Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 559: Treasury

It is no wonder that such a peerless beauty would make the Krakens so crazy!

Pei Junlin lamented in his heart that even he had a stunning feeling.

"Husband, does this mermaid princess look good?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Pei Junlin's mind.

Pei Junlin turned his head and smiled and touched the head of Prince Joan with a smile: "Not my race, his heart will be different! Even if it looks good, it is destined to be a deadly enemy. It really will fall into my hands, absolutely not There will be no soft hands! "

"I'm just asking you, who looks better on this Mermaid Princess and me?"

Wang Ziqiong refused.

Pei Junlin smiled: "Of course, my wife looks so good. My wife is beautiful, and she is an immortal. How can a mermaid princess of a sea monster family be comparable!"

Wang Ziqiong seemed satisfied with this answer and smiled contentedly.

Although the mermaid princess in front of her is indeed a country with a beautiful appearance and exotic flavor, Wang Ziqiong is also very confident in her appearance. Except for the inherent nobility, the other aspects are not inferior to the so-called Mermaid Princess.

In this way, in a boiling sound, the mermaid princess slowly walked towards the street in front of her, and the Kraken people on both sides were so crazy that she followed the surging and kept shouting the name of Her Royal Highness.

"Now is a good opportunity, we quickly go to the main city!"

Pei Junlin suddenly passed into the secret channel to Prince Qiong Chuanying.

At this moment, almost all the strong men in the city were attracted by this mermaid princess, which led to the emptiness of defense in some places. Such an opportunity is simply too good for Pei Junlin and others.

It is not difficult to find the city's main palace. The structure of the sea monster city pond is almost the same as that of the monster city outside. The city main palace, as the highest concentration of power in the entire city, will always be the most luxurious and magnificent.

Soon, the figures of Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong appeared here.

When the two arrived, they found that someone had already arrived first, and Li Tianpei and Huangfu Fenghuang were walking around the edge of the city's main government.

"Don't you two go on a date? Why are you here so soon?"

Pei Junlin asked.

Immediately after the words fell, Huangfu Phoenix, who always showed generosity, suddenly appeared a touch of crimson, quite crooked.

On the contrary, Li Tianpei seemed to be getting rid of it. He even knew how to make jokes. Hehe laughed, "What a big truth!"

"Hee hee, don't say that, you two are a good match! We can wait for your good news!"

Seeing this, Prince Qiong joked.

"What about everyone else? Haven't come yet ?!"

After the joke, Pei Junlin quickly asked what was happening.

Li Tianpei shook his head: "I haven't met, it should have not come yet, after all, an hour has not yet come!"

"Never mind that, while the Mermaid Princess is now swaggering across the city and attracting a large number of strong men, we will now sneak into the city's main house and find the location of the treasure house as soon as possible!" Pei Junlin made a sharp and clear fall.

"How to sneak in?" Wang Ziqiong wondered.

"Of course, it was a hole in the ground. After entering the city main house, the four of us must kill each of the guards as quickly as possible, and then change into their clothes. This is convenient!"

Pei Junlin said: "Besides, I have already tried to detect it with my mental strength. Now in the city's mansion, there is only one strong demon **** in the middle period to guard! The four of us are enough to cope!"

Now in the Kraken world, many powerful people are actually joined together by the external human, plant, and animal departments to restrain most of the main forces, leaving only a few strong people to guard the city.

This gave Pei Junlin the best chance for them, especially in this city, the emergence of a mermaid princess also attracted the power of the entire city, resulting in the city ’s defense being extremely empty, leaving only one The demon **** defended in the middle.

Soon, led by Pei Junlin's very professional digging, the four have quietly appeared inside the city's main mansion.

In the process, it was also fortunate that Pei Junlin led the way, otherwise, the formation had already been touched, and the sea monster was alarmed.

"This Kraken world is truly the place where the formation is the most prosperous. There are traps of formation, everywhere, even buried underground!"

Li Tianpei scolded. At this moment, the place where the four of them emerged was a courtyard in the main house of the city. This courtyard was large and full of species unique to Siren's World. The branches were full of fragrant fruits.

"An exotic fruit!"

The eyes of the two girls, Prince Qiong and Huangfu Fenghuang, suddenly turned on, and they were blinded with no demon. They immediately turned out of the hole and quickly picked the exotic fruits on the trees.

"Bold, how dare to steal the different fruits and cut them according to the law!"

Suddenly, a patrol squad appeared and directly found four people who stole different fruits.


The sound of a burst of air suddenly started, and the two figures seemed to be eating like tigers, rushing directly to the patrol squad.

Without any suspense, this patrol squad was completely killed.

Pei Junlin and Li Tianpei swiftly took off the guards' armors and put them on. Prince Qiong and Huangfu Fenghuang also rushed over and changed their clothes.

The four of them blinked and became four siren patrols. Although the number of patrol teams was reduced, everything didn't matter.

"Grass, forget to stay alive and ask the exact location of the treasure house!"

When changing clothes, Li Tianpei suddenly patted his head, just now he was just happy to kill, and forgot to stay alive.

"It's just a small matter. Some of the city's main mansions are siren. Let's catch two more!"

Huangfu Phoenix said.

Soon after, the four people had learned the exact location of the treasure house from the patrolled Siren's mouth, but that treasure house was set up with a powerful array.

Sneaking all the way, hiding in the sky and crossing the sea, they appeared in front of a huge crystal palace. According to the information revealed by the sea monster that was arrested and interrogated before, the treasure house was deep inside the crystal palace.

"Boss Pei, I'm going to rely on you next, none of the three of us here understand the formation method!"

Li Tianpei said.

Pei Jun nodded his head, his expression became dignified, the powerful consciousness force was all excited, the mighty, covering the entire Crystal Palace.

Suddenly, at this moment, the metamorphosis was abrupt, and the original calm water crystal palace was rippling with powerful ripples. At the same time, an angry voice sounded: "Where is a thief, dare to invade the place of my mermaid tribe, find death! "

With this huge roar falling, a towering demon suddenly broke out in a palace not far from here, and the guarded demon **** mid-term strong was shocked.

"Damn, there is a telepathy on this array!"

Pei Junlin's face changed greatly: "Fast, the three of you slaughtered him at the fastest speed, I'll break the formation here!"

Although the monster in the middle of the demon **** is not a concern, his instantaneous outburst can surprise other sea monster powers in the entire city. This is the trickiest.

"Mad, die!"

Li Tianpei, Wang Ziqiong, and Huangfu Fenghuang instantly killed their intentions, and flew together to the mid-powerful demon god. Such an accident was unexpected.

And just as Pei Junlin expected, when the powerful mid-power of the demon **** broke out, most of the sea monsters in the entire submarine city were shocked, and they quickly raised their heads one by one to look at the city's main mansion. Direction.

On a spacious street, the mermaid princess who swaggered the city suddenly became extremely cold on her charming and aggressive face. She looked up and looked at the direction of the city's main government, and suddenly a horror erupted in her body. breath.

Her cultivation turned out to be a top power in the late period of the demon god, and her ambivalence combined with purity and flattering did not match.

"Dare to have a thief thinking about my family's treasure trove, really killing me!"

The mermaid princess made a cold and bitter sound, and the next moment, the tall and perfect figure had risen into the sky, turning into a flash of lightning, straight into the direction of the main city.

At the same time, the shape of a famous Siren who has been guarding the mermaid princess also exploded, killing and shooting straight into the direction of the city's main government.


The sword is bright and rises to the sky!

Unexpectedly, however, the mutation happened again at this time.

I saw the horrible sword and sword awns suddenly erupting on the originally calm streets below, which directly chopped up some of the Siren Powers in the air into pieces.

"this is……"

"Humans! The breath of the strong human!"

"Some human beings have actually been mixed into my city!"

When the powerful qi and blood power possessed by the sword-mang and Jianguang rising from below broke out, countless sea monster powerhouses were suddenly stunned, and then they all made an angry roar.

What did they see? !!

Not only is a human strong man lurking in this city, but there are many, and the fighting power is extremely amazing one by one, blocking those Siren Powers who were originally prepared to support the main city of the city.

Even the mighty mermaid princess is no exception.

At the critical moment, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Monk Jie, Leng Shuangshuang, Ye Tianxing, Baili Feiyan and others did not hesitate to choose ambush without interception as Pei Junlin and others entered the main city.

This is the tacit cooperation ability that has been exercised over the years. The moment the position of the city's government changed, the people who had been spying on the information while playing had not hesitated to choose ambush interception, so as to give Pei Junlin, who is in the city's main government, and others are fighting for enough time.

"Humans! How dare you invade the city of my mermaids ~ ~ It's almost bold!"

The angry voice came out of the mermaid princess, and she even spit human language, very clearly: "You must all die today! None of you can escape!"

After that, the mermaid princess added an extraordinarily old big bow, which was engraved with dense dense seals. Her white and jade hands directly pulled the big bow into the shape of a full moon, and the strong energy condensed in an instant. Became a sharp arrow, sending out terrible waves of destruction.

Xia Houping was intercepted by the mermaid princess, and she was almost annoyed at seeing her!

He is just a cultivation practice in the early days of the gods. Even if the combat effectiveness is amazing, at most he is facing the middle of the demon god. At this moment, he has to face the mermaid princess who has reached the late stage of the demon god. Take a big bow and look at it.

"Malgobi, this is forcing Laozi to burst out! Fight !!!!"

Xia Houping roared and burned his destiny without hesitation. At the same time, on his very special Kirin arm, Guanghua flowed, exuding an equally vast and vast atmosphere.

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