked red and pinned to the top.

# Wanted order! Level 3 Bewitched Demon Ou Xiangrong #

There was no such post a few minutes ago.

Zhang Yuanqing opened the post:

"Ou Xiangrong, a level 3 bewitching demon, killed Zhao Yingjun, a scout of the White Tiger Soldiers of the Five Elements Alliance, on April 18th. On the evening of April 19th, at 19:05, he escaped from the encirclement of the Kangyang District Lingjing Team.

"This person possesses some kind of terrible evil power and is an unusual bewitching demon. He has been severely injured by the Kangyang District Spiritual Realm Team and his current whereabouts are unknown. Attention the Spiritual Realm Walker Teams of all major districts. Ou Xiangrong is on the verge of losing control. Once the target is found, kill him immediately.

"Whoever provides clues will be rewarded with 50,000 yuan. Whoever kills the person will be rewarded with 100,000 yuan."

Less than three minutes after the post was posted, there were already over 100 comments.

They were all complaining about the poor performance of the Kangyang District Spiritual Realm Team, which allowed a half-mad bewitching demon to escape.

"Is there any mistake? This kind of dangerous person can lose control at any time. Are the teams in Kangyang District just living for a living?"

"Once he loses control and kills people and is wanted by the Spiritual Realm, by the time we arrive, he will probably be bleeding like a river. We will be laughed at by the Spiritual Realm Walkers across the country for not doing enough to prevent and control him and for not doing anything with high salary."

"Damn calf."

Ou Xiangrong escaped? Why did they identify the target so quickly and start arresting him?

Zhang Yuanqing didn't know for a moment whether to praise Shi Chang and the others for their efficiency, or to complain about how they stretched their hips and let go of this time bomb.

"Now that we have surrendered, Ou Xiangrong's blood and even flesh and blood tissue will definitely be left at the scene. We should be able to find him using the red dancing shoes..."

Zhang Yuanqing immediately thought of his rule-based prop.


ps: I asked for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month. Before I knew it, I had over 80,000 words, with an average of 8,000+ updates per day. I didn’t save any manuscripts.

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