Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 352: Why not take the initiative?

It's not just Pei Junlin who has similar thoughts and thoughts. Xia Houping and Na Lanhao also blinked their eyes. In the end, Xia Houping expressed his thoughts very clearly.


In response to him, Xia Hougong's clear-cut back of his head, black face reprimanded his son, "You don't talk and everyone treats you dumb! Do you think you are a smart person here?"

Xia Houping covered his sore head and was aggrieved. His dad really didn't give him face, anyway, so many people, and he has already stepped into the divine power, how can he even fight ... ...

When everyone saw this situation, they all laughed heartlessly and Cai Shen followed with a bitter smile: "Where is such a simple thing, humans and demons are the enemy of life and death, where would humans be allowed to enter the demons? On the turf's territory! "

"There were also human strongmen who tried to sneak into the inner city of the demons in an attempt to detonate the underground crystal crystal veins, thereby blasting the demons' cities. But the blood of human warriors and the demons are really too different. Close to the monster city, you have already been found by the monster! "

"The final result is obvious. Not only do our strong humans fail to achieve our goals, but instead of being seriously injured, we have no direct bones ..."

Speaking of the past, Cai Shen regretted it, apparently remembering some of his former martyrs.

However, Pei Junlin flashed his gaze, sensitively grasping the key points, and his eyes burned and said, "Lingjing veins can detonate ?!"

Cai Shen will nod his head: "Of course! The reason Lingjing is Lingjing is because it contains abundant energy. Since it is energy, it must be detonated by appropriate methods ... Pei Junlin, you have to What are you doing? "

Cai Shen will be talking, suddenly waking up, eyes full of alert watching Pei Junlin, then he saw two pairs of bright eyes.

The two people next to Xia Houping and Na Lanhao were also full of excitement.

Cai Shen will be black directly, but he knows that the three guys in front of him do not have an Ansheng master, and for the first time entered the tiankeng world, a group of people dared to sneak into a heavy place like the Black Mist Cliff, resulting in tens of thousands Only the army of the demon clan siege, and even the demon **** strong was dispatched, almost did not let them scare to death.

After waiting for the war to calm down for a while, he was kind enough to fear that these young people could not bear the boredom of the tiankeng world, so he took a vacation. Who ever thought that these restless guys went directly to Italy!

Later, there was a friction with the famous Holy Emperor's Holy See, suppressing the Holy See of the Holy See, attracting the Cardinals to chase them, breaking into their medicine garden, and finally forced them to spend a huge price. Please move to the Supreme Only then can he be preserved.

Recalling the past, even a powerful such as Cai Shenjiang, the top of the state of the realm, is still cold all over the body, these **** have made some calamities in a short time, even he felt some pressure.

Now seeing the three people's eyes shining brightly, obviously thinking of some bad thoughts, can Cai Shen be alert?

"Cai Shenjiang, what kind of expression do you have, we are just pure curiosity, see if it scares you, do we alert you so much?" Pei Junlin reacted with dissatisfaction with Cai Shenjiang's expression.

Unexpectedly, this time without waiting for Cai Shen to speak, Mu Shen will have nodded one step ahead: "Yes! Your three mixed **** are definitely the most unstable factor in the entire Dongyang Tiankeng! Others, compared to you, really The difference is too far! "

"Not to mention that all three of you assaults have now broken through to the Divine Power. We are not alert to you. We are really afraid that one of the three of you will give away your life ..."

Pei Junlin ...

Xia Houping ...

Nalanhao ...

The three looked at each other, and they all saw a word of silence in each other's eyes. When did the three of them rise to such a status, it is really honorable!

Four monks, Huangfu Fenghuang, Leng Shuangshuang, and Bailifeiyan, standing not far away, saw the three eating crickets, and they all laughed and did not conceal their gloats.

After a brief episode, he returned to the topic. Although Cai Shen said in his mouth that he did not tell Pei Junlin how to detonate the Lingjing veins, he finally told everyone that it is actually very simple to detonate the Lingjing. You can use mental energy directly. !!

However, this method is actually very dangerous, because if you want to detonate the phantom, you must first detonate your own mental strength!

As the most special being of a warrior, spiritual force has always been a mysterious and mysterious thing. Nowadays, there are few systematic methods of spiritual force cultivation in the world. It requires the improvement of the warrior ’s strength, and no external force can be used.

Therefore, once the warrior releases his mental power to explode, it will also be a great trauma to the warrior. First, the mental power that is hard to accumulate will be reduced. Second, the backlash produced by the self-explosion of the mental power is not a casual warrior. Affordable.

Finally, detonating the Lingjing is very dangerous. Once a large-scale Lingjing explodes, the scene is no less than the strongest force explosion on the earth. Once the warrior is not well controlled, it is very likely that he will be involved in it, which is really dangerous and dangerous. .

The atmosphere in the entire chamber is full of dignity. Next, Cai Shen will begin to explain another powerful opponent of this war-God Ape City!

God Ape City is located in the Tiankeng area of ​​Dongyang and has the same name as Hei Jincheng. From the name, you know what kind of race it is. Yes, it is similar to the ape variant on the earth.

However, the power of the **** ape city is more difficult than the black gold city's golden rat and the black wind snake. This demon is not only born with amazing strength, but also good at speed, offense and defense, it is definitely a difficult opponent. one.

Nowadays, there is not much information about the ape city in humans. It is only known that there are at least ten monster **** powers in the **** ape city. The power of the monster realm is as high as twenty or thirty. In addition, There are nearly 100,000 monster soldiers in God Ape City. If God Ape City and Black Gold City are completely united, then the side of human overlord city is really completely dangerous!

A black gold city's demon clique puts pressure on the human side, let alone the two demon forces join forces ...

"Cai Shenjiang, I have also learned some war information in the Tiankeng world!"

Pei Junlin said: "According to my understanding, the Tiankeng War has been at least a hundred years old since it began, but as far as I know, we, the human side, are almost in a passive position!"

"How do you say? Except for the battle of the Supreme Strong, almost nine-tenths of the war on our part in this century has been dealt with passively. There are few active offensives. Why? Why can't we take the initiative ?! "

With the problem of Pei Junlin falling down, many strong men in the hall are full of face and dark clouds, and Cai Shen will sigh deeply: "Why did we humans never want to take the initiative to attack? Just ... oh!"

"Let's put it this way, the reason why our earth can still be so peaceful today and not be attacked by the demon tribe is actually the greatest credit for the supreme power!"

"Our overall strength is really a lot worse than the Demon Race. We are barely talking about attacking ..."

Pei Junlin frowned. Although he had already expected that the gap between human strength and the demon race is not small, but after Cai Shen will speak, Pei Junlin realized that the situation of humans is more difficult than expected.

However, today is different from the past, and human beings may not have the power to fight!

Pei Junlin's lacquered black eyes suddenly burst into sharp light, and immediately said: "Cai Shenjiang, in fact, although I think Xia Houping's proposal is not very reliable, if it is narrowed down, it is still feasible. The way! "

"Pei Junlin, you can make it clear!" Mu Shen said, raising his eyebrows.

Others also appeared to listen.

Pei Junlin said: "It's very simple! The reason why we humans couldn't sneak into the demon city before was because the breath was too easy to be distinguished by the demon family, but it is different today. Don't forget that I once transmitted The way to use that spiritual power! "

"That day, Xia Houping and Na Lanhao were able to sneak into the Black Mist Cliff. The biggest credit is the hidden atmosphere!"

"I feel that instead of us being passive every time, it is better to take the initiative to attack and change from passive to active!"

"Although there were very few strong men who practiced spiritually on that day, if they could be brought together to form a sharp knife, sneak into the heart of the enemy, and come to such a knife, the effect should be very strong! "


Absolutely quiet!

When Pei Junlin's words fell, everyone in the entire hall was shocked by this sudden move. Many military strong men even had a burning light in their eyes that was flashing. This kind of unprecedented excitement ~ ~ Even even the calm-looking Cai Shenjiang and Mu Shenjiang both trembled fiercely and clenched their fists.

It is really a word to wake up the dreamer. If Pei Junlin said this, they really ignored such an important link!


Thinking of excitement, the shepherd will slap the palm directly on the metal table, leaving a deep palm print, which scared everyone.

"Malgobi, I said a long time ago, Pei Junlin is a man who can be made, haha! Now it is fulfilled! Lao Cai, there is nothing to say, I agree with this method!"

The shepherd will look more excited than ever, because he is also one of those who practice the spiritual method of success. If he wants to make a surprise attack, he must be the leader!

"As long as we can infiltrate the ape city, and then try to mix it into the underground crystal veins of the **** ape city, and then the entire spirit crystal veins will be detonated, then the crisis brought by the war of the ape city will be minimized ! "

Cai Shen will also show his emotions and groan, "This method is feasible, but it is a matter of choice ..."

"General Cai Shen! The end general is willing to participate in this raid mission!"

"General Cai Shen! The General will also be willing to participate in this raid mission!"


"And I!"

The sound of scrambling sounded one after another, and the atmosphere in the originally quiet conference hall suddenly became more lively than ever ...

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