Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 374: Genius

As the saying goes, children ca n’t help but at this moment, the first of the six forces really felt this feeling, and I really do n’t know if it should be comforting or bitter.

The final result is, of course, that they ca n’t stand up to the children of each family and can only nod in agreement.

However, some people also said that they wanted to go to Xihua Tiankeng with these little rabbits, but they were directly rejected by Cai Shen!

Dongyang Tiankeng this time is support and assistance, not the main force. Naturally, it is impossible to send all the top powerhouses out. Dongyang Tiankeng is their base camp, and they need to be guarded. Otherwise, they might as well lose their support. .

This time, Pei Junlin, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Jiyue Monk, Huangfu Phoenix, Leng Shuangshuang, and Baili Feiyan are the seven strongest men in the early stage of the gods to support them. It is already a very powerful force!

In addition, because of the fear that these young rabbits will be disturbed, after deliberations, Cai Shen will let the herdsman also go to the Xihua Tiankeng, which is the leader of the team and gives them restraining power.

After the matter was decided, in view of the critical situation in the Xihua Tiankeng, the soldiers and soldiers were quick and swift. Eight people immediately set off and rushed to their destination.

The Xihua Tiankeng, as its name implies, is the Tiankeng located in the western frontier of the Huaxia Kingdom. The famous western region is known to everyone.

Pei Junlin, Mu Shenshen and eight others arrived on the military's fastest transport aircraft, without any delay.

Soon, the base of Xihua Tiankeng arrived!

Looking down from a high altitude, this is a standard wasteland characteristic of the western region. There is no end to the distant land, and there are no people in it. Except the loess is sand, the vegetation is sparse, and sandstorms are visible at any time. The weather conditions are extremely harsh.

And just above this endless wasteland, stands a steel fortress, covering an extremely wide area. Like the base of Dongyang Tiankeng, there are high-voltage electric wire fences everywhere, coming and going with the military logo. vehicle.

Various high-tech modern equipment can be found everywhere in the base. Tanks, bazookas, and helicopters are all standard equipment. There are several well-known enemy fighters, as well as the mighty intercontinental.

Perhaps because of the tense situation, the atmosphere in the entire base was called a serious tension. When Pei Junlin and others walked out of the transport plane, they were immediately received with warm reception.

A middle-aged man in a military uniform with a tiger's back on his back, strode forward, and stretched out his hand toward the **** of zeal, saying, "Lao Mu, I didn't expect this time to be the leader of the team yourself, really hard work!"

The shepherd held out his hand and held each other together, and laughed: "Vice Yan is polite, what is the family of Donghua Xihua, what is the hard work? Everyone is a brother of brothers and feet, so out of sight!"


The uniformed man laughed heartily. His name was Yan Nanzheng, and his position would be comparable to that of the shepherd.

Yan Nanzheng's eyes fell on the seven Pei Junlins who were behind Mu Shenshen. When they saw the young faces in front of them, they first looked at each other, but then they felt that the seven Pei Junlins were all homogeneous. In the early realm of Divine Realm, it was hard to hide the surprise.

"In the early days of the Seven Gods, Dongyang Tiankeng's skill was not small!"

Yan Nanzheng sighed: "And they are so young one by one. If I guess well, these seven must be the talented warriors from the society!"

The shepherd will laugh and say nothing.

"Who is Pei Junlin?" Yan Nanzheng asked curiously.

Pei Junlin stepped forward when he heard his words, and said quietly, "It's me!"

Yan Nanzheng's eyes took on a strange awn, glanced up and down around Pei Junlin, after a long time, admired: "Strong! It really is strong! It is indeed a young king who can create miracles!"

"I've heard your deeds, and I only have one sentence for you-well done!"

"This time, I also hope that you can perform amazingly in Xihua Tiankeng as in the city of the ape. In this case, it is also good for the thorns of our military to see what is the real mountain. There is a mountain outside, so give the male a good lesson! "

"Master Yan, do you say that the thorns are military genius warriors like Li Tianpei?"

Xia Houping suddenly said.

Yannan Zheng suddenly hesitated, and then smiled and nodded: "I didn't expect that you also know Li Tianpei, they're right! I'm talking about the gangsters!"

"I'm telling you a little secret, but those thorns are looking forward to you for a long time! If you know that your group of social genius warriors will appear at the same time, I think they will be very happy!"

On the side, the shepherd who was listening was going to hear the words and rolled his eyes: "Yannan levied you an old assault ball, do you still think this war is not chaotic enough, how dare you fan the flames here!"

Yannan rumored that she laughed directly and didn't care: "It's all young people who are full of vigor and vitality. There can be progress only after fighting. Anyway, now that the war is chaotic enough, it is better to give them a good deal of trouble." Anyway, there will be holes to wipe the buttocks! It's okay! "

The shepherd will ...

As for Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Jiyue Monk and others, one after another had already been flexing their muscles, and their faces were eager to try. Although Pei Junlin looked calm, deep in his eyes, there was a flash of light flashing away.

They are all genius warriors who are chosen from a thousand miles. They are called Tianjiao and proud and unparalleled, how can they easily lose to their peers.

Due to the critical situation, everyone didn't waste much time and went directly into the tiankeng world following Yannan Zheng.

At this time, the strong men in the Xihua Tiankeng base are all human bases in the Tiankeng world. On the contrary, there are not many strong men in the outer bases. Only the communications personnel who maintain all aspects of information equipment are retreated from the battlefield. Those who were seriously wounded.

In the process of entering the space passage, Pei Junlin and his team saw a wide variety of seriously injured soldiers and warriors along the way. The atmosphere of the entire base was full of depression, which made everyone unable to guess the Xihua Tiankeng. The battle was indeed the most critical moment!

After feeling a sense of chaos in time and space, the group set foot on the demon world of Xihua Tiankeng.

The sky is still that sky. Two large fireballs are hanging high and hot, and a huge steel city in the distance looks like a prehistoric monster. It stands directly in front of it and becomes a barrier of heaven and earth, serving as a burden to guard humanity.

The demon world here is actually similar to Dongyang Tiankeng. It's almost the same. Think about it. The demon world is originally a whole. Unless it is too far away, it won't change much.

Just after setting foot on this side of the land, Pei Junlin smelled the strong smell of blood and smoke in the air. For him who was very familiar with this breath, he immediately judged that the Xihua Tiankeng should have just experienced the battle. Not more than two hours.

Sure enough, at this time, Yan Nanzheng heard a low voice and explained: "Two hours ago, we humans had just carried a wave of attacks from the demons, and the damage was not slight. The strong are even more dead than seven! "

The shepherd looked dignifiedly: "Have you already begun to fall from the gods?"

The God of Powers represents the top combat power in the war. Unless the situation is really critical, the God of Powers will not fall easily!

Pei Junlin, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Jie Monk, Huangfu Phoenix, Leng Shuangshuang, and Baili Feiyan all frowned. It seemed that the situation was more severe than they thought. This time, Xihuatian The pit trip is bound to be a tough battle!

During the conversation between a group of people, they have entered the base of human beings. The name of this city is Xifeng City. The phoenix symbolizes the mythical beast Phoenix, which can be reborn by fire. The meaning of this city is self-evident.

A group of them walking in the city attracted the attention of many soldiers and warriors. Many people were surprised at the young appearance of Pei Junlin and his team, because they were really too young to fit into the warriors and soldiers in the Tiankeng world.

On the other hand, it was shocked by this horrific practice of strange young men and women, perhaps because of the stimulation of the speech of Yan Nan Zheng before. In addition to Pei Junlin, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Huangfu Fenghuang and other six people, If everyone walks, if there is no light that excites the golden body.

The unique golden color is difficult to be unnoticed, because it is the standard of the divine strong, nicknamed the symbol of the true god.

The six gods are strong, and they are all so young, and there is another young man who is unpredictable. This is absolutely a shocking force. As you go along, you will encounter soldiers or warriors ~ www ~ both cast awe and envy, and at the same time whispered, speculating where these powerful young men and women came from.

After all, the light of the golden body of the divine power is too shocking!

As everyone knows, all this fell into the eyes of some people, which greatly satisfied the vanity. Even the more aloof monks who were extravagant, they were full of sighs at this moment.

It turned out that after breaking through the Divine Power, I felt really great. This highly noticeable experience, although encountered in the congenital nine realm, has never been so strong.

"How is it?

During the walk, Xia Houping lowered his voice and winked at the four monks, Huangfu Fenghuang, Leng Shuangshuang, and Bai Lifeiyan.


The shepherd who was walking with Yannan Zheng in the front will not help but make a cough, and his face is slightly black. If you want to show it, you have to pay attention to the occasion. Is it true that the deputy Yan of the family is deaf?


At this moment, the shepherd **** would feel something, suddenly lifted a pair of deep eyes, and fell to the front position, I saw there, I do not know when, there have been surrounded by the black squadron, the number is hundreds.

In front of this group of people, there is a row of soldiers wearing neat military uniforms with blood on their bodies, waist-straight as a gun, and a firm face.

On their bodies, there is also a faint golden light emission, and the world is full of oppressive power!

This small team of only twelve people turned out to be nine people, all of whom were strong in the early days of the Divine Realm. The golden light was hidden and the edge was hidden. More importantly, they were not very old.

For a moment, this small team of military geniuses and Pei Junlin, a social-type genius warrior, faced each other far and wide and became the focus of attention of the audience!

Shura, the rebirth

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