Soul Painter

Chapter 654 Extratext Summoning (3)

The sky of the entire Forbidden City, in the eyes of ordinary people, presents a strange emerald green.

And there are one after another like aurora-like blood red flashing towards the sky.

Like a broken glass of new tea.

The guards on the Jinshui Bridge looked like ghosts one after another, thin and thin, with withered faces like ghosts, but they were still alive.

These human beings, in the Yellow Clothes Demon Realm, can't wait to die, so they have to live like this.

After entering the Forbidden City through the small gate next to the Meridian Gate, Qin Fan even saw banquet slaves standing in groups on the roof of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, densely packed like a flock of sparrows.

As a god walking in the world, Qinfan should understand the way of thinking of the great beings, but because of the physical constraints, she can't express it clearly. She can only judge this scene as that the king in yellow is dying to Yuan Xiangcheng, the agent. Unwilling to struggle.

Five years ago, Yuan Xiangcheng stole the victory of the revolution, and then restored the monarchy. He was already spurned by the people of the world, and he was attacked by a group. Even the Beiyang Army fell apart. The agent chosen by the king in yellow should have failed completely because of a wrong strategy. , or even die.

The king in yellow knew this too, but how could he give up his fat so easily, so he left behind a jasper lama, occupying the entire Pingbei, dragging this ancient city of Nuoda into a feast of dreams, and let this fail, enough After five years of stalemate, if no one can break the situation, this deadly failure must continue.

This is the power of the old rulers, even if they play tricks, it will make others helpless.

When the banquet slaves saw Qin Fan, they started chattering.

They are born to live in the hearts of human beings. They are the masters of this dream banquet in Beiping. At this moment, the reason why they stopped in groups on the roof of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and even the ten beasts on the roof were submerged, is pure It is because they have nowhere to go, the flames, sound and light of the revolution drive them away from the numb human mind, they are burning and furious.

"Kill those revolutionaries!"

"Suppress by force!"

"Anyone who dares to resist will be killed!"

"Peking belongs to His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Long live Your Majesty!"


Listening to these sparrow-like quarrels, Qinfan seemed to have heard the sound of gunfire and slogans. She knew that the revolutionaries were creating opportunities for her. The internal riots in Beiping City would further weaken Yuan Xiangcheng's strength , At the same time, it made Yuan Xiangcheng realize that these human beings in Beiping City are not only bargaining chips, but also a burden.

In this way, Yuan Xiangcheng is very likely to turn some Beiping citizens into sacrifices and hand them over to relatives for disposal.

"Two million sacrifices are absolutely impossible, but Yuan Xiangcheng can give you 100,000 or 200,000 sacrifices." Song Zhongdao said to Qin Fan during the discussion, "But with this plan, the revolutionary party's lurking forces in Beiping It will inevitably be damaged, we have to have a guarantee that if Your Excellency Qinfan gets military power, it will not be used to help the evildoers."

In the eyes of ordinary people, revolutionaries like Song Zhongdao are more like businessmen.

What they are doing is business, and what they are seeking is the world. As for the real freedom and happiness of the people, they are just talking about it. Of course, they think they are telling the truth, and they are willing to shed their blood for it, but the most critical issue is , who do they represent? What they represent is not the working people, but the organization that can truly represent the working people has not yet been born.

will not be born.

Because time will only stop at 1920.

"I can't give you a guarantee that you can win your trust." Qinfan replied, "So you can only take a risk."

"Your Excellency, dear." Jiang Zhiqing said, and the thin young man asked, "What is the faith of the troops you summoned from the old world with sacrifices?"

"Of course you believe in me." Qin Fan said, "I am the only one in the sky and on the earth."

"No lie, that's enough." Jiang Zhiqing said with a smile.


At this moment, Qin Fan stood in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, standing in front of Yuan Xiangcheng, knowing what Jiang Zhiqing meant.

If Yuan Xiangcheng really gave Qinfan 100,000 or 200,000 sacrifices and summoned a corresponding number of soldiers, how could Yuan Xiangcheng guarantee that Qinfan would not turn against him?

Even in 1920, the mysterious oath cannot be fulfilled.

Therefore, Qinfan could neither win the trust of the Revolutionary Party nor Emperor Yuan.

The Revolutionary Party can only gamble, but this bet is very likely to win.

Because Qinfan is the only pillar of the "great existence: Buddha".

Yuan Xiangcheng also knew this.

Therefore, he made a request to Qinfan.

"Buddha, hand over some of your qualities, and I can give you a hundred thousand sacrifices."

100,000, stingy as expected... But 100,000 troops is enough, 100,000 White Ghosts, 100,000 Blood Prajna, 100,000 B-level minions, plus a Legion Commander, can bloodbath Beiping City.

Qin Fan looked at Yuan Xiangcheng on the throne of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

And the jasper lama behind him is wearing a yellow cloak, but his green and strange face looms in it.

Everyone knows that this is a transaction and a test.

So she took out the teardrop.

Hand it over to Yuan Keding who is beside him.

Crown Prince Yuan Keding took the tears, held them in both hands, walked towards Yuan Xiangcheng respectfully, and handed over to Yuan Xiangcheng the only physical information brought by this relative from the old world.

During this process, Qinfan saw Yuan Keding's banquet slave lying on the back of his neck.

At this moment, the city of Beiping is a place of carnival for slaves, ranging from princes to ordinary people, where slaves multiply and multiply, generation after generation, millions of human beings in Peiping, and each human has a dog lying on the back of his neck. Banquet slaves, without exception, have turned the whole of Beiping into a forbidden area for other great beings. Unless the gods walk in the world in flesh, no belief can invade this place.

Yuan Xiangcheng looked at the tear in his hand.

It's like peeping into another universe through a small hole, and you can see the huge people, things and things in it. The longitude and latitude of causality and world affairs are entangled in it, and the great existence is also an invisible chaos.

This is truly old-world stuff.

Buddha is very sincere.

"Hahaha~" Yuan Xiangcheng was very happy, "Buddha, if you can add an invincible army to me, I will make you the president! At that time, you and I will rule across the river, the south belongs to you, and the north belongs to me. Divide the world equally!"

The emperor made a great president...

Big joke...

Taking the territory of the revolutionaries to make a promise is really a good deal without cost.

Listening to this insincere promise, Qin Fan just smiled in awe: "Amituofo."


Temple of Heaven.

The core area called the Circular Mound Altar has always been used by the emperor to worship the sky.

This 'heaven' refers to the great existence, the king in yellow.

It's just that the jasper lama, who was an abandoned son, couldn't summon the king in yellow to come, so the Temple of Heaven has long been abandoned.

However, this vast venue can just be used for the delivery of 100,000 sacrifices.

Driven by the banquet slaves, hundreds of thousands of Beiping people from the south of the city and the west of the city gathered here as if they were sleepwalking. They gathered in the square in a dark and dense manner, looking endless at a glance, like rows of reeds waiting to be harvested.

Three days later, the riots brought by the revolutionaries had already subsided, but after being suppressed, Qinfan also received news that Song Zhongdao and Jiang Zhiqing had escaped from Beiping City through the riots. .

With the blood of thousands of young people, the carnival feast in the dream of Beiping City was torn apart. This hole was enough to allow the two revolutionaries to escape from desperation. When Yuan Keding told Qin Fan the news, he said it very meaningfully. In a word, revolutionaries cannot be trusted.

That's right, revolutionaries are used to sacrifice, noble self-sacrifice, and despicable sacrifice of others, but anyone who goes against their doctrine will realize that they are ruthless and cruel. The word "revolution" has become a group of refined egoists. If the city of Peking is a frightening dream at the moment, then the Revolutionary Party is dreaming an absurd dream.

Qinfan is not surprised by this.

After all, the Revolutionary Party is also manipulated by a great existence.

No matter Sun Yat-sen or Jiang Zhiqing, they are just the spokesperson of the devil.

The truly independent revolutionaries may depend on the youth army and... the Lin Senhao who is called 'Shuai Lin' at the moment.

The existence of Lin Senhao is... well, according to Qinfan's understanding, it is a miracle.

Disenchantment can help humans or other ordinary creatures to create a miracle.

Under the control of the omnipresent and omnipotent will of the great beings, this miracle can establish a 'description' based on the underlying logic of the world.

This 'description' can construct a miracle according to the will of this ordinary creature without violating the will of the great beings.

Its realization paths and final results are varied and too numerous to enumerate.

It's also hard to guess what Lin Senhao has achieved with fading his charm.

At this time, the sky suddenly became abnormal.

Emerald green dyed the sky.

Crimson cracks stretched from the sky to the ground, like ferocious lightning strikes from the strange hell to the world.

Qin Fan also heard chirping voices like sparrows.

She saw many banquet slaves standing on the handrails of the Circular Mound Altar. They had gecko-like figures, but no eyes, only a big, empty mouth. They were piled up in piles, clusters, and stacks. The built Circular Mound Altar turned densely packed black, and all kinds of human voices came from here. When hundreds of thousands of banquet slaves uttered together, it seemed especially noisy and strange.

They called out words like, 'Let's begin', 'Call the army', 'Dedicate everything to our Lord' and so on.

Qin Fan nodded.

Before she actually summoned her, she looked up at the emerald green sky. The red cracks cut from the sky were like Yuan Xiangcheng's staring gaze, all of which showed the presence of Jasper Lama.

Outside the Temple of Heaven, a large number of police forces were also gathered at this moment. Most of the police forces in Beiping City were gathered here to prevent possible chaos or rebellion.

Although the tears of Qinfan were taken away, the suspicious Yuan Xiangcheng did not feel completely at ease with Qinfan. These surveillances are still necessary. Once the army summoned by Qinfan shows any signs of rebellion, the banquet slaves will overwhelm Qinfan, and the police The troops will immediately attack.

After looking at all this, Qin Fan sat cross-legged.

She began to chant scriptures.

In front of them are hundreds of thousands of human beings with only empty shells left.

And Qinfan will inject the traces of her past experience into the bodies of these 100,000 human beings.

As the prose scriptures were recited, wonderful scenery spread in the Temple of Heaven, and those Beiping citizens who were originally in a trance, without any joy, anger, sorrow, or joy, suddenly showed a wonderful spirit on their faces. This change, naturally It starts with being close to the mortal, and spreads like a wave of water, becoming bigger and bigger circle after circle, spreading outward all the time.

This kind of wonderful change is not only reflected in the mental outlook of the citizens of Peiping, but also their clothing. It feels like an old photo suddenly being dyed with new colors, and everything is fresh. Come alive, but the vivid color is also a bit weird, that blue and white with stripes.


"Where is this?"

"Why am I here?"

"Haha, it's a bit cold~"


Some voices came to Qinfan's ears.

Qinfan paused the scriptures for a while, frowned and looked at the large group of human beings wearing blue and white striped hospital gowns, whose mental temperament was obviously different from normal people.

Sure enough... Qinfan sighed quietly, the imprint she left in the old world has been replaced, who turned her warriors into such a group of mental patients?


Outside the Temple of Heaven.

Chief of Police Feng Fuhua put a gun on his hat, and cursed 'fuck you mother' in his mouth. Not only him, but the whole team of policemen sent to surround the Temple of Heaven were in a daze, because the scene in front of them was so weird, one after another A dry and emaciated Beimin commoner, in a blink of an eye, turned into one after another full of energy and strange guys in blue and white striped clothes.

These guys are unarmed, and they don't seem to be threatening at all. They are just spreading outwards, and at the same time they are yelling all kinds of complaints, so the scene is boiling like a pot of porridge.


Feng Fuhua couldn't help firing his gun into the sky to warn those strange guys who wanted to rush over.

The mentally ill people suddenly stopped, crazy is crazy, but not stupid, so most of them shut up obediently, but there are still many people still muttering.

"What the hell are these things?" Feng Fuhua told his subordinates to keep an eye on these guys, while he himself called Prince Yuan Keding for instructions on what to do.

"How do I know what to do?!" Yuan Keding looked impatient.

"You recommended that bald head to His Majesty. If it's like this, won't His Majesty hold you accountable?" Feng Fuhua looked at the black-headed mental patient in front of him, and felt that his head was getting bigger. Necessary, these guys are not threatening, and if they are locked up in prison, the prison will not hold them, so they must be released?

Dudu... Feng Fuhua heard a busy tone coming from the phone, obviously Yuan Keding was planning to play dead.

This prodigal son! Feng Fuhua dropped the phone and cursed silently.

But the scene can't continue to be so ugly.

Soon, a decree came, and His Majesty urgently summoned his relatives.


Inside the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Yuan Xiangcheng's expression was extremely ugly.

"This is the invincible army you said?!"

Qinfan smiled and said, "Your Majesty, I can explain..."

"Explain what!" Yuan Keding pointed at Qin Fan's nose and scolded, "One hundred thousand sacrifices were exchanged for one hundred thousand trash, you dare to deceive His Majesty, this is a capital offense!"

"Shut up!" Yuan Xiangcheng yelled at his ineffective son who wanted to shirk responsibility.

Yuan Keding remained silent.

"Say it!" Yuan Xiangcheng looked at Qinfan.

"The thing I brought from the old world has the ultimate aura. This has been tested by His Majesty himself. It cannot be faked. The reason why these 100,000 sacrifices were exchanged for 100,000 mental patients is because the ultimate is hidden in it. As long as His Majesty searches carefully among them, he will surely find the ultimate." Qin Fan said.

Hearing Qinfan's explanation, Yuan Xiangcheng's eyes suddenly showed strange light, and he pondered for a moment: "I will trust you once more, and you will be in charge of this search work. If there is no result within three days, I will kill you!"


It doesn't have to be three days.

Only twenty-four hours had passed.

Yuan Xiangcheng received Feng Fuhua's report, and Qin Fan ran away.

This incarnation of Buddha actually ran away. Feng Fuhua searched the entire city of Beiping, but he couldn't find any trace of this bald head.

Yuan Xiangcheng was furious, Jasper Lama was furious, and the hall of Supreme Harmony was boiling with black and yellow air, accompanied by the screams of Prince Yuan Keding, and the tears left by Qin Fan were crushed by Yuan Xiangcheng on the spot.

Qin Fan, who had already escaped from Beiping City, immediately vomited three liters of blood. Not many traits were lost by half, but it was better than no life. In this world, opportunities are everywhere, and sooner or later he can make a comeback.


Among the 100,000 mental patients still imprisoned in the Temple of Heaven, Gao Fan is also coughing up blood.

What kind of place is this?

so cold.

Gao Fan, who traveled here after using the 'Curse of the Abyss', looked at the surrounding environment with a dazed expression.

The previous population figure should be 400 million, and 400 billion is too much... I didn't know what I was thinking, so I wrote it poorly. Now I am writing Gaofan in the morning and writing a new book in the afternoon. The two ideas are a bit at odds, and it turns out that I can’t write either haha.

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