Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 334: Daguang Tomorrow Purification

Son of Aaron is injured!

This is absolutely an astonishing news. All the powerful people around the world who have witnessed this picture exclaim.

The power of the Son of Aaron is obvious to everyone. It is definitely a king figure in the young generation of the world today, but such a young king who was injured and bleeding, how much should Pei Junlin be strong?

At this moment, almost all the strong men around the world are holding their breath, staring at the pictures in the video, waiting for the final result to appear.

At this time, there was still silence beneath the manor. All the audience were wide-eyed and shocked. The bright knights, especially the Holy See, led by Louis, were even more incredible.

Their powerful Son was wounded, which is undoubtedly a great blow to them.

耶 "Yeah! Boss Pei is indeed Boss Boe, enough!"

Contrary to the Bright Knight, Xiahou Pingren on the other side, when he saw this, uttered an excited whisper and clenched his fists.

"So powerful swordsmanship!"

Xi Huangfu whispered in Phoenix: "Did you just look at Pei Junlin's powerful sword technique just now? So scary!"

Everyone nodded one after another, they naturally noticed that it was a kind of swordsmanship that even they felt a palpitation.

"How many secrets are there in this guy!"

Wu Lengshuangshuang whispered softly. It would be hard to imagine them if they were not killed. A young man emerging from the world would be so evil.

Even if they have excellent qualifications, they have to endure the strong physical strength. Now even the exercises have made them feel ashamed. Who is the true hidden family, who is passed down in the martial arts holy land?

"I always feel that this guy is very much like the reincarnation of some old monsters recorded in ancient books, or that this guy has received some kind of complete inheritance from the sky, otherwise, he cannot explain his power at all!" Analyze.

"Amitabha, everyone in the world has its own secret! We can't even control ourselves now, so we don't need to worry about others!" Jie Monk said.

Xu Xia Houping laughed: "That's it! I don't care what the old monster Pei is, the reincarnation, or get some sort of bad luck, as long as we are true friends, it doesn't matter!"

"Positive solution, I like one!"

Nalanhao said, "Well, your sister-in-law is still with you. If you talk about Boss so much, aren't you afraid that you will tell Boss quietly?"

Huang, who was also interested in the discussion, had three girls, Huangfuhuang, Lengshuangshuang, and Bailifeiyan, who looked stunned and looked embarrassed and laughed.

Wu Ziqiong smiled and said with a smile: "It's okay, you talk to you, just treat me as a transparent person! I didn't hear anything!"

At this time, a slight laughter suddenly heard from the sky above the manor, attracting a few people's attention, and they saw the sky standing, wearing armor, and bathed in the thick light of the Holy Son Aaron, watching the scarlet finger on his finger. Blood, chuckling out loud: "So powerful swordsmanship!"

"I didn't expect that one day my Son of Aaron would be hurt by someone of the same rank!"

虚 In the empty space opposite to him, Pei Junlin stood with a Qinghong sword, looking sorrow-free and unhappy, indifferent: "You haven't expected much!"

Maybe the Son of Aaron is really very powerful, but he is the arrogant among the same ranks, and there is no genius among all things, but how can he be compared with his grand warriors.

He is more qualified than qualifications, and he is the limit of innate nine qualities nowadays, not to mention Gongfa. He has mastered hundreds of magical skills and faculties of the Celestial Master, which is comparable to others.

"Haha, Pei Junlin, do you think you can beat me like this?"

圣 Sir Aaron chuckled softly. Unexpectedly, he didn't have any frustration after injury. Instead, he showed a different kind of glory. His voice didn't fall, and a sacred light suddenly emerged from behind Aaron Son.

"what is that?!"

At this moment, all the powerful people staring at the live broadcast all over the world exclaimed, one by one, their eyes widened.

Because in the live broadcast they suddenly saw that behind the Son of Aaron, in the divine light, a huge ghost gradually appeared.

虚 This phantom is tens of meters high, like a heavenly **** standing proudly in the heavens and the earth, exhaling a breath of breath that makes people feel terrifying and creepy.

His face was blurry, making it impossible to see the truth, but the most striking thing was that there were also a pair of virtual wings on the back of that huge need, which looked like Aaron magnified hundreds of times. Son.

At this moment, a lot of air-cooled sounds are sounding around the world.

到底 What the **** is that?

It's unprecedented!

Only some well-informed or older people of the Holy See, seeing this scene, exclaimed: "Angel incarnation, Daguang will make purification tomorrow ?!"

Many people on the Internet did not understand, and asked quickly. Some older generation characters explained that the so-called Daguang tomorrow cleansing technique, also referred to as angel purification, is one of the most powerful magical techniques of the Holy See.

It is rumored that this divine art can purify all things in the world and has all kinds of incredible magical powers, but the threshold of cultivation is very high. Even in the Holy See, few people can truly master the essence of this divine art.

However, even if they can't master the essence, many members of the Holy See can cast a few coats in the secular world, and use weak purification techniques to help many secular people to purify their hearts, get rid of suffering, and eventually develop into faithful believers.

This is why the Emperor Gang is the smallest country in the world, but it can become the center of faith for one-sixth of the world's population. From this, we can also see the terrible aspect of this angelic purification.

Now, the Son of Aaron even took out this Xeon Divine Art, everyone realized that Pei Junlin was in danger!

Qi Huaxia, Dongyang Tiankeng's base, has been paying attention to this live broadcast of the pastoral gods and the first six, at this moment his face has completely changed and became very dignified.

In the void, Pei Junlin stared at the huge angel figure up to 100 meters behind the son of Aaron. His expression also became very dignified, because he thought of a powerful race with the same name as the true dragon and phoenix in the thousands of worlds-- Angel tribe!

I really didn't expect that there would be angelic exercises on the earth today, or a very similar exercise.

To be honest, Pei Jun came across thousands of worlds and played against hundreds of people, but he didn't really have much intersection with this angel family, so he did n’t know too much about the skills of angels. Encountered on Earth!

He was staring at the same time, and at the same time his powerful consciousness was spreading over the world. Soon Pei Junlin was surprised again. He felt that there were countless dense forces of faith in the heavens and the earth, and he was condensing towards the huge and incomparable angel incarnation.

所谓 This so-called angel purification is actually a powerful cultivation method of faith. The more believers gather, the greater the power!

"Pei Junlin, now is the time for you and I to really see the true chapter!"

"If your chassis is just that, go for it!"

"Take me a trick and make the light cleanse tomorrow!"

At this time, the loud and huge voice of the Son of Aaron suddenly rang through the void, and then everyone saw the movement of the Son of Aaron. There was no so-called gorgeous and gorgeous move, and everyone only saw the Son of Aaron standing in the void Suddenly his hands were folded, his waist was slightly bent, and his back wings were slowly closed like arms.


With his movement, the huge and incomparable angel incarnation behind him also made the same movement, as if humbling and saluting to the world, the world is trembling at this moment, it seems that this angel cannot bear it Incarnation of the might.

At the same time, in the next second, countless people widened their eyes and yelled!

I saw the moment when the huge wings of the incarnation were gathered that day, a dazzling white beam, like a laser, suddenly shot straight at Pei Junlin's body, and even the camera couldn't keep up.

Then everyone saw Pei Junlin standing in the air directly hit by the horrible beam of light, knocked out, and pulled out a long white air wave along the way, fully backed hundreds of meters Only the distance stopped, and scarlet blood was faintly flying in the air.

The sound of uproar exploded, and the people below the Holy See and the O'Brien family were overjoyed, and many Western powerhouses also showed smiles on their faces ~ ~ This young man from China was finally injured!

He is not invincible!

On the side of Hua Xia Kingdom, Wang Ziqiong and Xia Hou Pingren changed their faces, clenched their fists, and showed anxiety.

快 "Look, Boss is moving!"

Nalanhao exclaimed, and surely everyone saw Pei Junlin flying upside down from the angel's cleansing technique that day, and a roar rang out in his throat, like a completely angry lion. In a terrible momentum.

"Are angels? Lao Tzu will interrupt his wings bluntly today, making him an angel!"

Buzz! !!

In the emptiness of the sky, the sound of sharp swords screamed suddenly. Pei Jun came to the sword with one man and stepped out of the speed. On his pale face, a pair of dark black eyes burst into a strong killing intention.

"Nine-layer mantra of swordsmanship!"

"Break the River !!!"

The unmatched sword light enveloped this side of the world, and the sky was flying like a million swords, and the look of the son of Aaron also became dignified. The sacrificial language of sacrifices, bent over again gently, wings gathered.

This time, the giant incarnation behind him is no longer purifying, but instead uses the huge wings to completely wrap the body of the Son of Aaron.

Huh! !! !!

Thousands of sparks were firing, and the dense shadow of the sword struck the wings of the incarnation that day, and the sound of the intersection of gold and iron made hundreds of swords in an instant. However, the horrible wings were not broken.

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