Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 165: Results (on)

? I saw the elixir poured into the palm of his hand, round and jade, red and yellow, without any flaws, like two fine pearl artworks, shining with crystal light.

These sales, no matter from the color or the roundness, do not know how much better than the two elixir of Liu Yuebai just now.

Minister Chen's face is dull, and he can also be regarded as a well-informed person. Otherwise, it would be impossible to hold the position of minister in a place such as the Yanhuang Organization with great authority.

However, it is really the first time that such a good medicine has been encountered. This is still medicine, it is a work of art, and it can be mixed into the jewelry.

When Minister Chen was in a daze, the crowds who had seen the crowd around him had already stretched their necks and gathered their eyes together. When they saw the two of Minister Chen's hands, they looked like works of art, the whole body was yellow, and they were shining with jade. When the perfect elixir was moisturized, the sound of cold air sucked into the air instantly, and the eyes dropped one by one.

Obviously everyone was shocked by the two elixirs that were as perfect as art!

Among them, Liu Yuebai, who was originally proud, turned black, and was completely gloomy. He has lost the second time in the elixir competition!

The first time is in the speed of refining the alchemy, and the second time is the selling of the elixir!

Although the elixir he refined was round enough, it was far worse than the elixir produced by Pei Junlin.

This made the arrogance that originally existed in his heart less and less, and replaced it with anxiety, but he still couldn't help humming: "Popularity! Flashy!"

"The most important thing about elixir is the effect, no matter how good it is!"

Pei Junlin heard the words, couldn't help squinting, and said, "Liu Ge seems very confident in his elixir. Would you like us to add a little more bets?"

"If the effect of your elixir is not as strong as mine, then from now on, the so-called energy serum, you have to distribute the owners of this base according to a certain amount every month, how?"

Everyone heard the words and yelled directly, the preciousness of the energy serum everyone knows, but unfortunately, a group of people in the Dan Yaoge, the control is too strict, resulting in many people can not get it, and even many people have not even the energy serum I have never seen anything like this, which naturally caused great dissatisfaction.

Listening to the coquettling around, the faces of the children of the entire Dan Yaoge have changed, Liu Yuebai also clenched his fists, and finally said coldly: "Boring! How can the precious elixir with such precious serum be so childish? ! "

There was a hiss, and many people found that Liu Yuebai was obviously out of breath!

At the sight of Minister Chen, he coughed quickly, breaking this awkward atmosphere: "That ... Everyone is quiet. I will first feed the two injured students, Mr. Pei, to the two injured students. How effective is waiting? "

During the conversation, Minister Chen quickly fed the two tear repair Dans belonging to Pei Junlin, fed them into the mouths of the two injured trainees, and then turned around and said, "Is Dr. Qin here? Hurry up and use medicine to help break the two. The legs of the students are attached! "

Tearing repair Dan can maximize the human flesh and bone repairing power, and then with the help of a skilled medical doctor, can treat the patient's injuries to the greatest extent.

"Dr. Qin is here! Here it is!"

The excitement sounded noisily, and when Pei Junlin was still wondering why the crowd suddenly became thrilled, the eyes suddenly lighted up. I saw four or five medical staff wearing white clothes in the separate crowd. , Holding various toolboxes in his hand.

The person headed by him turned out to be a tall, unusually beautiful woman with eyebrows and eyes, like the clear spring of a mountain, clear and moving, even with Pei Junlin's heart that is not moved by beauty. Instantly stunning.

This woman's appearance is at a level with his wife, Prince Qiong. What's more important is that this woman's temperament is a kind of gentle and gentle, dignified and decent, similar to the show of ancient famous people.

Wang Ziqiong's temperament belongs to the kind of cold and peerless, as if he does not eat the fireworks on the earth, but the doctor Qin in front of him is the kind of gentleness and gentleness that makes men dream of marrying home.

Pei Junlin can clearly see that most of the men present were full of admiration in the eyes of Dr. Qin, and even many martial arts are no exception. Obviously, Dr. Qin's identity is extraordinary.

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry! I just finished an operation. I'm late!"

The soft and loud voice sounded, and Dr. Qin apologized to Minister Chen.

Minister Chen waved his hand quickly: "It's okay! It's okay! Dr. Qin came just right, these two have just served to tear and repair Dan, you can help help bones!"

Dr. Qin nodded, and there was a female medical staff who was also very online to help Dr. Qin put on a mask, sterilize gloves, and then opened the toolbox. In the silver light, the tools that appeared inside were all kinds of surgical supplies. In addition, there are many bottles of medicine.

With gaze on both eyes, Dr. Qin squatted down to look at the two injured students with broken legs.

"Tear repair alchemy is a kind of elixir that can stimulate human body's flesh and bone repairing ability to the greatest extent. I have seen this elixir in the book. It takes at least half an hour to an hour to exert the effect. So don't worry, huh? "

The sound of surprise suddenly sounded, and Dr. Qin's eyes fell on the wound of a trainee who had broken his thigh, and saw that trainee's horrible wound of the broken leg, the flesh and blood slowly moved, the meridians and even the bones were undergoing slight changes. Scarlet blood leaked out from the wound.

"How did you react so quickly!"

Dr. Qin was surprised, but nevertheless, her superb quality as a medical doctor made her immediately ask the people behind to take out the broken leg in the vessel and start the operation.

This is a live broadcast of surgery. Under the gaze of both eyes, Dr. Qin showed superb surgical skills. Various silvery surgical tools in his hands were dexterous, such as wearing butterfly, bones, ribs, and continued pulse……

Time passed quickly. Under Dr. Qin's dexterous hands, the skeleton of the broken leg student and dozens of veins were all connected.

When the operation was completed, it was almost an hour later, everyone looked at the seriously injured student who had performed the operation perfectly, and all looked at Dr. Qin's eyes full of admiration.

This Doctor Qin is definitely a celebrity of the entire base, not only because of the gentle and handsome temperament of the other party, but also for the exquisite medical skills, and how many warriors with stumps and broken arms are all being used by this Doctor Qin Healed and restored the ability of the limbs.

"Unsurprisingly, when this student wakes up and has three or four months to recover, he can slowly walk down ..."

A perfect operation was performed, and Dr. Qin's soft and loud voice sounded.

There was a round of applause, apparently applauding Dr. Qin's superb medical skills. Many people praised Dr. Qin's medical skills, but he was the first person in the entire surgical base!

For such flattery praise, Dr. Qin apparently has already experienced too much. He just smiled when he heard it.

"I don't think it takes that long for this broken leg student to walk down the ground!"

Suddenly, at this moment, a quiet voice sounded.

The eyes of all the people suddenly focused on Pei Junlin's face, because that sentence was just what he said, even the beautiful eyes of Dr. Qin fell on Pei Junlin's face, but his expression did not change.

She sees too many men who want to attract her attention with various tricks, so ...

Facing a pair of eyes with different looks around him, Pei Junlin's look remained unchanged, but he stared closely at the eyes of Dr. Qin and continued: "Four days! At most four days, this broken Students with legs can go down to the ground, and after seven days, they can walk slowly. Within a month, the broken leg will be completely restored! "

"Because he was lucky to take the tear repair Dan I made!"

The uproar sounded, everyone's eyes changed to Pei Junlin's, but that kind of look was not friendly, and it was Pei Junlin's words that were a bit crazy.

However, the shocking thing is more than that. At this moment, only Pei Junlin could continue to say: "At the same time, after the student recovers, his strength will be qualitatively improved!"

"Pei Junlin, there must be a limit to arrogance. Do you think that the elixir you have made is a panacea?"

The sound of anger finally sounded, and Liu Yuebai couldn't help the anger in his heart and said, "Four days to the ground, seven days to walk, one month will be completely restored, and the strength will be qualitatively improved. Are you kidding me again?"

"Even if it is the legendary best elixir, you can't guarantee such powerful effects. You think the elixir you are refining is the elixir of Taishang Laojun!"

"Just! So arrogant!"

"It's almost eyes overhead!"

"Who does he think he is!"

"There must be a limit to bragging?"

The scornful and ironic voices fluctuated with each other, and many people were provoked by Pei Junlin's arrogant attitude, especially among the disciples of Dan Yao Ge.

Dr. Qin, gentle and gentle, also put a pair of beautiful eyes on Pei Junlin's face, but said nothing.

"Fuck up to Lao Tzu, noisy!"

The scream of absurdity suddenly sounded, and Li Chaoran's face was gloomy ~ ~ A pair of gloomy eyes slowly swept everyone: "Are you all deaf? Are you deaf? My brother just said it Ground, walk for seven days and recover completely in a month! "

"What are you trying to do here blindly, will you know everything when time comes!"

Everyone was afraid of Li Chaoran's identity background, and one after another dared not to speak, but at last they were quite quiet.

"It won't take four days!"

At this time, Pei Junlin's voice suddenly sounded again, attracting everyone's attention. Then with a pair of eyes watching, Pei Junlin reached out and gently touched another student who was in a coma on the stretcher with a quiet voice: "This student also took my tear repair Dan, and now I can guarantee that there are already many places in the student's wounds starting to heal and scar!"

"Within five hours, all the wounds on this trainee will heal completely and scars. After ten hours, they will be born alive and live again!"

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