Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 180: It's up to you! (Happy New Year!)

PS: I wish all the brothers and sisters a happy new year! The journey home was peaceful and my family reunited!

"Now I admit it, what do you want?"

After the sound of Pei Junlin's indifferent water fell, the atmosphere in the originally noisy room suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes all focused on Pei Junlin's face, except that Julia's look was astonished. The look of the family is much more exciting.

Anger, resentment, anger, sneer ...

Especially after the Zhu family saw Pei Junlin's bland water, they were furious and angry. They had seen Zhang ’s arrogant people, but never seen such an arrogant one, and they were all mad at his Zhu family!

His Zhu family is one of the most powerful forces in Luoyang City, the land of Zhongzhou. Especially in recent years, after the Danzong pagoda, it has developed smoothly and smoothly, and has become the largest force in Luoyang City. Never People dare to be so crazy in the Zhu family!

Unexpectedly, today, a young boy with a hairy hair, is so humiliated, how can the Zhu family swallow this breath!

"Mr. Pei, you ..."

In the room, Julia saw that Pei Junlin was silent because she stood up because of her, against the entire Zhu family, could not help but bit her red lips, and moved her tears to her eyes. After that, I felt the warmth for the first time.

"Young man, I know you should have some skills! However, if you take that as a matter of contempt for my Zhu family's capital, then you are totally wrong!"

"Show the forces behind you, my Zhu family may be able to spare your ignorance this time!"

Seeing Pei Junlin's arrogance and arrogance, Zhu Zhenzi was somber and threatened.

Mei Yan is a strong master of the third grade. Last night, someone could make a fool of Mei Yan without realizing it. At least it is estimated that the person who shot should also have a master grade of about five grades.

Looking at the young faces of Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran, Zhu Zhenzi could not help but have some fearful feelings, especially the practice of his master Bapin, who could not feel the true cultivation of the two young people in front of him. He is indecisive.

In addition, his Zhu family has so far not investigated the identity of the two young people in front of him. Think of the buttocks, and be able to cultivate young strong men such as Pei Junlin or Li Chaoran. The power behind them must also be extraordinary.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhenzi's eyes couldn't help but glance at Julia who was standing aside. He really underestimated the foxie. He didn't expect the other person to be young. When he went out these years, he really used charm to hook up. To two extraordinary family children.

"Extraordinary, since others let us show the chassis, then you light it up! Others in the province really think of us as some arrogant people who do not know the heights of the earth!"

When Zhu Zhenzi's words fell, Pei Junlin suddenly turned and said to Li Chaoran, who was standing beside him.

"Oh, boss!"

Li Chaoran grinned, and white teeth sparkled on an unruly face.

Before the words fell, he stepped forward suddenly!


At this instant, everyone just felt that the whole villa was shaking. In the next second, everyone's complexion changed, their eyes dropped to the ground, and a **** expression.

I saw a terror like a volcanic eruption erupting from within Li Chaoran's body. This momentum was so strong that it was far beyond anyone present. Everyone felt that the surrounding space was full of horror pressure, and the situation was like The air was sucked all the oxygen alive and turned into a vacuum.

The horrible squeezing force from the atmospheric pressure made everyone panic, and it became very difficult to even lift the manual foot.



One after another the sound of falling from the ground, several weaker Zhu family members, have been lying on the ground with the terrible pressure of the terrible world, their faces pale, with more gas and less air, their faces are terrified.

"Zong ... Guru Jiupin!"

The terrifying exclamation sounded, Zhu Zhenzi's original gloomy face completely changed, full of incredible, even if he broke his head, he did not expect that Li Chaoran was young and turned out to be a master who is even better than him. Jiupin Top Power!

Do n’t underestimate the difference between this product, whether it ’s martial arts or the practice of magic to the end, even if there is a slight difference between them, it is also a huge gap that is absolutely infallible for thousands of miles. Eight-pin repaired warrior.

The entire Zhu family, and also the owner of the corpse poison Zhu Zhenting, is the practice of the master Jiu Pin. In addition, no one can compare.

Looking at the young face of Li Chaoran in front of him, all the Zhu family members in the room had wonderful faces. Zhu Zhenzi, Qian Fengying, Zhu Kang and so on, a Zhu family member, his face was cloudy.

Even Julia herself was horrified and frightened, with a charming and pretty face full of magic.

She never expected that Li Chaoran, who was always unrestrained and unruly, turned out to be a top master of Jiupin ...

"Zhu Zhenzi, you asked Xiao Ye to show the chassis just now. I wonder if this chassis is enough now?"

Li Chaoran stared at Zhu Zhenzi with a somber expression on his face: "Oh, right! I remember that you just insulted our ignorance and fearlessness, do you have the ability to say one more thing?"


Chiguo's shame!

Absolutely overwhelming!

However, none of the Zhu family members in the whole villa dare to put on one more fart, everyone's face was ugly!

Under the pressure of Li Chaoran's absolute strength, Lei Zhenzi flushed with a rose on his face, and finally bowed down and saluted: "Sorry, it's Lei Mou who is reckless. I don't know is the master of Jiupin!

"Last night, she deserved to deserve the punishment she deserved!"

"Let's retreat now, and dare not disturb the two gentlemen!"

After speaking, Zhu Zhenzi waved to let everyone in the Zhu family retreat. The mutation was so sudden that they broke all their plans and they had to go home and discuss again.


A voice suddenly sounded, interrupting the movements of the Zhu family, and then all eyes fell on Pei Junlin's face, in awe.

Although Pei Junlin did not show any practice, but seeing that he has always been indifferent, the calm and confident temperament cannot be ignored by anyone.

"I don't know what else Mr. Pei can teach?" Zhu Zhenzi bowed. At this moment, he no longer had any arrogant attitude and replaced it with a strong humility.

Pei Jun got up and stood, a pair of majestic and unpredictable eyes swept across all the Zhu family, and finally his eyes fell on Zhu Zhenzi's face: "Master Jiupin currently wants to leave so peacefully after such a collision. In your eyes, Master Jiupin is so low? "

Huh! !! !!

With the fall of Pei Junlin's words, all the Zhu family's faces that had just been put down a little changed again and again, and became more serious than before!

"Mr. Pei, it was our Zhu family who was really reckless before, and I hope Mr. Pei will raise his hand!"

Zhu Zhenzi's attitude was very low and his words were sincere. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that he was such a humble person. His previous attitude was so treacherous and overbearing.

This is the weak meat and strong food of martial arts. If you have a wealth of wealth, in the face of absolute strength, everything is a paper tiger, and those with hard fists are the truth!

"Julia, come here!"

Pei Junlin ignored Zhu Zhenzi's humility, but beckoned to Julia, who was standing aside.

"I just heard someone use you as an exchange of interests to enter into some kind of transaction with Danzong. If you don't want to, put it up now, I'll take the decision for you!"

"No! This is absolutely not possible!"

Just when Pei Junlin's discourse had just fallen, a sharp voice had sounded in the Zhu family, and Qian Fengying's complexion had changed unprecedentedly. At the same time, the complexion of Zhu Zhenzi and all Zhu's families had also changed.


Pei Junlin frowned!

"act recklessly!"

In Li Chaoran's eyes, there were two amazing jets of anger, and the mighty master Jiu Pin's imposing manner overwhelmed the audience. Immediately, each family of Zhu was struck by whitish thunder, and backed up, and some people leaked out of their mouths Blood, apparently suffered a minor internal injury just now.

"Julia, if you dare nod, your mother will not let you go!"

Qian Fengying screamed violently, and the face of Yongronghuagui was full of shame.

"Julia, you must remember that you will always have the blood of my Zhu family in your bones, and the lives of your father and brother are all in your hands! If you refuse, you will be killed by their lives!" Zhu Zhenzi was also gloomy Faced.

Julia's expression was unsteady, her fists were tight and tight, and her teeth bit her lips.

On the one hand is her own happiness, on the other hand is the life of her father and brother. Although this so-called relative has never been to her since she was a child, she is a member of the Zhu family after all ...

"Mr. Pei, I ..."

Julia was tangled, her lips opened, and her face was full of pain.

Pei Junlin suddenly reached out to stop Julia's words, and said lightly: "It's a matter of life's happiness, think about it and answer!"

"Now take me to see your father and your brother. I heard they were poisoned by corpses?"

Julia's unsurprising surprise appeared: "Thank you Mr. Pei! Thank you Mr. Pei! For this kind of affection, Julia must remember her whole life and be grateful to Dade!"

The Zhu family next to them looked startled. They never expected that Pei Junlin would still see a doctor ~ ~ Is the other party also a child of a family that inherits medicine?

But when they saw Pei Junlin's young face, many people couldn't help sneering, even if they were children of a family that inherited medicine. This was not an ordinary cold and fever. As a family of medicine, the Zhu family was helpless with the deadly poison. How is it possible for ordinary people?

Soon, under the leadership of the Zhu family, a large group of people left the Purple Ding Manor. Almost half an hour later, the team stopped at a beautiful suburban villa. Although the environment was good, it was extremely remote and deserted.

"Mr. Pei, due to the severe corpse poison in my elder brother and nephew, this toxin can be contagious. There is no way but to isolate it and look for special care!"

When getting out of the car, Zhu Zhenzi explained his pain: "We have visited famous doctors from all over the world, and almost everyone is helpless. At present, it is found that Danzong has a elixir called" gentian wood "that can cure this. Terrible toxin! "

"So, we have to do it, we just did it!"

"Otherwise Leah is no matter how she is my niece, how can we bear to end her lifelong happiness?"

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