Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 587: Slay Zhuge Longteng

In the vast array of anti-Five elements covering the sky, bursts of terrible energy are exploding, almost like extinction, destroying everything.

The earth waves are rolling, and the fire dragon is raging!

Suddenly, a peak of Qingtian Mountain fell down, revealing a flag buried deep in the ground. This flag was very old in style, showing dark gold, and was broken in many places, but it was difficult to hide that sacred breath.

This is obviously a strange treasure. It has a long history, even if it has traces of countless years, it is still powerful and terrible.

"Anti-Five Elements Banner!"

Pei Junlin burst into two substantive rays in his eyes. When the Zixiao **** was cast, he almost immediately judged that the five flags in the void were all obstacles, but they were simulated by powerful means. It's very real, but the real anti-Five Elements Banner is hidden in the surrounding peaks of Qingtian Mountain, thus moving the energy of this heaven and earth.

"Pei Junlin, let's meet !!!"

Immediately after Pei Junlin was preparing to collect the flag, suddenly, the danger exploded, and three figures fell from the sky, launching a big killing move, and launched a lore on Pei Junlin.

"Zhuge Longteng, Zhuge Yunfan, your two dogs are choppy, and they are colluding with the Dongfeng family!"

Seeing the three descents from the sky, the monstrous figure, Pei Junlin burned a golden flame all over his body. He asked himself that he had no grudges with the Zhuge family, but the other party joined forces with Dongfeng to launch a lore.

These three are the top powerhouses in the later stage of the gods, and they are all from the powerful Supreme Family children. The three have joined forces, no less than the three geniuses of the sea monster, the desert, and the sea lotus. It's really powerful.

"Pei Junlin, you act arrogantly, lawless, insulting the sacred Supreme Prestige, be a scum!"

Zhuge Longteng took the lead in speaking, and directly gave Pei Junlin a big hat.

"Don't have any nonsense with him, kill him !!!"

Dong Fengdu's overwhelming opening, first spewed out a purple sword gas, and attacked Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin didn't dare to have any intentions. The sword breaking in his hands was roaring, and the sword was equally bright and hard.


Two swords collided, and sparkling Mars broke out!

Dongfeng Du's pupils shrank, only to feel his arms sore and numb.

The guy in front of him had already been seriously injured, and his flesh was tattered, showing a strong crossbow. However, he could feel a mighty force at will by any means. He really couldn't stay any longer!

Otherwise, the Dongfeng family may be planted in the hands of this scourge!

At this point, Dongfeng's attack became more fierce, like a storm. At the same time, Zhuge Longteng and Zhuge Yunfan also moved at the same time. When they shot, they were the masters of the Zhuge family—the magic machine.

This is undoubtedly an equally powerful peerless school. It is rumored that when the Supreme Master of the Zhuge family was young, a chance coincidentally acquired an unbelievable peerless study. It was by virtue of this that the Zhuge family stepped into the respect. Who is the highest.

It is rumored that this magic machine may come from a true deity's biography, practice to the extreme, and get the legendary highest energy-divine power!

The Dongfeng family ’s purple Qi comes from the east, and the Zhuge family ’s magical powers. These two kinds of extinctions are extremely extinct extinctions. Once they are performed, the surrounding places are like purgatory and terrible.

At the same time, there was an attack against the Five Elements Array, and Pei Junlin was in danger, even more dangerous than before when he met the three sea monster geniuses of Jingdu, Shahuang and Hailianqing.

Pei Junlin, who is deeply trapped in the formation, will be bombarded by powerful formation forces even if he wants to perform magical powers such as the power of darkness. All he can rely on now is his own cultivation and breaking the realm. sword.

Fortunately, the supernatural powers of this sword that breaks the realm can be extremely defensive and can ignore any defense and shuttle space, which brings great trouble to Dongfeng, Zhuge Longteng, and Zhuge Yunfan. Otherwise, Pei Junlin will be in greater danger.

But even so, he soon added a wound to his body, excessive use of physical power, causing the physical body to constantly crack, and again there were dense mouths, blood flying, and extra horror.

Dongfeng, Zhuge Longteng, and Zhuge Yunfan are all arrogant among the children of the Supreme Family. Each of them is very strong, enough to be a cluster of pyramids among the young generation in this world.

Pei Junlin endured a lot of pressure with a serious injury and one enemy and three.

"He's about to die, we're working hard !!!"

Seeing Pei Junlin being beaten and vomiting blood frequently, the body appeared densely cracked, and Dongfengdu's face showed strong excitement.

Zhuge Longteng and Zhuge Yunfan are also happy to hide, a variety of unparalleled skills are frequently exhibited, with great lethality.

But all of a sudden, at this moment, the sudden change is sudden!

I saw two terrible light beams burst out from Pei Junlin's eyes, as fast as lightning, and directly hit the nearest Zhuge Yunfan's body.

"Fuck, this is pupil ..."

Zhuge Yunfan was frightened with cold sweat, and his pupils became needle-like in an instant. The distance between the two sides was too close. He wanted to avoid it at all, and could only run the real yuan with all his strength.

"Fool, hurry up with the secret treasure !!!"

Seeing this, Zhuge Longteng immediately yelled!

Boom! !! !!

As if the sound of Hong Zhong Dal's collision came out, Zhuge Yunfan was hit directly on the chest by the two terrible beams, and the whole person was sprayed with blood from the blown nose and nose and flew out.

This is why he finally inspired Mibao's defense, otherwise, these two beams will directly penetrate his gold body.

Zixiao God's eyes, blooming its due power!

"It's a powerful pupil. How did you never know that this guy had such a powerful hole card !!!"

Dongfeng Du and Zhuge Longteng saw that with just one blow, the powerful Zhuge Yunfan was knocked out and flew out, one after the other, with full body alert, which they never expected.

At this time, Pei Junlin, who repelled Zhuge Yunfan with a blow from the eyes of Zixiao, burned golden flames all over his body, spreading fast, and quickly approached Dongfeng and Zhuge Longteng.

"court death!!!"

At the same time, a strong secret treasure breath emerged from both of them, used for defense, and at the same time stowed their weapons and switched to a strong close-up tactic, swept at Pei Junlin's body, ruthless and ruthless.

Pei Junlin is now a torn body with a golden body, but it can be described as ruined, but now he still wants to fight with them personally, he is just seeking his own way out.

The same as the fierce sun, the practice of the golden body is naturally very strong, and he is proficient in all kinds of close-up tactics, and is completely afraid of any peers of the same level.

Bang Bang! !! !!

The sound of clashes from boxing to boxing flew loudly throughout the formation. Pei Junlin, Dongfeng and Zhuge Longteng embarked on the most intense close combat, and each punch was sour.

In a short time, all three became **** and terrifying.

Among them, Pei Junlin was the most miserable, the golden body was cracked again, and the dense mouth was spread all over the body. The strong physique sanctified by his flesh turned into such a miserable appearance, showing how much combat pressure was endured.

But his eyes with divine light are getting brighter and brighter, as if there are countless star symbols, blinking constantly, it seems to be deducing something.

"Pei Junlin, have to admit, you are really strong!"

Zhuge Longteng looked at Pei Junlin's terrible appearance, and said indifferently, "If it wasn't for you and the Dongfeng family who were in front of you, a character like you, I would really like to make a friend with you!"

"But it's a pity ..."

Zhuge Longteng's words did not finish, but the meaning was already very obvious.

"Dirty and shameless people like you, I'm ashamed to work with you!"

Pei Junlin directly returned with a determined attitude.

Zhuge Longteng heard the words, issued a cold hum, a surge in killing intentions, and directly exhibited a very lethal melee combat method, this method is called Niu Mo Quan, very powerful.

But at this moment, his arm had just collided with Pei Junlin, and suddenly felt a strange power penetrated into his body. This power was very strange, directly related to his heart rate and blood pulse frequency. Reach an agreement.

"Big extinction, extinction !!!"

Pei Junlin gently spit out the truth. Suddenly, Zhuge Longteng, who had been extremely powerful, suddenly felt that the qi and blood in his body suddenly boiled to the extreme, as if his body was a bag and was instantly lit.

He wanted to suppress with the fierce true yuan, but found that the irrigation of this true yuan was like pouring boiling water into the oil pan. Not only could it not help, but it became more and more vigorous and serious.

Finally, with the sound of a thunderous explosion from Zhuge Longteng's body, it can be seen to the naked eye that Zhuge Longteng is still intact, constantly cracking and exploding, all blood vessels are bulging, and finally bang and bang .

In the blink of an eye, Zhuge Longteng's whole body became a blood man, with no exception on his arms, chest and abdomen, thighs, and stomach, all exploding, flesh and blood flew, and the situation was as if his whole body was loaded with countless miniature timing Generally, the button was pressed.


This is one of the cruelest punishments in the world. Zhuge Longteng was tortured madly, making a beast-like painful roar. He turned into a devil and wanted to control the blood and blood power boiling in his body. It serves any purpose, instead it becomes more oily.

In the end, his handsome face was disfigured because he couldn't escape the curse.

No secret treasure on his body would work, because the explosion emanates from the inside out, and it is rooted in his body.

The sudden scene stunned Dongfeng and Zhuge Yunfan who came to support.

"Second Brother !!!"

Zhuge Yunfan issued a furious roar ~ ~ Just now he was blown out by the eyes of Zixiao, he didn't know what happened, his second brother became so miserable.

Dongfeng's face also turned pale, with a **** expression on his face.

However, the real nightmare has just arrived!

At this time, Pei Junlin took advantage of Zhuge Longteng's madness, and he did not hesitate to use the sword of breaking territory.


Suddenly, a world-famous Jianmang illuminated this world!

Under the horrifying eyes of Dongge, Zhuge Yunfan, and even the Zhuge Poxiao, Dongfengwu, and Dongfengtai who controlled the formation in the sky, Jianmang ignored Zhuge's defense directly and blasted Zhuge Longteng's head.

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