Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 113: Kill!

? Two congenital strong men who are holding a heart of killing, this battle, immediately fight the sky dark, the rivers and mountains are overshadowed!

The ancestors of the Pei family did not expect that Pei Junlin could see the essence of the exercises he practiced at a glance. This is the biggest secret of his life. Even his innate strengths are cultivated and the taboos he cultivates. There is a lot to do with evil power!

Who ever thought that, as soon as it was revealed, he would be recognized, how to keep him from panic?

It must be known that although the state of martial arts does not interfere very much, the monitoring is still very strict, especially for certain methods or martial arts such as taboo evil powers, the means are very vicious.

If this is discovered, even if he is the supreme innate power, the country will immediately send people to act, so all of this adds up ... Pei Jun will be dead before him!

As for Pei Junlin, it is also full of the mentality of killing. First, there are the grudges of the Pei family ancestors and his family, plus the madness of Pei family ancestors to use eleven or twelve-year-old children to cultivate. My ancestor died several times!

Therefore, as soon as the killing broke out, the battle between the two innate powerhouses climbed directly to the highest peak. In the eyes of the observers around it, it was difficult to see the actual situation of the battle, and some of them were only blurred figures like lightning. Sometimes The shock of the real yuan crashed.

Using the evil and taboo techniques, the strength of Pei's ancestors soared in a short period of time. Pei Jun couldn't help for a while, and the two of them became deadlocked.

However, Pei Junlin is very calm. What kind of character is he? It has been seen at a glance that the state of Pei's ancestors is a typical foreign strong and medium dry. Although the power of taboo evil power is strong, it can improve the strength in a short time. But all this is only temporary!

When the caster's body energy is not enough to support all of this, everything naturally disintegrates quickly. Not only that, but also leaves difficult wounds to heal and self-destructive cultivation foundation.

Therefore, in the face of Pei ’s ancestors ’crazy dog ​​attack, Pei Junlin was just calm and quiet, and occasionally counterattacked. Then, around his body, there was a transparent light curtain floating, which was his mana defense. , Can protect himself and the prince Joan in his arms to the greatest extent from any harm.

Even during the fierce battle with the ancestors of Pei family, Pei Junlin was still talking to Wang Ziqiong jokingly: "Zi Qiong, did you see the old man who was desperate? I bet, after three strokes, he is such a crazy dog It seems that the attack will be greatly weakened! "

Prince Joan, who was held in his arms by Pei Junlin from the beginning of the battle, had a little tremor in addition to his heart at the beginning, and has since been calm, especially the strong arms and chests of the men around him. An unprecedented sense of security flooded the entire mind.

That feeling is like the destruction of heaven and earth. As long as this man is around, everything is enough!

It is a very happy thing to die in the arms of a beloved man.

After hearing Pei Junlin's words pointing at Jiangshan again, Wang Ziqiong's pale face could not help but reveal a smile of smile, and his arms hugged the waist of the man beside him.

This scene fell into the eyes of the ancestors of the Pei family, knowing that Pei Junlin was stimulating him intentionally, but he could not help the blood punch, and his eyes were congested, and he seemed to be more aggressive. Men and women, frustrated!

"A trick!"

Pei Junlin hugged the prince Qiongman's exquisite figure, avoided lightly, and then counterattacked appropriately with the Shura sword.

"Second move!"

Pei Junlin shouted again, the voice did not fall, and the Shura sword in his hands increased greatly in blood and sword, forcing the fierce offensive of the Pei family ancestors!

"Little miscellaneous, do you know how to avoid it blindly? There is a skill and old man to have a real showdown!"

The angry voice of Pei's ancestor came out. He also knew the shortcomings of his taboo evil skills. If he waited for the true essence of the body and blood to support him, the consequences would be very serious.

"Haha! Old man, since you are so anxious to die, you are as you wish!"

Pei Junlin, who has been defending against many attacks, suddenly laughed loudly. The laughter didn't fall. His soles of his feet struck on the ground. A mighty coercive force burst out from his body, and he burst out.


As if the earthquake was approaching, the entire Maple Leaf Peak shuddered, and the terrifying air waves spread around.

As for Pei Junlin himself, he had already held Prince Qiong's body and emptied it, rising directly to a height of ten meters, standing in the air, and his slender and erect figure bloomed a dazzling and peerless edge!

It attracted countless spectators among the surrounding audience, especially some female members, who were more energetic and the stars flickered.

I have a sword, the world is invincible!

The dazzling dazzling radiance seemed to pour out the rolling waves of flood. Wherever it passed, it wiped out all the light, and even the sun in the sky was overshadowed by it!

On the ground, the ancestors of Pei's family who were still waiting for a look changed drastically!

He was so angry that he had a long-lost life and death crisis!

"How is this possible? How could there be such a peerless sword in the world!"

The ancestor of Pei's face showed an unbelievable look. Immediately after the reaction, he didn't have the courage to pick up the sword, turned his body into a flash of lightning, and fled towards the distance!

He is an old man who has lived for nearly a hundred years. His eyelashes are empty. When Pei Junlin showed his second type of Shura knife, he knew that today he had lost the battle!

Run away while the taboo evil has not yet occurred!

How far to escape!

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, not to mention he is a heroic figure!

What if the Jiangbei Pei family is ruined, as long as he is there, in time, a second Jiangbei Pei family will be created, but his life is only one!

Especially nowadays, he is already an innate strongman who breaks through the innate realm, and has a supreme position. Wherever such cultivation goes, it is an existence admired by thousands of people. He has a great life for him to enjoy, how can he How easy to die? !!

I saw a strong Zhenyuan eruption at the feet of Pei's ancestors. It looked like stepping on two assistant launchers. When Zhenyuan rushed out, they rushed out dozens of meters in the blink of an eye, and the speed was as lightning!

"Old ancestors !!!"

Everyone who watched the battle from a distance was stunned. Everyone had never thought that a peerless powerhouse like Pei's ancestors would flee without fighting, one by one chin.

Among them, the people in the Jiangbei Pei family camp were the hardest hit. Seeing the esteemed ancestors who have made such a fleeing action without surprise, Pei Wantian and others' faces were as pale as paper, and their whole bodies were haggard. Shaking, I don't know if it was caused by anger or fear!

As for the men and women from all around the world, their faces are also wonderful ...


At this moment, a loud thunderous sound came, and the earth was once again torn apart, cracking an unfathomable fissure, as if directly through the Jiuyou land, which was caused by Pei Junlin's mighty sword!

"Old man, do you think you can escape?"

Pei Junlin's indifferent voice penetrated the land, and immediately he dropped the prince Joan in his arms gently to the ground, and once again performed the knife, but this time changed to hands!

"The third type of Shura knife method-broken soul!"

Pei Junlin's mana boiled throughout the body, Nine Turns of Nether Gong worked frantically, a pair of lacquered black eyes, the light burst into the sky, staring at Pei's ancestor who had escaped dozens of meters away, the next second, in his hand Shura sword, cut again!


The blade of light, like the same thick lightning, swept across the void, and finally turned into thousands of dense, small blades, which caused the eyes of the irritated person to ache, and a temporary blindness appeared in their sight!

When everyone's eyes recovered, they saw Pei's ancestors rushing in the distance, and their entire body was crossed by dense white blades. The flesh suddenly became scarred and blood splattered!

"Old man is unwilling !!!"

The blood-stained body of the ancestor of the Pei family turned slowly and stiffly, revealing a pair of bleak eyes, staring directly at Pei Junlin. It seemed that he had just broken through the innate state and was ruthlessly beheaded here. !!


Suddenly, at this moment, a thin hairy dagger passed by his brows, the body of the ancestor of Pei family stiffened again, and a red line gradually leaked out from the forehead and eyebrows, and finally fell down with a bang. on the ground!

The audience was silent, everyone was staring at everything in front of them, full of incredibleness!

The ancestor of the Pei family, a supreme innate powerhouse, is dead!

This is definitely an amazing event that the entire martial arts world has made it sensational!

The dull eyes slowly lifted up and fell on the slender young man in the void. At this moment, it was full of infinite awe and worship!

Because everyone knows that from now on, this young man named Pei Junlin, nicknamed Pesura, has risen completely!

And at an unprecedented speed of demon evil, the young talents who swept the young generation of martial arts are completely famous and famous all over the world!

The 21-year-old congenital powerman sounds inexplicably trembling alone. It is hard to imagine how many years this young man named Pei Junlin can reach!

On the ground ~ ~ Prince Qiong was staring at the peerless young man in the sky. In addition to strong pride in a pair of beautiful eyes, there was a sense of determination!

After this battle, she was deeply aware of the distance between her and Pei Junlin. If she was allowed to go on with her will, one day, maybe she would lose this man!

After all, the gap between the two is too big!

"Look! Pei Jun is moving!"

At this moment, someone saw Pei Jun in the void turning around and stepping out of the sky step by step. Those eyes without any emotional fluctuations were as bright as stars and imposing.

"Pei Junlin's eyes seem to have fallen into the camp of the Jiangbei Pei family. This time, the Jiangbei Pei family is completely over!"

Many people sighed in this way, even if Jiangbei Pei's family is rude and ingrained in the Jiangbei area for decades, but all this is in front of the innate strong, everything is so vulnerable!

The strength of the innate strong is by no means ordinary ordinary secular forces to counteract!

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