After a few times, Yuan Liangta finally couldn't stand it anymore. He pointed to the tour guide and began to spray: "Is there a problem with the lunch arranged by your travel agency? Otherwise, how can a cultivator from a Dao Origin class be pulled like this?!"

    Wang Dao is also a bit embarrassed: "Everyone has eaten, it's okay, you have something, can this be our lunch problem?"

    Yuan Liangta turned to think…This is the case! What the hell is this? !

    "Young man, can you do it, or do you have to find a car to go back to the city?"Some aunts are not happy: "You can't wait for this one, can't you because you alone delayed the trip of more than 20 of us?"

    "or……Go to the hospital to see? ”Wang Dao tried the way.

    Don't use it [or "don't need it"]Yuan Liangta refused, and when she turned back, she began to yell at her aunt: "Why, if you save money, I will not pay for it?" You said let me go and let me go? ”

    "How do you guys talk to the elders?"Aunt is angry.

    "Who are you elders? Who do I know you? ”Yuan Liangta is black face.

    In fact, Lu Shu knew that Yuan Liangta was not a quality person on the train. It is impossible for you to let him take care of everyone. He must have such courtesy and Lu Shu will not be with him. Just a wave of positive.

    However, the aunt's creature is obviously that when you are horizontal, I am still more than you. What Dao Origin class is not Dao Origin class, it is absolutely unambiguous to say that you are licking your face…

    Yuan Liangta still hasn't said anything yet. Suddenly an aunt is lying in the aisle of the bus: "Dao Origin class students hit people, hey, it hurts me…"

    Yuan Liangta : "???"

    Is this still scam? ! This is a loss of eating less knowledge!

    In the end, Wang Dao said that he had advised him. Everyone discussed it: just to see the place where rape can be seen. Everyone rested on the road for an hour and gave Yuan Liangta an hour of adjustment. If his diarrhea has not improved, then First send him to the hospital in the county, and then others continue to leave.

    To be honest, Wang Dao is also very worried that Yuan Liangta is provocative in his team. When the other party directly sue him, he really can't tell.

    Lu Shu didn't have any opinion. Anyway, it was out to play. Most of the time with the group tour was to get on the bus and get off the bus to go to the toilet. There was no chance to appreciate the scenery along the road.

    This time I stopped the car and just strolled around with Lu Xiaoyu.

    Lu Shu got off the bus and found that Li Dian was standing quietly on the roadside like Amah Rock, looking at Yuan Liangta to go to the toilet…Just stare, stare, and stare until he becomes a sculpture or dust with the flow of time…

    Cough cough, Lu Shu thinks far…

    To be honest, this old Jianghu started a little embarrassed, Yuan Liangta diarrhea pulled into this way, it is not the usual pain in the ass.

    At this time, the road between the fields of Qingzhou is like a place that leads directly to the horizon and the blue sky, just like a road.

    The rape field is vast, like the yellow-green ocean, clear and refreshing. Every time the breeze blows, it will roll up the tiny waves in the rape field, which is very exciting.

    The aunts are taking pictures insanely, while Wang Shuli and others are in trouble with the driver, Master Zhang, who opened the luggage compartment and took out the ukulele and harmonica from their suitcases.

    The three girls simply sat on their suitcases, Wang Shuli was holding a small ukulele, and the other two were playing harmonica.

    Obviously, they were delayed in their trips. As a result, they did not have a look of anger. Instead, they enjoyed the rest of the hour.

    Lu Shu took Lu Xiaoyu and stood still, watching quietly. Most of his life was running for his own survival. He rarely had time to calm down and enjoy life.

    There was never a moment when Lu Shu dared to say that he could relax. What he thought of as a head of the household every day is what to do in the future.

    At this time, Wang Shuli sang a song Luo Dayou's childhood just ended, Wang Shuli waved to Lu Shu: "Little Shu, come here, I will introduce you to these Dao Origin class students, you do not want to join Dao Origin class, maybe they can give you a trick or trick."

    Yuan Li and others have been surrounded by Wang Shuli. They found that Wang Shuli is like aura, and ordinary students are subconsciously weak in the face of these Dao Origin classes. However, Wang Shuli is different.

    But at this time they heard Wang Shuli's words, and the subconscious turned around and looked at who she was greeting. When they saw Lu Shu's figure, they looked strange.

    Big sister, are you not teasing us? We teach others experience? We also want to ask if people can privately teach Penetrating Profound Chapter!

    Of course, this is just a matter of thinking. First, Heaven and Earth Net's internal management teaching is extremely strict, and bestowal requires a specific cultivation technique. Optics may not pass the Penetrating Profound Chapter. Second, everyone has conflicts at first. Very unpleasant, now I am more embarrassed to open my mouth.

    That's what students are like, face is more important than anything…At least it is more important than cultivation.

    It is said that another couple is also very dissatisfied with Yuan Liangta. In fact, they also feel that they occupy other people's seats on the train. It is common sense to have someone to give way to others. It is also educated.

    And doing this, directly lost a chance to communicate with the A Rank genius on the road.

    In the concept of all Dao Origin students, those geniuses of A Rank aptitude will inevitably become the big bang in Heaven and Earth Net. Now a city may not be able to produce an A Rank genius, which will be available in the entire Heaven and Earth Net. How many?

    In the event that everyone works in Heaven and Earth Net in the future, what happens when they become their own bosses?

    This is not impossible!

    Just now they brag about Wang Shuli and said that the Dao Origin class was so fierce and fierce that the result was now even more fierce. They closed their minds subconsciously…

    "How can we teach people to be…"Yuan Li said sour: "The people are geniuses."

    Wang Shuli stunned, I have never seen the interaction between the two sides on the road. How does it sound like a hatred?

    Yuan Li’s words are heard in the unclear Wang Shuli’s ears, just like irony.

    Lu Shu took Lu Xiaoyu and walked over and laughed cheerfully: "You don't worry about my business."

    "Oh," Wang Shuli nodded and turned to Yuan Li. They laughed. "Haha, then we talked with Lu Shu. You should need cultivation. Then we will delay your time."

    In her impression, Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu are a very good brother and sister, so she saw contradictions between the two sides, and immediately stood Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu with clear flags, and did not hesitate.

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