Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 171: Thousands of summons!

Twelve elders from overseas Qinghongmen, titled True Dragon, congenital second grade, and even a generation of strong men who have touched the rules of heaven and earth, are dead!

Strangled in this ancient Shaolin inaccessible back mountain, in the end did not even leave an ashes, even without witnesses!

Really dead as light as a hair, without splashing!

On the edge of the steep cliff, Pei Junlin's look was sorrow-free and unhappy, as if he had just killed an innate second-class powerhouse who was famous in the world, but just killed an ant under his feet.

In fact, there are many ways he can kill the twelve elders, but in order to verify the power of the Nether Industry Fire after evolution, he chose this trick, the effect is not unexpected, it is great!

After the evolution of the ghost industry fire, the power has indeed increased a lot!

As the one of Pei Junlin's most powerful chassis ever, Wu Youming Fire has been able to evolve again. Pei Junlin is in a good mood.

Even now, even if the overseas Qinghong martial arts sent a congenital third product, with a variety of powerful chassis, he also has the confidence to let the other party stay!

"It's your turn to take a look at this Songshan land now. Are there any spar?"

Pei Junlin murmured to himself, a pair of bright eyes like the stars contains the change of years, the sun and the moon cycle, history vicissitudes, overlooking the precipitous mountains in front of him.

"I hope that old guy didn't lie to me, otherwise, hehe ..."

In muttering to himself, Pei Junlin suddenly had strong blue blooms all over his body, like the same blue scorching sun, dazzling.

"Eastern Taiyi, Crown of the Emperor, Wan Mu listens to orders, come quickly!"

Filled with the vicissitudes of the ancient mantra, every word was spit out from Pei Junlin's mouth. The syllable is very strange, far from the pronunciation on modern earth. With the fall of this mantra, Pei Junlin's hands and fingers moved quickly. Make a mysterious and complicated decision.

His ten fingers, like jade, are more beautiful and slender than women. Between the gentle movements, they are like the jade hands of ancient women playing the pipa. They are flexible and gorgeous, full of some kind of rhythmic beauty. Whenever the fingers slide gently through the void, Causes the whole air to tremble, and the sound of babble keeps coming.


There was a sudden noise, and I saw Pei Junlin as the center, a few miles away. The original lush, green plants were partly crazy, and the roots of countless towering trees were broken. Out, the vines fluttered in the sky, and the vegetation grew wildly. The situation was like millions of people. When they heard the king's call, they rushed from all directions.

若 If this scene falls into the eyes of ordinary people, it will instantly worship Pei Junlin as a god. After all, the scene in front of me is too incredible!

The edge of the cliff where Pei Junlin was standing was sparsely planted. In addition to the battle between him and the Twelve Elders, it was even within a hundred meters.

At this moment, in just a few minutes, it was already flourishing, green, and full of vitality, and even numerous roots and vines as thick as adult thighs gathered around Pei Junlin.

There are more and more situations like this. In just half an hour, the cliffs of Wanli where Pei Junlin is located have completely turned into a green ocean, with plants and flowers blooming.

Facing the crowds of thousands of trees, Pei Junlin directly gave orders with divine thoughts to let this million trees look at this Songshan Mountain. In the past ten years, there was a heaven and earth foreign body born in this Songshan Mountain.

Wan Mu, who had led Pei Junlin's instructions, receded like a tide, and soon the cliff where Pei Junlin was located returned to calmness, but greater fluctuations were about to begin.

The news that Pei Junlin got from Lu Qingkong was that almost seven or eight years ago, in the Songshan area, there were monsters suspected of being formed by mountain crystals, which caused people to be bored. Then he started investigating ten years ago.

I wonder if there is any force in this world that can be compared to the 10,000 trees that are native to this Song Mountain. As long as there are really monsters formed by mountain spar, then it will definitely be checked.

Time passed by one minute and one second, Pei Jun was sitting on the edge of the cliff, and was not anxious, while silently absorbing the aura of the heaven and earth of Songshan, waiting quietly.

"Brother, I said I can't find you anywhere, so you came here to enjoy the beauty alone?"

In the distance, a figure like a spirit ape chasing the wind and approaching the moon seemed to be approaching quickly. Li Chaoran appeared on the cliff. When he saw Pei Junlin's lush vegetation and flowers blooming, he couldn't help but sigh.

"However, it's so beautiful here, you can see the beautiful scenery of Songshan!"

超 Li Chaoran was standing on the cliff with her arms folded, pointing at the mountains and mountains, with a magnificent attitude.

"I don't feel like peeing in the wind here, I feel so sorry for myself!"

After just three seconds, Li Chaoran's words made Pei Junlin, who sat on the ground with his eyes closed to practice, trembled fiercely. When he opened his eyes, he really saw that the goods were unfastening his trousers, and he was going to pull out a guy .

"Believe it or not, as long as you dare to take it out, I will let you become an **** from now on!"

Pei Junlin said quietly, Li Chaoran, who had already put his hand into the crotch, immediately froze all movements, and showed an ugly smile than crying: "Boss, people have three urgency! You must understand!"

"Get out of my sight!"

Pei Junlin faintly said, Li Chaoran was afraid again, obediently withdrew, and found a remote place to solve his body vent.

When his whole body climbed up the mountain again comfortably, his eyes stared round, a **** expression.

I saw the edge of the cliff. Pei Junlin even gathered dozens of thick thigh-like roots and vines. These tree roots and vines were like humans, their bodies were shaking, and the leaves were rattled, as if talking to Pei Junlin.

What ’s even more weird is that Pei Junlin really seemed to understand, his eyes were bright, and Shenguang shot three feet, and ordered: "Hurry me up!"


The roots and vines receded like tide water, and Pei Junlin even stepped out like this, his body fell straight towards the cliff below Wanzhang.

"Stop, boss, don't you think about it!"

超 Li Chaoran was frightened, and started his life's fastest speed, galloping and galloping. When he ran to the edge of the cliff to stop the car, his eyes rolled round again, and he saw an unforgettable sight in his life.

I saw the top of the 'vine bed' made from dozens of 100-meter-long vines under the cliff. Pei Junlin fluttered and stood on it, as if the legendary fairy. Pei Junlin was dragged across the entire hundreds of meters wide canyon and floated across.

"Oh my god!"

超 Li Chaoran was so shocked that Rao was his worship of Pei Junlin. This scene was really shocked. This is definitely something that only the legendary land fairy can do!

What kind of technique, this is already beyond the level of the technique, and become a magical power!

"Boss! Brother! Where are you going? Bring your brother?"

Pei Junlin, who was already seventy or eight meters away from the roots of the vines, looked back, and saw Li Chaoran on the edge of the cliff, his mouth slightly aroused: "Aren't you wholeheartedly about P? Go on! I do not hinder you ! "

Li Chaoran jumped angrily. How could that kind of thing be compared to the scene in front of him? Immediately exaggerating his face and constantly apologizing: "Boss, this is a misunderstanding of me, okay? I created it completely for you Chances are, my girl talks about body and face, how can you compare to your boss? "

Pei Junlin pumped from the corner of his mouth. If Li Chaoran knew, the girl in his mouth was the twelve elders from overseas Qinghongmen, and his strength was still a terrible congenital second grade. I don't know what to think.

However, he also teased Li Chaoran with all his heart, and this guy from the province will be good at making assertions next time and what moths to make.

"Well, for your sake, take it with you!"

Pei Junlin opened his mouth and motioned to Li Chaoran at the edge of the cliff to jump over.

超 Li Chaoran glanced down and glanced at the unpredictable footsteps. The clouds and misty cliffs couldn't help but swallowed a spit, then took two steps back, yelled, and leapt forward.


Howling winds, clothes hunt!

超 Li Chaoran felt that his body fell towards the bottom infinitely, opened his eyes quickly, and he fell quickly, and Pei Junlin was anxiously shouting something above him.

"It's over, I'm dead!"

Li Chaoran was full of horror and chills all over his body. He was what he was the top young powerhouse of Jiupin. His father was the master of the Yanhuang Organization, and he was a powerful authority, beating 99% of the young children in the world. Nor can it play any role.


When Li Chaoran was desperate, he suddenly felt that his limbs and waist were tightly entangled with rope, and the tendency to fall was greatly reduced, and finally stopped.

超 Li Chaoran bowed his head and looked down ~ ~ to see that his whole body was entangled with dense vines.

怎么 样 "How's it? The life-and-death stimulus of this bungee jumper?"

The voice full of playfulness came from the ear. Pei Junlin had no idea when he had controlled those vines to appear next to Li Chaoran, and the color of playfulness in his eyes was not concealed.

超 Li Chaoran has itchy teeth. He was really frightened just now, his face was white, and he bit his teeth, "Cool! Too cool! Boss, your kindness is too great, I can't bear it!"

Pei Jun laughed loudly, and finally found the face he had lost before, let your ya arrogant in front of me ...

In this way, under the support of dozens of thick vine-like vines, Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran crossed the misty cliffs and reached the other shore.

After almost a minute or two, the two landed on the other side of the mountain, and then under Li Chaoran's stunned gaze, the countless flowers and trees on the mountain had already gathered a large dense crowd, and the situation was like waiting for the king's people.

After Pei Jun came to the ground, a part of the vine roots took the initiative to lead the way. Whenever the length of the vine roots reached a certain limit, a new vine root was connected in front of it, so it was endless and endless.

"My God, my dear, are you the reincarnation of the legendary Qing Emperor?"

超 Li Chaoran followed behind buttocks. ) Book friends, pay attention!

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