Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 133: Jiangnan Guo Family (below)

Late at the door of the hotel room!

Pei Nianci's eyes were full of fear and deep resentment, and he stared blankly at the group of people in front of him.

I saw, in the outer corridor of the hotel, a group of black squadrons stood at least a dozen, headed by two men and two women, and the headed men were two middle-aged people in their forties men and women.

The man has a dark complexion, a hawk nose, and deep eye sockets. Although the woman is charming, her lips are thin, and at first glance she is the kind of sharp-headed person.

Behind the two men, a younger man and a woman stood still, all looking arrogant. The ugly noise just now was issued by that young man.

"You ... how did you find this ?!"

When he saw someone, Pei Nianci's eyes were swollen and rounded. At the same time, it was difficult to hide the thick resentment in the eyes.

"Ugly bastards, get out of this master!"

Just as Pei Nianci was in a daze, one of his feet had already flew lightning, right in the middle of Pei Nianci's stomach.

This foot immediately made Pei Nianci cry out in pain, his body slumped to the ground, his face full of pain!

"Read mercy!"

In the room, Pei Junlin heard the vision, rushed out quickly, and then saw the scene that made him crack.

He had no idea that someone would do something under his eyelids and hurt his loved ones!

"You are looking for death!"

An astonishing evil broke out suddenly, no matter who appeared in front of him, who dared to hurt his sister, only blood was used for washing!


No one could see Pei Junlin's movements clearly. When they appeared, they were already standing in front of the group of people. The faces of the two middle-aged men and women, who were head-changing, suddenly changed.

I saw Pei Junlin's lightning probe, grabbed the young man's hair, and lifted it up in the air!

The severe pain on the scalp made the young man couldn't help screaming, but this was just the beginning. Pei Junlin was sending out an amazing chill all over his body and punched out, right in the middle of the young man's belly. Seeing the youth going to recycle their feet.


This fist fell, even if Pei Junlin did not use any practice, the simple physical strength also made the youth's complexion suddenly turn red, and then a mouthful of scarlet blood spewed out, only feeling that all the internal organs were broken, and the heart was eroded With pain, his mouth screamed like a pig.

The faces of everyone around changed immediately, especially the woman, and even more so. A hysterical screamed, and his teeth flew up. "Asshole! Let go of my son!"

However, Pei Junlin was greeted by her, a sharper kick. This kick kicked on the woman's stomach. It suddenly looked like a human sandbag and hit the corner of the door with a severe pain.

But Pei Junlin seemed to have done a trivial little thing, and once again set his eyes on the young man's face, showing his cold coldness, killing intently condensing in his eyes, and again punching out. This time the goal Amazingly the head of that young man!

"Jinglin, stop !!!!"

Seeing that Pei Junlin's fist was about to fall, at this moment, suddenly, a voice full of panic came from the room, and Pei Junlin's fist that could swallow his fist stopped at an inch from the youth's head.

When he turned to look around, he saw Guo Shiyun and Pei Donglai, both in pajamas, standing in the living room with horror and staring at him!

"That's your second aunt's son! Don't hurry up ?!"

Guo Shiyun's trembling coldness seemed to be frightened. Pei Junlin raised an eyebrow and glanced at the young man who had been scared that his crotch was wet by a large amount. After a little hesitation, he threw it on the ground like a trash.

"Nianci, stand by me!"

Pei Junlin asked her sister to stand beside him, his face was full of coldness, and he looked coldly at these unexpected guests!

When he glanced across the young woman's face, he paused slightly. If he remembered that, this woman was one of the young people with Dong Bao during the day, no wonder!

Pei Junlin understood how the Guo family could find him so quickly, and the feeling was that this woman recognized them!

Perhaps it was shocked by Pei Junlin's astounding evil spirit. A group of men and women who had arrogant and arrogant spirits collectively lost their voices, and looked at Pei Junlin's pervaded face with fear.

At this time, Guo Shiyun and Pei Donglai both came over, frowning, "Three brother, why are you here ... Hey, how did you lie on the ground, Ermei?"

This group of people is not someone else. It is actually the Jiangnan Guo family that Pei Junlin had talked with his sister Pei Nianci before. I really do n’t know how the other party found this place so quickly.

Guo Shiyun is the boss of the Guo family. There are three younger sisters and three younger brothers below her.

Guo Shiyun did n’t say anything. When he said that Guo Shihan, who was lying on the ground and covering his stomach, did n’t know where the strength came from, he stood up and shouted sharply, “Guo Shiyun, you slut, you dare to encourage you That **** son beat us, look at what your son has done to my son? "

"Vixen, who do you scold? Believe me or not, I slap your mouth full of teeth!"

Where is Pei Junlin who is such a good-tempered person, not to mention that at this moment is the closest relative he cares about. If anyone dares to insult, he is the enemy!

As for the so-called Guo family in Jiangnan, it is even more nonsense. Since the younger sister Nianci learned of their ups and downs in the past three years, Pei Junlin has been extremely disgusted with this Jiangnan Guo family.

He is so old, he has never met any relatives of the so-called grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, etc., not to mention in this special situation at the moment!

Seeing Pei Junlin's eyes full of irritation, Guo Shihan couldn't help but startled, his stomach became more painful and unbearable. He squatted on the ground and shouted his son who had been completely frightened.

Guo Shiyun frowned as she looked at the person, looking very indifferent: "My son won't hit someone for no reason!"

"Also, you are not welcome here, please leave!"

"Guo Shiyun!"

The angry voice sounded. The third brother, who had never spoken, took a step suddenly, and a powerful field of grand masters emerged from his body, showing a high profile: "Do you think we want to come to this broken hotel?"

"Not yet because of what your good son did during the day, it has already shaken the entire Sioux City!"

"He just killed Dong Hu, even the Zhang family's people were killed, it was just bold and insane, I don't know if I live or die!"

Mentioning this stubble, the original look of Guo Shiyun and Pei Donglai, who were indifferent, also changed rapidly, which is also the most worrying thing for the couple.

Even though Pei Junlin had known for a long time that their son had a stunt and destroyed the Jiangbei Pei family, but Zhangjia was famous in the entire Jiangnan area. No matter how strong Pei Junlin was, he was afraid that Fist invincible in four hands!

In fact, as they expected, even the transmission speed was faster, and what happened in the afternoon. At night, the people of the Guo family came to the door and apparently caused great trouble!

"Ha ha!"

With a sneer, Guo Jianfeng noticed the changes in the faces of Pei Donglai and Guo Shiyun, and couldn't help sneering: "Is it scared now? Is it late!"

Guo Jianfeng's dominated gaze turned to Pei Junlin's face, a gesture of the elders to teach the younger: "Pei Junlin, isn't it? The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, thinking that he can do whatever he wants!"

"I have heard your name occasionally, and I heard that you are very famous in Jiangbei, but this is Jiangnan, not your Jiangbei!"


Pei Junlin asked calmly.

Guo Jianfeng said coldly: "So now you only have one way to go! Follow me immediately to apologize to the Zhang family. If you have to be sincere enough, plus my three-point thin face, the Zhang family may still give you a hint. opportunity!"

"After all, how do you say, you are also relatives of my Jiangnan Guo family, and there is a part of my Guo family blood flowing in the blood ..."

At the end of the discourse, Guo Jianfeng suddenly became kind-hearted, and his face could not be separated.

Pei Junlin's eyes widened, and he was considered to be well-informed, but a person with such a shameless face in front of him had not encountered many. It would take such a thick face to say such things!

At this moment, an undisguised sneer suddenly sounded. Pei Nianci, the sister standing next to Pei Junlin, couldn't bear it. An undisguised sneer and sarcasm appeared on one face: "Loved ones? Bloodline? It's up to you. Also mention these two words! This is the funniest joke I have ever heard since I was so old! Haha! "

At the end, Pei Nianci laughed louder and louder. At last he bent down and hugged his belly, squatting on the ground and laughing.

That laughter was so harsh in the silent room at this moment ~ ~ Pei Donglai and Guo Shiyun were also cold and unmoved.

"Ignorant Huangmao, what are you laughing at?"

Guo Jianfeng felt the ridicule in Pei Nianci's laughter, couldn't help but his face changed, and his voice was scolded.

"Sir, is there any problem with your IQ? Are you all a fool in this world or are you an idiot yourself?"

Pei Junlin said faintly: "Why do you Jiangnan Guo family find here tonight, what is your heart, you know best, we are too lazy to break it!"

"In my mother's face, tonight I can forgive you for this extravagance and ignorance, get out of here now, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Little bastard, what do you say?"

Guo Jianfeng felt that his ears had hallucinations. He is a member of the Guo family in Jiangnan. He must play a pivotal role in the entire Soviet city. When will he fall to be bombed out by a young man in public? !!

"Guo Shiyun, Pei Dong came, this is the good son you have cultivated! How dare you insult me ​​in public ..."

Guo Jianfeng was so angry that he pointed out Pei Donglai and Guo Shiyun's nose and cursed loudly.


Who ever thought that before his words fell, a horror like Hell broke out directly, and Pei Junlin, who had already endured to the limit, could no longer restrain his emotions, slap out: "Old thing, who are you calling? Then! "

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