Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 624 A Man Who Follows the Rules (4,000 words)


It seemed that they were ready. When the village chief shouted, there were chaotic footsteps in the distance.

The women and children who crowded around the door and watched the bustle hurriedly avoided the open space at the door, and then saw a dozen young men crowded over from several corners of the village, each with their arms full. With a submachine gun in his arms and rounds of bullets wrapped around his body, he stood in a neat row in front of the door, with a simple smile on his face, looking at Lu Xin enthusiastically and expectantly.

The village head smiled and said, "Guest, how about this special product?"

"In our village, there is nothing else, but a lot of guns and bullets."


"This... looks very good..."

Lu Xin took a serious look at the guns and ammunition wrapped around those young people, and couldn't help but praise them.

Who would have thought that such a small arsenal was hidden in this small village?

The village head narrowed his eyes with a smile, as if he felt satisfied with Lu Xin's reaction. With the corners of his eyes full of wrinkles, he began to scan all the things he had eaten in front of Lu Xin, and the things he hadn't eaten but brought up, and at the same time took them from behind. A shabby little abacus came out.

"But I actually have something like this."

Without waiting for the village chief to start counting, Lu Xin answered with a smile, and then took it into the bag he carried with him.

He took out a revolver and put it on the table.

The village head looked down and said with a smile: "Not bad, but your specialties are much less than ours."

"I still have more."

Lu Xin replied with a smile, and then took out the electronic remote control key that was newly equipped with his off-road vehicle before departure.

Shaking in front of the village chief, he pressed a red button on it.

There was only a "woo" sound, and with the help of the enthusiastic villagers, the steel monster, which had been washed clean and revealed its original black and thick background, suddenly started automatically, and retreated suddenly and quickly, and came to the In front of the door.

The next moment, only a few clicks were heard.

On the roof and the front of the car, steel plates bounced off, and several dark cluster gun barrels protruded.

Like weird eyes, staring at the people around.

Especially the trunk, it popped open automatically. A silver electronic mechanical dog stood up, ejected the gun barrel from its body, and turned left and right. The dark gun barrel kept sweeping back and forth on the faces of the people around. It seems to be looking for an angle to aim at.




The crowd watching the bustle all around suddenly disappeared completely, looking behind the wall with their heads poking around.

Those young men holding guns were also a little frightened immediately, and each of them raised their guns to aim at the car as if they were facing a big enemy.

It's just that the expression on his face is very strange. I don't know who will suffer more if he shoots at this car...


The village chief, who was nearly two meters tall, was also frightened, and the age spots on his face trembled slightly.

Lu Xin looked at him and said with a smile, "My specialty, doesn't it look good?"

He's really kind of proud of it.

Even he didn't know, but it took only one day for the Special Qing Department to dress up his off-road vehicle like this.

I have to admit that in such a situation where there are knowledgeable audiences and I have something that is really worth showing off, it feels really good to show something by surprise, and then appreciate the envious and a little scared eyes of others ...

"Very good, very good..."

The village chief was stunned for a few seconds before he realized it, and said with an embarrassed smile: "The guests' things are much better than ours."

Talking and admonishing the group of young people: "Hurry up and put your things away, isn't it shameful to make gestures?"

A group of young people immediately put away their guns as if they had been pardoned, and trotted all the way into the village.

"Anyway, thank you very much."

Lu Xin looked at the village chief gratefully, and said, "I want you to help me carry the car, wash and repair the car, look at this, and you are so enthusiastic about bringing out so much food to entertain me." , this is really one of the most welcoming places I have ever seen.”

"But it's not easy in the village. I must ask you to accept this little thing..."


As he said that, he took out two fifty-yuan banknotes from the bag, and was about to hand them over, but after thinking about it, he took back another one.


The village head glanced at the banknotes that Lu Xin took back, he was a little dazed, but he quickly came to his senses and said with a smile:

"no, I'm fine."

"What's worth a little help?"

"No, no, you must accept it, otherwise I will feel very sorry."

"Oh my guest, you are too polite..."

"It should be..."


After a lot of pushback, Lu Xin insisted on stuffing the fifty yuan into the hands of the village head, and suddenly his mind was gone.

After eating again, there was nothing to worry about, and he smiled and chatted about homework: "The road here is not easy to walk, and the map seems to be messed up. I originally wanted to go to Tinder City, but I don't know why , ran along the road for dozens of miles, and looked at the map, it seems that it is still farther. Village chief, if you want to go to Tinder City, which road are you used to take?"

"Tinder City? That's the inner city, so you have to use the cargo lane."

Hearing this, the village chief pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "You are indeed on the wrong road. If you come from Qinggang, go directly to the A-line cargo lane, go along the cargo lane, and go straight to the big cities in the eastern district. You went to Tinder City smoothly. Now that you come here, it belongs to the wasteland in the west. It is not easy to take the trail. Your car is too big, but I can show you the way to the cargo lane."


Lu Xin was slightly taken aback, and hurriedly asked carefully.

The village head explained: "The cargo roads are the main roads built by the fire company. They are specially used to transport cargo roads. They are very flat and suitable for running large cars. They are fuel-efficient and fast. Yes, you need to go to the agent to declare, pay the toll, and get the approval slip before you can pass through the checkpoint and enter the cargo road, and then you can go directly to Pyroseed City."

"Is there still such a good road here?"

Lu Xin thought about it, and asked carefully.

After listening to the village chief's explanation, I realized that the chaotic land was also roughly divided by the fire mining company.

With the skyscrapers of the Pyro Group as the center, Pyro City, the core of the chaotic place, is delineated. The large and small gathering points and towns around Pyro City are divided into four regions, which are similar to four large branch companies. Outside the four regions, there is a large "wasteland", that is, although it is under the jurisdiction of Tinder in name, the people of Tinder usually don't bother to pay attention to it.

The place of chaos actually refers to the wasteland outside these four regions.

In such a wasteland, there is no so-called town mayor and other regional divisions and administrative structures. Instead, it is divided into small areas. Each small area has an agent who is responsible for the four major areas and purchases materials for them. , distribution of materials, etc.

And this so-called cargo lane is the internal transportation network exclusive to Tinder, a long and wide main road.

"In this case, it is really a problem to go to Pyroseed City smoothly..."

Lu Xin seriously considered this issue.

In fact, I was very lucky today. I met such a sensible village chief and avoided a lot of trouble.

But if you continue to walk on the path, firstly, you may still be trapped in a pit, and secondly, I am afraid that similar blackmail and robbery will not be less.

I don't necessarily meet people who are as sensible as the people in this village every time. If someone wants to kill me, I have to kill them for the sake of fairness. However, if I meet too many people along the way, wouldn't it be To kill many people?

Lu Xin didn't want to kill too many people, he didn't like it.

That being the case, the only way to find an agent is to follow what the village head said, right?

In order not to give those people the chance to be killed by him, he paid the toll that could have been saved...

... Sigh, just treat it as your own compromise with this world!


"In that case, I can also find an agent?"

Lu Xin thought for a while before asking this question.

"Yes, the agent can handle everything, as long as he has money, he can do anything for you..."

The village head said: "Whether it's the tolls on the goods lane, or the usual tax collection, or whether the two sides are fighting each other, all things in the wasteland are under his control. Hey, we are here because We lost a fight with the gathering place next door last time, and we were robbed of a lot of things and wives, so now we don’t even know how to pay the taxes for the next season..."


Lu Xin thought about it, and suddenly said, "That's why you want to rob me?"

"How can there be..."

The village chief said confidently: "Technically speaking, what we are doing is extortion at best, and it is not a robbery."


Faced with such a detailed division of jobs, Lu Xin could only admit that what he said was quite reasonable.

Shaking his head slightly, since the other party was so honest, Lu Xin also said: "However, it's not very good after all, is it?"

"Whether it's robbery or extortion, it's illegal..."


"Guest, you are wrong."

The village chief actually directly refuted Lu Xin's words, saying: "We can't survive, why are we afraid of breaking the law?"

As he spoke, he stared at the door: "Third idiot, you are eating rocks again, let me put it down."

Lu Xin turned his head and saw a child with a runny nose squatting at the door, holding a stone and licking it there. While licking, he looked at the meat sausage on his table, his eyes shone brightly, as if just looking at it After tasting the meat sausage, I licked it even more happily.

Lu Xin looked at it, feeling a little unbearable, took a sausage and handed it to him: "I'll eat it for you."


The village chief wanted to stop it immediately, but the child was already surprised and delighted, and came over with a "shua" and snatched the sausage away.

Seeing him wolfing down the food, Lu Xin was immediately in a good mood.


The village chief didn't know what to say, as if what Lu Xin did was embarrassing.

Lu Xin also quickly found out that the problem was wrong. After the three-headed man took the sausage, after a short while, there was a crowd of small black heads at the door, all looking at him pitifully, he was slightly taken aback , Turning his head, he saw that the village chief had carefully put away the meat sausages on the table, not only the meat sausages, but also the steamed corn bread and coarse flour pancakes.


Lu Xin gave the village chief a dissatisfied look, went to his car, took out a box of canned beef and bread, and put it at the door.

"Take it yourself!"

Seeing the children swarming up, holding it in their hands and carrying it in their arms, he became in a good mood.

The village chief looked at this scene, and didn't know what to say. He seemed to sense that Lu Xin was dissatisfied with him, so he put down the cornbread and dry noodles, and said, "This is how the village is. No one wants to Are you starving the dolls?"

While talking, he shook his head: "But you don't know how ruthless the agent collects taxes. The knights came to grab things, but they didn't care. They turned around and said that they could collect as much tax as they wanted. Originally, the land planted This little food is not enough to eat, and I handed it all over to them, but after looking back, I still owe them a lot, what should I do if I can't survive, of course I have to find a way to get something to eat..."

"But one thing to say, we are still very disciplined."


Lu Xin was almost understanding him, and suddenly he was taken aback: "You all started blackmailing, and you still obey the rules?"

"of course……"

The village head even said with some pride: "When guests come to our village, we should help and take care of us, no matter what we eat or drink, or even programs that we want to keep our energy together. We will try our best to provide them. We are not greedy for how much money we have on us, neither killing nor hurting others, and always leaving two travel expenses for people after the robbery is over, at least we can let them go back alive..."

"Tell me, are we a well-behaved person?"



Lu Xin's mind felt brighter.

One thing to say, why do I feel that what the village chief said makes sense...

It's understandable if you can't live anymore, grab some points, and blackmail a little bit, right?

Being able to keep a little limit apart from robbery and extortion seems to be a person who abides by the rules...

I felt that I accidentally heard a profound philosophy of life. Lu Xin, who usually doesn't like to talk very much, gradually opened up the conversation box. The two of you talked happily, and the chat soon became successful. Made good friends now.

The village head not only told Lu Xin about the situation and rules here in detail, but also pointed out the way to the agent.

Because of his enthusiasm, Lu Xin even left an extra fifty yuan when he left.

Before leaving, many people in the village enthusiastically came to see him off, waved to Lu Xin friendly, and sent him out of the village.

The village head personally led people to send Lu Xin away for a while to prevent him from being trapped in the surrounding ditch again.

After all, they dug these ditches by themselves, so they knew the location better.

When it was time to part, he told Lu Xin with great concern: "Guest, please remember that when you come to the agent's place, you must obey the rules, don't say what you shouldn't say, don't do what you shouldn't do, your special idea, It's nothing to be with others, we are all honest people, we must not go to others to play tricks, only by following the rules can we live for a long time..."

"Okay, don't worry, go back!"

Lu Xin smiled and assured him: "I've always been well-behaved..."

After finishing speaking, he waved goodbye to them and rushed towards the agent with an excellent mood.

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