Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 564: Crisis is coming

After occupying the island, Pei Junlin first asked everyone to recover their injuries and repair their bodies, and he began to line up along the island.

Next, the team of this island will be trained here for a short period of time. In case, just a simple formation defense is necessary.

Soon after, the entire island was surrounded by white mist, which covered the entire island in this world. After the powerful Pei Junlin came forward, at this time, he arranged the formation method, which was more handy and more powerful.

After finishing all this work, Pei Junlin also entered the period of latent repair and dormancy, and began to consolidate the instability brought about by the later breakthrough of Divine Realm.

But just as Pei Junlin and others entered the potential repairs, the incidents in the Huxiao Sea area had begun to ferment and spread throughout the neighboring sea areas.

When I learned that a human squad had sneaked into the hinterland of the sea tribe, not only surrounded by many monsters, they snatched food, snatched the treasure dragon grass, but also arrogantly ransacked a city under the Mermaid family The treasure house took away nine-tenths of the treasure.

These two messages spread to the ears of countless Kraken forces, arousing the anger of all Kraken powers.

Among them, the mermaid family is the most embarrassed and angry, and vowed to destroy all humans who have committed this time.

When the news came out, it also fell into the ears of human teams and plant and animal demon families in different Kraken world regions. When they heard these two amazing news, many human powerhouses were shocked. Eyes everywhere, they were curious, which side is so aggressive, dare to plunder a city treasure house!

Many people actually don't understand the value of Hualongcao, but they can't understand the treasure house of a city. It represents absolutely an astronomical wealth. The looting of a treasure house of such a city is a night of wealth for everyone. Rhythm!

I don't know how many people's dreams, but I don't think anybody actually has achieved such a feat.

In the Kraken World, a scarred team is sneaking in a certain area. The team leader is the children of the two supreme families of Yang Xue and Sun Kai. In this Kraken powerhouse, there are endless endless attacks and continuous attacks on the surrounding environment. Next, the team they led suffered a lot of setbacks, and they have lost three strong players.

"I always feel that Pei Junlin and Bai Yulong are the ones who dare to plunder the treasure of the city of Siren!"

During the sneak, Yang Xue said, "Are you saying that we should also imitate their feat? We must know that it is a treasure trove of a city. As long as we can sack a successful one, then this time the action of the Kraken World, It can be said to be complete! "

Sun Kai, who was moving forward, was slow, and then looked back at the scarred team they led, showing a thoughtful look.

When Yang Xue saw this, he poured fuel on the fire: "How do we say that the two of us are also children of the Supreme Family, both my father and your grandfather, that is the patron saint of Huaxia, and has made countless achievements and enjoyed countless The support of all people is in awe and countless haloes! "

"Sometimes I really don't believe it. Is a genius like ours really not as good as a guy from a cold door? I don't believe it! I'm really unconvinced!"

Yang Xue said here, there was a stubborn face on that beautiful face. As children of the Supreme Family, everyone has a kind of pride and glory from the bones. Sometimes, they are really dissatisfied. People can surpass them.

Sun Kai heard the words, took a deep breath, deep in the pair of lacquered black eyes, the fighting spirit burned, and said firmly: "That's good! This time we will also do a big ticket, so that the whole Siren and even everyone, Know the demeanour of the children of our Supreme Family! "

Behind them, a group of strong followers were burning with warfare, and everyone's eyes couldn't hide the excitement.

And when Yang Xue, Sun Kai, and others were stimulated and prepared to make a big vote, in another area of ​​the Kraken World, Pang Yue, Hua Muzi, and others were marching at a rapid pace. They also heard that there are powerful human beings. The news of taking away the dragon grass and looting the treasure house of a city.

Although I don't know who it is, they also stimulated the pride of these children of the Supreme Family.

Similar actions were also made by the strong men of the Dongfeng family and the Zhuge family, and even those of foreign countries ... In short, all human beings were stimulated by this incident, and a variety of intense warfare broke out and began to appear. Around the different cities of Siren's World.

Because the temptation of a city's treasure house is really too big, compared to killing the Siren Strong or hunting for treasure on those famous mountains and barren mountains, the city's treasure house is the most exciting.

Time passed quickly, and the entire Kraken world was completely turbulent. In a short period of time, multiple cities in Kraken World were harassed, and the losses were not small. Several smaller cities were actually attacked by powerful human beings. Finally, As a result, the treasure house was ransacked, and the strong also suffered heavy casualties.

This situation completely annoyed the entire high-level Siren. Numerous Siren Powers came from all directions, hid in some cities, and began to ambush the enemies.

The battle between the two sides has reached a very fierce point, each with its own damage.

At the same time, Pei Junlin and others who were all the creators of this figurine were also in great danger on the hidden island, because the place where they were hidden was still found by the pervasive sea people.

The mighty Siren Powers, besieged the entire island, the number is unknown, the leader of the team is a Mermaid family of Siren's overlords, and there are also tiger sharks who are also overlords.

The tiger shark is also one of the overlords of the sea clan, this race is even more fierce and brutal than the mermaid.

"Helena, are you sure that abominable humans are on that pirate ?!"

Moving forward, a tiger sharks team, a man with a long shark tail dragged behind his butt, asked the mermaid princess beside him.

The full name of the mermaid princess is Helena. After a few days, the injuries caused by Pei Junlin and others have already recovered, and even her strength has improved. Obviously, she has taken some secret treasure.

The frosty face of Tianzi's beautiful face was shrouded in frost and the intention of killing was boiling. She was very uncomfortable for a while. The city of her territory was looted by the strong human beings, which caused her to endure a lot of pressure in the clan.

As one of the overlords in the Kraken world, the mermaid family naturally has many children. Among them, there is inevitably a battle. The genius is not just her. If she does not perform well, she is likely to be replaced by other children, so Helena's killing intention is very weight.

"Of course, the spies of my mermaid tribe have long detected the abominable group of humans, and they are hiding on that island in the distance!"

Helena determined: "They thought that they could avoid everything by a spaceship. It was just a joke. The spies of my mermaid family were all over the sea, from the strong monsters to the small fish and shrimp, all eyes!"

Between the words, the mighty Siren Strong has approached the surroundings of the island. Looking at the dense white mist in front of her eyes, Helena sneered and ordered: "Breakthrough for Princess Princess!"


Immediately, the strong man of the mermaid family stepped forward and started to break the battle. Many of the strong monsters are masters of formation, and it is natural to break the battle.

"Brother Shark, you still need to trouble you to use your family's treasure to set up Haizhu and block all this area to prevent those human dogs from jumping off the wall and running away from the city!"

When breaking the battle, Helena turned her head and said to the strong tiger and sharks around her, "They have a spaceship, and they have been modified to make it extremely fast!"

"Hey, it's just a little thing!"

The man who was led by the tiger and shark heard a sneer on his face when he heard the words, and when he dropped his palm, an egg-sized, blue-colored, glittering orb appeared.

This orb is the heavy treasure of the tiger and shark family. It is an extremely powerful magical bead. Once cast, it is enough to block the sea area of ​​thousands of miles. Of course, its energy is also related to the ability of the caster.

Helena heard a bright smile on her face, but the next moment, the smile on her face froze, and the tiger and shark family saw the unshadowed hotness of his face, and his eyes glanced up and down at the sea. Lina's perfectly tall and tall figure drooled: "But before that, Miss Princess needs to promise me a little request!"

"Willow, how dare you hit me !!!"

Helena's face suddenly changed, and she couldn't help bursting out a strong evil spirit.

"The princess's words are too unpleasant. What does it mean to ask, are we fair cooperation, okay?"

Liu Mu heard that sneer appeared directly on that face.

"You want to use the heavy treasures of my tiger and shark family to set Haizhu, then how do you think it can be done without paying a little price!"

"The effectiveness of this set of sea beads is unknown to the entire sea clan, but what you do n’t know is that every time you use this set of sea beads, this set of sea beads requires a lot of energy. Afterwards, my tiger and shark family must consume a lot. Resources to make up for energy! "

"Helena, although we are good friends, you can't do nothing for it, right ?!"

Helena heard the words, and looked very angry: "Then you can't ... another condition!"

"If you want a woman, I promise that after this mission is completed, I will definitely send you back some of the great beauty of my mermaid family for you to enjoy!"

"Ha ha!"

Liu Mu laughed again after hearing the words, and her eyes stared at Helena's perfect body. The glowing color of her eyes was stronger: "My Liu Mu is also a prince of the grand tiger and shark family, how can I look at those low-level goods! My willow There is no shortage, only you are interested in your princess' body, and only the princess's golden body is worthy of the prince! "

"Specifically how to choose, Your Royal Highness will consider it yourself. If you do not agree, the king will now lead his men back!"

"You ... you are shameless !!"

Helena was so angry that her body shivered, and the expression on her pretty face was cloudy, and after a few hesitations, she said, "OK! I promise you!"

"Haha !!!"

Liu Mu heard the words ~ ~ and immediately gave out a cheerful laughter, and the expression on one face was full of pride.

"Don't be too happy first, I have my condition too!"

Helena's beautiful eyes flashed a thick haze.

"Have your Royal Highness said!"

Willow said excitedly.

"My condition is that you will help me kill all the humans on this island! Escape one !!!!"

Helena gritted her teeth and cut her teeth. In order to identify herself and her status in the mermaid family, she devoted herself to the body!

Without revenge, she is psychologically uneasy!

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