Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 284: Hot Sun Tianjiao (Part 1)

In the extremely simple room, the voice of the shepherd will be like the thunder and lightning, and he will be severely dazed by Pei Junlin's heart.

This is not what Pei Junlin was afraid of or what he was afraid of, but that Pei Junlin really did not expect that in the martial art world today, there is such a shocking and secretive existence.

At the age of less than thirty, it has reached the innate five, six, and even nine. The characters are even geniuses in the thousands of worlds, and any one of them is valued by all parties. seedling.

When the last life was on the earth, Pei Junlin, who was only eighteen years old, practiced as a martial arts master. Because of his family's bad luck, he was reshaped by the exquisite master goddess and left the earth.

He thought that the lack of aura of the earth today is actually not very exciting, but he didn't expect that he was really wrong. The earth contains far more than his imagination.

If it was n’t for the alien invasion and Earth crisis, I do n’t know how long it will be concealed.

Pei Junlin sorted out the chaotic thoughts in his head. Shao Qing, deep in his pair of black eyes, bloomed two substantive rays of light, which was a kind of intense excitement resulting from meeting the strongest opponent.

Pei Junlin thought that in the younger generation, he had already been lonely and defeated, so he could only fight with those 'old bacon'. I did not expect that God suddenly gave him such a big surprise, really I am not alone!

"Pastor, where are those Tianjiao now?"

Pei Junlin asked, not concealing the intense excitement and intense warfare in his eyes.

The shepherd will seem very satisfied with Pei Junlin's response. He said with a smile: "They should all be on their way!"

Then the words fell down and said with great interest: "Pei Junlin, as far as I know, you have never failed once from the rise to the present, aren't you afraid of failure? Those people are not the people you met before!"

Pei Junlin heard his mouth tilted upwards: "Afraid? I never had the word in the dictionary of Pei Junlin's life! No matter who he is, Tianjiao, Hidden Family, or martial arts holy land, as long as it is the same level, there is only I'm crushed! "

Aside, Yan Qingshan, who had been listening quietly, was frightened by Pei Junlin's arrogant and arrogant gesture: "Sure, Pei Junlin has such a strong self-confidence that I dare not say that I have such a grasp. You are arrogant One, does this not mean that you are stronger than me? "

Pei Junlin squinted and said indifferently, "Do you always think that you are better than me?"

Yan Qingshan was furious: "Fuck, Pei Junlin, I remember your words. If it is not too special today, I will definitely let you know why the flowers are so red!"

Both are innate Jiu Pin, Yan Qingshan is also a top-notch character in the same stage. The strong have strong pride and arrogance, and they are rarely convinced in the same stage. Moreover, Yan Qing Shan has accumulated in the realm of Innate Jiu Pin. For many years, he did not believe that Pei Junlin's heritage could be stronger than him.

"Well, you two don't have to fight!"

The shepherd will interrupt the two who are fighting each other: "Heavy guests are here!"

As soon as the words fell, Pei Junlin and Yan Qingshan had already noticed, and their eyes turned to the horizon outside the window at the same time. There, at this moment, a cluster of golden light spots was approaching quickly. After only a few breathing times, those golden light spots were completely clear. Be clear.

That is a group of strong men who are walking in the air. The number is about seven or eight. The reason is that they are the first person to emit golden light. The whole body is entangled with golden light to cover the entire audience. The golden golden cane and the bright head are so bright.

"The Arhat Temple is the Holy Land of Western Regions."

Seeing that magnificent, dazzling bald head, everyone's minds emerged at the same time.

Today there are two holy shrines in Huaxia National Martial Arts, one is Snow Temple, and the other is this Luohan Temple!

Snow Shrine is located in the extreme north and Luohan Temple is located in the extreme west. The two martial arts sacred places meet for thousands of miles, but they are very famous. They are the holy places in the minds of all martial arts people.

It is rumored that in this Luohan Temple there are hidden magical skills of the Eighteenth Buddhist School. If one learns one, they can dominate the world and dominate one side. Every year, people who go to the Western Regions to seek the way do not know how many.

"It's so strong, the leader is actually a powerful god!"

Pei Junlin whispered. There were nine monks in Luohan Temple this time. Except for the leader of the divine power, the remaining eight monks were all young monks, all the same, and the oldest was not over thirty. The youngest monk was almost sixteen or seven years old, but that cultivation has reached the level of congenital third grade.

A young monk with the strongest strength, repaired to achieve the innate eight grades, with a tiger-backed back and majestic appearance, stood there like a Buddhist guardian in the legend of the Buddhist family, which made people feel terrified.

The remaining young strong men of Luohan Temple are also treasures *. Some people have broken ring knives in their hands, some have the magic pestle on their shoulders, and others have Qimei sticks and other weapons in their hands. As soon as the lineup landed, it became the most noticeable moment. Where it is.

All the strong men standing on the snowy field cast awe in their awe, and some of them simply folded their hands and politely.

This is the powerful heritage of the sacred martial arts holy land, just the strong of the younger generation, enough to crush nine out of ten forces in this world!

Not to mention that there is still a terrible divine power in Luohan Temple. No one knows how many strong people are in Luohan Temple. According to rumors, there are already strong powers in Divine level to support the Tiankeng war.

When the monks at Luohan Temple fell from the void, the shepherd will have already stepped out of the room and ushered up, Yan Qingshan followed, and Pei Junlin followed suit.

"Amitabha, I didn't expect this time to be led by the arrogant master! Hard work!"

The shepherd will salute the old monk leading the team.

The master of arrogance crossed his hands: "Amitabha, the country is in trouble, the husband is responsible! The shepherd is polite!"

The shepherd will look at a group of young monks in front of him and smile. "It seems that Luohan Temple is preparing to use the battle of Tiankeng as a trial site ... Well? How do I feel that there is one person missing? Guisi What about the famous monks who abstain?

The embarrassing master's original Bao Xiang * 's face slightly embarrassed: "Stop him ... something is delayed, and I will come by myself later."

The shepherd shook his head in regret: "It is rumored that the monk was a rare cultivating genius in Luohan Temple for a century. Now it is only twenty or three years old. The magic of family magic, originally I was ready to meet the famous monk who abstained from Luohan Temple. Now it seems destined to be disappointed! "

When speaking, the glance of the shepherd God deliberately or unintentionally glanced at Pei Junlin who stood silently behind him, meaning inexplicable.

"Master, we at Luohan Temple are full of talents, and abstaining from abstinence will not disappoint you! Would you like our teacher and brother to point out this donor? I am willing to fight for the abolition first!"

Just as Mu Mu's words just dropped, the innate eight-pin young monk with a majestic face standing at the forefront of the team had already taken the first step. His voice was thunderous, and his eyes fell provocatively to Pei Junlin. His face was eager to try.

Although the glance of Mu Shenshen was vague just now, there was a weak person there, and his observation was terrifying. Someone immediately noticed Pei Junlin's existence.

Behind the provocation by the eight-pin monk behind him, Pei Junlin's expression remained unchanged, his eyes, nose, nose, and heart stood still, motionless.

"Well, that donor, how dare you come up and learn?"

Seeing Pei Junlin's unmoved appearance, the eight-pink monk couldn't help but stare, and suddenly, a horrible and fierce atmosphere came to his face, as if it was really a Buddhist monk's body protection There was even a faint dragon groan coming from the body.

In this scene, the faces of the men and women around him suddenly changed greatly, and some even exclaimed: "Demon magic protector!"

One of the eighteen magical powers of Luohan Temple, the magic power of magic is one of the eighteen magical powers of Luohan Temple. It is a powerful nemesis of all the ghosts in the world.

"Quit anger, step back!"

The master of arrogance issued a chirp, which seemed to be quite a headache. The Buddhists paid attention to innocence ~ ~, but there were several children in this session who did the opposite, one more than the other Difficult to discipline, among them abstinence and anger, are the most special.

Maybe these two highly qualified mess are a mess, but the top of Luohan Temple has a headache!

Hearing the scolding of the master of delusion, Quit anger with an unwilling resignation, but unexpectedly, at this moment, Pei Junlin suddenly said: "I do not bully the weaker than me, Luohan Temple really Want to learn from each other, let's talk about that monk who is stubborn! "

"Well, boy, what did you say?"

The monk, who had already retreated, was so angry that he even forgot to shout the word `` donor '', and directly called Pei Junlin as `` kid '', and the bead on his neck crackled.

Everyone ...

The corners of Mu Mu's mouth were slightly drawn, and suddenly he felt something, raised his head to look at the sky facing north, and said softly, "Here is my old friend again!"

The arrogant master nodded, his eyes also looked at the northern sky.

In the sky, the sun is shining brightly, but suddenly a big feather snowflake floats, and the sky and the ground are white, making people's vision blurred and it is difficult to see everything in the distance.

A piercing cold suddenly emerged in this heaven and earth, everyone felt the sudden drop in temperature around them, and a thick layer of frost quickly formed on the trees on both sides.

And just in this unusual weather, in the far north sky, there suddenly appeared a group of troops walking in the air, all in white clothes, and even the cloak and hat on the back were white.

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