Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 663 Lu Xin's Guarantee

"Oh, bro, when are you taking us out?"

"I also promised to give you a massage..."

"That's right, it's fate to meet here, take us out first, I want to kill Dracula..."

"After you kill him, you bring us back, I haven't had enough fun yet..."

"This is really a very interesting place. As a researcher, I have a strong curiosity about this place, so if possible, I hope we can stay here for a while. I want to collect some samples and then go back……"


The three night owls, Pharaoh, and Hydra couldn't help expressing their opinions.

Chattering, talking non-stop.

But soon, their voices became smaller and smaller, and in the end, they even became inaudible directly.

Lu Xin turned his head to look at No. 2, and saw that No. 2 was gently digging out his ears.

Seeing Lu Xin's eyes, he explained a little embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I don't want to listen to them..."

"I... when I hear the noise, I get very irritable..."


"It's okay, I used to have this problem too, until I met a friend named Gecko."

Lu Xin understood this, but looked at No. 2 curiously, and said, "However, I feel a little strange."

"Why haven't they been swallowed by this nightmare world?"


"It happens a lot."

No. 2 didn't know why he asked this question, but he explained honestly: "Everyone who enters this world will be swallowed by this nightmare world, but the specific time of being swallowed will be different, some time is shorter, Some are longer."

As he spoke, he glanced at Xia Chong who was in a semi-comatose state beside him, and said, "Look, she just has a shorter time."

"And these few..."

He raised his head and glanced at Yuzi with an excited expression on his face, the night owls who couldn't hear their voices, and said: "It may be a little longer for them, because some of them feel that this place is very exciting, as a VR The game is playing, some may not understand the danger and despair of this world, and this, he regards this world as a research target."

"So, they haven't been devoured yet."

"Of course, you can also understand that the world somewhat dislikes them..."


Number two said, shaking his head slightly, and said: "However, they will be desperate sooner or later. They will understand that this world is not only exciting, but also aware of the horror of this world. Researchers will even actively choose Assimilate with this world..."

"So, they just haven't been assimilated because they haven't despaired yet."

Lu Xin said softly: "This is the nightmare of a god, it can swallow everything and assimilate everything."

"However, this kind of assimilation is also conditional. Only when you are completely polluted by this world will you be assimilated."

"And as long as they are curious and fresh about this world, they will still keep a distance from this world."

"So, even if they are smashed to pieces, they will not be assimilated."



After saying this in one breath, Lu Xin's eyes became clearer and clearer.

He has already been polluted by this nightmare of God, but the degree of pollution is not deep. However, for him, while being polluted, it is also a process of understanding this pollution. Although the pollution is not deep, he has already felt the essence of the pollution of the nightmare of God. Coupled with the comparison between those club members and No. 2, many problems became clear.


He pondered for a while, then said to No. 2: "Actually, you are the same."

"Compared with other people, you just last longer."

"You find that you are becoming more and more assimilated by this world, so you are afraid and desperate."


After hearing Lu Xin's words, No. 2 just remained silent.

For him, he already understood these things a long time ago, and they were nothing new.

For him, there is no help.

"In this case, can you be like them..."

Lu Xin groaned, tentatively, and looked at No. 2.

"There is no way..."

Number two understood what Lu Xin wanted to say, and said softly: "Number nine, I understand what you think, even when you said this, I already knew you would say such a thing, but it's meaningless, you A few friends, one is because...the talent is extraordinary."

"The second reason is that they have been here for a short time."

"But I'm different, I've been here for too long..."

"It's been a long time, I don't have the energy to think about this anymore..."

Having said that, No. 2 slowly raised his head to look at Lu Xin, and finally lowered his head again.

"I can sense that you want to help me, Number Nine."

"However, the only one who can help me is your other half..."



Lu Xin was slightly stunned, and understood what Number Two meant.

Number Two's understanding of this world is much deeper than his own.

He already understood what he thought of in a short period of time, and he should have tried countless times.

However, this huge nightmare still wiped out all his emotions, and even the thought of trying has disappeared.

He understands his current situation better than anyone else, so he is the most desperate...

Facing this question, he suddenly didn't know what to say.

The surrounding scene seems to have become hopeless.

Surrounded by a broken world, two people who looked at each other silently, and three people who spoke excitedly but made no sound.

A semi-comatose weapon rack.

The humanoid creatures below are entangled together, rolling forward, an involuntary river.

Time is distorted here, so no one knows how long has passed, only the oppressive silence.

Lu Xin looked at the No. 2 with his head bowed and listless, and his heart seemed to be tightly held by a big hand.

He really didn't want to see number two like this, and there were countless impulses in his heart, wanting to help him.

But when he thought of this only way to help him, he felt a deep despair in his heart.

Is there really only one way?

Even the black particles in his eyes trembled, eager to find an answer, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of any other way, until his head became a little headache, and he felt that the surrounding sky was dark down.

Lu Xin suddenly raised his head and looked at No. 2 seriously:

"I will help you."



Maybe Lu Xin said it too seriously, or maybe No. 2 was too sensitive to the word "help".

He slowly raised his head, and saw that in the dim light of the broken world around him, Lu Xin seemed to have figured out a great problem, and a smile was gradually showing on his face.

In the distance, the nightmare world is exploding a sun, and the dazzling light instantly illuminates the entire nightmare world.

Lu Xin's side face was sprinkled with bright light, making it look extremely brilliant.

"I won't kill you."

Lu Xin looked at No. 2 seriously, and said softly, "But I promise you, one day, I will rescue you!"

Number two was slightly taken aback, with a dull expression on his face.

He seemed to understand something, but he didn't understand the meaning of such words.

When Lu Xin said this, his face was more serious than ever, and he looked directly into No. 2's confused eyes.

It looks like announcing something, or swearing:

"Number two, as long as you don't really despair, you won't be swallowed by this world."

"So, I hope you wait for me. Believe in me just like you believed me to kill you before, and you will be free."

"I promise, sooner or later, I will find a way to really take you out of this place."



Number Two looked at Lu Xin's smile and was slightly surprised.

His eyes were still more confused, but the hairs on his arms seemed to be standing up slightly.

He didn't know why he felt a little excited.

It was as if he was suddenly hit by an electric current when he was unprepared.

"That's my pledge, number two."

Lu Xin also looked at him, there were no black particles in his eyes, only black and white eyes, and a smile on his face, and said softly: "I will never give up on you like the dean, nor will I use you like that voice, So you have to trust me."

"I said I would come back and take you away, and I will do it."


Number Two looked at Lu Xin silently for a while, his lips trembled slightly, and his eyes suddenly turned slightly red.

His lips trembled slightly, and even his body trembled slightly.

I don't know why, but in my desperate heart, violent emotions suddenly surged.

"Number Nine..."

After a long time, No. 2 gently raised the back of his hand and wiped his eyes: "Thank you."

"I don't know why, I know that there is little hope, but I'm still very happy after you said that..."


Lu Xin walked up to No. 2, hugged him gently, and said softly, "I have learned a lot since we separated."

"You know what? Number two."

"This kind of thing is called hope..."

On the first day of the month, ask for tickets...

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