Special Female Soldier

Chapter 121 Counterattack in a fair manner

After an unknown period of time, Lin Yanxi, who was in a haze, suddenly felt someone pushing her.

He opened his eyes in a daze, but saw a few familiar faces except Xiao Xiaoxiao, and he was stunned for a while before he realized, "Jia Jia, why are you here?"

"Why, can't we come and see you?" Song Jiajia replied without thinking.

Wu Yuexuan also answered, "That's right, we haven't seen each other for half a month, and you don't miss us either?"

"Why don't you want to, but it's not that you haven't had the chance to see each other all the time. Don't you arrange your schedule tightly every day, busier than when you were in the recruit company?" Lin Yanxi was also sober at this time.

At this time, seeing Xiao Xiaoxiao at the side seemed to understand something, "She brought you here?"

Song Jiajia looked at the people beside her and stopped hiding, "I heard you're in trouble?"

"It's a little troublesome." Lin Yanxi couldn't help but sighed.

But at this moment, several people suddenly stretched out their hands.

"What are you doing?" Lin Yanxi was taken aback when she saw it.

"Of course I helped you." Wu Yuexuan said with a smile, "You also mentioned a small trouble, we can help you solve a small trouble, but let you owe a big favor, it's too worth it."

Seeing this situation, Lin Yanxi also understood that it was Xiao Xiaoxiao who had told them all about it, and then asked a few people to come to the rescue.

I have to say that this is the best way now, she can't give Xiao Xiaoxiao a test needle, and it's impossible for the people in the class to help them, so of course it's most suitable to find someone else.

But she really didn't think about Song Jiajia and the others before, so she got into a dead end.

But what she didn't expect was that Xiao Xiaoxiao just said something, and they just ran over to help.

"Don't be dazed. If you drag it on, you two will have to clean the toilet for another day." Song Jiajia pulled her to stand up.

Lin Yanxi smiled helplessly, "It seems that our cleaning of the toilet is no longer a secret."

Several people couldn't help laughing out.

And with a few 'experimental products', the two of them don't have to worry anymore, they will try again and again according to what Dong Li taught yesterday.

In fact, there is no girl who is not afraid of pain, but even Wu Yuexuan showed a look of indifference, letting her get a few needles, the back of her hand was already blue.

However, the final result was also remarkable. When several people were already full of pinholes, Lin Yanxi and Lin Yanxi finally completed this level.

Seeing their hands pressed one by one, Lin Yanxi opened her mouth, feeling that she had a lot to say, but when she reached her mouth, all that remained was, "Thank you."

"You say this a lot today." Xiao Xiaoxiao joked, "Actually, you don't have to thank us. You were the one who helped everyone get into the Fourth Regiment. All of us owe you a favor. Today This is what you deserve."

"That's right, without you, it would be impossible for all of us to come to the Fourth Regiment, and of course we would not be able to help if we wanted to." Regarding this point, no one seemed to feel more deeply than Wu Yuexuan.

"I didn't think so much at the time." Lin Yanxi was a little ashamed.

When she helped everyone back then, she never thought that one day she would need their help in turn, and it came so quickly.

To put it nicely, this is to help others without asking for anything in return, but in fact Lin Yanxi subconsciously looked down on them and felt that she didn't need anything in return from them.

So when everyone put down their own training and came here to help her without hesitation, Lin Yanxi was really moved in a strange way.

Although Song Jiajia is usually careless, sometimes she is very careful. Seeing Lin Yanxi's mood is not right, she sat beside her with a smile, "Yan Xi, although we have known each other for a short time, we can endure hardships and work hard together. It sounds like more than someone I've known for many years has experienced."

"Didn't you say that when you helped everyone, we don't need to say thank you, now it's your turn, so don't say any more polite words."

Wu Yuexuan nodded vigorously, "Actually, we have always wanted to help you, but you are so good that you can do almost anything, so you never gave us a chance. Now that we finally have such an opportunity, we can only wish for it!"

Lin Yanxi could only smile helplessly after hearing this.

"How are you doing recently?" Sighing, Lin Yanxi changed the subject with a smile.

"It's very good. The squad leader took good care of us." Wu Yuexuan nodded with a smile, "The training was a bit difficult when I first came here, but I've gotten used to it recently. It's all thanks to you. If it wasn't for those who were in the recruit company Training, I can't adapt so quickly."

Hearing what she said, Lin Yanxi subconsciously looked at Xiao Xiaoxiao, and sure enough, she also saw her dumbfounded face.

"You two..." Seeing the expressions on the two of them, Song Jiajia seemed to understand something.

"The two of us... are very bad." Lin Yanxi didn't hide anything, "You also know that I have offended almost all the people in the medical class. It's good that they didn't secretly punish us."

"But this is someone else's territory. There is no need for conspiracy. It is just an open conspiracy that makes us helpless. Don't you all know that cleaning toilets has become a specialty for the two of us."

Seeing Lin Yanxi so lost, Song Jiajia was really surprised. She looked at her for a while before saying, "Lin Yanxi, this is the first time I've seen you like this since I knew you."

"What kind?" Lin Yanxi asked with a wry smile.

"So... no confidence, no fighting spirit." Song Jiajia paused before finding the words to describe, "Think about when you were in the recruit company, even though you fought against the squad leader every day and were punished every day, but at that time You are not afraid of anything."

"No matter how the squad leader punishes you or how the veterans bully you, you will always be high-spirited, but now, it's just such a small thing that makes you shrink back?"

Lin Yanxi remained silent after hearing this.

Song Jiajia looked at her, and sighed helplessly, "We all know that you don't like Situan and the atmosphere here, but since you've come here, you can't be ridiculed and bullied by them all the time, can you?"

"This is not like the Lin Yanxi we know." Wu Yuexuan also interjected with a smile.

Lin Yanxi understood what they meant. The aura of fighting with the squad leader in the recruit company and fighting with the veterans was gone.

But this can't be blamed on her. It's just that people ignore her at all, and there is always a feeling of punching cotton.

Seeing that the time was almost up, everything that had to be done and said had been said, and there was no need for everyone to stay, so they got up and left one after another.

Only Lin Yanxi and Xiao Xiaoxiao were left in the room.

After being silent for a while, Lin Yanxi suddenly looked up at her and asked, "Do you also think it's not good for us?"

"Of course, who would want to suffer this anger and be ridiculed by them every day!" Xiao Xiaoxiao sighed while talking, "Thinking about how miserable they were made at the beginning, how cool it is!"

Lin Yanxi burst out laughing, "I suddenly thought, since they punished us openly, why can't we fight back openly?"

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