Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 197: Break the battle!

PS: I begged for a vote, that is, the website got the ip essay contest. Our Shura is on the list. Each of us has three free tickets. No money, please vote for Shura. Thank you, big guy! bow! !!

Lightning and thundering formations look like another world!

There were lightning flashes and thunders on the cymbals, and mountains and rivers, and there were 108 King Kong Lohan, each of which was comparable to the master of Jiupin's Heng Lian.

Dan Dingzi's words have not been exaggerated at all. This yin and yang upside down the Arhats can really make the strongest in the third rank in despair. Even if it is the fourth or fifth rank innate, it is also fearful. There will be a lifetime of regrets.

In the void, Pei Junlin was shrouded in a golden mask of mana. His expression was cold and cold, as if he was a supreme king, who has experienced brilliant battles. This is the light of his body protection, no matter how powerful the external formation is, The lightning flashed and thundered, and he was like the towering god, motionless.

Although the yin and yang in front of him turned upside down, some might be beyond the expectation of Pei Junlin, but that's all. It's not easy to break the light of his body!

The reason why Pei Junlin didn't do it was because he was looking for arrays. Any array is ever-changing and powerful. There is a fundamental thing that will never change. There is arrays.

As long as you find the formation, you can break the formation!

In addition, there is another reason, that is, Pei Jun sees the hunting delight, and some like the yin and yang upside-down Rohan at the foot. If he expected it to be good, there are only a handful of such powerful formations on Earth .

布置 The arrangement of this matrix method absolutely consumes the entire unimaginable resources of Danzong. Once it is destroyed in a large area and you want to repair it, it will be difficult!

In Pei Junlin's mind, in fact, it is not just the present formation, the entire Danzong is already in his pocket, so if you can't destroy the contents of your own home, try not to destroy it. After he has conquered the entire Danzong By changing this formation method, the power will even increase by three points, and then it will completely become the entire Danzong mountain defense formation!

This may be a kind of arrogance. After all, Danzong is the most powerful overlord in Zhongzhou. Among them are the strong, such as clouds, crouching tigers, hidden dragons. There are four congenitals alone, let alone the great masters. It's up!

Such a powerful force, even the Snow Shrine, known as the martial arts shrine, would not dare to talk about extinction, but Pei Junlin was so arrogant or confident in his own strength!

As time passed by, the 108 Luohan who absorbed the mighty power of the mountains and rivers in the formation method became fiercer and stronger, and a dense rune appeared on the body poured by each Luohan King Kong. It's the Red Light Festival, and they only have one goal, to kill the intruders!

There is Luo Han flying up, carrying heavy gravity, and killing Pei Junlin standing in the air in the midst of the sky, but once his fist is in contact with Pei Junlin's body protection light, he will be ejected instantly and hit the distant ground.

It ’s just that these Vajrayanas are non-human. They never know tiredness. When they fall, they climb up again and again and again and again. The energy they use is the momentum of the mountains and rivers of the entire Funiu Mountains, as long as the Funiu Mountains do not jump. , They will never lose power!

In the sky, in the eyes of Pei Junlin, who is protected by the **** light, the two groups of flames are getting stronger and stronger, and there are signs of burning the void. His eyes are laid out in layers, like the most powerful x-ray in the world. , Layer by layer to get rid of the essence of false vision.

Finally, I don't know how long it took, Pei Junlin's eyes lit up: "I found it!"

At this moment, under his eyes, he clearly saw that in the depth of the formation, that is, in the entire courtyard, one by one the burial instruments buried deep in the ground, the burial positions of these burial instruments are like the body's perimeter acupoints. The acupuncture points are connected to each other to form the eight strange veins. It is precisely because these instruments continuously provide energy that only the 108 majestic Kings and Arrogants in the circle and the power of the array in the sky are created. Flashing thunder.


The tremor of the void shook, and Pei Junlin's figure suddenly turned into an erupting rocket. The whole body's mana boiled and burned, pulling out a long air wave, as fast as lightning, and flew directly to the southeast corner of the array.

However, as soon as his body had just landed, a few King Kong Lohan flew up and flew into the air.

"Go away!"

Pei Junlin drank coldly and flung it away. The immense mana suddenly appeared like a large river in the Yangtze River, and the overwhelming catharsis came out. Several King Kong Luohan who were close to him seemed to be rag dolls. The King Kong Lohan came in a mess.

Take this opportunity, Pei Jun came to the void detective and grabbed the ground fiercely!


The earth trembled, and a large mana hand broke the ground directly, the soil turned over, and finally a bronze mirror was emitted in the soil.

This is a very powerful magic weapon. Pei Jun saw it and took it directly into his hands. Then he kept moving and turned again, ignoring the sound of thunderclouds in the sky, lightning thunder, and appeared at the north corner. After a group of approaching King Kong Lohan, he proceeded to dig again.

This time he dug out a diamond-shaped magic weapon from the ground. When this magic weapon was dug out, suddenly, the vigorous array method suddenly weakened a lot, a King Kong Lohan also slowed down, and in the sky Thundercloud became thin.

Pei Junlin knew that the effect of the excavation of the instrument appeared, which is like the heart of the human body. There are countless blood vessels to continuously provide blood. Suddenly there is no blood vessels, the heart will be very uncomfortable, and the energy provided by the human body will become weak. Less, the corresponding physical quality will also weaken a lot.

This is all interconnected. If one part is wrong, it will affect all of them instantly. When the number of parts is increasing, the heart will eventually lose its vitality.

What Pei Junlin has to do now is to dig out all these magical instruments that provide a steady stream of energy, and then the yin and yang upside down will not break and destroy itself. What 108 108 King Kong Lohan, what kind of thunder and earth, All dissipated.

The sound of roaring waves continued to come from the inside of the formation, accompanied by fierce fighting and fighting. From the outside, I still don't know what kind of great danger Pei Junlin faced in the formation. Living at the gate of the entire courtyard, the persecution of Li Chaoran and Julia became more and more tense.

On the one hand, they have to be alert for the surprise attack of Dan Zong's children, on the other hand, their hearts are full of worries about Pei Junlin, and they don't know how it will turn out.

At this time, Dan Dingzi held by Julia was again faint in shape. At this moment, he looks like a terrible person. There is no any immortal style bone in the past. In his place, he is more embarrassed than a beggar. His head is swollen. Like a pig's head, the whole body is blue and purple.

But as soon as he opened his eyes and saw the scene of the formation still turning over, the lightning flashes and thunder, Dan Dingzi could not help but grin again, shouting excitedly: "Pei Jun is dead! He hasn't come out till now. It's turned into a puddle of meat! "

Li Chaoran and Julia couldn't help anger, just when they were about to once again let Dan Dingzi shut up completely. Suddenly, the two eyes widened, and they saw that all the energy inside the matrix method that had turned over the river turned out to dissipate. Lei Yun disappeared.

That situation is like the overcast sky, suddenly clear, and the heavens and the earth restored the light again!

At this moment, everyone's eyes are staring round, staring at the energy mask, because everyone knows that the result is coming!

With a pair of nervous eyes watching, I saw the energy mask covering the entire courtyard, and gradually everything became clear. As far as I can see, a vengeful figure appeared on the open space of the entire yard hundreds of meters away. King Kong Lohan, the lifelike appearance really seems to be an angry Lohan in person, even if standing quietly, 108 King Kong Lohan add up, but also exuded a monstrous power.

The Bodhisattva has a low eyebrow, so there are six compassions!

King Kong is angry, so surrender to the four demons!

King Kong is the legendary Buddha and Lohan, the patron saint!

I looked at the statue like a lifelike statue, as if the King Kong Lohan who came down in the myth was standing on the landmark with different postures. Everyone couldn't help but have a great awe, and the timid person even shivered.

But soon, everyone noticed the anomaly, and saw that in the center of these Vajrayanas, there was a young man wearing casual clothes, with a calm attitude, who was as beautiful as a god, and finally stood at the forefront of these Vajrasana.

When seeing the youth's familiar appearance, Dan Dingzi first widened his eyes and made a ghostly look, but Li Chaoran and Julia almost jumped into surprise.

"Boss !!!" Li Chaoran shouted.

"Mr. Pei!" Julia's excited eyes turned red.

Pei Junlin smiled and beckoned at the two, and let the two come in. He didn't even look at the dense and crowded Danzong children, as if treating hundreds or thousands of Danzong children as nothing!

Huh! Huh!

Li Chaoran and Julia stepped into the energy mask with the miserable look of Dan Dingzi ~ ~ The expression ran to the side of Pei Junlin with excitement, and Julia glanced up and down to check Pei Whether Junlin was injured or not, unfortunately, Pei Junlin was intact and his clothes were even spotless.

"Pei Junlin, you ... did you even break this yin and yang upside down Luohan array?! ... this is impossible!"

Luo Dandingzi shouted in horror, as if some of the hardest fortress in his heart collapsed, his wounded body was incomplete and full of despair.

Pei Junlin smiled coldly: "The frog at the bottom of the well, I know that our generation has a vast knowledge! You have too many things to imagine!"

The words of the uncle did not fall, Pei Junlin suddenly threw it away, and several radiant rays shot at the courtyard in all directions, and those rays were the magic tools he had dug before.

When these instruments returned, I saw that the matrix method that had just subsided lighted up again, and those King Kong Lohan standing on the ground gradually saw the scarlet light flashing in their eyes.

"Let's go and open the treasure!"

Pei Junlin said, Li Chaoran and Julia looked up excitedly.

Soon, the formation method in the courtyard was activated again, and thousands of children of Danzong were isolated. Even Pei Junlin reversed the Arhats in front of Yin and Yang with a slight change. Even if the Danzong suzerate intruded in, he would Instantly trapped, no longer the previous formation.

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