Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 245: Wang Ziyu's choice!

Tonight's magic capital, the sky is extraordinarily dark, and the five fingers are out of reach. The sky and the earth are filled with a depressing atmosphere, and a storm may be a sign at any time.

However, it still can't stop people's lives. Standing on a skyscraper more than 300 meters high, you can see more than half of the magic. The bright scene and the bustling scenes of the bustling scenes indicate the prosperity of Huaxia and the prosperity of Guotai Min'an. !!

But for Pei Junlin this night, it was worse than ever. His mood was like the night sky with no fingers, his heart was somber, and his whole body exuded a terrible breath.

call out!

The blood-red, blood-shaking yin and yang chased the stars with a long tail, quickly disappeared into the sky with Pei Junlin's powerful thoughts, and turned into a small satellite that does not belong to this world. It can cover a land of 10,000 meters, as long as Wang Ziyu The protective device worn between the necks will be felt by Pei Junlin within ten thousand meters.

At the same time, Pei Junlin's figure also turned into a meteor soaring into the sky, crossing the top of skyscrapers quickly.


"still none!"

"I can't feel any breath!"

Time passed minute by minute, Pei Junlin's body was taught on the top of skyscrapers, and his whole body was shrouded in a layer of shock.

In a short period of half an hour, he had searched about half of the little demon, but he didn't feel the breath of any protector.

This is definitely not good news for him. After all, the longer the delay, the more dangerous the Wang Ziyu ’s risk factor is, and it is even possible that Wang Ziyu has been taken away from the magic city by the instigator of the Yin Shazong at this moment. Travel to unpredictable corners of the world.

By that time, it would be a haystack, nowhere to be found!

And just when Pei Junlin was so arrogant and full of breath, and his thoughts shrouded a 10,000-meter-long land, the extremely developed Shencheng Magic City below, and the most densely populated metropolis, countless powerful dragons and crouching tigers were shocked. Powerful thoughts rise into the sky,

Just now, each of them felt a terrible divine thought sweeping the whole world. Under this terrible divine thought, each of them seemed to be frankly exposed to an unfathomable eye. Inside, there is no secret at all.

This is undoubtedly a blockbuster *, plunged into the calm lake water, and countless powerful people hidden in this cosmopolitan city have been shocked, one by one looking uncertain, who do not know who the great **** is crossing.

It is really that Pei Junlin's thoughts are too powerful, just like a hurricane over the ground, imposing and imposing, but every strong person he has glanced at is scared and trembling, his body is cold.

When was the Shencheng Demon still residing in such a world-strength powerhouse, these arrogant divine thoughts, I am afraid that there is only the legendary powerhouse in the realm of magic?

For a time, countless strong men who originally had bad intentions completely put away their thoughts. The devil has such a peerless strong man who hides in the town, and who dares to pluck hair on the tiger's head? This is a dead end!

This scene also fell into Pei Junlin's powerful divine thoughts. Although he was surprised at the hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this metropolis, he felt that there were no less than twenty instincts, among which were some extraordinary innate qualities. , Top five, or even top six.

But at this time Pei Junlin didn't care about all this. At this moment, all his minds were looking for Wang Ziyu. There was only one thought in his mind, that Wang Ziyu must not have any accidents!


Pei Junlin's figure turned into a flash of lightning, continued to cross skyscrapers, and finally stood at the top of the Modu Center building. It is said to be the tallest building in Asia, 632 meters high, second only to Dubai Khalifa tower.

Standing here, you can completely see the night view of the entire magic city. A magnificent and magnificent scene of the prosperous totem is prosperous. The vehicle below is like an ant, and pedestrians can't even see it clearly.

Suddenly, the ringtone of the mobile phone rang, and Pei Junlin took out the mobile phone and found that the caller ID was princely Qiong Qiong. He couldn't help but take a deep breath, tried to control his inner emotions, and connected the phone.

"Hey, Junlin, hasn't Ziyu found yet?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Wang Ziqiong's anxious voice was heard. There was even a trace of crying in the voice, which could make such a strong woman like Wang Ziqiong, showing the pain and anxiety in her heart.

Pei Junlin tried to control her emotions as much as possible, and comforted Wang Ziqiong not to worry. He had launched all his strengths and searched all. He would tell her whenever there was news.

At this moment, another phone prompt came in, and Pei Junlin comforted Wang Qiong a few words, hung up the phone, and then called Li Chaoran.

"Hey, boss, where are you now?"

Pei Junlin answered, "I'm on the top floor of the Modu Center Building, and I'm searching for Ziyu's whereabouts. What's the situation on your side?"

Li Chaoran sighed: "There is no progress for the time being, boss! I have a bad hunch, sister Ziyu may have been taken away from the magic capital by the miscellaneous yin miscellaneous!"

"Let's not ignore the shabby of the Yin Shazong, but a powerful congenital power. The congenital power wants to leave a city, even if there is a Tian Luo Di network, it is not difficult!"

"And the methods of the innate strong are weird and unpredictable. It is very easy to change your appearance or cover up your breath!"

Pei Junlin was silent. He never knew this, but he was always holding a fluke in his heart. As long as there was a glimmer of hope, he could not give up, and he could never give up!

After hanging up the phone, Pei Junlin pulled up again and began to search in a wide range.

Time passed again every minute and minute. After almost an hour, Pei Junlin was alone and thoroughly searched the entire demon. He did not feel the fluctuation of the slightest protection device, which made the evil spirit in his heart accumulate an unprecedented Degree.

If the Yinshi of the Yinshazong is in front of him now, he will definitely make the other party regret coming to this world, let him feel what is the true fury of Shura!

At this time, the ringtone of Pei Junlin's cell phone rang again. When he pulled out the phone, he found that Wang Ziqiong had called it, and quickly picked it up.

"Jinglin, come back soon, Ziyu ... Ziyu has sent a message!"

what? !!

Pei Junlin's eyes suddenly widened, and then quickly recalled Xuesha Yin and Yang to hunt down the stars, Feng Chidian stopped the air, and hurried to the direction of the hotel.

He is now in the westernmost part of the magic city, while the hotel where Wang Ziqiong lives is on the east side. The distance between the two is almost half of the boundary of the magic city, but Pei Junlin spent less than half. I hurried back to the hotel in an hour.

Counting the intensity of the more than two hours before walking in the air, Pei Junlin walked in the air for at least two and a half hours. Such high speed consumption is also fortunate to be his practice, otherwise, the ordinary innate strength Unbearable at all.


Pei Junlin rushed out of the hotel room at the fastest speed. At a glance, he saw Prince Qiong sitting on the sofa and holding his hands in a daze.

There was no expectation of joy. On the contrary, Pei Junlin saw on Wang Qingqiong's peerless face, teardrops, like pearls falling off the thread, and rolled down along the smooth cheeks.

Hearing the sound, Wang Ziqiong raised his face, exposing a pair of red and swollen eyes, and said hoarsely, "Junlin, Ziyu ... Ziyu is gone!"

Pei Junlin approached quickly, reached out and hugged Wang Ziqiong's boneless body, and then turned on Wang Ziqiong's mobile phone. As far as he could see, it was a message from a strange number.

"Sister, I'm gone!"

"Tell your brother-in-law so he doesn't have to work hard to find me!"

"This is my own decision, and it has nothing to do with everyone! Because I am young and I don't want to die, so I can only do this, please forgive me for saying goodbye!"

"I suffer from congenital poison, and I ca n’t help even a powerful figure like my brother-in-law. In the end, I can only choose to follow the insidious yin sect, because this is my only hope for survival, and you do n’t want me to die. Right?"

"Don't worry, this time my departure is not farewell. As long as I don't die this time, we will have another day to meet in Japan!"

"Sister! Brother-in-law! Please do n’t tell my parents about my congenital poison. I just said that I was just being watched by a strong sectarian power, so I was concealed by the apprentice, and I would go home in a few years. Let their second old man not worry! "

"Well, there are thousands of words, there is always an end, and I will not say more than that, please bless me!"

"Your cutest and smartest sister, Ziyu!"

Fancy a few farewell words on the phone, Pei Junlin held the palm of the phone trembling, although Wang Ziyu has tried to describe his tone as free and natural as possible, but as long as not an idiot can imagine, at this moment Wang Ziyu, a girl in her twenties, is so helpless and awful!

If there is a glimmer of hope, Wang Ziyu will not be desperate, and choose to follow Yin Shazong Yin to make such a completely unknown person go!

That is simply not taking his life seriously, that is, a person who is about to drown, and seized the last straw in life.

Guilt and anxiety occupied Pei Junlin's heart, and kept saying to Wang Ziqiong that he was incapable of protecting Wang Ziyu!

Wang Ziqiong shook his head: "No! Junlin, this has nothing to do with you at all. Tzuyu's congenital poison is something we all did not expect. After all, there are always such things in this world, which are human. Unsolvable! "

"It's like a normal person being suddenly checked out of a terminal illness, which is something that no one wants to see, right?"

When Pei Junlin was caught in a feeling of guilt and anxiety, the prince Qiong, who had been crying, wiped the tears on his face, and his emotions recovered a lot. On that beautiful face, a renewed strength ~ www ~ And, Tzuyu may not be a disaster this time! "

"Don't you say that Ziyu's congenital poisonous body is the most suitable for practicing the world's poisoning power, and the reason why the Yin Shazong took Ziyu this time must be fancy for her innateness. Poison. "

Pei Junlin raised his head, a smile on his originally sad face, grinning, "Yeah! I'm too pessimistic! Tzu Yu, who has a rare congenital poison, seems to be in great trouble this time, but not necessarily It's not an unprecedented feat! "

"We should look forward to Ziyu's return!"

Wang Ziqiong nodded slightly, hugged Pei Junlin's body tightly, and said firmly, "I believe Ziyu will return in peace!"

The prince Qiong, who was looking forward, did not notice the anxiety deep in Pei Junlin's eyes.

Yin Shazong is the head of the Chinese cult in thousands of years. The entire Zongmen acted extreme, ruthless, and cunning and insidious. Even if Wang Ziyu really returned from the disaster, then it is still a cheerful and lively wave, bright eyes Girl?

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