Lu Shu is relieved, since no casualties are good, negative emotions points can be earned at any time, but life can not be returned.

    But since there are no casualties…Lu Shu suddenly had a bold idea…

    If you forget it, it’s not good to scare people out of their faults, and not to mention the poisonous insects…

    In fact, Lu Shu is also struggling. Knowing that Little Fierce Xu does not hurt people, this is all the bugs that even if they are not going to attack people, there are very few poisonous insects, and they only need to get some more. If you can't do it yourself, A Rank is almost there, and he still hesitates.

    Because this underground bug, not every time it is rushed out is completely harmless like this, in the dark and damp sewer, there may be some poisonous insects.

    After all, the people of Luo City in the city did not provoke themselves, but they can say: I am better able to protect you after I am stronger! Although it may be a little casual, but this is only a temporary pain, you can rest assured that I will not let you hurt again!

    But always feel as hypocritical as some villains in the movie…

    For Lu Shu, it is normal for him to have such a temptation. Who is not selfish? It is normal to have such a struggle, and he also has a bottom line.

    Lu Shu suddenly yelled Lu Xiaoyu: "Call back to Little Fierce Xu, I will ask it."

    He didn't decide what to do, but let Little Fierce Xu pause and think slowly and see if there is a safer way.

    As a result, Little Fierce Xu came back with great satisfaction. Lu Shu asked: "Is the insects killed?"

    Little Fierce Xu patted a small chest and took a small book and wrote: "All killed!"

    Lu Shu was half-hearted at the time, so I didn’t have to struggle with it…Killing is killing!

    Lu Shu licked the head of Little Fierce Xu: "Dry beautiful…"

    When talking about this, Lu Shu’s own heart is complicated…

    At this time, Lu Shu's mobile phone suddenly sounded. Lu Shu saw that it was Nie Ting's text message: "Let's manage Little Fierce Xu, otherwise I personally went to Luo City and cut it."

    Lu Shu had a stomachache at the time, so I used a Heaven and Earth Net to worry about it. !

    Yes, completely broke Lu Shu's thoughts.

    At this time, Lu Shu suddenly woke up. How did he feel like he was stunned by his desires? He used to be like this.

    This is the safety of a city. I have a moment to gamble on the safety of so many people to change my strength.

    Sometimes people are not not good enough. The world itself has too many temptations. It must be adhered to.

    This matter can be big or small, Lu Shu feels that he can't make a big fuss over a minor issue, but he can't ruin it…Well, negative emotions points still have to be earned, but they can't be overwhelmed.

    At this time, the loose cultivators have already killed the bugs. The residents of the community came out and said goodbye: "Thank you so much. I didn't expect that there are good people like you now. The world is still a good person!"

    The loose cultivator headed with a dragon on his arm and a spider on his neck. This loose cultivator is a little embarrassed to be boasted: "You are awkward, you are so kind to me."

    For Resident

    Zhong Yutang silently turned to You Mingyu and said: "Go back and remember to give them a strong ideological quality education…"

    You Mingyu: "…Good.


    At night, there was a rustling sound in a village around Luo City.

    Unlike the sound of the wind, the dense rustling sounds like a gram rubbing against each other. Following the sound, it was a place where a special breeder was trained.

    Scorpions are usually cultured in nests, and have high medicinal value, which can cure burns, whooping cough, bone and joint tuberculosis, suppurative otitis media and so on.

    It is also because of the medicinal value that the farms that farmed scorpions are all over the provinces of Yu Province, Shaanxi, Shanzhou, etc., and there are all over the country. There used to be private farming in the houses. As a result, the scorpion digs the wall and runs to the neighbors, causing 7 deaths. 2 tragedy of serious injuries.

    The scorpion, the sexually humid and dark environment, is generally on the nest, the scorpion between the nests will not attack each other, but when the two scorpions meet, they will kill each other.

    At this time, in the farmer's Dianchi, the original two-finger-necked scorpion had grown to the size of the palm, and it was a pale yellow body, which had grown dark brown.

    After the rustling sound, the walls of the two Dianchi Lakes were actually hit hard by them, and the two nests of scorpions were instantly killed together, extremely crazy!

    The number of scorpions is extremely large, and the killing of each other will even make a slight humming sound, unheard of.

    The battle ended quickly within an hour, and the rest of the nest was also scarred.

    More than a dozen large female scorpions stepped on the corpses of the scorpion to start spawning. The eggs hatched very fast, and then the dense scorpion began to feed on the corpses of the dead scorpion, and the transparent body quickly turned into a hard one. Body.


    When this behavior was completed, the triumphant scorpion scorpion began to climb outwards. The scorpion's sense of smell was extremely sensitive. The scorpion had been standing in the door for a moment, suddenly screaming, and the scorpion behind it actually followed behind it. Breaking the door.

    The dense scorpion spread like a tidal wave toward the village. The villagers died in their sleep and then became new nourishment.

    For a time, the whole village is like a purgatory. If someone sees this scene, I am afraid I will be horrified!

    When the dawn came, the group of people rushed into the underground or into the sleep of the residents' homes and began to wait for the next night.

    In the morning, the postman in the town rode the humming song on the motorcycle and went to the village. Now there are fewer people sending letters, and his work is idle.

    This year, the 50-year-old postman only waited until he retired to go home to enjoy the blessings. As for the postal industry, it has nothing to do with him.

    The uncle of the postman thought while humming the song, and did not know if the widow of the village entrance could be seen today?

    When he entered the village, he suddenly felt a little bit wrong. He could hear the dog barking when he came in. How can he be quiet today? Isn't the dog all asleep?

    Suddenly, there was a rustling sound of rustling around him. The postman turned his head and looked at it. He saw the black scorpion smashed out from the door of the resident's door!

    GrassThe postman did not dare to turn around, and he screwed a throttle on his hand. The old motorcycle slammed forward and rushed forward. He had to go straight through the village. It was impossible to turn around, and the back was a wave!

    The postman went crazy and slammed the throttle to escape. As for the widow who is not a widow, I have to live by myself!

    However, at this time, he did not pay attention to the poor road conditions in the village. The speed of the car was too fast, causing a piece of collapsed road to turn him out of the car to the pit!

    When he remembered to continue to escape, the tide had already surged.


    Today, my wife and Ren Xiaosu were discharged from the hospital. The previous period was as terrible as Xiaosu Huangqi. It has not improved for more than ten days. Now it is finally fine. A bunch of people scared me that Huang Wei is not terrible, and the result is now fine.

    Today may be very busy, so I wrote three chapters out of one night. Now I have to go through the formalities of discharge. During this time, I have stabilized and I feel that I am very good.

    Good morning everyone.

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