Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 367: I'm going to find them!

In this way, Pei Junlin, Na Lanhao, and Xia Houping were hidden in this demon town. During the day, they went in and out of various demon restaurants and various entertainment places. At night, they alternated in various living quarters. hostel.

Because these places are definitely one of the fastest channels for news flow. Although it is a small town with only tens of thousands of demons, in this special environment, the demons from outside come and go in the city. Endlessly, there are some strong people in the realm of demons and demons.

On the occasion of Pei Junlin and others, 'Great Secret Hidden in the City', a vigorous and violent action about besieging human warriors from the outside world became more and more intense.

From time to time, it was revealed where human traces were found, where fierce fighting took place, and there were news that human warriors were killed.

In the beginning, Pei Junlin, Na Lanhao, and Xia Houping still remained calm and enjoyed such a day. As time passed, more and more human warriors were heard by the demon tribe in various ways. The method was found. When the final brutal beheading, the three people's expressions became more and more gloomy. There was no initial joy and enjoyment, but they clenched their fists.

Among them, Xia Houping and Na Lanhao were the most emotionally ups and downs. After all, their father was in this action. Even if both of them were very confident in their father's strength, they couldn't help it.

The war is ruthless, and the strong is more powerful. The more ants can bite the elephant, let alone a powerful race like the demons!

All of them are sharp weapons of killing, not to mention the late stage of the divine realm, even the peak of the divine realm, can't stand such a growing consumption of terror.

Not to mention the army of demons, there are countless powerful men, the top figures of the extraordinary demons, even the demons of the pinnacle realm. Under the temptation of the magical treasures of life and spirit, no strong man will not be impressed.

When I heard the gossip discussion around the demons and another human warrior was beheaded and killed by the demons, Xia Houping couldn't help but slap on the table with a slap, and the whole body's breath violently fluctuated. Wouldn't it hide? "

As a result of emotional excitement, a qi of blood and blood belonging to humans was soon revealed. Thanks to the timely discovery of Pei Junlin, a powerful consciousness erupted immediately, and a powerful light of restraint was arranged around.

This time, Pei Junlin showed no mercy, slap it on Xia Houping's head, his face gloomy and cursed: "Asshole, if you want to die and trouble, don't involve us! Are you here your house, can you be angry, even It ’s your father who is really dead, and you must bear with me! ”

Na Lanhao, who was sitting beside him, was also angry at this time, and no longer helped Xia Houping to speak, but he was also gloomy, and scolded Xia Houping to control his emotions.

After all, everyone ’s brain circuits are different. Some of the things they can think of are really unexpected, and some people even think of them, but deny them, but choose other ways. Otherwise, the brains of everyone in this world If the circuit is the same, there will not be two extremes of the poor and the rich.

Awakened by the screams of Pei Junlin and Na Lanhao, Xia Houping finally controlled his emotions, but his face was still angry and he clenched his fists: "I ... am I uncomfortable!"

Pei Junlin scowled with a somber expression on his face: "Are you uncomfortable, are we all all iron men, without feelings ?!"

"We also don't want to let human warriors sacrifice, but the war is ruthless. Since it is a war, some people will surely die. This is an unavoidable fact!"

"What we can do now is to protect ourselves as much as possible. After we leave this ghost place in the future, we will revenge the sacrificed warriors and kill the demons!"

"Moreover, the most news we hear today is almost all the news of some innate powerhouses. So far, no news of the death of the powerhouse has been revealed. This should be a blessing in misfortune!"

The time passed again, and it was a few days later. In these days, the action of besieging human warriors was even more popular, and new battle reports were heard almost daily.

Finally, there was news on this day that a powerful human divine power was forced to explode. The bright golden light covered dozens of miles, and the mountains were reduced by several!

Once this news was revealed, it instantly shocked the entire demons, all the demons were jubilant up and down, clapping their hands and applauding. After hearing the news, Pei Junlin, Na Lanhao, and Xia Houping lived in the hotel. Then, the line of sight fell through the window to the far east sky.

Before that, they also faintly heard the horrible explosion. The sky was shining with golden light. The battle site should be seventy to eighty miles away from them. At that time, they had a bad hunch, but it did not happen.

This time, there is already a strong person in the divine realm beginning to fall!

Previously, when Pei Junlin and others beheaded the beasts of the demon-type demon gods, every beheaded one had a strong sense of satisfaction, but when the human divine power fell, they found that they could not accept it.

After all, a Divine Power is too precious, and it is a very precious resource for the country. Human beings are different from demons, and the earth lacks resources. It is really difficult to cultivate a Divine Power. The powerful gods are a great deal of damage.

Pei Junlin, Na Lanhao, and Xia Houping did not even dare to guess who the Divine Power was this time. This time, there are eight Divine Powers in the Spooky Squad. Any one of them is very close to each other. Familiar, so I dare not have any guess at all for a while, and over and over are all familiar faces.

Fortunately, in the next period of time, no worse news came. Human warriors seemed to turn into rice grains, hiding in the vast sea, leaving the monsters nowhere to be found.

This made the three of Pei Junlin breathe a long sigh of relief, and then, a few days later, there was finally exciting news.

A major event has occurred in the city of God Ape. Many of the monsters gathered in the city of God ape. It seems that it is because of the matter of life and fluids that they began to force the Lord of the City of Ape City.

After all, this time the loss of the **** ape city is really too great. Pei Junlin alone killed three demon gods, let alone other human powers. The total number of deaths of the demon gods should be There must be at least five.

What is the concept of the five demon **** powers, which is equivalent to almost half of the top combat power of the **** ape city, plus the spiritual crystal veins under the **** ape city have been blown up, the city has collapsed, and there are countless deaths and injuries. This is for other demons For the power, it is definitely a good news.

As mentioned earlier, the demon clan is not a piece of iron, but it also has internal fighting. In the area of ​​Dongyang Tiankeng, the five major demon powers, Hei Jincheng and God Ape City, belong to one faction, and the other three forces belong to one faction. The precious resources of life and fluids that all forces are envious of have long attracted red eyes and jealousy.

Now, the suffering of God Ape City is such a good time for the other three forces to attack, so the battle between the monsters has begun!

It is rumored that some strong men have found the spiritual crystals with the fluid of life in the ruined underground veins. The energy contained in them is very amazing, which is very helpful for cultivation.

As soon as the news was issued, the news of the besieging human warriors was overshadowed by the limelight. The great powers of the demon clan who were originally looking for human warriors turned around and went straight to the city of the apes.

After all, the human warrior seems to have disappeared out of thin air in the near future. I do n’t know how much time and energy is wasted, but the spiritual crystal veins and life fluid of the **** ape city are very real, and the temptation is huge.

For a time, the entire demon clan has shifted its focus to the direction of God Ape City, and more news has been revealed that the Lord of the God Ape City has already led his team to rush around the clock day and night and return to God Ape City, thus beginning to control the situation.

The unexpected appearance of such an accident is definitely good news for human warriors. Taking this opportunity, the human warriors hidden in various corners of the demon clan gradually emerged and began to return to human bases.

At this point, at the junction of humans and demons, there are already human beings in the divine realm, standing in the void, everyone is full of golden light, exuding magnificent horror, and the golden light shines in the circle. The place is unparalleled.

They turned into a lighthouse in the dark, pointing the way for the surviving spy squad, pulling the way!

Countless human powerhouses have uneasy expressions on their faces, looking forward with embarrassment, and embarrassed panic with embarrassment ~ ~ Many people are really afraid to never see that one again Familiar faces!

Finally, just at this moment, in the distant sky, there was a sudden loud noise, two bright colors of golden light and gray continued to collide in the air.

"Youkai, do you want to die?"

In the empty space, Cai Shen will be radiant with golden light, like a high god, powerful and domineering, and his eyes will burst into the sky: "If you want to fight, we can go directly to a full-scale war. Do you dare to take it now?"

As Cai Shen exploded the horror momentum, the gray demon distant in the distance was slightly stagnant, and then finally resigned unwillingly. Soon, a dazzling golden light appeared in the sky, and finally the human miracle power was successful. return!

"It is the shepherd!"

The sharp-eyed human strong person recognized the figure of Jin Guangzhong who shot from a glance, and shouted excitedly.

Soon Jinguang approached quickly, the shepherd **** appeared the **** figure in the eyes of everyone, and his eyes were exhausted.

He will be very happy to be able to return safely, but when he saw that there was no member of the tricky team in his team, he could not help but change his face: "No other members have returned ?!"

The smile on everyone's face disappeared slowly, nodding heavily.

The terror of terror erupted directly, and the shepherd **** broke out a strong golden light, and instantly turned and turned.

"Lao Mu, stop me!"

Cai Shen will be full of majestic voices, and let the Mu Shen directly stiffen the figure that is about to leave, his voice trembling, and a faint cry: "I'm going to find them!"

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