Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 136: Siege

You know, what happened in the Lingnan Mountains that day caused a huge earthquake in the entire Jiangnan area!

A group of wealthy children, both men and women, have been interrupted by an arm. This is amazing enough, but the event is still bigger.

Shen Enhua, a gatekeeper from Qinghongmen, was killed by a punch in that play, which triggered the entire earthquake!

Who is Shen Enhua?

That is the gatekeeper of Qinghongmen. It represents the face of Qinghongmen. No one would think that the talents of Qinghongmen began to contact the domestic forces. The young generation of outstanding gatekeepers were killed, which is tantamount to provoking Qingmen. No one is afraid of this huge and incomparable force!

As soon as the news came out, the entire Jiangnan area caused a great sensation. Everyone was looking for the daring culprit of the day, especially a powerful elder and another gatekeeper from Qinghongmen. Kill the murderer with thousands of swords to defend the dignity and face of Qinghongmen.

However, that day occurred in the remote and remote Lingnan Mountains, and wanted to search it like a needle in a haystack. Until now, the major forces in Jiangnan and the people of Qinghongmen have not found the so-called culprit.

Who would have thought that, just today, the guy who had made a terrible disaster had once again ventured into the Jiangnan region and was recognized by Zhang Chao in public. The minds of everyone in the Zhang family were weird.

Shocked, incredible, hateful, mischievous, gloating ...

Many people even look at Pei Junlin as if looking at an idiot. Is this guy's head caught by the door? Otherwise, how dare he be so bold?

Even Zhang Changsheng, who is calm and wise, had a momentary sluggishness from the moment he learned Pei Junlin's identity, and couldn't help but say, "Young man, how brave!"

Pei Junlin's look was ancient and waveless, with his hands on his back. In his eyes, he seemed to disregard the existence of Zhangjia No.40 or No.50. Even if his identity was revealed, there was still no change in his look.

He heard that he just said lightly: "My guts don't need your evaluation. Without this guts, I would not set foot in this Jiangnan area!"

As soon as this remark came to an end, everyone in the Zhang family immediately angered and scolded, and almost all of them were angered by Pei Junlin's low-key Zhang Kuang.

"Boy, it's true that there is a way in heaven, you don't go, but you have no way to hell!"

Zhang Qifeng was the first to resist the monstrous killing in his heart. When he took a step, the horror of the master's aura immediately broke out. That cultivation turned out to be a strong master of five masters, enough to run wild in this vulgar world.

"Today you will pay the price for your arrogance! Become the best bargaining chip for my Zhang family to come to this hegemony in the Jiangnan region!"

The words didn't fall, Zhang Qifeng was already one with his fists, his punches were like a dragon, he was so full of energy, with a magnificent momentum, he smashed into Pei Junlin's head, fierce and spicy.

Because the Mr. Pei Junlin killed during the day had the best relationship with Zhang Qifeng. When he knew the news of his brother's death, Zhang Qifeng hated if he was crazy, and vowed to be a murderer!

"An ant-like thing, dare to pick stars!"

However, when Zhang Qifeng flew into the whole body with an astonishing evil spirit, Pei Junlin snorted, showing an undisguised disdain, five fingers scratching the void, amazing mana surge, and finally turned into one The giant hand with the size of a disc, with the momentum of Mount Taishan, grabbed it in front of Zhang Qifeng.

That gesture, that gesture, is like the eagle flying down in the sky, hunting the prey below!

In the original Zhangjia camp in the distance, many powerful men couldn't help but change their faces. Obviously, Pei Junlin's powerful practice demonstrated by his hands frightened everyone!

"Qi Feng, come back soon!"

Zhang Changsheng couldn't help shouting, but it was too late, and Pei Junlin's mana master was under the thunderous force and was under pressure.

Below, Zhang Qifeng, who just rushed into Pei Junlin's body, had already lost his soul. Others saw the danger of his situation. He was the deepest feeling as the protagonist. When Pei Junlin exhibited the mana master, Zhang Qifeng only felt Above the head, a majestic power like a **** shrouded!

Under this terrible pressure, his whole body was really obscure, and his blood was even in a state of countercurrent flow. His mind thought could not help but have a very small thought of himself.

Zhang Qifeng was terrified. At last, in a loud noise, the mana hand was pinched in the palm of his hand and lifted up in the air, like a poor little chick!

"It's ridiculous that you dare to come to me for revenge on your ants like this!"

Pei Junlin's voice sounded slowly, and a pair of blade-like eyes slowly swept across all the Zhang family members present.

"Release Master Qifeng!"

The change came so suddenly, the Zhang family couldn't react too quickly, and Zhang Qifeng had fallen into the hands of Pei Junlin.

"Young man, please don't make yourself wrong! If you dare to hurt my child with a sweat, even if the old man Zhang Changsheng exhausts his family property, he will make you regret it for life!"

Zhang Changsheng's face was gloomy and watery. His voice was trembling slightly because of his anger. After all, it was his son. Not long ago, he had died of a son. If he lost another, even he would be unbearable. !!

Pei Junlin's lacquered black eyes narrowed slightly: "Old things, do you threaten me again?"

Zhang Changsheng snorted coldly: "What about threatening you ?!"

The words didn't fall. In front of him, two more black mists were entangled, the figure was thin, and the whole body was wrapped in the figure in a long black robe.

Except for Pei Junlin, no one can see how these two shadows appeared. It seems that the soldiers descended from heaven. Since the moment of appearance, almost all the Zhang family members' faces have changed, and some people can't help but let out a noise. Whispered: "The second old man!"

The second old man of charm, an existence that is extremely fearful in the entire Zhang family, is also one of the strongest chassis of Zhang Changsheng's pulse. Zhang Changsheng can have such a status today. The second old man does not know how many achievements he has made. .

It is rumored that this fascinating second was always when Zhang Changsheng was young. At an accidental opportunity, a pair of twins who were treated was born. They were unable to speak, and they were even deformed people who were unavoidable. They looked extremely ugly.

However, it is a pair of martial arts wizards. After being rescued by Zhang Changsheng, he accidentally touched the martial arts method, and he was completely out of control. He has since become one of Zhang Changsheng's most powerful chassis!

At this moment, the appearance of the fascinating old man indicates that Zhang Changsheng is completely angry!

"Young man, the old man gave you a chance, and immediately released my son, maybe you can leave a whole body, otherwise ..." Zhang Changsheng's cold words sounded slowly.

Pei Junlin's mouth slightly tilted: "You can only leave a whole corpse with your son! What if you squeeze my son directly?"

"You listen, like this ..."


It seems that the sound of watermelon being squeezed by gravity exploded from the air, accompanied by the blood and rain that filled the sky, Pei Junlin really pinched Zhang Qifeng in his hand!

Zhang Changsheng was stunned, and everyone in the Zhang family was stunned, staring blankly at the blood spraying in front of the sky!

Even in the dark, at this moment, the dense blood rain falling in mid-air fell on the ground, so shocking.

Zhang Qifeng, Zhang Changsheng's second son, a great master of five grades, is a well-known big man in the entire city of Suzhou, so under everyone's eyelids, he was pinched and exploded, just like a cheap toy.

what! !! !!

The sharp roar of hysteria sounded through the silent night, and Chang Changsheng became crazy if his eyes were completely red: "Second old man, kill the **** for the old man! I will chop his skin and eat his meat alive!"

Huh! Huh!

The sound of blasting sounds was piercing, and the puppet Erao dragged two long black gas, attacking and killing Pei Jun, like two ghosts in the dark night, unknown grade, but dangerously piercing.

At the same time, Zhang Changsheng, who was in a state of madness, was full of horror. He turned out to be a top master of the seven masters. He leaped fiercely against Pei Jun and vowed to death.

Killing intentions bloomed like fireworks in the night. Three top powerhouses besieged Pei Junlin together!

But Pei Junlin was not afraid. In the long laughter, he swept his sleeves to greet him. He could kill even the innate strong ones like Pei's ancestor, let alone such a great master!

You're welcome ~ ~ No matter how strong the master comes, Pei Junlin has no fear. As for the so-called seductive second old man, he is like a clown!

Pei Junlin turned his fingers into a knife and waved it in the air. The bright and aggressive swordmang was invincible, and he would be hurt if touched. The body was broken and the swordman was facing, forcing no one to dare to approach.

When Zhang Changsheng saw this, his hair was upside down, and he kept yelling and screaming the second old man, and finally forced the second old man to be anxious. His whole body was dark, and he waved between the hands. The black gasified dragon grew up and roared. Shocked towards Pei Junlin!

"Carved worms, break me!"

The blood-red swordsman slashed into the air, splitting the two black dragons in half directly!

I never thought that the moment when the black dragon burst, it suddenly turned into a dark sky, covering the sky and covering a land of 100 meters, and completely surrounded Pei Junlin, the two elders of charm and Zhang Changsheng, and couldn't see clearly Real combat situation.

This can anxious the Zhang family outside, one by one as the ants on the hot pot!

"Rest assured that my father and the second old man of the charm are shot, this **** will die!"

Zhang Changsheng's only eldest son said so. Even with his face full of confidence, even if Pei Junlin is more powerful, how can he besiege the siege of three top powerhouses, such a formation, even the master of Jiupin, I'm afraid enough to drink a pot!

The Zhang family, who was anxious around them, heard that they had stabilized their minds, one by one, showing their hopes, and staring closely at the roaring black mist.

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