Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 292: Strong exit!

"What the **** is Pei Junlin doing? Why didn't he enter the gravity chamber for half a month!"

"In the past half a month, all Tianjiao people have made rapid progress, and he has stepped on his own, and continues like this, but the rhythm of the accident!"

"Half a month ago, Pei Junlin was in the third position, but now she has fallen to the tenth position. Even in a few days, she will be squeezed by the strong players behind!"

In the past half a month, due to the country ’s extravagance, not only the young Tianjiao people made rapid progress, but the old strong also made rapid progress. Everyone is so fierce that it is really prosperous. The whole training site is permeated. A breath of martial arts.

However, Pei Junlin is an exception. For half a month, he has been hiding in the gravity chamber without knowing what to do. He not only missed the nourishing medicated diet with high energy, but also missed many references to martial arts. He built the car behind closed doors. After all, Achievements are limited!

"It's a pity that martial arts cultivation is like learning, especially at this critical moment, which is like the most important stage of the college entrance examination! Once a student delays for half a month, the loss will be extremely huge! "

"It will even affect my life, what a pity that such a good seed!"

Countless powerful men of the older generation are lamenting. Now is the time of martial arts employment, the invasion of the tiankeng, the crisis of the earth, and many people have abandoned the thoughts of some portals in the past. I wish everyone was a strong man.

It's really a shame that a good seed like Pei Junlin is so delayed.

At the time when the heroes were talking, a group of arrogant princes not far away also happened to gather together, quit the monks, Huangfu Phoenix, Leng Shuangshuang, Na Lanhao, Xia Houping, and Bai Lifeiyan were all there. There are other heavenly pride.

These heavenly pride from the martial arts sacred place and the hermit family are also staring at the last name, with a slight sense of complexity.

"Otherwise, let's go to the shepherd and let him call out Pei Junlin forcibly!" Leng Shuangshuang said.

"I agree. At this critical moment, it is not wise to build a car behind closed doors. We cannot afford to waste this time!" Xia Houping also said.

"Go, let's go directly to the pastoral **** now, we can't let him force out Pei Junlin forcibly!" Baili Feiyan also commented.

"I don't think we need to go to the shepherd!"

Just when everyone was emotional and preparing to find a pastor, suddenly a noise sounded, interrupting everyone's footsteps.

"Huangfu Phoenix, what do you mean ?!"

Leng Shuangshui stopped, and on that beautiful and beautiful face, there was a coldness and chill.

"Are you afraid that if you let Pei Jun come out, you will surpass your ranking and make your Huangfu family shame?"

"When is all this time, why do you still have this idea of ​​a portal battle!"

Huangfu Phoenix immediately raised her eyebrows upright. Although her appearance was not as clear and refined as Leng Shuangshuang, she also exuded a heroic and refreshing taste, belonging to that strong temperament, overlord level, and very hot.

"Leng Shuangshuang, how are you the Snow Maiden's maiden, haven't your elders at Snow Temple taught you basic politeness?"

"When did this lady say that she was afraid of Pei Junlin overtaking me ... No, it is Pei Junlin that he has never surpassed me, do you think I would be afraid of him ?! It is just ridiculous!"

"In addition, which of your eyes saw me thinking of a portal battle, you should tell me clearly!"

Leng Shuangshuang sneered: "What do you mean by what you said? Now that Pei Jun has pulled so much after Lindu pulls up, you don't let us look for herdsmen, isn't it what hides selfishness?"

Huangfu Phoenix stared completely, as if it was a real fire, and there were lightning sparks splashing on her body. At the same time, Leng Shuangshuang was not to be outdone, and a horrible momentum broke out all over her. The accumulated snow layer freezes directly into a thick layer of ice and clicks.

Seeing that the two celestial daughters are going to have real swords and guns, the others standing beside them finally dare not watch the excitement, and stepped forward to comfort them.

"Amitabha, two female donors, everyone is immediately a life and death comrade in the same battle camp. There is no need to mobilize for such a small thing!"

Quit the monk at this time, stepped forward, then turned to face the frost-faced cold frost and said, "Cold donor, I think you should have misunderstood the Huangfu donor, let's listen to her for now!"

Leng Shuangshuang uttered a cold hum, but it was not in words, and the Huangfu Phoenix also raised his chin with a cold face, with a proud look.

After a while, he still explained, "I didn't mean to stop everyone, but I don't think we need to go to the pastor."

"Think about what kind of power the shepherd will be, and what kind of movements can escape the eyes of the entire camp!"

"Especially for geniuses like Pei Junlin, I think the shepherd will pay more attention to it! Pei Junlin hasn't walked out of the gravity chamber for half a month. The shepherd will surely know that, so far she will not take any measures. Something, so we have absolutely no need to look for it. "

"Of course, all of what I said just now are my own thoughts. If you feel uneasy, you can go to the shepherd."

After listening to Huangfu Phoenix's explanation, everyone showed contemplation, and felt that Huangfu Phoenix had something to say.

"Huh, you also said that, it's just your speculation. If the shepherd will not know the situation of Pei Junlin? Don't forget that Pei Junlin is now in the gravity chamber. The situation in the gravity chamber is very special, even if it is a **** state. I am afraid that the mental strength of the strong cannot be detected! "

Leng Shuangshuang's tone was cold, and everyone immediately felt a bit of reason. Now you look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to do.

Boom! !!

Just as everyone was moving, suddenly, I felt a huge wave of force coming from my feet, shaking the landmark and rolling snow on the trees.

"What's going on? Is there an earthquake?"

Everyone on the snowy field was shocked. They ran out of the room one by one, their eyes turned to the southeast. The powerful earthquake just now came from there.

Boom! !! !!

When everyone was in doubt, a huge anti-seismic force came from the ground under their feet again, and its vibration range covered dozens of miles, even stronger and more violent than the first time, and it really appeared on the snowy field. Landmark crack.

"The location of the gravity chamber!"

"Come on, let's rush over and see!"

Bai Lifeiyan was shocked, her voice had not fallen, and she had turned into a lightweight Lingyan, with a light body, pulled out a long white line, and disappeared instantly.

The Baili family is best at speed.

The pair of long legs of Bailifeiyan is outstanding!

"Look at everyone, the shepherd will come out, and he will run to the gravity chamber!"

As everyone rushed to the gravity chamber, they saw an imposing figure in the sky passing by the crowd, and they took the lead in entering the underground gravity chamber.

When the monks, monks, imperial phoenixes, and Leng Shuangshuang rushed to the area of ​​the gravity chamber below the ground, they saw a lot of people gathered outside the room of the gravity chamber. Uncertain expression.

Boom! Boom! !!

The huge roar of thunderous sounds came from the inside of this gravity chamber. It seemed that there was a peerless beast that was tossing inside the gravity chamber, causing huge earthquake waves.

If the non-gravity chamber is made of the most special alloy material, I am afraid it would have burst!

"Well, isn't this the gravity chamber in which Pei Junlin is located? What kind of peerless martial art is this guy practicing, which can cause such a big shock!"

Xia Houping couldn't help but widen his eyes and was shocked.

"Doesn't this guy drill in the gravity chamber for half a month, it's just that he hasn't studied some powerful martial arts cheats, and now he is about to succeed?" Na Lanhao was also surprised.

There is a rare dignified color on the face of the monk who abstained from the monk: "I feel a powerful force of qi and blood, and the intensity of this qi and blood has been with me many times!"

Due to his dignified look, the monk monks called themselves "I", forgot the name of the Buddha, and forgot the words "Little Monk".

Huangfu Phoenix also has a pretty face and a dignified incomparable expression: "I have heard from family members that there are congenital Jiupin strong people who are good at horizontal practice in this world. They can lift up 100,000 kilograms of boulder with both hands. Now we, The power of the body is too far away from 100,000 kilos! "

"Amitabha, the little monk once heard the master in the temple say it!"

At this time, the monk had returned to peace, and chanted the sound of the Buddha and spoke.

"One hundred thousand pounds of strength? Mad, is this still human?"

Nalanhao also widened his eyes: "In our group ~ ~ Monk Monk has the strongest body, and now it can only withstand 50 times the gravity, which is almost equivalent to 50,000 jin. , Is already the strongest person, one hundred thousand pounds, that is hard to even think about ... "

In the current era of peace, fewer and fewer warriors pay attention to physical strength when practicing the method of horizontal training. After all, the training of the method of horizontal training is very hard, and it is extremely expensive, and the danger is very high. Bringing trauma to the body that is difficult to recover from, so the number of warriors who are proficient in the practice method is becoming scarce.

Unless there is a martial arts sacred place such as Luohan Temple, and people are proficient in practicing the law, the outside world is increasingly rare.

Even if someone has good physical strength, that's just the force of cultivation and it is necessary to increase their physical fitness. Otherwise, no one wants to eat that kind of inhuman suffering.

"The door opened and came out! People came out!"

As a group of young arrogants talked, a scream of exclamation came from afar, everyone raised their heads, and then they saw the door of the gravity chamber, which had been closed for half a month, slowly being opened. The whole body was stained with blood, and the young man was so cold.

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