When Purgatory Blood Demon is raging in the world, not only is this happening in a place in North State, Some of the businessmen who have been to Beizhou have also been replaced by blood demon.

Lu Shu knew that Purgatory Blood Demon had Spiritual Wisdom as early as the ruins of Koh Chang, even with human. When he and Li Xianyi faced the blood demon, the blood demon clearly had a transcendence. The ability of the beast to think.

But this is nothing, because Lu Shu has also seen a bloody demon more beautiful than human, taken away by Hu Zhi.

That time, Hu Zhi even got the blood of the blood demon. In the original words of the blood demon, as long as this heart is still in the hands of Hu Zhi, it will never betray.

Yi Qian saw a lot of pictures through the mirror, but after ten minutes the mirror was shattered and even the Mist was killed.

The north is the most concentrated place of the blood demon, they are very clear about which people are in the city, which are demon.

So when they receive instructions to complete the transformation, the first time is to clean all humans in the entire North!

On the street, Purgatory Blood Demon hacks human like a locust, and does not intend to leave any living. And the strange scene appeared in the scene. When some blood demons killed human, the human next to them was indifferent, and humans asked for help from their loved ones. They found that those indifferent relatives began to tear off the human skin.

Previously, everyone thought that Beizhou was the paradise of Lu Universe, and the decree here, Heavenly Emperor and Hey.

However, it is such a place, but it has become a hell on earth!

Yi Qian ran to tell Lu Shu about this: Beizhou has variables!

Yi Qian can’t directly let Lu Shu see what the demon looks like. After all, the communication mirror has been crushed by the blood demon. However, he only outlined a few strokes on the paper, and Lu Shu recognized the sacredness of the demon under his skin.

“Dawang,” Yi Qian said: “What’s wrong with Beizhou, there have been hundreds of secret spies that have discovered this phenomenon, the scope of the demon… covering the entire North State!” /p>

“Have you heard of Qing Kong? Tell me specifically?” Lu Shu asked.

Yi Qian, Li Liang, Zhang Weiyu They looked at each other in dismay, and as a result, everyone really couldn’t think of any secrets for a while, Zhang Weiyu frowned. “The Heavenly Emperor has scandals or anecdotes. How does it seem that this Qing Kong has nothing like it? In the eyes of everyone, it is a symbol of Heavenly Emperor. There is no good, no harem, pro-government and love for the people…”

“Qing Kong, may also be a blood Demon, very powerful blood demon,” Lu Shu sighed.

At this time, Lu Shu carefully recalled the details in the ruins of Koh Chang. He suddenly found that Old God King sealed the blood demon in the ruins, probably to watch out for this Jing Kong.

Yun Yi and Hu Zhi should all know how to control the blood demon. Who is this method? It must be the dear of Lu.

But Lu’s unscrupulous person will never want to threaten Qing Kong with a blood demon. Even if the blood demon is the parent of Qing Kong, Qing Kong will probably not face it. Sacrifice the color of the sacrifice, then what does Lu Shen leave this blood demon for?

Heart! The most important thing is that one drop of effort! Lu Shu suddenly caught the key to things! Lu Shen left the blood demon to tell Lu Shu this clue!

So before that, Lu Shen had also controlled a bit of hard work of Qing Kong. However, when Lu was “dead”, Qing Kong was no longer under control and began to plan everything!

This kind of connection is positive and negative. When Lu is dead, Qing Kong must be the first person to know the news, because he suddenly regained his freedom in that minute!

It’s just that Qing Kong didn’t mention this to anyone, even if he knew that the sacred decree in the Palace of God was a false pass, but he still obeyed it.

But he did not stop, because in the past 18 years, he turned the entire northern state into a sneaky.

Lu Shu suddenly became vigilant, and this Qing Kong mind was too deep.

After the ordinary person was controlled for freedom, one day he regained his new life and he would not be able to hold back the joy of his heart! Who doesn’t want freedom? !

But Qing Kong has been hard to bear for 18 years!

Duanmu Huangqi Is the enemy who can’t help but jump out and do things horrible? Not terrible, Qing Kong is terrible.

However, Lu Shu cares more about whether he has any connection with the evil thoughts of Lu.

Lu Shu looks at Yi Qian: “Dongzhou has also begun to assemble troops. West is on the road, and Beizhou has become a ghost. Only South is quiet.”

“Nanzhou is not quiet,” Yi Qian looked at Lu Shu. “Wen Zaifou just rewarded the three armed forces this morning and said that they want to go to the North to save you from the fire…”

” ……,” Lu Shu stunned for a long time: “What else did he say?”

“He also said in public that you have a bunch of wolves, and finally you can understand that he is the most reliable,” Yi Qian Said.

“Speaking in public?” Lu Shu asked.

“Yes,” Yi Qian confirmed. “The news from my secrets will not be wrong.”

“What reaction did the three military forces have?” Lu Shu was curious.

“They were lost at the time…”

Lu Shu took a deep breath and said, “Pay attention to the movements of the West.”

“Sun Xiuwen? “Yi Qian and Zhang Weiyu, they all stunned: “Are you worried about him?”

“Be careful, no mistake,” Lu Shu said calmly, although he was not as good as Zhang Weiyu and Li Liang. The anti-human heart is that Lu Shu has experienced so many things.

Yi Qian left, since Beizhou has already decided to become a sneaky scorpion, then his secret spy does not have to rush to the North State to continue to die, can turn to Western State.

Yi Qian was not unprepared. Yi Lu has been developing his own secrets when Lu Shu hits the road.

The Mission is very well developed. There is no need for a process. It is good to put a slave stamp.

Lu Shu is not willing to accept slaves, but Yi Qian, they are not good men and women. Before Lu Shu appeared, Yi Qian was a famous killer in Lu Universe, and even the scorpion of King City giants dared to start, how to survive.

But after all, it was too hasty, and his negligence caused him not to focus on Xizhou, so the secret personnel there were not abundant.

If you have not enough people, you must grasp the key points.

Yi Qian thought, if you want to infiltrate the Western Army, where should you start? At this time, Li Heitan passed by his door and saw Yi Qian’s frowning face curious. “What happened?”

Yi Qian is too stressed. Seeing Li Heitan thinking about whether the other person can give He provided some ideas. He asked: “You said that Xizhou is now sailing down the river. Where should my focus be infiltrated?”

Li Heitan said with a sigh: “This is still Think about it?”

Yi Qian stunned: “Talk about it, is there a good idea?”

Li Heitan clenched his fist: “Comprehensive penetration! In the ancestral land At the time, before the exam, I would ask what the focus of the Bai Nuo teacher exam is. She always said that it is all important!”


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