Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 628 Human Spider Web (4,500 words)

"Suspect that the other party has camouflage or invisibility..."

"Attention all teams, the opponent may be hiding in our team..."


At the same time, when Lu Xin's vehicle became exactly the same as the surrounding vehicles and rushed forward at the same time, there was also a fire commander on the helicopter in the air, and immediately discovered the abnormality. For the first time, they thought they had lost it, but looking down from a high altitude, it was clear at a glance that there was no vehicle rushing down the cargo lane, or other possibilities.

He immediately yelled sharply to make people pay more attention. At the same time, he quickly counted the vehicles in a certain area below. decision:

"All tracking vehicles, stop immediately and conduct self-inspection!"


As he yelled, the armed convoy chasing Lu Xin, although puzzled, immediately slowed down.

It was originally a phenomenon of a group of vehicles advancing side by side, but as they slowed down, a vehicle immediately stood out and rushed forward in a hurry. Although this car looked exactly the same as our own car, the violation of the return order was enough to determine its identity.

However, at the same time, a ferocious barking sounded.

There were quite a few of those vehicles that had received the order just now, and they immediately chased forward, rushing to the side of the vehicle in front one by one, as if they wanted to compete with him on the road. You chased me and rushed forward, and immediately protected Lu Xin's car in the middle, it was hard to tell the real from the fake, everyone covered each other together, and rushed along the cargo lane.

"Why didn't you obey the order?"

The commander on the helicopter was startled and angry. Apart from being angry, he quickly analyzed: "Does he still have the ability to disturb people's will?"

Such a chaotic situation has made it difficult for the people on the helicopter to make a decision.

You can't just shoot a missile over there and wipe out all your own people below, right?

Frightened and angry, he quickly looked at the road conditions and quickly made a judgment: "Disconnect the suspension bridge ahead to block his way."

"The others rushed to the opposite side of the suspension bridge immediately, and must stop him."



Lu Xin was being escorted by the surrounding vehicles, and was speeding forward all the way. At the same time, he was also wary of the helicopter above giving him a wave of ruthlessness. It wasn't that he didn't want to affect the helicopter, but the main reason was that the distance was too far, beyond the range of influence of these parasites , but unexpectedly, after staring at him for a while, the helicopter suddenly moved further away, as if giving up tracking.

Just when he was suspicious, he suddenly saw the road ahead, and his heart sank slightly.

As the road ahead drew closer, he had already seen a large steel bridge built across the river ahead. The most important thing was that the bridge was slowly shrinking, and the bridge deck retreated back to the big river. The other shore is like a cliff.

"The kindling is so powerful that you actually built a steel bridge that can be disconnected at any time?"

Lu Xin was slightly startled by the scene in front of him.

At the same time, he also saw that on the opposite side of the bridge, countless vehicles had been piled up, and various weapons were aimed at his side.

Black cluster barrels, rows of howitzers.

And, the bridge in the middle has been completely disconnected, spanning a distance of 40 to 50 meters...

Lu Xin took a deep breath and looked at the black playing cards under the windshield.



Ahead is the bridge deck that is slowly shrunk by a large machine.

On the opposite side is an army with heavy weapons ready, ready to shoot at Lu Xin's vehicle at any time.

In the air, the two helicopters have already lowered their altitude, and several suspended miniature missiles are ready to launch at any time.

"How much manpower and material resources were wasted in order to catch me..."

Faced with such a scene, Lu Xin couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion, and felt a little helpless.

"Willing to spend so much money blocking me, but reluctant to let me save some tolls..."


While thinking about this question, under the windshield, the black poker card flew up by itself, as if held by an invisible hand, it flew across the air quickly, the sharp edge pierced the air, sending out There was a sharp whistle.

The next moment, the steel monster rushed to the edge of the broken bridge and was about to fall into the river.

At the same time, the palm of the commander on the other side of the bridge has been lifted into the air, and the finger of the helicopter pilot in midair has also pressed the red button. The vehicles behind stopped hastily and piled up together, so as not to get too close and be affected.

But the next moment, there seemed to be a layer of trembling air fluctuations, flickering around the steel monster.

This fluctuation appeared extremely violently, and instantly spread to the surroundings, even covering the armed forces on the other side of the bridge.

The next moment, a faint dark red light suddenly appeared in this area.

It's as if the world changed its color for a brief moment, and then changed back before people could react.

Just for a moment, a vehicle with the logo of the Pyro Company and the words "Executive" on it suddenly appeared at the head of the bridge.

The people in the car looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to understand why they appeared here.

On the other side of the bridge, a steel monster appeared out of thin air, squeezing among the group of armed vehicles.

Because the kinetic energy was still there when he rushed over, the moment he appeared, he rushed forward.

The strong and huge body immediately smashed the surrounding crowded vehicles into pieces. The door of a car was crushed, and the body fell to the ground. The people beside them screamed in shock because of the sudden change. Fly around.

"My sister is here to drive..."

The moment the vehicle appeared on the bridge with the ability of black playing cards, Lu Xin spoke quickly. At the same time, he grabbed the memory hourglass under the windshield, looked directly at it and said, "It looks like this Among many people, only you are the worst."

"Is it because you are the only one who hasn't been beaten?"


The hourglass was in Lu Xin's palm, trembling.

The twelfth-order Rubik's Cube, the Jack of Spades playing cards, and the skinless puppy all cast gloating looks at it.

"Be more proactive next time, or I'll flush you down the toilet..."

As Lu Xin said, he held the hourglass himself and shook it vigorously.


It was the crisp sound of the sand in the hourglass hitting the wall of the bottle.

And as Lu Xin shook vigorously, the sound became louder and louder, like an originally subtle sound, as the volume knob kept turning, it became louder and louder, stirring in all directions, blocking the sound around the bridge. The army of the car, and even the pilot of the air helicopter, heard the sound of the sand hitting the wall of the bottle, and then their minds instantly became confused...

Why do you want to come here?

What did you come here by yourself?

Why do you hold a gun in your hand, and why are the faces of the people around you panicked?

Countless questions appeared in their minds, and when they were so confused, they naturally forgot what to do.

And taking advantage of their chaos, the vehicle has quietly walked out of them, driving all the way to the front.



"These parasites are very powerful..."

Lu Xin threw the hourglass aside, not noticing that the poor sand in the hourglass was much less.

Seeing that the Pyro Company's interception of him seemed to be getting more and more intense, and more and more people were dispatched, Lu Xin couldn't help...

... a little excited.

"Oh, they've been blocking you like this, when will it be the end?"

Lu Xin complained, smiling all over his face.

"Brother, you have changed..."

The younger sister's face was aggrieved, as if she was still a little sad.

Lu Xin immediately asked with a guilty conscience: "What changed?"

The younger sister said: "In the past, you always let me have fun first, but now you give all the fun to others..."


Lu Xin was a little speechless, and said to his father in the back seat: "Look, isn't this too outrageous?"


Father just sneered and said that the old god was not involved in the topic.



The steel monster broke through several barriers in a row, and slowly disappeared on the straight road along with the slowly falling night.

At the same time, the fire enforcement team of the Tinder Traffic Network has been flooded with countless urgent reports, and there are reports everywhere about the aggressive off-road modified vehicles that broke into the internal traffic network and the weird phenomena he brought. :

"It can already be determined that the person who broke in is an ability user of unknown origin."

"The mental detector carried by the C-level law enforcement team captured traces of mental radiation when the opponent broke through."

"What is certain at the moment is that it can at least disrupt people's will, disguise, exchange positions with something within a certain distance, and make people within a certain range unable to concentrate for a short time through some kind of weird sound. Ability……"

"The alert level has been raised to B level, report to the company, and ask them to dispatch level two..."

"No, First Response Team."

"Report to the headquarters, treat this intruder as a person with at least a third-level ability..."


The head of the security brigade of the internal transportation network is not a person who wants to save face.

When he saw the crazy scenes in the surveillance video, as well as the steel monster that was still driving forward despite being chased by countless firepower, he immediately made an analysis, and then passed the analysis. As a result, a decision was made.

Originally, his authority could only ask for support from the Secondary Fire Response Force.

However, his experience of living in the system for many years has made him vigilant, and he cannot be conservative at this time.

He directly said that the matter was several times more serious, and applied for the first-level response force to go out.

"Woo woo woo..."

While various orders and reports were intertwined within Tinder, Lu Xin did not waste any time.

He was still walking fast on the road leading directly to the fire, taking advantage of the quietness to hurry.

He encountered several sporadic obstacles along the way, but as these parasites became more and more sensible and began to take the initiative to help, they hardly affected him. No one can stop him except that the fire directly blows up the road.

After galloping all the way like this, I feel that there are fewer people blocking me behind.

He actually ran wildly for an hour, and he didn't see anyone blocking him in front of him.

Even the vehicles that were sporadically encountered on the surrounding roads just now almost completely disappeared.

Only in the rear, two helicopters could be faintly seen, and while keeping a considerable distance from him, they surrounded him in the distance.

The other party no longer blocks me, what does this mean?

Willing to let yourself go?

Lu Xin didn't believe this either. Instead, he calmed down and drove forward even faster.

Soon, he came to a place only a few tens of kilometers away from the Tinder City on the map.

Looking forward from the road, a large piece of bright lights appeared far below the red moon, and the road in front of me became much straighter, parallel with other roads, pointing to the place of the bright lights, knowing that It should be Tinder City.

Also at this moment, Lu Xin faintly felt something.


The younger sister raised her head, her little head sticking out of the car window, looking forward curiously.

On the back seat, the father also raised his head abruptly, the blood in the eyes of the black shadow's face was faintly deepening.

"The fun is coming..."


Lu Xin's senses are not as sensitive as theirs, but he can also feel that in front of the road, in a dark red darkness, there is an indescribable mental pressure gathering, like a monster hiding in the shadows, quietly waiting for myself.

Sure enough, Tinder has arranged for someone, waiting for him...

"Is this the most advanced power of Tinder?"

Lu Xin made a judgment in his heart: "From such a distance, I can feel the faint pressure..."

Thinking in his heart, he simply speeded up.

The steel monster was driving alone and quietly on the road under the red moon, and two bright lights tore through the darkness ahead.

Finally, after driving for about half an hour, Lu Xin saw a huge checkpoint appeared in front of the road, like a steel pendant cutting the road in half, and above the steel forest, a A huge net hangs quietly on it.

"Spider web?"

Lu Xin was slightly surprised, slowed down and turned on the high beam at the same time.

The headlights swept away and hit the big net, Lu Xin was slightly surprised.

Even the younger sister in the carriage let out a soft "Huh", obviously a little excited.

Lu Xin saw the true face of that net.

I saw that the net was seventy or eighty meters high, hanging on the tower-like steel whistle, no different from a spider's web.

But that net was woven by one person after another.

One by one, contrary to common sense, they stretched out their limbs, held each other's wrists or ankles, one after another, spread out in the air, forming a space with the same pattern and a unified weaving law. "cobweb"……

Those people, even alive, blinked in the high beams.

In the middle of the spider web was a woman with blond hair who looked at him lazily.


Lu Xin's car came to a sudden stop, and he stretched out his head, admiring this rare spectacle.

How can we weave a web out of living people?

Is this achieved through the ability of the spider system?

Second order? Or Tier 3?


The younger sister's small face was pressed against the windshield, and she was also dumbfounded: "I like this..."

There is a faint sense of excitement in finding a new direction of play in his tone.

"This doesn't look very serious..."

Lu Xin couldn't help turning around and telling his sister, "Don't learn."

The sister ignored him.

After appreciating it, Lu Xin also withdrew his body and slowly held the steering wheel, not knowing whether to rush over or what to do.

But at this moment, the woman on the spider web saw the steel monster stop, and stuffed a lollipop into her mouth lazily, a lump suddenly bulged on her cheek. Then she slowly climbed off the net and landed high, her blond hair flicking along. Then she stood up, straightened her small chest, and walked forward stepping on her high heels.

The night wind blew up her golden hair, and she saw that she was actually wearing a black eyepatch over her left eye.


As she moved forward little by little, the air around her also faintly became sticky.

Lu Xin's hand was already on the gear, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at this weird woman through the windshield.

As the woman got closer, he also tensed up slightly, just as he was about to rush over immediately.

The one-eyed woman with blond hair suddenly changed shape and appeared strangely at Lu Xin's car window.


Lu Xin was vigilant and wanted to react.

But at this moment, the woman suddenly lowered her voice, and said quickly, "Heavenly King Gaidihu?"

I originally wanted to add an update today, but the state is not particularly good recently, and the cough is severe, so I had to write more Braille first, improve the state a little, and then give everyone a blast.

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