Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 119: 8 parties come to congratulate (on)

Three days, just a click away!

In the past three days, it may have been a blink of an eye for Pei Junlin. All his mind was immersed in the layout of the Eastern Taiyi Formation. However, for the entire Jinling City and even the major forces in Jiangbei, it was The most disturbing and exciting days.

Since the news of Pei's home garden that day, the news that Pei Junlin will banquet the entire Jiangbei Qunying, the whole Jiangbei area, all kinds of forces are boiling!

Who is Pei Junlin?

That is one of the big names nowadays. The youngest congenital strongman alone destroyed the strong presence of Pei's ancestors and even the more than 20 masters of Pei's family.

Not only that, he also seized all the huge resources of the Jiangbei Pei family and became one of the youngest rich people in the entire Jiangbei area at one stroke!

All these titles are enough to make all Jiangbei forces fear the awe, especially Pei Junlin is still so young. Young means that there are various possibilities!

Compared to the former Jiangbei Pei family, today's Pei Junlin is even more exciting!

Therefore, in the face of such an innate powerhouse with unlimited development potential and at the same time possessing terrifying power, the entire Jiangbei force's horses are all tempted and racked their brains in an attempt to leave a good impression on this new super dark horse!

This led to a rapid increase in the population of Jinling City in just one week. All forces on the stage have poured into Jinling City in order to prepare to enter the Pei family garden at the first time. visit!

Finally, the long overdue seventh day finally arrived!

Deep inside the Pei family garden, in a courtyard like a paradise, when Pei Junlin opened his eyes, the soft bedside, the Iraqi people were no longer there, leaving only bursts of fragrance, and some left after the war. trace.

After a simple wash and changing clothes, Pei Jun came out of the yard and saw the lush, blooming garden in the distance. The silhouette was constantly moving, a busy scene.

Hong Tianlei commanded one by one, hurriedly arranging all the necessities needed for today's banquet, such as banquets, drinks, desserts and so on.

Seeing Pei Jun coming, Hong Tianlei saluted quickly and respectfully shouted, "Sir!"

Pei Junlin nodded and asked, "Where's Madam?"

"Mrs. She is in the front yard, sir, if needed, I'll go ..."

Pei Junlin waved his hand to stop Hong Tianlei's words and walked towards the front yard.

The Wang Ziqiong family and the senior officials of Junlin International arrived at midnight last night. The purpose was to participate in the relocation of Junlin International today. Pei Junlin came to the front yard, and at a glance he saw the prince who was also busy commanding the people and decorating the garden Joan.

That unparalleled posture, even among thousands, is still so outstanding!

In addition to Wang Ziqiong, there are also elite high-level officials of King Lin International, including Wang Ziqiong's parents, Wang Ziyu and Julia.

"Just let everyone do these trivial matters. Why do you do it yourself?"

The sudden sound from his ear scared Wang Ziqiong. When he looked back to see the familiar figure standing behind him, Wang Ziqiong glanced strangely: "So what? Today is the biggest day for Kinglin International All of this must be taken care of by myself! "

"Boss, you are here!"

The appearance of Pei Junlin caused a lot of attention in the front yard. Once in a red dress, the charming Julia saw her eyes shining brightly and uttered her voice.

Pei Junlin smiled and nodded to Julia: "Yes! It has already broken through the Grand Master. It seems you are working hard these days!"


"Good morning, boss!"

At this time, a high-level elite of the famous Junlin International opened their mouths, and it was difficult to hide the strong awe in their eyes.

When the pointer stays at 9 o’clock in the morning, a bright blue light rising directly into the sky rises from the depths of Pei's garden, just like a firework in full bloom, dazzling, can be seen for dozens of miles, shocked Countless heart forces!

At the same time, the heavy wooden door of the Pei family garden that has been closed for a long time is slowly opened, indicating that the time of Huang Daoji, the joy of the relocation of Junlin International, will start slowly!

The door only opened in less than five minutes. Pei's home garden, outside the solemn door, already had a convoy of seven or eight luxury cars. The team stopped slowly, and the entire Audi A8.

The car door was opened, and a dozen or so people in formal attire stood out from the inside. They were men and women who were big bosses. Each of them held carefully prepared gifts in their hands and walked towards the door of Pei's garden. Go on.

At the entrance, Hong Tianlei and Yuan Molong and the other two masters of the five grades were received.

"The chairman of Qingzhou Mingde Group comes to congratulate!"

"The president of Qingzhou Changqing Wine Industry came to congratulate!"

"Congratulations from Qingzhou Xuyang Real Estate CEO!"

"The chairman of Qingzhou Bikang Pharmaceutical came to congratulate ..."

Whenever someone handed out the gift, Yuan Molong's voice sounded like a bell, and the butler Hong Tianlei smiled and invited the bosses who came to congratulate to enter the gate of Pei's garden.

After entering the garden, someone naturally greeted it. It was really well-mannered and comprehensive.

At the moment, in the front yard of Pei's garden, blooming flowers, jasper and ivy, beautiful gardens, and nimble, the courtyard is headed by Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong. Both sides have already been filled with Junlin International high-level and a group of guru Strong.

The moment the big bosses who visited the congratulations stepped into the courtyard, they just stopped and stared at each other's eyes as they looked at the gardens like Xanadu.

They are also big bosses with great insights. Many people have rushed through * and browsed countless beautiful places. But at this moment, when they see such a beautiful scene in the garden, they are still hit by a huge shock like never before!

It is hard to imagine that in such a modern cement-filled steel city, there was originally a garden in such a world, especially the exceptionally fresh air in the nose, which flowed into the lungs, making the whole person's body lighter by three points and relaxed. !!

"This ... this is simply a wonderland on earth!"

A big boss sighed, then hurriedly walked towards the young men and women of the pair of immortal relatives who were standing first.

"Mr. Pei, President Wang! Congratulations!"

The big bosses from Qingzhou have expressed their joy, and it is difficult to hide the awe and envy in their eyes.

If it was said that Junlin International only ruled the hegemony outside of Qingzhou City, then starting today, it will completely emerge, enter the eyes of the world, and set foot on a wider stage.

Pei Junlin nodded slightly, and Wang Ziqiong smiled and asked the big bosses from Qingzhou to take the seat first. Various drinks and dessert snacks were already prepared on the table.

"The boss of Linda Mining in Qingzhou comes to congratulate!"

"The owner of Qingzhou Sanri Chain Hotel came to congratulate!"

"The boss of Qingzhou Kaiser Entertainment Group came to congratulate!"

At this time, Yuan Molong's loud voice came from outside. Then, a group of well-dressed men and women of different temperaments entered the door again.

Like the expressions of a group of people before, they were shocked by the beauty of the garden like a fairyland, and then hurriedly walked to Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong.

Looking at these big bosses who are worth at least ten million or hundreds of millions, in the face of Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong, so respectful and charming, Wang Haishan and Qin Yan, who stood in the crowd, showed pride in their eyes. Color.

Not only that, a high-level Junlin International senior also had another grand master who also raised his chest, with excitement and excitement on his face.

The stronger the development of Junlin International, the higher the social status and identity of Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong, all of them here will also benefit, and the benefits are endless!

In this way, at the gate of Pei's garden, a number of luxury cars stopped constantly, and people continued to visit one after another. Basically, the first people to visit were all from Qingzhou, and even Zhang Shu and Zhao finally Political figures like the director are here!

Definitely gave the face of Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong, but all the people with heads and faces in Qingzhou came to the scene without any absence!

Nowadays, in the entire Jiangbei region, no one knows, and no one knows Pei Junlin's name, and it is absolutely everyone's dream to be able to have a good relationship with such a new super dark horse.

"Jewelry Song family from Nishikawa came to congratulate!"

"Congratulations from Chairman Zhao of Yushi Group!"

"Congratulations from Houli New Energy!"

Yuan Molong's loud voice came again from outside, and the people who came to visit this time have gradually become big bosses and celebrities in some other urban areas in the Jiangbei area.

The entire Jiangbei region has a vast area. There are nearly 20 three-tier cities like Qingzhou alone, and some county-level cities are not included. Among them, the rich and powerful are countless.

As time passed, more and more big brothers and riches gathered in the front yard of Pei's home garden. Fortunately, Pei's home garden was large enough, otherwise, I was really worried that I couldn't put up so many people!

"Golden lion Jinyang from Jinling City comes to congratulate!"

Suddenly, Yuan Molong's voice came out clearly, and the atmosphere in the originally lively courtyard was suddenly slightly stagnant, and then everyone saw a magnificent man with golden curls and a group of eagle-eyed men and younger brothers behind him. , Strode into Pei's home garden.

The golden lion lion ~ ~ One of the big names in the whole Jiangbei region. His Majesty controls at least two underground forces like Qingzhou, which is definitely one of the characters that has made many people smell and change.

Many people did not expect that even big figures such as the Golden Retriever would come to express joy to Pei Jun.

Under the gaze of all eyes, the golden-haired lion Jinyang, who was full of sturdy breath, took several young brothers who watched as eagles and wolves, strode in front of Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong, showing an unprecedented respectful gesture, bowing Holding his fists: "Jin Yang has seen Mr. Pei, Mrs. Pei!"

"I wish Mr. and Mrs. a successful career, a golden age, a youthful age, and a beautiful face!"

The last sentence was shouted by a group of younger brothers together with the golden-haired lion Jin Yang. The neat shouts rang out through the sky, and the sound was amazing!

Pei Junlin nodded slightly, this golden retriever lion Jin Yang could barely be regarded as the number one character, after all, the other person's cultivation is already the state of the master of the third grade.

At this moment, Yuan Molong's loud voice came from outside: "Jinling City One-eyed Du Tai, Jinling City Black Dog King both came to congratulate!"

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