Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 312: Terrible gold swallowing beast

With such a peerless and easy posture, the three people who looked straight at it were envious. This is the long-lost royal swordsmanship. You do n’t have to take the initiative to control it. You can control the flying sword over a distance of dozens of meters!

As long as the flying sword is not bad, people will be fine!

This not only greatly reduces the danger, but also directly reduces the short board that a warrior can't attack from a long distance by countless times. This is definitely a powerful killing technique that everyone envied.


A roar full of fierce roar came from afar. The monster entangled by the flying sword was soaring, and the black fog rolled, shaking the entire underground passage. The faces of the three monks who were watching the war were all watching. changed.

Why did the monster's momentum suddenly become so strong? This at least doubled the combat effectiveness. Could it be that the monster just did not exert its full strength?

"Mad, come together! Kill this beast!"

Nalanhao roared, and the monster in front of him surpassed their expectations too much. At this moment, the monster showed a momentum that was comparable to that of Divine Power. Even if Pei Junlin ’s cultivation was not suppressed, it is probably difficult. Is the opponent.

Huh! Huh!

The wounded monk monk and Xia Houping endured severe pain and flew up. For a moment, the melee began, and four monsters and one monster were in full swing in the entire underground passage.

The consequence of such a high-level battle is that the entire underground passage is completely collapsed. Whenever there is a collapse, four people and one beast will be transferred to the battlefield, triggering the entire Black Mist Cliff earthquake and roaring.

Heiwu Cliff, the garrison of the demon tribe.

In a deepest grand hall, a burly man with a serpentine imprint on his brows was sitting cross-legged on the ground. His whole body was shrouded in a thick gray fog, and he concentrated on training.

These gray mists, under his control, constantly merged into a drop of crystal beads floating overhead, which was the most important destiny demon crystal of the demon tribe.

The demon crystal is the essence of the life of all the demon cultivators. The stronger the demon crystal at a moment, the stronger the demon's cultivation is.

And at this moment, this burly man with a serpentine mark on his eyebrow is the highest leader of this black mist cliff guarding the mountain.

Suddenly, at this moment, a slight earthquake felt from the ground, causing the wind demon to suddenly open his eyes. Instantly, the entire dim hall was bright.

"There is something wrong with the mining area!"

The wind demon **** flew up, appeared on the top of the hall, and looked back at the mountain. At this time, the sky had begun to lighten slightly, but the entire black mist cliff was still shrouded in a dark poisonous mist, and nothing could be seen at all.

"Damn, is that beast really a bully for my Black Wind Snake family, has eaten and drank in my mine for so many days, and now there is so much noise, does it want to demolish the entire mine?"

The wind demon **** was furious and immediately appeared in the sky. The majestic sound of the prison sounded throughout the city: "Come to a team of people, follow me to the mine!"


A pair of men and horses stood up in the city and ran towards the mine.

Almost a quarter of an hour later, the wind demon **** and his team were already standing at the entrance of the mining area, but the poisonous mist in front of them was like thick ink, let alone the situation inside, not even a few meters away.

Each demon clan looked at the strange black mist in front of his eyes, and his eyes were full of dread, as if there was something in them that made them extremely scary.

"The team was divided into groups of ten and entered the mining area. Give me a good look at what happened!"

The **** of wind demon ordered, never thinking that the voice would fall, and there was a huge shock coming from the ground, it felt like a collapse, and the ground where they stood shook a lot.

"Damn beast, it really is that you are making waves, don't think that you can do whatever you want in this so-called field forbidden ground, and this seat can destroy you by physical power alone!"

Feng Yaoshen scolded with a somber expression, and then flashed in, and rushed in directly. After he rushed in, the group of soldiers followed.

Underneath the mining area, at this moment, the battle has entered an extremely fierce level. Pei Junlin, Jiyong Monk, Nalanhao, and Xia Houping shot at the same time and besieged the mysterious and terrible monster.

You should know that with the strength of the four people at the moment, even if the three monks, monks, Nalanhao, and Xiahouping, because of the field's forbidden grounds, curbed all cultivation and kept only the physical strength, but the three people joined forces together, which is comparable. A congenital top nine player.

Not to mention Pei Junlin, the top powerhouse who has not been rehabilitated, but even so, the four people went all out to helpless the monster. The monster's leather armor is too hard. The real *, Difficult to break.

Not only that, of the four, except for Pei Junlin who was still intact, the other three were all blood at the moment, with multiple injuries on their bodies, all of which were due to the monster.

"Mad, what kind of monsters are they? This skin is too hard to break!"

Once again avoiding the sharp claws of the monster that was almost open-mouthed, Xiahou jumped angrily. This battle was the most humiliating one since he was so big. The opponent was like a hedgehog, leaving them out of reach. Start.

On the contrary, beware everywhere, otherwise one is not careful. Once caught by the monster's claws and barbs on the body, it will be the result of blood dripping.

Not far away, the faces of the monks and Nalanhao were also inscrutable, with their faces full of humiliation and unwillingness, as powerful as the monks of the monks, at this moment, the whole body was blood, and more was hurt.

"This monster's name is Gold Swallowing Beast. It is one of the most special creatures in this world. Congenital *, likes to devour all treasures with rich energy between heaven and earth! We should be glad to encounter a young Gold Swallowing Beast, otherwise, Adult gold swallowing beasts, now we are dead! "

Pei Junlin's voice came faintly, and he could hear the monks, Na Lanhao, and Xia Houping faint.

Swallow the golden beast, what a ghost thing, they have never heard of it!

Also, such a powerful one is just a gold swallowing beast at an early age. How powerful is that at an adult age ...

Three people dare not imagine it. How could there be such a alien in this world of pits, and it was so powerful!

Pei Junlin was also slightly sighing at this moment, showing a touch of regret and watching the angry gold swallowing beast in front of him. Originally, he thought about four people working together to wound the young gold swallowing beast and collect a little blood. The power of swallowing the golden beast was far more than he expected.

Swallowing gold beasts, that is one of the most special species between heaven and earth. The darling of heaven, this creature has an innate flesh from the very beginning *, and likes to devour all the precious treasures between heaven and earth. As long as it is energetic, it likes it .

Naturally, the whole body of the swallowing beast is a treasure, especially the blood, and a random drop is worthless and a real fetish.

Ever since Pei Junlin recognized that the gold swallowing beast was a young cub, he had a happy feeling and wanted to take a little wool to bring it back. This is more precious than the precious stones and other treasures of the world. !!

But unfortunately, the heavens did not meet the wishes of others. The power of swallowing the golden beast was beyond the expectations of Pei Junlin. Even a young cub is also a bit strange and powerful. It seems that tonight is destined to fail!

With infinite regret, Pei Junlin said, "Give me all the Lingjing in your backpack. The reason why the swallowing gold beast is so crazy is because you saw the Lingjing on your back!"

"This creature is notoriously stingy. If you continue to carry it, it will entangle you to the end!"

As soon as Pei Junlin's words fell, they immediately scared Xia Houping and the three of them jumped and quickly threw their backpacks to Pei Junlin. No wonder I always felt that this gold-stealing beast had extra care for them. The emotional reason is here. !!


Seeing that the backpack containing Lingjing flew to Pei Junlin, the gold swallowing beast immediately fell on Pei Junlin's body, revealing a fierce light, and immediately a pair of human **** eyes revealed a color of doubt.

It ... it suddenly didn't feel the breath of those spirit crystals!

"Hurry up, meet at the entrance to the Black Mist Cliff before we meet, I'll entangle this guy first!"

Pei Junlin quickly ordered that since the gold swallowing beasts had discovered them, this trip to the Black Mist Cliff had already ended in advance. If you don't leave quickly, ~ this beast can absolutely consume everyone. it's here.

As for the spiritual fruit you are looking for this time, you can only find another chance next time!

"Okay, Pei Junlin, be careful yourself!"

Monk monks, Na Lanhao, and Xia Houping were not the kind of procrastinators, and immediately turned around and left.

However, what was unexpected was that the three had not waited for a few steps. Suddenly, a roar containing endless anger passed directly from the top of the landmark to the ground: "Animals, you really ca n’t be bullied when I am a black gold city. So exciting! "

This angry roar was used in the standard demon language. As soon as the voice fell, everyone in Pei Junlin's face turned wild.

Broken, the demon **** strong guarded by Heiwuya came, they couldn't go!

You need to know that they are all in a personal form at the moment, and they are all sealed as a body. Where can they change their breath, plus the whole body is blood, the blood taste of human beings and the demon are definitely different. Once found, it's completely over!

"What the **** is going on now ?!"

Nalanhao scared some six gods without a master. A mysterious gold swallowing beast has made them miserable. Not to mention that there is now another demon **** strong who is a demon tribe. That is definitely a life of death!

Just when a few people were hesitant, the landmarks on the upper level of the channel that they saw began to collapse, the soil was flying over, and then an imposing figure with great momentum broke through the landmark and appeared in the underground channel.

It didn't seem that there was not only the existence of a gold swallowing beast in the underground passage. The wind demon **** was a little dazed for a while, but immediately when he saw the face of Pei Junlin and others and the unique smell of blood in the air, the face of the wind demon **** was direct. It changed: "Humans ?! Are you humans?"

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