Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 369: Jealous harvest

Now, the shepherd **** will say that he has touched the threshold of the peak of the divine realm, and it will not take long to break through the peak of the divine realm. How can this not be envied? !!

For a time in the entire team, everyone focused their eyes on the face of the shepherd, not to mention the envy. This is especially the strong in the late stage of the divine realm. Below that level, it is always difficult to experience the divine realm. How difficult is the peak breakthrough.

That ’s almost the practice of the golden body, and it has achieved the existence of the “true god”, which is comparable to the **** and Buddha. Except for the head, the whole body will have no shortcomings, even if the body is completely shattered, as long as the head exists, then You will never die, you can reshape your body.

"The shepherd will take the liberty to ask, have you brought back some of this life fluid? I am willing to spend a lot of money to buy some!"

Huang Fu said absolutely, this said the thoughts of almost everyone's heart. When the next pair of burning eyes gathered on the face of the pastor, full of expectations, many divine powers have expressed their willingness to spend a lot of money to buy life fluids. .

Money or something is actually not lacking for many of the divine powers present. What they lack is a treasure of heaven and earth similar to the spirit of life.

Staring at a pair of scorching eyes, there were still some proud pastoral generals on his face, and his look became embarrassed again: "That ... the situation was urgent at the time, plus I didn't have suitable storage vessels, Therefore, the life fluid is stored by Pei Junlin with that magical space ring! "

"I ... I didn't bring back any life fluids!"

Everyone brushed their eyes wide, followed by a sullen expression, apparently not very satisfied with the news, but then someone quickly turned their heads and turned their worries into joy: "So, this Did you really get the life fluid? "

The shepherd will not deny this, and nodded surely: "Of course! If the two of me and Pei Junlin were not for this life, there would be such a great danger! Even the ape city would not be like this. Crazy! "

"It's just that Pei Junlin hasn't returned yet. If you want this life fluid, I'm afraid we have to wait, and ..."

"And what?" Someone asked.

The shepherd would groan for a moment and then said, "In fact, this time, the spiritual fluid of life can be obtained, and Pei Junlin's credit is the greatest. At the beginning, there was news about the spiritual fluid of life. He discovered it, and the second place where the spiritual fluid was nurtured was also Pei Junlin. When it was found, it was also collected by Pei Junlin with a space ring when it was finally collected! "

"The power I'm showing here is actually not great, so whether you can get life fluids depends on Pei Junlin's personal wishes. I can't be the master!"

Everyone ...

Everyone suddenly feels a bit confused and can't figure out their thoughts. How to say it, it seems that a little guy who has just broken through the Divine Power is getting more and more credit. First, he killed the two demon powers. Today, a precious life fluid is obtained.

"Well, I haven't sorted out your detailed task process this time. Who will tell us all about it from beginning to end?" The master of delusion said with a touch of his bald head.

Everyone's eyes fell on the face of Mu Shen, who was waiting for his story.

Mu Shen will not be polite. When he was about to speak in detail, he suddenly felt something. He suddenly turned his head to look at the distant sky. At the same time, Cai Shen and other top powerful men also felt it and turned to look at the sky.

With a pair of scorching eyes, there are three golden lights in the sky that sometimes appear, sometimes disappear, and fluctuate like waves in the sea.

After just a dozen breaths, the three golden lights in the distance finally became brighter and brighter. After the distance was close, they were able to clearly perceive the breath of the three golden lights when they became a powerful divine power.

For a moment, the herdsmen, Nalan Yunkong, Xiahougong, Cai Shenjiang, and others all showed an unbelievable surprise.

"It's Pei Junlin, Na Lanhao, Xia Houping!"

"These three guys are back!"

"Haha, I knew that these three rabbits would be fine! It is the so-called scourge for thousands of years ..." Huangfu laughed.

The laughter didn't fall, and I suddenly felt the whole body chilling, and then I saw two pairs of cold eyes staring at him. Who else could there be besides Nalan Yunkong and Xia Hougong.

"Huangfu must, you are cursing us around, who do you say is a scourge?"

"My son ate your rice or drank your water. Why do you say he is a scourge ?!"

The two top powers in the later stage of Divine Realm were intensely hostile and stared at Huang Fu's absolutely cold face.

Huang Pujiang immediately changed his face and quickly apologized.

"Haha, what a great battle, are you all welcoming our triumphant return ?!"

In the sky, three golden figures were not coming, and the familiar laughter had taken the lead. As the sound fell, the three slender and different-looking youths had already flashed in front of everyone.

Different from the appearance of blood and blood when others returned, Pei Junlin, Xia Houping, and Na Lanhao were almost as if they had come back from travelling. Everyone's clothes were brand new, spotless, clean and tidy. Excessive.

In addition, each person's spirit is extremely incomparable, and his face is red. It really looks like he is returning from vacation and leisure. He is in sharp contrast with the members of the previous tricky team.

"You ... Which one of the richest demons you ransacked? This spirit is a little bit better?"

The monk could not help but open his mouth and looked at the glorious appearance of the three Pei Junlin, and then looked at them, even if they always like the clean Huangfu Phoenix, Lengshuangshuang, and Bailifeiyan. At this moment, his clothes were dirty, his face was dusty, and his skin was dry.

Xia Houping shook the shattered hair in front of his forehead and proudly said, "That's natural! In this period of time, the three of us brothers have really gone on a tour of the demon tribe, and eat the exquisite demon tribe everyday Incomparable meals, live in star-rated hotels, and there are female members of the demon tribe to play and sing to us, life is not too beautiful! "

"In addition, we also made many friends of the demons, who are very friendly to us. What kind of spirits, exercises and other things have given us a lot of generosity!" Nalanhao also answered.

"speak English!"

Nalan Yunkong and Xia Hougong couldn't hear the gibberish of the two **** boys first. You don't see what occasion is here.

"Dad, what expression do you have, as if we were bragging!"

As the words fell, Na Lanhao took off a bulging backpack on his back, and then untied it in front of everyone's face. Suddenly, a bright light caught everyone's eyes.

That is a large package of psionic crystals with amazing energy, and all of them are high-quality pristine crystals. Such a large package has at least five or six hundred pieces. It is definitely an amazing wealth, attracting many envious eyes.

"These Lingjings are those who respect us, they are really friendly to us!"

Nalanhao began to explain: "And not only that, but Pei Junlin's space ring also contains the real big goods we got this time, Boss, come! Take out our big goods and open up the eyes for the big guys!"

At this moment, Pei Junlin gave Nalanhao and Xia Huping two faces, and summoned the demon god's body directly from the space ring. At a moment, the sky was dark, and a huge **** ape corpse appeared as high as ten meters. Mid-air.

The breath that belongs to the demon **** strong, even if it is dead, is long-lasting. As soon as it appeared, it scared many people, and widened their eyes, even the calm Cai Shen will shrink his pupils. , Can not be channeled: "You actually brought back a demon **** body!"

Others were even stunned. They just felt that the worldview almost collapsed. When the demon **** is so worthless, they will be brought back by human beings casually.

The body of this demon god, as Na Lanhao said, is definitely a big commodity. The value is too precious to be worth two or three thousand high-quality spirits, and the whole body is treasure.

"Hey, how's it? The two of us didn't lie to you?"

Looking at the reactions of the people in front of them, Na Lanhao and Xia Houping were very satisfied, and Sao Bao seemed to be holding the huge and incomparable **** ape carcass.

Everyone really don't know what to say at this moment ~ ~ Although they can't get used to Na Lanhao and Xia Houping's appearance, they look at the puffy pill of the two, in addition The more precious corpse of the demon god, this harvest is even envious of three people, including herdsman, Nalanhao and Xia Houping.

Immediately followed by shame, it seems that apart from the shepherd, other people's harvest is really not as good as these two, really shameful!

The elders of Nalan Yunkong and Xiahougong were even more embarrassed and could not laugh or cry.

But soon, Na Lanhao and Xia Houping discovered that apart from the initial surprise and envy, the eyes of many strong men did not know when they were not paying attention to them, but fell on Pei Junlin who was always silent behind them.

The strange reaction of the crowd caused the confusion of Xia Houping and Na Lanhao, because the two of them have not shown enough. Is it that Pei Junlin has taken out his baby?

With deep doubts, the two turned their heads and found that Pei Junlin did not take out any baby in the space ring. This was a bit strange. There was no flower on this guy's face, and the charm was just average, except for a little handsome outer……


At this moment, the shepherd will finally say: "Everyone wants to see the life fluid you got this time!"

Pei Junlin raised an eyebrow. Before that, he was also puzzled. The emotional reason is here!

Suddenly, Pei Junlin erupted a strong vitality throughout the body, which is the unique breath of the life fluid, containing the magnificent vitality. Once these unique breath of life erupted, it instantly became the focus of the audience. Where.

Cai Shen burst into the light of her eyes and was pleasantly surprised: "It's the breath of life fluid! That's the unique breath of vitality, it's unforgettable!"

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