Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 230: 1 sword defeat

"Om !!!"

The sound of the sword trembling rang through the entire underground space!

Huo Tianlin, who was carrying a raging anger, was very good at every shot.

His belt turned out to be a special soft sword. The blade was as thin as a cicada's wings, as transparent as a crystal. As soon as it was launched, the sword trembled and the sharp blade pointed like a spirit. The snake's snake letter, fluctuating, came directly to Pei Junlin's throat!

fast! quasi! ruthless!

As soon as the experts shot it, they knew it!

Huo Tianlin is obviously a master of kendo, the essence of deep swordsmanship, the sword body has not yet arrived, the sharp sword air has rushed to the face, let Pei Jun come in a suit, hunting and hunting.

The crowd watching from below couldn't help changing colors, and even Li Chaoran, who had been very confident of Pei Junlin, couldn't help clenching his fists and showing nervousness.

However, at a time when everyone was nervous, Pei Junlin on the ring was facing all this, staying motionless and looking as calm as water.

Just when the sharp sword tip was less than a foot away from his body, finally, Pei Jun moved, and his right hand came at a slow, fast speed, coming first, and a volley!


There was a sound similar to the intersection of gold and iron in the air, and then everyone's eyes suddenly stared round.

What did they see? !!

Pei Junlin actually clamped Huo Tianlin's sharp sword sharply with his two fingers. No matter how the sword sharpened, he couldn't get closer.

This scene is really amazing, it scared everyone, and the faces of Shen Tianci and Yan Qingsi below changed directly.

Originally, they thought that Pei Junlin was too crazy. After all, as a subordinate, no one knew more about Huo Tianlin's powerful strength, especially his sword skills, and he was outstanding. However, he did not expect that Pei Junlin clamped the sword directly with his hand. I can imagine the difficulty of this!

This is the case for all the people below, not to mention Huo Tianlin on the stage. When he found that he was proud of the soft sword, he was restrained, and Huo Tianlin's pupils suddenly tightened, followed by a monstrous Enraged into anger.

In his opinion, this is definitely the biggest shame!

"court death!!"

In endless anger, Huo Tianlin snorted violently. Suddenly his wrist was forced, and the strong Zhenyuan injected the soft sword again. He turned his wrist hard and turned it into a sharpening method, obliquely cut to Pei Junlin's finger.

Sure enough, Pei Jun saw this, quickly released his finger, and his body backed away to avoid it. Huo Tianlin turned over and immediately began an endless intensive offensive.

The most important advantages of soft swords are flexibility, lightness, weirdness, and surprise. As a master in this area, Huo Tianlin is obviously well-equipped. This offensive is really a sword move, dense and endless.

In particular, Huo Tianlin's body is very strong. Sometimes, when the real yuan is injected into the soft sword, the sword suddenly becomes straight and rigid, which makes it even more invincible.

Stab, pick, chop, chop, cut ...

Under the gaze of a tense gaze below, the entire platform was turned into a world of sword rain, and the sword might be like a stormy night and rain, sometimes like a spring breeze, strange and unpredictable.

"It is indeed a member of the Tianzi Pavilion from the Yanhuang Organization. Not to mention anything else, this sword alone can only match very few!" Lin Zhanlong sighed, although his cultivation is strong enough, he is already a master Jiupin's top power, but there is still an insurmountable gap between innate, the gap is incomparable, only envy.

Not to mention that Huo Tianlin's cultivation is a congenital fourth grade, Lin Zhanlong feels that if he goes up, I am afraid that he will be killed by a sword!

Therefore, for a moment, I couldn't help worrying about Pei Junlin on the ring, and wondered whether Pei Junlin could stop such a terrible sword.

While everyone was worried, suddenly, they found that a dazzling green light appeared in the endless sword power on the platform. As soon as this green light appeared, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

With a pair of tense gazes, I saw on the stage that Pei Junlin's body didn't know when a layer of cyan body protection light appeared, wrapping him firmly inside.

Huo Tianlin's intensive sword power all fell on the blue body **** light, and the sound of clanging was endless, but no matter how sharp the sword power was, it was difficult to break Pei Junlin's body **** light!

Within the light of the guardian body, Pei Junlin hugged his chest with both hands. The whole person stood there calmly, motionless, his eyebrows lowered, and he had a spirit of tenacity, tenacity, and southeast and northwest wind!

That kind of silent resistance is sometimes unbearable than the real real resistance. Huo Tianlin almost spit blood when she saw Pei Junlin's low-key appearance.

"The sword is infinite!"

In the endless anger, Huo Tianlin's soft sword suddenly waved vigorously. Suddenly, hundreds of identical soft sword swords appeared in the void, as if there were hundreds of Huo Tianlin attacking at the same time.

The faces of Shen Tianci and Yan Qingsi below all changed suddenly. It didn't seem that their captain had even performed this trick.

The savage sound of breaking through the air was endless, and the sound of swords screamed. Under the watch of everyone, hundreds of sword shadows fell on the guard light of Pei Junlin across the street without any fancy.

As a member of the divine Shennongjia Tianzi Pavilion, and also as the deputy captain, if even Pei Junlin's body protector can't break the light, then how can we spread a foothold in martial arts!

Bang Bang!

The endless and powerful attack fell on Pei Junlin's bodyguard light. Each drop of the sword light made the bodyguard light look like a lake, making waves ripple!

"Purple Thunder shines!"

At this moment, Huo Tianlin yelled out again, and the sword in his hand changed again, becoming busy and advancing. On top of the soft sword, a huge three-footed sword-mantle erupted. With a hint of light.

At first glance, it seems that Huo Tianlin holds a great sword in his hand and breaks the ground. In the end, this brave and invincible giant sword suddenly falls on the guardian light of Pei Junlin!


This time, the clear crackling sound finally came out. With a pair of nervous eyes watching, Pei Junlin's powerful protector Shenguang finally broke and turned into oblivion.

As far as I can see, I saw Pei Junlin's hands bursting into flames, holding the falling giant sword with his hands in the gesture of overbearing!

"Huo Tianlin, it is great that you can break through my body protection. In return for the strong, I will also pay tribute to you!"

Pei Junlin calmly said to Huo Tianlin, his voice didn't fall, his arms slammed hard, a force that seemed like a row of mountains and the sea surged up, and Huo Tianlin's body shook directly, his face shuddered with shocking colors!

Only then did he realize that Pei Junlin was stronger than him!

"Since you are proficient in swordsmanship, I will reward you with swordsmanship!"

"Take me a sword-move the mountain!"

Pei Junlin's extremely indifferent voice penetrated the entire underground space, and the voice did not fall. An unprecedented momentum broke out on his body, which was different from the previous appearance. If the previous Pei Junlin was indifferent and indisputable with the world Then, at this moment, Pei Junlin is like a prince in the world, domineering and leaking, vowing to conquer this side of the world, and the king will come to the world!

The energy of the heavens and the earth was boiling, and a mana sword appeared in the palm of Pei Junlin's palm out of thin air. With the sword in his hand, the momentum of Pei Junlin's body once again climbed up. His lacquered black eyes also changed, as if including the cycle of time The moon fell.

Finally, holding the sword in both hands, one sword was cut off by Huo Tianlin far away!

At this instant, Huo Tianlin's body was cold and he fell into the ice cellar. He felt an unprecedented breath of death covering his whole body!

In the face changing, he really felt the terribleness of Pei Junlin. The terrible swordsmanship was the ultimate pursuit of Kendo in his life. Facing such an unstoppable sword, Huo Tianlin did not even have the courage to resist the war. !!

Fortunately, his years of fighting consciousness let him grit his teeth to restrain this kind of great fear in the heart. In the end, he still operated the whole body, and in the roar, he ran up!


The dazzling Jianmang burst out on the ring platform. At this moment, the concrete ring platform as high as two meters was fragile like tofu dregs, collapsed and turned into countless residues, and even the ground left a scary sword mark.

When the aftermath of energy dissipated, the crowd of onlookers rushed forward, and the eyes were dazzling as Huo Tianlin, whose legs were still in the dust, moved his head down, and he didn't know how to live or die.

On the opposite side, Pei Junlin had already stood up and looked back to the indifferent look, and his voice calmed down: "You lost, so this God's ring will be completely missed in the future!"

Before the words fell, Pei Junlin had already taken a step forward and drifted down the ring ~ ~ At the moment when he stepped forward, the ring under his feet collapsed suddenly.

"Pei Junlin, you can't go!"

Suddenly, a figure blocked Pei Junlin's way and revealed a cold and grim face.

Pei Jun narrowed his eyes, looked at Yan Qingsi who was blocking the road in front of him, and said coldly, "Just because you want to stop me ?!"

Yan Qingsi's expression suddenly stagnated, her face was always cold and indifferent, her expression was cloudy and uncertain, how could she not know that she was not Pei Junlin's opponent at all, but her captain now lives or die ...

"Qing Si, you are not his opponent, don't block the way! We lost completely!"

At this time, a very weak voice suddenly came, and Huo Tianlin, a small part of his body, was caught in the dust, raised his head, exposed a pale face like paper, and the blood on the corner of his mouth was dazzling.

Both Yan Qingsi and Shen Tianci brightened their eyes and quickly surrounded them. Then they joined forces and carefully pulled Huo Tianlin out of the mound.

Huo Tianlin's legs were bloody, but he didn't seem to feel any pain. He just stared closely at the back of Pei Junlin's departure and shouted out loudly: "Pei Junlin, the ring of God, my Shennongjia division is absolutely I won't give up! "

"Although I lost today, there are stronger men above me, and they will find you to finish everything!"

In the distance, Pei Junlin, who has walked far away, raised his hand at will, and waved in the void: "anywhere!"

The words did not end, Pei Junlin took Li Chaoran to step out of the portal, both disappeared!

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