Small Supporting Female Lead

Chapter 3: The best friend of the secretary to the president (3)

Liu Xuyang's blunt "I will marry you", even eavesdropping on Liu Xi and Le Bao'er were frightened, let alone Zhao Moli who was "proposed" face to face.

She stared at Liu Xuyang, who was speaking out loud, suspecting that there was a problem with her ears, and she was hearing voices.

"You, do you know what you are talking about?" Zhao Moli whispered, looking at Liu Xuyang with a look of "Are you crazy?"

"Of course." Liu Xuyang's voice was unpleasant, because she questioned, "You should be very clear about my style of doing things." He is not a person who can talk about it. All decisions are well thought out.

His style of doing things? She knew it before. But at this moment? Also thoughtful! Did he think about it for five minutes?

"How can you say this suddenly? There is still half a month for your engagement banquet! What about Miss Rong? What about the cooperation between the Liu family and the Rong family? Do you want to step on two boats?" Zhao Moli The excitement was a bit incoherent.

"I will divorce." Liu Xuyang said lightly, as if saying "The weather is fine today", "You don't need to worry about this, just marry me with peace of mind."

Zhao Moli choked: "When will I say I will marry you?"

Liu Xuyang frowned: "You like me, I don't reject you. You can continue to be my secretary after marriage, why don't we get married?"

Zhao Moli blessed her soul: "The point is that I can continue to be your secretary?"

Liu Xuyang did not deny: "If I marry another woman, you won't stay by my side, will you?"

In Liu Xuyang's opinion, this is a good deal. He was established as the heir of the Liu family since he was a child, and studying, working, and adapting to cumbersome relatives occupied most of his time. Because Liu is a family business, he sees a lot of entanglements between family interests and interests. He thinks that it is a very troublesome thing to talk about relationships. Just "taking into consideration family affection" has exhausted his few patience. He regards these things as a bored and compelling task. In contrast, work brings him much more pleasure. So he loves work very much, and of course he becomes a workaholic.

Outside of work, Liu Xuyang also knows that he is a person with extremely self-willed living habits, and if he is not comfortable, he will be upset and unhappy. But for his sake, he is a cow and a horse for his family every day, raising a large group of so-called relatives and friends, and expecting him to be gentle and considerate to others, and tolerant everywhere? He has the qualifications to be picky! If you don't serve me well, I will make you uncomfortable! The reason is that simple.

After working for many years, the most comfortable life is the few years when Zhao Moli has been by her side. There is rarely any discomfort in daily life. She didn't feel special when she was around. When people left, she started to feel uncomfortable, and she didn't seem to be able to do anything smoothly. So she made a decisive decision and made an exception and offered favorable conditions to recruit people back.

It's just that Zhao Moli's reason for resignation was to like him, because he was going to get engaged and she didn't want to be a third party in any sense.

To be honest, Liu Xuyang has no deep feelings for his prospective fiancee Rong Xue. It's just that when he is old, he should have a wife and heir. He is dispensable, and the family has arranged for him a suitable partner. But for Liu Xuyang, even if this object has a generous dowry and the possibility of facilitating the cooperation between the two undertakings, her importance is still not as important as a competent manager.

Comparing with Zhao Moli, one is a strange woman who is full of unknowns who have met a few times, and the other is a subordinate who makes her work and life extremely comfortable. It is easy to see which one is better.

In order to keep Zhao Moli and Xu Yi married, Liu Xuyang thinks it is acceptable.

He thought it was acceptable, but Zhao Moli didn't think it!

"Absurd! Absurd!" She was ashamed, angry and annoyed, "What you want is just a hardworking nanny!"

"Calm down. What do you want?" Liu Xuyang did not expect her reaction to be so big. He couldn't stand the hysterical woman, and Zhao Moli's calmness, seriousness and reason always satisfied him. But this short meeting made him see a different Zhao Moli. What he didn't realize was that even so, he didn't change his mind.

What does she want?

Both Zhao Moli and Liu Xi and Le Baoer who were in the audience knew what she wanted. Zhao Moli likes Liu Xuyang, so she wants Liu Xuyang to like her too. Regardless of the relationship or marriage, it should be based on the prerequisite that both parties like each other, not Liu Xuyang just wants to keep a woman who can ensure his daily life is comfortable!

It is a pity that President Liu's EQ in this regard is horribly low. Zhao Moli couldn't say anything to beg him to like herself.

"In fact, as long as you take care of you comfortably, everyone is the same, not necessarily me." Zhao Moli shook her head, "You don't need to pay for your marriage for this."

But so far, only you meet all my requirements. Liu Xuyang's eyes said so.

Moreover, when it comes to "compensating for one's own marriage", it is too serious. He doesn't value his marriage. No matter which woman you marry, a complicated and detailed prenuptial agreement is sufficient to ensure the interests of both parties. If the target is Zhao Moli, he will lose a little money at most, which is actually very reasonable compared to Zhao Moli's cost of care and childbirth.

Zhao Moli began to regret that she should not confess to Liu Xuyang. She thought that Liu Xuyang could not tolerate the distinction between public and private, and thought that as long as she put out her reasons, Liu Xuyang would be frightened to avoid her, but instead evoked his idea of ​​marrying her. Once this man made up his mind, it was not easy to dismiss. On the other hand, no matter how hard she said, the people she liked said that she would marry her. Is she really not a little shaken in her heart? She has liked him for three years, and for the first time in her life likes a man so much! Although reason told her, Liu Xuyang gave her not what she wanted.

She must give herself a reason to give up completely...

"What? Let me be Liu's blood-sucking secretary?" Le Bao'er stood up, staring in horror.

"Boer, help me." Zhao Moli took her hand and looked helplessly forced, "I must dispel his thoughts. Wife is not the same as a nanny..."

"Drink, he wants to be beautiful!" Le Baoer muttered dissatisfiedly, and then changed the conversation, "but you never thought that he actually likes you?"

Zhao Moli gave her a weak, wry smile. She dare not have such extravagant hopes. The one who moved first is always a little humble.

Le Bao'er felt softened, and tangledly picked up the information printed by Zhao Moli and examined it carefully, then the more she looked at it, the more speechless she choked.

Although Liu Xuyang has been known a long time ago that Liu Xuyang is a fussy flower, he "drinks coffee with one-third spoon of milk and one-sixth cube of sugar." "The office needs to replace flowers every day. The types cannot be repeated and there should be no pollen. "The daily necessities must be cleaned of static electricity." Wait, wait, what the **** are they?

"These are all required by Liu Vampire? Should I do it?" Le Baoer asked in disbelief. Is this the Princess and Pea Clause or the contractual labor clause? No wonder she used to talk about this topic with Zhao Moli and she was always vague. It turned out to be to cover up Liu Xuyang's true face! Can this kind of man scare off 99.99% of human beings?

"It's not what Liu asked, but I summed it up. According to these experiences, he has the highest satisfaction." Zhao Moli explained softly, being inexplicably embarrassed by Le Baoer, as if she would like this one. The weird self is not much better.

"I can't do it..." Le Baoer's scalp numb. She didn't even serve herself so carefully.

"Don't worry, I have already caught the pattern. I will arrange for someone to do it separately. What you have to do is only a small part." Zhao Moli tried her best to reassure, "I will guide you by your side. As long as you can prove that you can replace me, Mr. Liu Dispel the idea of ​​marrying me."

Le Bao'er rolled her eyes and fixedly looked at her and said: "I want to prove whether he likes you. Would you like to listen to my advice?"

Zhao Moli looked at her suspiciously, and finally couldn't resist the temptation: "You said..."

Liu Xuyang accepted Zhao Moli's proposal and let Le Baoer replace her and try to be his personal secretary for a while.

Le Baoer went back to the purchasing department to go through the temporary transfer procedures, and Liu Xi blocked her in his office.

"Why?" Liu Xi put his arms around his chest, leaning on the door to prevent Le Baoer from going out, "What does the matter between them have to do with you? Why do you want to get in?"

"Jasmine is my best friend, I want to speak of loyalty." Le Baoer gave him a blank look and wrinkled his nose. "Do you think I want to? You don't know how perverted your brother is!" Liu Xuyang is Liu Xi's distant house Cousin, there is nothing wrong with this "your brother".

Liu Xi's eyes flashed and he let out a "tsk": "Women are hypocritical! Since Secretary Zhao likes my brother, my brother also said to marry her, wouldn't everyone be happy if he agreed?"

Le Baoer retorted: "How can you say that? Of course you have to be in love with each other in matters of affection. What is the nanny as a wife?"

"Anyway, I don't allow you to be Liu Xuyang's personal secretary!" Liu Xi said viciously with a gloomy expression on his face.

Le Baoer was taken aback: "I have to approve what I want to do?"

Liu Xi stretched out his hand on Le Bao'er's shoulder, dragged and pressed, and the positions of the two were reversed instantly. Le Bao'er was pressed on the door panel, Liu Xi put one hand to her ear and leaned over to stare at her closely. : "What do you mean?"

Le Baoer was dumbfounded: "You, what are you doing?" Liu Xi suddenly showed some affectionate eyes, panicked, and blurted out, "I, I don't like you!"

Liu Xi's face turned black: "You don't like who I like? Liu Xuyang?"

"Kouhu! Who likes that pervert!" Le Baoer immediately said, seeing Liu Xi's face eased, and his tone changed abruptly, "However, what I like is also a positive and motivated young talent. It doesn't have to be Liu Xuyang's height, but It won’t be a man like you who has done nothing, is idle, and has to go back to work..."

The more she said, the more Liu Xi's expression changed, from doubting unbelief to inexplicable to thoughtful, and finally asked in a deep voice: "Is this your true thoughts?"

Le Bao'er suddenly shrank his pupils, his face was horrified!

It was not because of Liu Xi's strange reaction, but because on the task progress bar that only she could see, 70% of the progress had been completed, suddenly shortened by 10%, and the task alarm sounded sharply in her mind!

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