Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 116: World famous

? The whole Maple Leaf Peak, at this moment, completely fell into a dead silence!

There are only a few ants-like people headed by Pei Wanshan, who are still dying, but it is only a matter of time to fail!

The northern part of the river, the Pei family of Jiangbei, which has been glorious for decades, has killed two important people in less than an hour!

One is the Pei family ancestor who founded the Pei family business in one hand, and the other is Pei Wantian, a majestic and powerful man. With the death of these two big people, people seem to see the fall of Pei family in Jiangbei!

From today, I am afraid that this family has really come to an end!

Countless eyes full of awe and fear gathered on the face of the young man in the middle of the battlefield, everyone knew that it wouldn't be long before the young man named Pei Junlin would be famous all over the world!

Today's astounding record in Maple Leaf Mountain is about to spread throughout the martial arts world in Huaxia, causing uproar!

Time passed every minute, and after a quarter of an hour, the fighting not far away finally subsided. Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong and others, all covered with blood, knelt down in front of Pei Junlin, carrying the heads of Pei Wanshan and others. With this massive attack by the Jiangbei Pei family, the entire army was wiped out!

Seeing the broken limbs in front of the ground, the blood-stained ground, and the thick **** smell floating in the air, Pei Junlin was expressionless on the starbrow face of the sword and eyebrows, but only those dark eyes Slowly swept over everyone present.

Whenever Pei Junlin glanced at the sight of hundreds of people in the audience, no one dared to face it, even Lin Qianmo and Lin Shukang were both!

In addition, there are people in the Tang family. When Pei Junlin's sharp eyes fell on the people in the Tang camp, everyone in the Tang family led by Tang Baichuan became more complicated, shocked, annoyed, regretted, incredible All kinds of emotions can be described as mixed flavors!

However, Pei Junlin was just like a stranger, swept away, and fell to the camp of the Yanhuang organization. It was received at the touch of a touch, the same expressionless.

"Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong!"

After Pei Junlin retracted his eyes, he said lightly.

"Subordinates are here!"

Hong Tianlei and Yuan Molong, kneeling on the ground, shouted bowed, their expressions were unprecedented.

"I now order the two of you, bring your horse, and you can leave for Jinling City. If the Jiang Bei Pei family ran away, don't chase it. If you didn't run, kill me without pardon!"

Pei Junlin instructed lightly, this can be regarded as one report after another, how the Jiangbei Pei family treated his Qingzhou Pei family, this time he will return intact!


Hong Tianlei and Yuan Molong immediately stood up in excitement.

"In addition, if you go to the Pei family in Jiangbei, don't come back first, but all the industries under the Pei family in Jiangbei will be sorted out for me. In the future, I will bring the entire Junlin International to the Pei family garden! "


With the last word of Pei Junlin falling, on the top of the mountain that was originally dead, there was finally a wide range of restlessness.

It is really that the amount of information revealed by this last sentence of Pei Junlin is too large, and it is clearly announced to all forces that he will be relocated from Qingzhou to Jinling City to receive all the industries left by the Pei family in Jiangbei !!

Although Qingzhou has a beautiful environment and beautiful scenery, the size of the city is still too small, and the pattern is difficult to meet Pei Junlin's requirements. In terms of opportunities and aspects, it is not as big as Jinling City!

Therefore, migration is a necessary step for Junlin International to develop further!

At the same time, it can be regarded as an announcement to the world that Junlin International is not willing to stand out from the crowd!


That day, early in the morning, the news that Pei Junlin beheaded Jiangbei's Pei family ancestors and killed 20 or 30 grand masters in succession really turned out like a storm, sweeping the entire martial arts circle of Huaxia, and even the Chinese circle far away. Over again!

The youngest congenital powerhouse is only 21 years old!

Alone, using the peerless swordsmanship, the three swords beheaded and killed the older generation of innate strongmen like Pei's ancestors!

Later, with the horrific cultivation, he broke open a powerful weapon that could seal the third-class congenital powerhouse, and killed more than 20 Jiangbei Pei family masters and even killed Jiangbei Pei's homeowner Pei Wantian!

Immediately afterwards, the Jiangbei Pei family, who had taken over ten billion yuan of assets, became one of the richest diamond-level young rich in China today!

This series of news is enough to detonate the eyes of the entire martial arts world!

In particular, when people learned that this strong man who killed the innate realm like Pei's ancestors turned out to be a young man who let the Dark Web killer miss one after another, and turned away, it shocked everyone again!

Pei Junlin's name has resounded through the entire Huaxia national martial arts circle and the overseas Chinese circle!

And just as the outside world is full of excitement, Qingzhou, Fengyeshan Villa!

Still in the original quiet room, Pei Junlin, who had settled down with Jiangbei's Pei family after years of grievances, was sitting there cross-legged quietly, as if he didn't know the outside because he had already been so hot!

However, different from before, at the moment Pei Junlin also had an extravagant figure and a beautiful figure.

The quiet room is silent, the two sit opposite each other, and no one affects anyone!

After experiencing the world-famous battle yesterday, Wang Ziqiong finally realized where the real gap between her and Pei Junlin was. So, putting aside everything, she also stepped into the army of selfless cultivation!

It's really that Pei Junlin is too eye-catching and dazzling, causing Wang Ziqiong to feel a strong sense of crisis. If she continues to be lazy, then one day, the two will inevitably be separated due to the gap in strength!

This is definitely not the result that Wang Ziqiong wants!

However, at the juncture of Wang Ziqiong's efforts to cultivate, suddenly, she noticed something abnormal in the quiet still room, her eyes opened suddenly, and then she saw an incredible scene.

I saw that the original dark room was still dark, and I did n’t know when it turned out to be green. On the walls, on the ground, and everywhere, weeds and flowers sprang up. The whole quiet room was like a holy place in the air. The fragrance of grass and flowers everywhere is fresh and tangy!

"This ... this is ... what happened!"

Wang Ziqiong's eyes were widened, and her face was incredible!

It was a miraculous scene in front of her eyes, which completely shocked her. You must know that this is a house made of cement and steel. How could there be so many flowers and plants out of nothing, and the vines covered the roof.

"Hoo ~~~!"

At this time, a long exhalation sound came, and Pei Junlin closed his eyes slowly and opened his eyes. After seeing the green scene in the quiet room, he finally showed a touch of satisfaction.

Consecutively taking more than ten hours, he finally fully grasped the threshold of cultivation of the Ogi longevity tactics. Since then, he has added a powerful offensive and defensive one-of-a-kind method!

Not only that, you don't have to work so hard when you refining Dan in the future!

At the same time, the mana in his body can be replenished the fastest by relying on this Otoki longevity formula, and the physical body can maintain a strong vitality for a long time!

Ogi longevity, that is the supreme peerless method in thousands of worlds, can control the world of wood!

Wood, the life of all things in the East!

For any living being, the vigorous vitality will always be first!

At this moment, Pei Junlin, with a clear body and even skin, even women are jealous, swords, eyebrows, eyes and stars, especially the unique temperament that has been deposited in the past two generations and condensed, making his entire charm unprecedented. Excitement, even a woman like Wang Ziqiong who is indifferent in character, can't help tempting!

"This ... you did all this?"

Forcibly suppressing Fang Xin's crazy beating, Wang Ziqiong asked.

Pei Junlin nodded, and did not conceal Ogi's longevity tactics and gave Wang Ziqiong a simple explanation.

Although Pei Junlin has tried to talk about Otsuki Changshengjue as usual, Wang Ziqiong still has a faster heartbeat, and Fangxin is shocked!

"Jinglin! I want to be stronger, I don't want to be pulled too far by you ..."

Finally, Wang Ziqiong said so.

Pei Junlin, sitting across the knees, heard the words, reached out and touched Wang Ziqiong's head, and smiled warmly: "Fool, even if you don't say it, I'll be ready for you already!"

While talking, Pei Junlin pulled out a jade bottle from his pocket, and then poured out a longan-sized purple elixir, as if there was a layer of real flowing clouds flowing slowly and beautifully.

This elixir is just a long time ago, after exhausting his painstaking efforts, he finally refined it into Ziyun Yuedan. There are seven in total, and the value of each one is inestimable. Once leaked, it will inevitably cause another shock in the martial arts world!

Pei Junlin was able to break through to the second turn of the Ninth Turn of the Nether Ghost with a Ziyun Mindan Yuedan, which shows that this Ziyun Mindan Yuedan is powerful!

"Ziqiong, eat this elixir! It won't take long for your practice to break through to the Grand Master! And the benefits will be endless in the future!" Pei Junlin said.

The prince Joan suddenly showed an unbelievable excitement on his pretty face, reached out and quickly took it. When he saw the beautiful elixir, he couldn't help but say, "This elixir is just you ..."

Pei Junlin smiled and nodded, he didn't care: "It's just a panacea. After eating, your husband can continue to make it!"

Wang Ziqiong didn't think much about it. He opened his rosy little mouth as if eating sugar, and smashed it with a click.

"Oh, so hard!"

The elixir had just been bitten, and Wang Ziqiong's cheeky face immediately collapsed, almost spitting out the elixir in his mouth.

This can scare Pei Junlin ~ ~ Crying and laughing: "Who makes you bite, how good to swallow it! Quickly, swallow it!"

In fact, without using Pei Junlin to speak, Wang Ziqiong already felt that once the bitter elixir in the mouth melted, it would automatically create a strong torrent of energy, directly down her throat, pouring down!

The unprecedented swell of swelling caused Wang Ziqiong to dare not delay half a minute, and immediately ran the Tai Qingyu Xu Gong taught by Pei Junlin into the practice of selflessness.

Seeing the rich energy fluctuations emerging from Wang Ziqiong's whole body, Pei Junlin's face showed a warm arc that was not easily noticeable. Immediately, his bright eyes fell on a domineering alchemy furnace not far away!

Since breaking through the second turn of the Ninth Turn and Nether Gong, some of the basic skills of his previous life can gradually be exerted.

For example, use some basic techniques to thoroughly refining the huge alchemy furnace in front of you, so as to blend into the depths of your own Dantian.

Day and night, with the power of his own mana and blood, this can not only cultivate the spirituality of this alchemy furnace, but also summon to fight against the enemy, but also can be used to make elixir, the benefits are many ...

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