Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 243: Yin Shazong? Yin Shi

The five grandfathers who were driven out of the private room by Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran could only wait one by one in the corridor like ants on a hot pot.

Time elapsed minute by minute. Almost every one or two minutes, the phone call of the group of five grandpas was ringing. Almost all of them called and asked anxiously.

After all, this time the Donghua Group's losses were too great. In just half an afternoon, two nightclubs and three bars were seized, and there was also an underground casino.

In addition, because the bank account was also frozen, the funds inside could not be taken out, and the entire group almost collapsed and became a mess.

The grandfather Hua and others in the corridor were almost hung up, and they wanted to break into the private room without the courage.

Finally, it was not until eight o'clock in the evening that the door of the private room was opened from the inside. Li Chaoran was full, touching his stomach, waiting indifferently to the outside for more than two hours. Grandpa Hua and others said quietly, "Come in!"

The uneasy Hua Wuye just walked into the private room with gratitude. Every elementary school student who made a mistake and saw the teacher didn't even dare to look directly at the indifferent face of the first Pei Junlin.

Although they still do not know where the sacredness of Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran is, it is definitely the existence that they need to look up to if they can call the entire Modu industry, commerce, tax, health, environmental protection and other departments at the same time.

"Is Hua Wuye right ?!"

In this depressive atmosphere full of panic and hair, Pei Junlin's voice sounded lightly.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! The villain is Huatai, Wu Ye is just called by some people with short eyes below!"

Hua Wuye was frightened, and how dare he call himself Wuye in the presence of the mysterious and mysterious Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran.

"Do you know why we are looking for you?"

Pei Junlin ignored Wu Hua's humility and asked.

Hua Wuye quickly shook his head: "I do not know the villain, but also hope that the two gentlemen will make it clear!"

This sentence is true. The business involved in the Donghua Group does not know how many people are offended every day, and there are many enemies. Who can know the relatives or friends of which big brother unintentionally offended? It did happen, but it has never been more serious this time.

"Damn, a bunch of scumbags, I think you have done too many wicked things, which led to too many enemies. I don't know what we are!" Li Chaoran sneered.

The words suddenly scared Hua Wuye and others, almost kneeling on the ground. If these two mysterious young men really wanted to punish their Donghua gang, they would really be in danger.

"I ask you, a week ago, at No. 7 on the Bund, did you drink there?" Pei Junlin asked.

Grandpa Hua revealed his thoughts, then nodded quickly.

"Who was drinking with you then?" Pei Junlin asked again, eyes fixed on Hua Wuye and others.

He can clearly see that, when the words fell, the fifth eye of Hua Ye clearly showed a strong alert light, and seemed to be very sensitive to the identity of the drinker.

There is drama!

As soon as Pei Junlin's eyes lighted up, he was really worried that the people in front of him didn't know the identity of the mysterious person. It seems that he should still have some understanding.

"Just ... just some people in our group, that night we were together ... ah!"

The painful screams suddenly sounded, but before the fifth master of Hua Hua had finished speaking, Pei Junlin suddenly issued a cold hum, showing a touch of disappointment, and waved his hand, the whole figure of the fifth master of Wu standing in the opposite sky flew up. , Hit **** the wall in the distance.


This smashing force was heavy, and the directly hurt Hua Wuye twitched all over his body, and a flutter of blood flew up from his throat, full of fishy sweet taste.

"Hua Wuye, my patience is very limited. You better answer honestly. The next time you make trouble, the punishment will not be so simple!"

Pei Junlin's voice, like the sound of Shura from Abi Hell, was full of coldness and forest coldness.

"Tell me, who is the man whose body is full of wickedness and extremely cold breath with you that night?"


It seemed that Tian Lei was in his head. The last sentence of Pei Junlin completely made Fang Huawu look terrified. It seemed completely unexpected that Pei Junlin had already investigated all this.

"Sir! It's not that I don't say it! It's that I will die if I say it!"

Suddenly, Hua Wuye knelt on the ground and wept loudly.

This scene made Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran show surprise at the same time. Rao is based on the insights of the two, and did not expect such a scene.

"You all go out and guard me, no one is allowed to approach!"

Lord Wu made a stern order to a few of his men. After hearing the words, the men quickly walked out, and soon there were three people left in the private room.

With the eyes of Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran scrutinizing, Wu Wuye, who was kneeling on the ground, yanked open his chest shirt with his hands, exposing a wolf head tattoo on his chest. This tattoo was very realistic and lifelike.

However, Pei Junlin's gaze was condensed, and his mind quickly excited, covering Hua Wuye's whole body instantly, and then he had not waited for Hua Wuye to speak. Pei Junlin already looked coldly: "Poison? Good domineering toxin!"

Hua Wuye widened his eyes and looked at Pei Junlin with incredible eyes. This is the first time someone has judged that a person has a strong toxin in his body.

Right now, looking at Pei Junlin changed again, full of awe.

"This gentleman has good eyesight. My body is indeed poisoned, but it is not in myself, but intentionally poisoned."

Li Chaoran's eyes flashed: "Is the poisoned man the same cold man who drank with you at the No. 7 Bund a week ago?"

Hua Wuye nodded and said, "Yes!"

Pei Junlin said coldly, "How can you, a small Donghua Group, provoke such a top powerhouse?"

A week ago, Pei Junlin was in the bar and looked at the mysterious strongman. At that time, the person brought him a sense of oppression, and there was a faint sense of danger. It should be repaired as It is comparable to his fanfare, almost at the level of congenital Wupin and Liupin.

At that time, although Pei Junlin had some curiosity, he didn't care about it. After all, there were countless top powerhouses such as Huaxia, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and some of them with strange temperament. They like to hide in the world, there is nothing to fuss about.

Who would have thought that the mysterious person who had a relationship that night would now have a relationship with Wang Ziyu.

When Pei Junlin was thinking, the fifth grandfather of Hua had already started crying and said, "Two sirs, although my Donghua Group is not very good, at most, I will do some little things like stealing chickens and dogs, eating food together, where is the guts? Get into such a terrible power! "

"But who knows, we don't ask for trouble, sometimes trouble will come to you automatically ..."

According to Hua Wuye's complaint, about one year ago, they had a special guest at Donghua Group. This guest pushed all the way and swept all the elite thugs of Donghua Group by one person.

Subsequently, the Donghua Gang was controlled by the mysterious man. Not only that, all the senior elites of the Donghua Gang were poisoned by this mysterious man, and his life was controlled by him.

Since then, almost 80% of all income of Donghua Group has been confiscated by this mysterious person. Although the senior management of Donghua Group is angry, it is also very helpless. After all, his life is controlled by his hands and money. What, of course it doesn't matter!

In addition, Donghua Group also needs to purchase some special medicinal materials for the other party to cultivate according to the request of the mysterious man.

"Do you still remember those medicines you purchased?" Pei Junlin asked suddenly.

Hua Wuye nodded, and quickly asked for paper and pen to start dictation.

"Do you know what the other's name is? Where did it come from?"

In the process, Pei Junlin continued to ask carefully.

Hua Wuye shook his head: "The mysterious man has never revealed his real name to us, only let us call him" Yinshi "."

"Oh, right! Once I overheard the other party on the phone, they seemed to be from a place called 'Yin Shazong'. Do you know what the **** is this Yin Shazong?"

Pei Junlin shook his head. He hasn't figured out the current forces of the earth so far. He couldn't help looking back at Li Chaoran around him, but found that Li Chaoran, who was originally indifferent, changed his look and was full of gloom.

"Sir, I have already written the names of those herbs, please look over!"

Hua Wuye handed the blank paper in his hand, and Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and took it, only one glance made his eyes narrow quickly.

Although most of the herbs above are very common, as long as they are configured together in a suitable way, a very toxic substance with a deadly effect will be formed at that moment. See the blood-sealed throat ~ ~ It seems that this mysterious person is really very capable!

"Hua Wuye, let me ask you one last question. Do you know where this mysterious man is now?"

Pei Junlin asked.

Wu Wuye replied without hesitation: "I know this. I have seen the insidious side during the day. He said he would leave tonight, and said that his task was about to be successfully completed, and it was time to return to life!"

The speaker was unintentional and the listener intentionally, just at the moment Hua Huaye's words had just fallen, Pei Junlin, who was originally sitting calmly in his seat, suddenly changed his face, and a spirit stood up from his seat!

"Broken! Something big will happen! Let's go back quickly!"

At the same time, Li Chaoran's face changed completely, he already knew about Wang Ziyu's congenital poison.

At this moment, when he heard the words of Wu Wuye, they immediately realized that something was bad, and they could no longer care about Hua Wuye and others. They turned into two lightnings and rushed out of the private room!

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