Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 327: Light Knight

At this moment, the atmosphere was restored to death in the **** manor, and everyone's eyes gathered on Lawrence's face, waiting for his answer.

With a pair of gazes, Lawrence's face was cloudy and he clenched his fists.

"Lawrence, even if we are dead, we must not let Belin come back!"

Suddenly, at this moment, William O'Brien, who was lying on the ground with blood on his face, climbed up from the ground, shouting with utter indignation.

Pei Junlin couldn't help squinting. In fact, he was very surprised by the result now. He couldn't figure out why these people of the O'Brien family are so far unwilling to hand over the **** of Belin.

Compared to the life of the whole family, even if Belian is no more qualified, isn't it?

Similar to this example, he used to be in the thousands of worlds and encountered too many, and 99% of people will betray others in the crisis of life and death.

Even some parents will betray their children, and their children will betray their own relatives. After all, everyone in this world is selfish, and in order to survive, everything can be done.

Is there some sort of secret that he didn't know? !!

Pei Junlin couldn't help showing his thoughts. His expression fell into the eyes of the O'Briens, but many people mistakenly believed that William's words completely angered this evil god, and some people started to resist!

"Grandpa, you are too selfish! Isn't it that only Belian is your grandson in this world, aren't we all your grandsons?" A young and vigorous youth stood up angrily and questioned loudly.

"That's it! Even if Belin is even more talented, what is the fate of the Holy Pope who burned the Emperor Gang? Is it because Belin's **** is more qualified than us, and you are ready to give us up ?!"

"It's not fair! We're not convinced!"

"You are too eccentric!"

Before Pei Junlin spoke, some of O'Brien's members could not bear William's ruthless favoritism, and several young children immediately began to refute.

Gradually, there were more and more retorts, and some elders joined in.

Whoever feels bad about the flesh falling off them, Belian is a human, and their children are also humans. As a parent, how can you watch your children be killed, and under the intentional favoritism of some people.

When Pei Junlin heard the angry screams, his heart was suddenly stunned, no wonder he felt strange, and the **** of the feeling Belin was even favored by the religious shrine in the burnt Emperor.

Before, Pei Junlin said that he didn't know the name of the Emperor Gang. It was completely deceiving. As a young king of the martial arts world in China, could Pei Junlin not know the forces around the world today.

Among them, the three words of burning Emperor Gang is definitely a very heavy one.

As a sacred place for the belief of one-sixth of the world's population, the Emperor Emperor has an inestimable reputation throughout the world, known as the "city of the prophets". The supreme figure of Emperor Emperor Pope is the **** in the minds of countless believers. There is omnipotence.

Nowadays, Belin O'Brien would be regarded by such a special religious holy place, which is definitely equivalent to some kind of antithesis during the practice. No wonder William and Lawrence are so protective!

But Pei Junlin quickly raised doubts in his heart. He had once cured Belin O'Brien, and of course he knew very well that this woman had never been exposed to any cultivation method, that is to say, the other party had not been treated before he took the treatment. That burned the emperor fancy.

And why is Belin now being seen by Emperor Emperor, is it possible that someone discovered Belin's extremely cold physique?

Pei Junlin thinks more and more that this possibility is the most. How do you say, Belian does have some special physique along the way of the practitioner, although it is not as evil as Wang Ziqiong ’s pure Yin body and Wang Ziyu ’s congenital poisonous body. But it has been quite rare in this secular world.

Once such a constitution is discovered, it will definitely be cultivated in the martial arts.

At the moment when all the thoughts in his mind were cleared, Pei Junlin was completely open and cheerful, and the sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Now that he can cure Belian's extremely cold illness and let his talent show completely, then he can easily destroy it, wait, Belian O'Brien, there is a moment for you to confess!

Pei Junlin sneered in his heart, suddenly, at this moment, he felt something, raised his face, and looked at the far north sky. Sword, sharp!

Pei Junlin's sudden change in momentum suddenly frightened everyone in the manor, one by one, and he was frightened. At this moment, the momentum of the outbreak on Pei Junlin was too strong. Can't breathe.


And at the moment when Pei Junlin's momentum changed greatly, I saw a distant northern sky. There was a sudden thunder, and the thunder sound seemed to be dozens of miles away at first. Without a moment of effort, it was getting closer. .

When the distance was close, many people were horrified to discover that there was thunder. It was clear that there were four or five figures running in the sky, and there were a pair of flashes of electric light on the back of these figures. The wings, striding forward, spurred the transformation of energy around the world, and the momentum was magnificent.

"It's the Holy Knight of the Holy See!"

Inside the manor, the old William also saw the abnormal shape in the sky at this moment, and immediately shouted in excitement.

"The Holy See sent us to support us!"

Lawrence was also excited, because long before Pei Junlin killed Phil and Ron by thunder, they had secretly contacted the Holy See with high technology.

The O'Brien family is one of the Mafia's thirteen families. It has a strong foundation. Recently, there are children in the family who are beloved by the Holy See. Now the O'Brien family is in danger. Naturally, the Emperor Gang will not sit idly by. Management.

And just in the sky when the five bright knights who burned the Emperor's Gang were in a powerful and magnificent imperial air flight, there were six idle men of three men and three women strolling on a certain street in the city of Frelosa.

Suddenly, the three men and three women who were originally laughing and joking raised their heads at the same time, and Xia Houping's eyes widened directly: "Look, look at the bird people ?!"

"Well, really a bird man with wings!"

Nalanhao's eyes widened and he looked strangely at the sky.

Others also stared at the light, staring at the sky, and told the monk to mumble to himself: "The bright knight who burned the Holy See?"

"Well, you know a lot about bald heads, how can you still know the origin of these birdmen?"

Huangfu Phoenix was surprised.

Monk monk straightened his face: "Female donor, little monk gives you two words-get out!"

Bai Lifeiyan directly covered her mouth and chuckled: "Monk, you are not good at math, is it a word?"

Leng Shuangshuang stared at the bright knights passing by in the void with great exquisite faces, and said happily, "I feel a strong sense of killing. These people seem to be doing something big, or we Follow up and see? "

With this remark, the eyes of all the people who had been playing around light up quickly, one by one.

"Leng Shuangshuang, I used to think that you were the fairy who didn't eat human fireworks, but now I find out that you are bad as well as bad!"

Xia Houping teased and said, "But I like it! Haha! Let's go anyway, let's keep up and watch the fun!"

A group of naturally restless masters immediately changed direction and quickly followed.

In the mansion of the O'Brien family, Pei Junlin was carrying his back with one hand, and looked calmly at several magnificent bright knights approaching in the distance. In his side, Prince Joan looked nervous.

Everything she heard today really opened her eyes wide. Whether it was Pei Junlin's attitude of ignoring life or the shame of the O'Brien family, she benefited a lot and truly experienced the cruelty of martial arts.

Nowadays, even the bright knights who have burned the Emperor Gang arrived, and Wang Ziqiong suddenly felt that the martial arts world that he had not liked before was actually so wonderful. The kind of excitement of life and death was more fun than business.

Suddenly she likes martial arts ...

boom! Boom boom! !!

As the prince Joan was thinking wildly, in the sky, those bright knights had brought the mighty world power ~ ~ from the sky, shaking the ground of the whole manor.

There are five bright knights, all of whom are wearing armor, wearing huge swords on their waists, and pedaling their special leather boots. They look so cold, their faces are like knives, like the palace warriors of Western ancient times.

At the same time, the breath on them is very special, that is, the unique breath that belongs to the holy place of religion.

The appearance of these five bright knights directly changed the atmosphere of the entire manor. The people on the O'Brien family were crying with joy and crying with excitement!

"Captain Louis, it was too timely for you to come and help me kill this bastard! He ... he is a devil who killed many of us, even Ron Swordsman was killed by him!"

Seeing the five bright knights, William O'Brien yelled directly in excitement.

Lawrence O'Brien also shouted in surprise: "Captain Louis!"

Captain Louis is a man with a sharp face, sharp eyes, and long chestnut hair. He has a strong aura. He held the hilt of a giant sword with one hand, and his sharp eyes slowly swept across the audience. When he saw the first level of Phil and Ron, beheaded by Pei Junlin, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Sir, please come with us to the Holy See and confess your sins!"

Louis spoke directly to Pei Junlin, using the Chinese language with a perfect tone. At first glance, the words were polite, but the content did not dare to compliment.

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