Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 555: Dragon grass

When all of the Kraken Powers were questioning Pei Junlin, at this moment, at the deepest point of the island, Pei Junlin had already broken through a major formation and stepped into it completely.

His blood was dripping from his body, his face was pale, and his breath was weak. Obviously, he was exhausted on the way, but fortunately, he succeeded. With his superb formation skills, he broke the existence of this island on the island. Ancient array of years.

Different from the peerless killings hidden in the large array, the depths of the island are unusually peaceful. Ruiguang shines and fairy mist surrounds it like a blissful pure land.

This shocked Pei Junlin. Even if there is no such thing as dragon grass in such a pure land, there must be other peerless treasures.

However, he did not rush forward to find it, but carefully determined that there was no danger around him, and then quickly swallowed a large amount of life psychic fluid, then operated the original Nirvana, and began to quickly recover the strength of consumption.

I don't know how long it took, when Pei Jun Linxiu was done, he stood up, his body was full of energy, and his lacquered black eyes were radiant.

Pei Junlin began to carefully look at this pure land. The area of ​​this pure land is not very large, and it looks like a circle of more than ten miles. There are many strange flowers and elixir growing on it.

"Figs, egrets, Qingming fruit, thyme ..."

Pei Junlin recognizes many exotic herbs. These herbs are all elixir-grade, and the quality is very high, which is very helpful to the cultivation!

He picked quickly, and couldn't hide his excitement. Suddenly, he saw a red tree that looked like an agate and looked like a dragon, with a few red fruits on it, and it wasn't close yet.

Pei Junlin didn't recognize what kind of fruit it was, but it must be a special exotic fruit. He quickly approached, picked one and took a bite. Instantly, his tongue seemed to melt, and his mouth was fragrant and sweet. Taste spreads throughout the body.

At the same time, a strong energy began to spread from the chest and abdomen, and the internal organs seemed to be a hungry desert, absorbing this nectar madly.

"What a powerful alien fruit!"

Perceived the changes in the internal organs of the internal organs, Pei Junlin was surprised, because his path to refining was different from many people, and the internal organs of the internal organs were tempered at the same time, so that his realm was always in the beginning of the state of God, even if the combat effectiveness Almost hard to shake the late stage of the realm, but the realm is difficult to break through temporarily.

At this moment, the internal organs of his internal organs had been tempered almost nine-tenths of the time. When it was completed, the realm would instantly cross the middle stage of the divine realm and reach the later realm.

Then it is the process of continually rounding the physical body. When can you achieve the desired size, you can control your body changes at will, such as becoming a giant 100 meters tall, or shrinking into a child, and you have reached the pinnacle of divine realm.

As for breaking through the realm of the Supreme Master, it is even more difficult. It is necessary to achieve the true integration of essence and blood, and completely open the mysterious and mysterious 'Shenmen', which is the most mysterious and complicated spiritual portal in the depths of the brain. Rank Supreme, and have since been ranked as the top overlord in this world.

A different fruit was quickly eaten. Pei Junlin's energy boiled in the body, and the original Nirvana ran frantically, like a round of invisible grinding discs, which absorbed all the energy.

Pei Junlin was surprised to find that the progress of the hardening of the five internal organs and six entrails made him very excited. He quickly picked the second one and ate it quickly, but soon he frowned. The effect of the second fruit was almost Not even one percent.

Pei Junlin showed regret. Sure enough, there is no cluster of big pies in this world. One exotic fruit has a gratifying effect, and the second one has little effect immediately.

However, Pei Junlin was very satisfied with this result. Seeing that there were still many fruits left on the dragon-shaped tree, Pei Junlin immediately received the space ring.

Then he began to search for treasures. This island is indeed a rare pure land. There are strange flowers and exotic fruits everywhere, and piles of elixir.

Many elixir can even be eaten directly. Pei Junlin turned into food while picking, and his mouth never stopped. At the end of his eating, his pores were full of energy, and the original Nirvana was too late to absorb that abundant energy.


There was a thunderous sound in his body, and the power of blood and blood was boiling. Pei Junlin felt that he was afraid to eat any more. Otherwise, his body would be injured.

At this moment, his gaze was condensed, and he saw a gush of colorful light in front of him. This colorful light was very strange. Among them, there were countless little dragons playing around and making various actions.

"That's ... Longqi !!!"

Pei Junlin's heart jumped fiercely. He was really too familiar with this kind of breath. Once in the world of thousands, he was born again because of the dragon family. Now he encounters this kind of dragon spirit again. Really Is full of emotion.


Pei Junlin's figure appeared on the edge of the colorful glow, and then his gaze straightened, looking directly at a very special herb on the ground. The source of the colorful glow came from this unsurprising appearance. Above the grass.

If it weren't for the colorful gush of light, it would be rare for anyone to recognize this unsightly herbal medicine as the legendary treasure-Hualongcao!

Even if it was Pei Junlin, it would be missed without notice.

"Feijian, come out!"

At the moment when Hualongcao was determined, Pei Junlin summoned the Qinghong sword directly, and the soil of the land 100 meters away around Hualongcao was filled with a space ring, leaving a deep hole hundreds of meters deep. .

This soil, since it can give birth to such treasures as Hualongcao, is definitely a rare treasure. Pei Junlin suddenly thought of the seeds he had obtained. This kind of soil is believed to give those seeds a strong vitality. .

Time passed quickly, and I did n’t know how long it was. When Pei Jun stopped, the entire island seemed to be a locust crossing the ground, and it became completely barren. Although the environment was still peaceful and Ruicai, it always felt very different.

Pure land is no longer pure land!

"It's time to leave!"

Pei Junlin murmured to himself that it would be extremely difficult when he came in, and it would be more dangerous to go out. For nothing else, he was the hundreds of sea monsters outside.

He stayed in this island for so long, but he really died, but he did not die, and he walked out intact. This will surely attract the attention of all the Kraken Powers.

Once you start, Pei Junlin is sure to reveal human identity!

In particular, his energy is boiling and his energy is wanton. This is the reason why he eats too many natural treasures. Because he eats too much, even the original Nirvana is difficult to refine in a short time.

This operation only lasted for one month, and Pei Junlin must not delay the opportunities of others for his own sake.

"Break! Hard break! As long as you board the spaceship, there is a certain level of security!"

Pei Junlin decided his idea. The mountain axe and Qinghong sword were all in his hands, striding toward the outside of the formation.

Outside the island, inside the ship.

Wang Ziqiong no longer knows how many times he has watched, the beautiful face of Qingli Peerless is full of anxiety.

Others were also restless, anxious, one by one, but unfortunately, this time the enemy was too strong and the environment was extremely special. They could not help at all when they wanted to help.

"It's been five or six hours. Boss Pei really can't do anything wrong ?!"

Xia Houping couldn't help muttering.

"Close your crow's mouth. Even if all of us are dead, Pei Junlin will not die!"

Nalanhao couldn't help but stare.

"Fuck, I'm just talking, why are you making such a big fire ..."

"Okay, shut up! Let's wait a bit more and believe in Pei Junlin!"

Bai Yulong said with a somber face.

By this time, Pei Junlin was about to step out of the formation. Opposite him, there were exactly two Kraken strongmen who were still trying to break the battle.

"How do you ..."

Suddenly seeing Pei Junlin coming out from the inside, the two Kraken powerhouses suddenly straightened their eyes. They saw Pei Junlin go in before they saw it. They thought the other party had died for so long. In sight.

And how is the breath on the other side so similar to that of humans ...

boom! !! !!

Just when the two Kraken Powerhouses were in a daze, a dazzling sharp swordmang had already slashed down, and directly drew a dazed Kraken Powerhouse upside down.

Huh! !! !!

Pei Junlin started the speed, and his whole body repair broke out to the extreme. The whole person did not hesitate and burned his destiny. He blasted the blood of another Siren's mouth and flew out.

"Bai Yufei, the spaceship is ready !!!"

This sentence, Pei Junlin, was shouted in human language, with a loud voice, and sounded all over the world.

Outside the island, a group of anxious people inside the spacecraft suddenly heard the voice. Everyone stayed for a while, then quickly rejoiced.

At the same time, the hundreds of Kraken powerhouses still guarding outside also stopped, what did they hear, and there was a human being shouting? !!

This is the Huxiao Sea area ~ ~ How can there be a human voice in the hinterland of the Kraken? !!

Shouldn't the strong human beings be in areas thousands of miles away?

Not waiting for the heads of many Siren Powers to turn around, I saw a golden figure of the whole body bursting out in the formation method, the speed was extremely fast!

That golden glittering logo is very dazzling!

"Damn, it's really human!"

"kill him!!!"


Bursts of murderous roars sounded at the same time, and all the sea monster powerhouses were all angry. The Huxiao sea area is the hinterland of the sea monster world. The most important place is that no human powerhouse appears.

If this is passed on, it will be a shame and shame in the demon world!

Dear sacred sea people, you must not be ashamed!

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