Lu Shu looked at Xiaoyu with a distressed look. After all, the other party was just a 11-year-old girl who had already followed her in the ruins.

    It’s just this troubled world, no one will sympathize with the weak.

    "Go home to do fried tomato eggs every day," Lu Shu knows that Lu Xiaoyu can't hear, but still guarantees.

    Lu Xiaoyu's face covered with thick short hair reveals a Lu Shu invisible smile. Continue to say sleep talking: "Lu Shu, back me."

    "Oh," may be sleep talking at first. At this time, Lu Shu has found a clue. He used his index finger to gently poke Lu Xiaoyu's small head: "Get yourself!"

    "What happened to me, really," Lu Xiaoyu sat up and Little Fierce Xu woke up.

    "Go, go back to the hotel," Lu Shu said.

    Lu Xiaoyu jumped out of the window with Little Fierce Xu, and Lu Shu was responsible for covering countless surveillance cameras.

    He didn't worry too much about the people in Dark Kingdom who would follow the clues. Even if they found it, it was just Li Dian's fake ID card.

    The plane was at 19 o'clock the next night, which means that Lu Shu had a day to go shopping in Xijing City after they woke up. Lu Xiaoyu always remembered the last spring of Xijing City. Yes, just take her to drink again tomorrow.

    This time, she is required to give her 30 yuan a bowl. The meat is not enough. Adding money is not to feed her.

    Back at the hotel, Lu Shu supervise Lu Xiaoyu brushed her face, fearing that she would save this step because she was too sleepy, and then cover Lu Xiaoyu with a quilt.

    Lu Xiaoyu asked two small hands and was asked along the curiosity: "Lu Shu, the website of the Dark Kingdom…Is it really messy outside? ”

    Lu Shu didn't know how to answer this question: "I don't know too well, it should be. We don't always say that foreign people live in dire straits…"

    "Do we often fight in the future?"

    "If no one comes to us, don't fight."

    "But you will make people ah…"

    "Children know how to sleep, hurry to sleep," Lu Shu didn't want to talk about this topic again…

    There are many local flavors and snacks in Xijing, such as natural and tender hand-caught lamb, cool and smooth yoghurt, sour and delicious stuffed skin, good glutinous beef, and ghee, sweet and so on. Not only affordable, but also unique.

    Lu Xiaoyu just drank three bowls of yogurt, Lu Shu was afraid that she was indigested…

    At night, the Xijing City airport was brightly lit, and far away, the gorgeous white light shone around. Lu Xiaoyu heard the engine roaring, and as soon as she looked up, she saw a plane passing by the top of their head.

    "When can we learn to fly?"

    “Soon,” Lu Shu laughed.

    Both of them were on the plane for the first time. They just went for a half-day change of boarding pass. When they passed the security check, Lu Shu waited for a female ground in the security checkpoint. Lu Xiaoyu saw the other person holding an instrument on the passenger. Sweep and sweep, but also touch the pants pocket whatever. She took Lu Shu and changed her security checkpoint. Lu Shu didn't react for a long time and it was going on.

    Lu Shu's ticket was near the window. He changed it with Lu Xiaoyu: "I don't think I can see anything at night, but I should be able to see the stars after flying the stratosphere?"

    Lu Xiaoyu looked at the small round window and looked at it with a look of novelty. Lu Shu felt that if the goods learned the means of flying in the sky, they could go to heaven for a few days…

    The plane was very fast. When Lu Shu pulled Lu Xiaoyu out of the airport, he found that many people in the pick-up hall were waiting for it.

    These are the people who come to pick up the plane, waiting for the returnees from the field to return, waiting for friends to reunite, waiting for family reunion.

    Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu no one came to pick them up, they lived very happy and very chic, but when they passed the eyes of others, Lu Xiaoyu seemed to be inferior.

    In fact, Lu Shu gradually forgot the existence of his parents in these years, but he knew that Lu Xiaoyu would still remember it occasionally and asked his parents why they would abandon their children.

    Lu Shu can't answer, can only laugh and ridicule. If they are not Welfare Agency, how can they know each other? Every time he can use this sentence to open the topic, let Lu Xiaoyu forget the previous question, and often succeed.

    "Go back and give you fried tomato eggs?"Lu Shu laughed.

    "keep your word!"

    rest assured

    The two of them took a taxi back. As soon as they arrived at the alley, they saw that Li Xianyi had already stood at the gate of the fence. Li Xianyi rushed to the two people and waved: "I know you are here at home, Liu Weier cooked fried tomatoes for you." Egg noodles, noodles are just right, enter the house and wait."

    Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu look at each other in dismay, Lu Xiaoyu was happy at the moment, with Little Fierce Xu on his head, he first got into the house: "Liu Yuer, put more eggs!"

    Liu Xiaoer’s happy laughter came from the house: “Relax, know that you love to eat eggs.”

    Lu Shu stood outside the fence and looked at the dim and warm light in the house. He was the first time to go out and was the first time to go home from the field. The traveler had a bowl of hot egg noodle soup on his way. It seemed to be good. ?

    As for why the father knows that they are getting off the plane now…The Golden Foundation wants to know that this is still a little easier.

    There are only Li Xianyi and Lu Shu outside the house. The old man smiled and said: "The salt lake remains can be harvested? I heard that you made a great contribution? ”

    “It’s okay,” Lu Shu said modestly. “Find a fruit to help Chen Baili Heavenly Net fix the foundation. He promoted A Rank directly and now he will fly in the sky…”

    "Negative emotions points from Li Xianyi, +399!"

    Li Xianyi has a bit of a toothache: "It turned out that you helped him promote A Rank…"

    Of course, he knows that Chen Baili has promoted A Rank. The whole world knows that because Chen Baili didn't squat when he was flying, the old road itself was done with the idea of ​​shocking the whole party. The shock effect really did, but everyone Very confused, how did the goods advance? !

    This matter is of course treated as a secret by Heaven and Earth Net, but Lu Shu feels that it is not necessary to take advantage of Li Xianyi.

    "There were three fruits at the time, and one for Little Fierce Xu…"

    Lu Shu said that Li Xianyi was anxious at the time: "How can I give Little Fierce Xu!?"

    "Negative emotions points from Li Xianyi, +777!"

    Little Fierce Xu looked confused after hearing the sound in the house. Who attracted me?

    Lu Shu explained: "I was with Chen Baili at the time. He was awake when he was injured. I thought about don't let one's own fertile water flow into others' field, otherwise I wouldn't have to give Chen Baili. Well."

    Half-truth, let Li Xianyi know how Chen Baili advanced, but the real source of Washing Marrow Fruit still can't let him know.

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