Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 76 The Noble Self-Deception

"Impossible! It's absolutely impossible!"

In the cramped rental house, Huang Yan, a full-time writer for Old Jingbao, was angrily watching the reports of the official media.

Since the last time he was provoked by the so-called executive vice president of micro-fusion Ye Zhou at Yinglong eda's press conference, he has never missed any opportunity to guide public opinion against Huaji. In the past few months, it is true Some results were also received.

Every day, he would use the convenience of his authority to ask the operators of the newspaper's scarf account to delete those remarks that speak for Huawei, and then top the posts that are superficial and actually lead to war.

Under his management, the public opinion on the Internet has gradually turned towards a trend. From the very beginning, Yinglong eda was thought to win glory for the country. Now, most people think that this is just a face-saving project. Know how many sleepless days and nights have been paid.

But today, after the official media report was released, he was shocked to find that all his calculations were smashed by those few lines of simple words.

The domestic lithography machine came out.

Not only did the domestic lithography machine come out, but the first 5nm chip was actually created.

Not only has a 5nm chip been created, but even in a prominent position, the official also mentioned the man's name!

Ye Zhou.

He was actually the chief engineer of the project.

No wonder he would rant in front of him at that time, it turns out that he already knew it.

He also said at the time that he was Ye Dazui.

This time, he was severely slapped in the face.

At first, I questioned that Yinglong eda was useless. The most important reason was that there was no chip manufacturing industry in China, and we had to rely on Western technology to manufacture chips. Once the West restricted the use of Yinglong eda by the threat of chip manufacturing equipment, then this so-called The world's first-class eda will fall into a situation where it is completely useless.

But now, everything has changed.

As soon as the lithography machine comes out, it is equivalent to filling the missing link in the chip industry chain. Now, the most critical parts of the entire industry chain have been filled. More time, it can be completely perfected!

This was originally an extremely exciting thing, but for some reason, Huang Yan didn't have a trace of joy in his heart.

There was only one thought in his mind:

If it is broken, the reputation of the newspaper will be greatly damaged.

The official media's comments were originally restricted, so he couldn't see anything, but when he switched to the old Jingbao account to read, his face suddenly turned ugly.

"Slap in the face. A month ago, it was said that the official support for these companies to use Yinglong eda was joking with taxpayers' money. How do you say it now? People have already thought about it."

"After Yu Dazui, Huaji made another Ye Dazui. People are different from your old shocking reports. They not only dare to speak, but also dare to do things. What about you? I don't know what filthy thoughts are."

"What about the shepherd dog in the previous comment? Why is it gone? Come out and bark a few more times."

"You have all misunderstood the old news. They must have negotiated with the government and deliberately released false news as a smoke bomb to cover the official secret work. What is the spirit of sacrificing one's reputation for the benefit of the country? Simple patriotism!"

"A foreign-owned newspaper should talk about patriotism? Disgusting!"

"Disgusting, forget about licking foreign fathers, and let people watch! Half a million people still know how to turn off the lights and carry people behind their backs!"


Huang Yan angrily called the operation department, called the operation who had stayed up all night and was still drowsy, and ordered him to delete the negative comments within an hour, and the other party agreed impatiently. down.

Watching the negative reviews decrease one by one, Huang Yan finally calmed down.

The ultimate thing now is to resolve the current reputational crisis.

There are only two paths he can choose, either grit his teeth and admit that he was wrong before, bow his head and admit it, and then write an enthusiastic article to show his side and obey the current public sentiment.

Or, continue to go black, stick to your so-called neutral attitude, continue to criticize, and continue to question.

For himself, of course, he will be more inclined to the latter, because then he can maintain his pseudonym and keep his job.

However, this is not something he can decide.

After thinking for a moment, Huang Yan called the editor-in-chief of Old Jingbao.

"Editor He, I'm Xiao Huang..."

"Xiao Huang, isn't it, why, so anxious to call me, panic?"

Huang Yan was stunned for a while, and said timidly:

"Leader, I really screwed up this time. I didn't expect the official to have this hand..."

"What kind of mess is this? Aren't we good intentions? Aren't we trying to spur domestic companies? Aren't we doing our job as media people?"

"Just because of this small problem, does it mean that we are wrong? Is this a country where only good words are allowed and bad words are not allowed?"

"What's more, are we talking bad things? That's called deep love, and it's the responsibility of it."

After listening to the editor-in-chief, Huang Yan felt a kind of doubt in a trance.

Did I really think so?

When I posted those two articles, was it really for the sake of the country? I really hope, can you point out some mistakes?

It's like... yes?

Therefore, this is the reason why the editor-in-chief really passed the manuscript.

Then, it became obvious what to do next.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:

"Leader, I understand, I'm going to prepare the next manuscript."

"Just understand! Go!"


Two hours later, Jiu Jing Bao published a commentary on the "Zhiwei" lithography machine and "Kaitian No. 1" disclosed by the official media this time.

"...The country can achieve such an achievement, we are naturally overjoyed, and even when I wrote this article, the author was too excited to contain himself. However, at the same time, we must also be alert to another possibility ."

"Is the Zhiwei lithography machine and Kaitian No. 1 chip really as reliable as the reports say? How is its performance? Can it really lead our chip industry to tomorrow?"

"After all, the lesson of Hanxin No. 1 is in front of us. Our fragile chip industry can't stand to be deceived again..."

Ye Zhou shook his head and read the report of the old shocking newspaper. He already fully understood the intention of the other party.

Putting a noble coat on their filthy behavior, thinking that this can cover up their foul-smelling nature, and even the person who wrote the pen may be hypnotizing himself to think that he is really noble.

This kind of behavior is even more terrifying than going straight to 500,000.

Because they will really attract a large wave of fans.

And public opinion is actually an important battlefield. If they seize the initiative, the consequences will not be optimistic.

He turned to look at Chen Hao, who was sitting beside him, and asked:

"Are all your video materials ready? When will it be released?"

"The last part is still missing. To obfuscate all the classified content, we have to wait."

Ye Zhou nodded and leaned back on his seat. After a month of high-intensity work, until today, he finally ushered in a long-lost rest.


Two hours later, a simple to almost rudimentary documentary was uploaded on the official media, showing the internal situation of the Xinghuo factory, including the working state of the Zhiwei lithography machine.

This documentary completely shattered the illusions of the media represented by the old news, and at the same time, it brought a shocking impact to the domestic enterprises that were still hesitant to wait and see.

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