Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 578: Tough attitude!

All strong men want to find Pei Junlin, so as to achieve some goals.

The sea monster is purely for revenge. It is indeed what Pei Junlin and others have done before that violates certain taboos of the Hai people. The sacred Hai people must not be humiliated, and their dignity must be washed with blood.

And some other strong men, such as the plant-based monsters, the animal-based monsters, and even some human strongmen, find out that Pei Junlin is completely trying to divert hatred. After all, such a great scourge was almost all caused by Pei Junlin and his party.

They have not even forgotten the benefits that once occupied the chaos.

At this time, in a sea area of ​​the trial land, the azure blue water was undulating, and the sky was like a wash. It was a beautiful day.

But suddenly, three huge and incomparable figures emerged, destroying this beautiful picture.

There are three very distinguishable figures, one in black gold armor, one in azure armor, one in flame-colored armor, two men and one woman, each of which is about 100 meters tall, like a god. In general, it exudes a breath that scares countless creatures.

If a strong person sees it, they will immediately exclaim, because the three-meter-high figure displayed at the moment is truly a size and wishful ability that can only be achieved by reaching the peak of the demon god. The demon god's later cultivation can be performed at will.

These three god-like figures are from the amazing capital of the whale family, the sea lotus of the mermaid family, and the deserted young king of the tiger shark family.

The three geniuses of the sea monster world came together together, exuding powerful coercion that made the whole trial land terrifying.

They are domineering and publicistic, their eyes are like electricity, their breath is sharp like a knife.

"Pei Junlin, get out of us !!!"

The purpose of these three peerless geniuses was obvious, and they yelled and shook the whole place of trial.

At the same time, there were many followers behind them, all of them were very strong, all of them were demon-level strong.

In such a scene, I don't know how much attention was drawn on the shore. Many geniuses from the plant and animal demon families were frightened. Each one looked pale, and even the strong man has many strong looks.

Suddenly, at this moment, the whale's peerless genius was shocked and reached out his hand, and said in a cold voice, "Take it up!"


In the group of followers behind him, two powerful men strode immediately. In their hands, they each carried a strong human being, one of them was the face of the Western powerhouse, and the other was the face of the Eastern world. .

These were two human prisoners captured by them. Each person was bloody, the flesh tumbled, and even white bone scum was exposed in some places. Obviously, they had already suffered severe punishment.

The eyes of these two human powerhouses revealed an inconceivable fear, and they kept chanting: "Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

But it was a shocking laugh, a cruel smile appeared on a cold face, and he reached out and grabbed the hair of one of the strong human beings, causing the human strong man's head to rise involuntarily.

The shocking rays of light in Jingtian ’s eyes shouted to the surroundings: "Pei Junlin, and the human miscellaneous people who raged on my whale family, you can see clearly! If you ca n’t shrink anymore, then all humans you encounter , This will be the end! "

After that, Jingtian suddenly made a fist with one hand, and punched the head of the strong man with one punch, red and white things, flying all over the sky.

The scene was extremely cruel and bloody, but the shocking sky didn't bother him at all and instead gave out an excited laugh.

The young king of the mermaid family, Hai Lianqing and the young king of the tiger and shark family, both showed cold smiles. The sand desert raised their feet directly and stepped on the head of another human strong man, shouting. Let Pei Junlin get out!

This scene shook many strong men hidden on the shore or elsewhere. All the strong men had a surge of anger deep in their eyes and clenched their fists, but at the same time the fear was difficult to hide.

The three young kings are really too powerful, they are the top geniuses who are about to reach the peak of the demon god, many of them ask themselves not to be opponents.

For a time, the entire plant demon family, animal demon family, and even humans were all thinking. Now only three pesky geniuses of the whale family, the mermaid family and the tiger shark family are so powerful. If the geniuses of the demon world arrive, what a situation it is.

Deep in the ground, Pei Junlin didn't know all this happened outside the world. He just took advantage of the breakthrough time of Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Huangfu Fenghuang, and others to reorganize his current exercises and practices. At the same time, some formation bases have been restrained, in case they are needed.

When he accidentally popped up from the bottom of the ground and breathed fresh air outside, he finally learned what was happening outside.

Suddenly, the anger burned, and the eyes were cold and cold. This group of sea monsters was so fragmented that they were so cruel and brutal to kill human beings. It was really unbearable!

Since the so-called geniuses of the Kraken wanted to force him to appear, it was as they wished!

Pei Junlin did not hesitate to answer his choice with actual action.

On that day, a great thing happened in the whole trial place. A young human king suddenly emerged, sweeping all the way with a peerless attitude, and even chopped more than ten geniuses of the sea monster, shocked the whole trial place. .

Then, the moment when the human king announced his name, it caused an uproar.

The young human king who disappeared for a long time, Pei Junlin finally appeared!

And as soon as it appeared, it responded to a big move of the Siren Geniuses with a tough attitude!

Only for more than half a day, Pei Junlin, with his own strength, even cut more than ten geniuses, each of them being a demon-level powerhouse.

As soon as these actions appeared, the earthquake in the whole trial land was immediately triggered. The peerless geniuses of the Kraken World were completely outraged. They thought that this was a great provocation by Pei Junlin to them. The holy sea tribe, absolutely Such inverses are not allowed.

Pei Junlin responded with a tough attitude. There is nothing wrong with it. This is his provocation against the young generation of sea monsters. There is a kind of letting go, let one kill one, and kill two by two!

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the entire trial land became extremely tense. All the sea monster strongmen were searching for the trace of Pei Junlin with all their strength, and vowed to make this abominable human a thousand swords, especially among them, Hai Lianqing and Sha Huang were the most angry.

However, no matter how these sea monster powerhouses look for, they can't find the trace of Pei Junlin. On the contrary, with the passage of time, Pei Junlin has been out of control. With one person's strength, he has killed seven or eight sea monster world geniuses.

This can be regarded as a stimulus to all the strong people in the world of Kraken. They have also launched crazy revenge. As long as they encounter human beings, they will be killed without amnesty. The situation is getting more and more tense. Many weak sea monsters or humans are hidden. Fear of being the unlucky genius of this time of peerless genius.

When it comes to racial warfare, it is difficult to determine right or wrong. Some just live and die. Death can only prove that you are too weak.

Later, whether it was Pei Junlin or the genius of the Kraken, they all found that it was difficult to find a punching bag. Many smaller humans or Krakens hid. Although these guys are weaker, they are not stupid.

The situation went to a very embarrassing point. Both sides found that it was difficult to find a punching bag. If they were known by those weak creatures, I really do n’t know what it feels like.

In the end, the geniuses of the whales climbed to a peak and made a sound, asking for a battle with Pei Junlin, and asked if Pei Junlin dare to meet? !!

Pei Junlin responded with only one word-battle! !! !!

He felt that it was also necessary to make a positive understanding with these so-called siren geniuses, otherwise, in such entanglement, the unlucky ones were only those who were weak and not of much benefit.

As soon as the news came out, all the attention was on.

Many of the strongmen who had been hidden secretly crawled out from various places. At the same time, many of the strongmen who have always chosen to break through in the depths of the ground also broke through, exhaling a strong breath one by one. fluctuation.

The brothers Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei successfully advanced to the later stage of Divine Realm. Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Huangfu Phoenix, Baili Feiyan, Leng Shuangshuang, Luo Yan, etc. have also been promoted to the middle of Divine Realm. Great improvement.

The Dongfeng family and the Zhuge family also chose to break through.

After leaving the customs, Yang Xue, Sun Kai, Pang Yue, Hua Muzi, etc. went straight to the peak of the appointment.

The mountain is nameless, but it is magnificent, nearly 10,000 meters high, and bulky.

At this moment, at the foot of the mountain, there are already black squatter powers gathered, and at the top of the mountain, the peerless genius from the whale family is shocking, wearing a Ujin battle armor, black hair flying, eyes like electricity, The whole man exudes a domineering look at the world ~ ~ From the void in a kilometer away, the mermaid genius Hailianqing also came, and her sister Helena, In addition, the peerless genius from the tiger shark family is deserted.

In addition to these people, there is a horrible atmosphere. There are more than a dozen of them. They are all peerless geniuses of all races in the Kraken world. Each one has a strong aura, and there are men and women.

For example, there are the Haiquan from the sea snake family, the genius of the tortoise family, the genius of the walrus family, the genius of the crab family, the genius of the lobster family, and so on.

On the other side of the mountain, many strong people from the human and plant and animal families have arrived. Among them, the strong members of the Dongfeng family and the Zhuge family have arrived. Pang Yue, Hua Muzi, Yang Xue, Sun Kai, etc. .

Wang Ziqiong, Bai Yulong, Bai Yufei, Li Tianpei, Ye Tianxing, Zhang Pingping, and others also appeared. They all looked gloomy and their fighting spirit burned.

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