Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 108: Chaos

? At this moment, Wang Ziqiong's seemingly thin figure became the focal point of everyone's eyes!

No one ever thought that it would be such a beautiful woman who was so strong in the face of the ancestors of Pei's family.

That turmoil did not allow the eyebrows of the eyebrows, and there was a faint tendency to contend with a big man like Pei's ancestors, making everyone moved.

"I have heard about the Pei family in Jiangbei for a long time, and they have always behaved arrogantly and recklessly. Seeing today, it really is so!"

Under the gaze of his eyes, Wang Ziqiong wiped the scarlet blood on his chin, and looked directly into Pei's ancestor's eyes, and said.

"Three years ago, it was because of your arrogance and domineering of Pei's family in Jiangbei that my husband Pei Jun came to the family overnight, the family collapsed, and his loved ones died and fled!"

"Now, the people in your Pei family in Jiangbei come from the Jiangbei area so fantasically, looking for my husband, trying to cut off the roots! My husband, if you can't find it, you are just in the sight of this multimedia friend. Weak woman shot! "

"Isn't your Jiangbei Pei family afraid of the media friends present to expose your overbearing behavior today?"

Click! Click!

It seems that in line with Wang Ziqiong's words, among the crowd surrounding the black crowd, there are many journalists and media friends who have already thoroughly recorded the scenes of what happened here.

In particular, after seeing Wang Ziqiong as a beautiful and beautiful CEO, she was really bullied and fell to the ground, and almost everyone couldn't help raising an angry mood.

Human nature is sometimes like this. I can't help sympathizing with the weak, not to mention that Wang Ziqiong, the beauty president, has a very good reputation in Qingzhou. Now she is humiliated. Even if her ancestors are strong, some people are not afraid!

The so-called law does not blame the public. If the people in Jiangbei's Pei family are overbearing, can they still kill everyone here?

I noticed that among the crowd around me, many media reporters continued to shoot, and even more people were shooting with their mobile phones. The people of Pei family who were originally excited could not help but change their faces. .

In today's world rich in media, any news is undoubtedly the fastest. What happened today will soon be on the Internet.

The energy is as strong as the Jiangbei Pei family, and they dare not do too much in such a public eye. Otherwise, it will cause cruel public opinion!

"Old ancestor ..."

Pei Wantian couldn't help but step forward and whispered to the ancestors of Pei's family. Under such circumstances today, Pei's family really didn't dare to do things too far.

After all, the world today is a society ruled by law. No matter how strong a warrior is, he must abide by these basic rules. Otherwise, the country will not tolerate it.

However, everyone ignored the world view of Pei's ancestors!

How long has it been since the development of the media? It's just in recent years!

Even if it is a smart phone, the popularity of mobile networks is within these three or five years. Pei's ancestors have not traveled in the past few years, and have been travelling around. They even announced the retreat directly seven years ago, and they did n’t listen to the outside world. Ask, where do you know these things!

At the moment, there was disdain. A pair of majestic eyes like a hawk glanced at the wolf, glanced around like a king above, looking down at the ants, and sneered at the prince Qiong: "Little girl doll, what you call the chassis are these children's toys goods?"

"You don't look at them either. They are as cheap as ants, they don't even match the old man's shoes, and dare to threaten the old man with all this! It's ridiculous!"

As soon as this remark came, everyone's complexion changed, especially those media reporters, whose faces turned red, with a sense of shame.

The terrible Lao Tzu in front of me is so outrageous that it is very bad!

Wait, this revenge is not a gentleman!

Wang Ziqiong was also a little stunned, and immediately turned his eyes, extended his fingers, and pointed to another position: "What if you add these three?"

That location is the location of Tang Jicheng, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Zhang, and Director of Public Security Zhao.

"Mr. Old, let me introduce you. This is Tang Mayor of Qingzhou, this is our Secretary Zhang of Qingzhou, and this is Director Zhao of the Public Security Bureau!"

"Old gentleman, in the presence of these three big men, you openly targeted me at King's Landing International, and humiliated my weak woman with strength, didn't you put these three in your eyes?"

Wang Ziqiong's last words fell, and the whole audience's face changed again, staring at everyone in the Jiangbei Pei family.

As for Tang Jicheng, Secretary Zhang, and Director Zhao, although they are afraid of the powerful ancestors of Pei's ancestors, they are all in the limelight, and they have such a large backing behind the country. Some dignity.

The mayor Tang Jicheng coughed and stood up and said to the ancestor of the Pei family: "Mr. Pei, I am the mayor of Tang Jicheng, and I am also a member of the Tang family in Jinling City. We also have some origins, can you give me a thin noodle, let's change the day again……"

"What else do you count on, and deserve your old man's face!"

Who would have thought that before Tang Jicheng had finished speaking, the ancestors of Pei's family interrupted politely, his face indifferent.

In front of the eyes, the smile that Mayor Tang Jicheng just showed was completely stiff on his face, and the sound of glasses falling from the ground seemed to come from all around!

God, what did they hear? What did you see?

The bad old man in front of him didn't even give the mayor's face, and he did not speak badly!

At this moment, I only heard the ancestor of the Pei family said lightly: "Even if Tang Bingshan of your Tang family is here, you don't dare to speak to the husband like this, what a thing you are a little junior!"

Tang Bingshan is the grandfather of Tang Jicheng and the father of Tang Baichuan!

This old man has been in the capital for more than 20 years now ...

"Do you want to suppress the old man as a little mayor? Hmm ?!"

The ancestor of the Pei family seemed to be really angry, with infinite majestic eyes like lightning, fell on Tang Jicheng's face, almost let Tang Jicheng kneel on the spot, but finally held back.

The secretaries Zhang and Director Zhao were also full of expressions, and then, on the lowered faces of the two, there was a sense of extreme shame!

Some of them are also the face of the country, even being so humiliated, and still in such a public eye, if this is spread, they will become a political joke!

"Today, the old man puts down his words here, no matter who is waiting, but there are people who stop the old man from taking Pei Junlin's little thief's head, killing them without pardon!"


The ancestors of Pei family used the power of the true Yuan who belongs to the innate power. At once, they echoed over the entire Maple Mountain, and tens of thousands of people heard it clearly!

And it seems that in order to play a role of arrogance, when the words just dropped, the Pei family ancestors suddenly lifted their feet and forced themselves to the ground, only to hear a loud noise, centered on the Pei family ancestors, a sudden terror broke out The shock wave of the true yuan is so sweeping.

Under this shock wave, the scene suddenly became chaotic, exclaimed and pained, and many people were slammed into the ground by many shocks and pains.

Mayor Tang Jicheng, Secretary Zhang, and Director Zhao were no exception, and they fell even more embarrassed. Director Zhao had broken his nose and blood, and Secretary Zhang had a sarcoma on his forehead. Only Tang Jicheng was decent.

what! !!

At this moment, Wang Ziqiong's scream came suddenly. It turned out that she didn't know when she was caught by Pei's ancestors. She looked indifferently: "Little girl doll, since you are a woman of Pei Junlin, then Let's go find your man together! "

"Do you really think that my Pei family in Jiangbei is eating dry rice? That Pei Jun is now retreating at the villa on the top of the mountain at the moment! You are making such a big move, you just want to give your little man more time. ! "

The prince Qiong, who had originally planned to find another way, heard that his body was cold and his eyes were cold, and he couldn't help looking at the top of the mountain with his unwillingness and despair.

Junlin, I really did my best!


"General Manager Wang!"

Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong, Xu Dong, and Wolf, who have always protected the safety of Prince Qiong, saw that Prince Qiong was caught, red eyes, and they could no longer resist the internal torture and anger, roaring and flying up!

"Look to death! Kill me!"

This time, without the ancestors of Pei's family, Pei Wantian ordered decisively!

Now that things are in a big trouble today, then simply do nothing and endlessly, completely remove all the Pei families in Qingzhou, once and for all!

At this moment, the scuffle broke out completely, and a famous master was showing energy far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. When the air was boiling, the hand was broken and the stone was broken, the air could burst!

The ground collapsed, the rocks collapsed, and the cornices walked away, just like shooting a movie ...

This scene can scare the people around, it is hard to imagine that there are really legendary martial arts masters in this world!

Mayor Tang Jicheng, Secretary Zhang, and Director Zhao also panicked when they saw the situation, screaming that people would quickly isolate the entire Maple Leaf Mountain, and no one was allowed to climb and enter, otherwise, the consequences were at their own risk!

The whole Maple Leaf Mountain ~ ~ is completely messed up, screaming endlessly, the most worrying thing still happened!

And just when this situation was completely uncontrollable, in a straight line from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the Maple Leaf Mountain, a handsome man with white hair and a wide robe wearing a wide robe was holding a woman in his hand and heading towards the mountain top. Go away.

Look at the sturdy pace like flat ground, the steep mountain of Maple Leaf Mountain can't create any obstacle at all!

The white-haired old man is exactly the ancestor of the Pei family, and the woman he is holding is naturally Wang Ziqiong!

With less than two kilometers of Fengye Mountain, at the speed of Pei's ancestors, they can go up in just a few minutes!

"Pei Junlin, if you still want your woman's life, come out and see your husband!"

After reaching the top of the mountain, the ancestors of Pei's family exhaled, and the thunder sounded like a huge sound.

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