Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 520: Meet Dongfengwu again

The heavy rain was still falling. It was really like a pot pouring down. It was a little shocking.

The vast expanse of prairie is endless, dark clouds are topped, and there are thunderous sounds, which make people creepy.

This is the normal scenery of the prairie. When it is sunny, the wind is sunny, the green grass is secluded, the sky and the earth are connected, and the horse is galloping. Thunder and thunderstorms are mixed, as in the last days.

During the storm, three glowing figures broke through the heavy rain curtain and hurried forward.

"Look, there!"

Suddenly, Bai Yulong, who was galloping, shouted loudly, pointing his finger at the ground.

I saw there, under the heavy rain, there was a very strange terrain, where from time to time there were dazzling clusters of flames bursting out of the ground, and lasting, forming a strange scene.

Around this terrain, there are tents standing in the wind and rain, densely packed with dozens of them, and the figures are swaying under the lights. Obviously, they are already martial arts fighters who have already arrived.

In addition, in the fierce storm outside, there are also martial arts strong figures, regardless of the threat of the storm, one by one like a sculpture, sitting quietly cross-legged.

In the air, Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong, and Bai Yufei all fell down. The arrival of the three of them attracted a lot of attention. Many strong men in the tents also felt it. Many people opened the curtain and cast their eyes on Come.

However, when seeing only three young people, many strong men showed contempt in their eyes. This time, the Khan Tomb really attracted a lot of cattle, ghosts, and snakes, and many large families sent young children. And not afraid of death.

Do they really think that this Khan Tomb is mud, it ’s ridiculous to pinch as much as you want!

"Oh, we have been despised!"

Bai Yufei noticed the disdainful eyes of the strong men all around, and couldn't help chuckling.

"Don't bother with them, let's set up a tent too! After the storm has passed, slowly detect this Khan Tomb!" Bai Yulong sneered.

Perhaps their attitude towards Pei Junlin is very soft, but that is because Pei Junlin's strength is there, and they all admire it, but as the children of the Supreme Family, the nobleness and arrogance cultivated in their bones are not anyone. Are qualified to make them face up.

The three began to set up a tent, and while the three were busy, a burst of sound came from the rainstorm, and two figures landed.

Pei Junlin's gaze was slightly fixed. He recognized that the people were the two cloak men that he had seen. At this moment, the distance was not very far. Pei Junlin was keenly aware of the two gods' tempered consciousness. There was a hint of danger in the body.

"It turned out to be two divine powerhouses, and the cultivation was at least in the middle of divine power!"

"Interesting, the waters of martial arts are getting deeper and deeper. It seems that this time the Khan Tomb may really draw a lot of hidden dragons and crouching tigers!"

I do n’t know if it is an illusion. Pei Junlin always felt that there was a man with a cape. His eyes kept looking at him. Finally, under the gaze of two eyes, the two men with capes also started to set up a tent. The tent is not very far away, and the two are separated by almost two hundred meters.

After everything was stopped, the surroundings of the tomb regained silence, only the sound of rain.

This rain has been gradually stopped from the afternoon to the middle of the night.

The next day, the rain passed and the sky cleared, and the whole grassland once again blossomed its vitality. As you can see, there was a vibrant scene everywhere.

Just after it rained, the entire grassland was green and secluded. Under the sun, the dew on the grass reflected the gorgeous colors.

A gorgeous rainbow appeared in the sky!

Around the tomb, many martial arts powerfuls stepped out of the tent, moving their bodies. At the same time, a pair of eagle eyes looked at the wolf and looked at all directions, taking the opportunity to look at the surrounding people.

When it comes to the treasures in the Khan Tomb, unless they are teammates around, they are all opponents, and even the teammates around them may play poisonous hands.

Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong, and Bai Yufei also came out, ignoring the eyes of all around to watch the alert, began to walk to the edge of those flames erupting, and carefully examined.

"It turned out to be a large natural formation. The topography of dragons and phoenixes is harmonious, the sun and the moon are entangled, and the strong essence of the sun is hidden. law!"

Bai Yufei constantly patted against the ground, with special waves flowing on his palm. This is obviously a powerful secret method of the Bai family, which can quickly identify the geographical trend and the strength of the formation.

"Can you break it?"

Bai Yulong asked anxiously.

Bai Yufei didn't answer, but suddenly looked at the eyes of the sky, and saw there, once again there was a strong one approaching, walking in the air, extremely fast, terrifying air fields shrouded the circle, and the pressure shook the sky.

"So brave!"

"Not afraid of being beaten!"

"Dongfengwu ?!"

Three different voices rang out, and the last sentence was called by Bai Yulong. He recognized that the person was the Dongfeng family from the central center.

The Dongfeng family is one of the nine supreme families, and its strength is undoubted. It is reasonable to visit the Khan Tomb this time.

A Dongfengwu naturally will not be looked at by the three of Pei Junlin, but what makes them look dignified is that Dongfengwu is not alone, but there are two other men and women.

It seems to be adhering to the usual style of the Dongfeng family. The momentum of the three people is very overbearing. They do not conceal their own breath. The coercion of the breath of the powerful gods covers the whole audience, making many martial arts strong faces. changed!

This time, the martial arts powers attracted by the Khan Tomb are many, but not everyone is a divine power, but the number of divine powers is very small, most of them are in the congenital realm.

After all, the number of strong Chinese gods is not a lot!

Many strong men are in the realm of the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades. This kind of strength is enough to be listed as a strong one, but at the moment it seems to be very inadequate. Once the breath of the three gods in the Dongfeng family is revealed, Immediately caused great panic.

Many strong people have bitter expressions. With such powerful forces, their chances of getting some treasures in the Khan Tomb are too slim this time!

Some people even recognized the identity of the three Dongfengwu and immediately whispered. The identity of the Supreme Family is really too strong. That is definitely the top existence in China today and in the world. Exaggerated.

Soon, with this low voice, more and more people knew the identity of the three Dongfengwu, one after another, it was difficult to conceal the shock. In a moment, the three Dongfengwu became the focus of the audience.

That kind of scenery, I don't know how many times stronger than Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei. Compared with the style of the Dongfeng family, the Bai family is undoubtedly low-key, and even many martial arts powers do not know the existence of the Bai family.

In the face of this great attention, the three of Dongfengwu obviously enjoyed this feeling very much, and the momentum on each of them was even more powerful, and the people around him were trembling.

"The tiger is not here, the monkey is the king! The children of the Dongfeng family are really getting more and more uncomfortable, and they can only find a sense of existence under such circumstances!"

These scenes fell into the eyes of Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei and couldn't help sneering.

At the same time, on the other side, the two cloak men stood silently in the distance, watching the three children of the Dongfeng family pretending quietly.

"Well, I didn't expect to encounter so many big fish this time!"

The Cloakman whispered into the maiden beside him: "This is a son of the Supreme Family. If it can be obtained, it is definitely a great contribution, sir! These fat fishes must not be overlooked!"

The maiden was silent.


At this point, Dongfeng Wu suddenly felt something, raised his eyes, and finally found Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong, and Bai Yufei.

When looking at the three extremely familiar faces, Dongfengwu's original face suddenly changed, his smile disappeared, and it was replaced by an unprecedented chill, bitter and cold, and the amazing evil that shocked everyone nearby, everyone They are all at a loss, don't understand what's going on in Dongfengwu, which is good?

However, everyone soon followed the gloomy sight of Dongfengwu, and found three of Pei Junlin.

"Bai Yulong!"

"Bai Yufei!"

Two exclamation sounds also came from the mouths of two children of the Dongfeng family. They were surprised. One of them was called Dongfengtai and the other was Dongfengyue ~ ~.

The children of the Supreme Family naturally know each other.

"Pei Junlin !!!"

But at this moment, beyond everyone's expectations, Dongfeng Wu suddenly yelled, the whole body was shaped like a sword, and a horrible breath erupted throughout the body, and the lightning flew directly toward another figure, that amazing killing intention, Without concealment, it alarmed many powerful people.

In the face of Dongfengwu's horrific killing intention, Pei Junlin's face did not fluctuate. He just stood in place quietly until the long sword in Dongfengwu's hand was less than ten meters away.


This punch blasted out, the mountains and rivers of Quanquan Town, the immense punches of the punches resemble the flood of the dyke, and hit the Dongfengwu's long sword heavily.

The fist print and the sword awn collided, and a terrible energy shock wave erupted. The mighty Dongfeng Wu in the air couldn't help but make a muffled sound, and he fell from the air to the ground and stepped out of deep pits.

He had an incredible look on his face and stared at Pei Junlin's eyes: "Impossible! How could your strength become stronger again ..."

Pei Junlin sneered: "Who stipulates that you are allowed to become stronger and I will not do it?"

This Dongfeng Wu is worthy of being a child of the Supreme Family. Although he is stubborn, his qualifications are also very strong. In just two or three months, Xiuwei has also improved a lot. Pei Junlin punched out and it became clear Feel!

"Huh! Sooner or later, you will pay a heavy price!"

Dongfengwu's face was fierce, and the gloomy could almost drip water.

"So you are Pei Junlin!"

At this time, the two children of the Dongfeng family came quickly, looking cold and full of gazes at Pei Junlin.

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