Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 177: Bitch!

In the luxurious villa of the size A, Pei Junlin, Li Chaoran and Julia were sitting together, and the atmosphere was harmonious and chatting.

Through the introduction, Julia and Li Chaoran quickly became familiar.

"Mr. Pei, did you come to this place in Zhongzhou this time for the main purpose of participating in this elixir? Or maybe for others?"

In the villa's living room, Julia sat next to Pei Junlin next to each other, with a charming and pretty face with a smile on her face, obviously she was very surprised by Pei Junlin's appearance.

He Pei Junlin hesitated, and finally said, "Reluctantly!"

The purpose of his trip to Zhongzhou was three, one was to search for spar, the other was to deal with the threat of the twelve elders from overseas Qinghongmen, and the third was to thoroughly investigate the murder of Pei family in Qingzhou three years ago.

The first two have been completed smoothly, and now the last one is left!

参加 Participating in this elixir meeting was completely an accident. The main purpose was to find people from Danzong, so as to find the real culprit.

"Julia, you are quite beyond my expectation! Didn't expect you to be from the Zhu family in Zhongzhou?" Pei Junlin joked.

I didn't expect that Julia, who was originally smiling and smiling, had a slightly rigid expression, a bitter bitterness in her mouth, and muttered to herself: "If possible, I would rather be an ordinary person, so I don't have to live so tired ..."

"What are you talking about? A little louder!" Pei Junlin said.

Julia returned to her mind and restored her bright smile again. She reached out and gently chopped the broken hair in front of her forehead. The voice sounded: "Nothing! I just said that you live here well. If you need to mention it as soon as possible, I will do my best Friendship of this landlord! "

After chatting for a few minutes, Julia stood up and chose to leave.

"Boss, this woman looks really good. She obviously wanted you to help, but she didn't speak up!"

After waiting for Julia to leave, Li Chaoran leaned leaning against the wall, speaking to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin groaned. In fact, his relationship with Julia was very simple. The last time Julia helped him once on the spar issue, and he also gave the other party a generous return, not only to the other party, but also a purple cloud marten moon. In addition, he also taught the other party a practice called "Qing Yi Shen Jue".

Even in this world of thousands of thousands of people, this meditation skill belongs to advanced exercises. Its power is extraordinary. Julia is relying on qing meditation skill and Ziyun Mindandan, and now she can step into the realm of master.

Therefore, the kindness between the two people has basically completely offset each other, and no one owes anyone, and Julia gets more. As for whether to help Julia, it depends entirely on Pei Junlin's personal wishes.

Julia is very intelligent, and she obviously thought of this, so she didn't dare to speak rashly ...

"Wait and see, if you really need it, you can't take the initiative to help once!"

Pei Junlin murmured to himself, his senses to Julia are not bad. Although this woman looks like a fox, but she does not rely on the conditions given by God to do whatever she wants, but works very hard, far exceeding many rich children. It is also very qualified to practice, and has a mind in business management. It is a rare talent.

Night fell quickly. At dinner, Julia appeared in the villa again, and kindly invited Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran to have dinner together.

Pei Junlin did not refuse, the three left the villa together and came to the restaurant.

When the three came to the restaurant, the entire magnificent restaurant was already crowded with men and women, and the restaurant adopted a self-service model, equipped with snacks, wine, seafood, and other cuisines. Dazzled.

Obviously, after the day time, more and more guests are coming to Ziding Manor. Anyone who can live in this Ziding Manor is not an ordinary person. This is definitely an intangible treasure. If Zhu Home is handled properly, and with this gathering alone, you can enjoy endless benefits.

Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran followed Julia to find a quieter corner, and then Li Chaoran volunteered to buy gourmet food. Soon, a portion of Australian prawns, a portion of secret steak, a stack of caviar ... And several bottles of wine are all placed on the dining table.

Li Chaoran rubbed his hands in excitement, his eyes brightened: "It's been a long time since I ate a big meal, and tonight this master has also opened his belly to eat! Miss Lia, shouldn't you belittle me? Right? "

Julia chuckled her mouth and chuckled: "How is that? You can eat as much as you want, even if you open it, I won't let you get it!"

Li Chaoran gave a thumbs up and praised: "Happy! Don't say anything else, just because you can say this sentence. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, as long as you speak, I Li Chaoran promised Help you once! "

Pei Junlin was slightly surprised. This can be regarded as a big promise. If Li Chaoran really helped, the Zhongzhou Zhu family would not be the opponent of the Li family even if they had the ability.

However, it was clear that Julia didn't take this sentence to heart, she just smiled when she heard it, and picked up red wine to pay respect to Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran.

The three people laughed and laughed in this harmonious atmosphere. No matter they were Pei Junlin or Li Chaoran, they all acted their way, ignoring the strange eyes around them, each holding a fat Australian lobster in their hands, stunned in their mouths. The hills were full of wreckage.

"Oh, isn't this Li Chaoran? I said why do you keep trying to enter the inner courtyard of this Ziding Manor today? It turned out that you had already decided to come here to eat and drink!"

An extremely annoying voice came, accompanied by bursts of strong and pungent perfume. A group of sloppy men and women suddenly appeared at the dining table of Pei Junlin, Li Chaoran, and Julia, holding their hands with their chests, sneering high. Looking down at the two gobblers.

This group of people is not others. It is a group of Liu Zihan that I have seen during the day. Xue Yangyang is also among them. Moreover, the lineup of that team is three points better than during the day, and many people are added to it.

超 Li Chaoran glanced up and glanced at the group of rich second generations standing in front of his eyes, looking calm as water, especially when looking at Xue Yangyang in the crowd, as if facing a stranger, without any slight emotions.

Subsequently, he continued to bow his head and eat the Australian lobster in his hand, and as for Pei Junlin, he didn't even look up to look at the group of rich second generations.

Li Chaoran's expression may be nothing in the eyes of others, but in Xue Yangyang's eyes, the meaning is completely different. When he noticed Li Chaoran's indifferent look like a stranger, the original expression in the crowd was ridiculed. Xue Yangyang's face changed directly!

She can't stand the look of Li Chaoran, as if she is in the eyes of the other party, just like garbage, she is too lazy to look at it!

"Li Chaoran, you big liar!"

I don't know what kind of psychology, Xue Yangyang suddenly became soaring, took the wine glass on the table, and poured it towards Li Chaoran's body!



Two different voices sounded. I do n’t know when Li Chaoran, who has been concentrating on Australian lobster, picked up a plate and blocked it in front of him. Xue Yangyang ’s glass of red wine did not spill on Li Chaoran ’s body. Instead, it was blocked by the plate and splashed back.

The screams rang out instantly, Liu Zihan Xue Yangyang and other people directly messed up, all of their precious clothes were soaked with wine, and the east and the west were so horrible!

"Xue Yangyang! What are you crazy!"

"Asshole! My limited edition Armani clothes!"

"My Hermès scarf!"

"My Gucci ..."

The screams of the chicken flying dogs screamed into chaos. The rich and shameful second generations roared and lost their demeanour, but Xue Yangyang himself had been stuck for a long time. He never expected that this would happen. She is an attacker, how can she turn into a victim ...

"Zihan, this **** Li Chaoran did it. He picked up the plate and blocked it!"

I heard the screams of anger screaming all around, Xue Yangyang couldn't help but blushed, and said in panic to the good girlfriend Liu Zihan.

子 Liu Zihan's face was cold and frosty, and his fierce eyes fell on the faces of the dinner table with the same innocent faces of Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran: "Li Chaoran ~ ~ You are a bastard, are you still not a man?"

Pei Junlin frowned and got up from the seat. He was really annoyed by a group of women. He took a napkin and wiped his lips and fingers, and said to Julia, "Let's go!"

Julia nodded and said yes, she couldn't stand the atmosphere.

Who would have thought that just when Pei Junlin and Julia had just stood up, that Liu Zihan slammed his fierce gaze upon Pei Junlin, arrogantly arrogantly: "What are you doing? Who made you stand up? Want to go There are no doors! "

Talking, Liu Zihan was like a shrew, reaching for Pei Junlin's chest.


Under this catch, it suddenly felt like a smashed barrel. A terrible momentum swept out. Liu Zihan's entire body was like a human sand bag flying at high speed, flying out and hitting The painful whole body twitched on the hard ground in the distance.

This sudden scene directly scared everyone, many people turned their heads in horror, and then saw Pei Junlin exuding coldness and sorrow all over his body, standing proudly.

His eyes were cold and piercing, without the slightest sense of color, and he looked down at Liu Zihan, who was full of horror on the ground, and said in a low voice: "Slut, just because your dirty fingers are worth touching my clothes?"

I'm so arrogant, mad and incomparable!

At this moment, Pei Junlin seemed to wake up the heart of the former Shura once again, and exhaled an irritating spirit.

PS: As the year is approaching, there are more trivial matters, and new years and visits. I ’m going to change them today, sorry for the big guy!

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