Shokugeki no Imitation Chef

Chapter 254 Extra Long in Various Meanings (Two Chapters in One)

"Is everyone here? Let's go!"

The next morning, Liu Maoxing and Erina took 97 first-year students to the Yuanyue training branch in Hokkaido.

Naturally, Liu Maoxing would not know, just when everyone left the hotel, they missed a piece of news related to "Yuanyue Training Hokkaido Branch"...

After arriving at the examination room, Liu Maoxing first asked the students to allocate the cooking tables by themselves, and then checked by themselves to see if there were any problems with the cooking tables, the ingredients on them, and the kitchen utensils.

When Hiroi came over, Liu Maoxing asked directly: "Hiroi Reiko, are the ingredients ready? And Mr. Horikoshi and others?"

Now that he knew that this guy was the one who cut thistles, Liu Maoxing would naturally not be so polite.

On the other hand, Hiroi put on a good-natured look and said with a smirk, "Of course, I have spent a lot of effort in order to acquire the ingredients!"

"Acquisition?" Liu Maoxing instinctively felt that the word used was a bit "weird".

At the same time, what I think in my heart is that you should be honest and give me some ordinary ingredients, which will make me feel more at ease!

"You don't prepare strange ingredients, do you? The test question this time is..."

"It's 'Hokkaido specialty fish and seafood', don't worry, I won't make a mistake! And it's absolutely fair!"

"Fair?" Liu Maoxing frowned.

"That's right, because the individual freshness and meat quality of the ingredients were often different in the past, which caused students to complain. Although the method of 'choosing ingredients' can be regarded as an assessment of the students' ability to distinguish ingredients, it can reduce the chance of complaints. , but after all, sometimes some students can get ingredients that are worse than other students! In order to prevent similar things from happening, I specially purchased the ingredients for this time..."

As Hiroi said, he led the students to the warehouse, only to see "one" huge monster standing here in the refrigerator!

When seeing this huge monster, some of the less courageous female students couldn't help but take a few steps back even when they saw it in the brightly lit refrigerator...

"This, is this an eel?"

"Is it too big?"

"I remembered. I heard from the news yesterday that a fisherman in Hokkaido caught a super-large eel. It is said to be 9.95 meters long?"

"Indeed, it is only less than half a meter shorter than the record-breaking 10-meter-long eel, and it is the second longest eel ever caught!"

"By the way, it seems that it will be auctioned today, because it was not caught alive for the safety of the fishing boat when it was caught, and it was slightly shorter than the longest record, so it was not sent to be kept in an aquarium or made a specimen in a museum..."

"Then this one? Looks like... it costs a lot of money?"

"Maybe we can get a high price of tens of millions of yen!"

That's right, just this morning, on behalf of "Yuanyue Training", Hiroi photographed this super eel with a "head" nearly 10 meters long, as thick as a water tank, and weighing more than 800 kilograms!

It is true that for such a big eel, the trainees each take one or two kilograms to cook, which is only "part". VIP guests.

"Are you sure this thing is edible?" Seeing this huge monster, Liu Maoxing's first reaction was: Could it be the result of radiation?

"Of course, it has passed radiation monitoring and nutritional content monitoring! Not only is it edible, but its nutritional value is 1.7 times that of ordinary eels!" Hiroi said.

Liu Maoxing walked a few steps closer to the super eel, patted it, and observed it from the perspective of vision and touch.

First of all, Liu Maoxing did not find out that there was any danger in eating this thing. Both super vision and super touch told him that this is indeed a non-toxic food...Of course, the raw blood of eels is poisonous, so it cannot be eaten raw or drunk, but this is a normal eel There are also features.

And the cell activity of the super eel in front of me is still very strong, as if it has only been dead for a few hours...

As an ancient creature that has lived on the earth for tens of millions of years, eels have magical characteristics such as sex reversal according to the population density and only laying eggs once in a lifetime.

According to the research records of Li Shizhen, a medical scientist in the Ming Dynasty, eel meat has medicinal value...Of course, this refers to the world before Liu Maoxing crossed over. In the history of this world, it is estimated that Li Shizhen should be a master of medicinal food...

After patting the meat of various parts of the super eel everywhere, Liu Maoxing's eyes lit up, and then he frowned.

The reason why Liu Maoxing found out that this super eel can be used as an ingredient for one of his special five-star dishes... To know this dish, Liu Maoxing always thought that he had no chance to make it before!

Silver Dragon Meat, a dish that "Liu Maoxing" and Lan Feihong cooperated with during the "Zhonghua Yiyi" period, and it was completed after the two had already started fighting with the five tiger stars in the dark cuisine world, and before the capital cuisine showdown ...

Even if "Liu Maoxing" and Lan Feihong hadn't reached the pinnacle of their lives at that time, at least they had reached the level where they could compete with or even defeat the Five Tiger Stars, and this silver dragon meat was the result of their cooperation!

Because of pure culinary skills, the highest is only a super five-star, but Liu Maoxing still feels that this "silver dragon meat" is definitely higher than the "true sea bream continent map"... and it also has the same effect of food and medicine!

Although Lan Feihong suspected at the time that there was a psychological component in it, but in the first period of China, "Silver Dragon Meat" did instantly heal a high-ranking official of the Qing Dynasty who seemed to be terminally ill.

But it is a pity that Liu Maoxing has been unable to complete this dish, even before seeing this "head" super eel, he thought that he had no chance to complete this dish.

Because the original "Silver Dragon Meat" was teamed up by "Liu Maoxing" and Lan Feihong. While fighting against the Five Tiger Stars while collecting legendary kitchen utensils, in a village, they met a terminally ill governor. In the event of recruiting local villagers to capture the "Dragon God".

The sick governor firmly believed that only the legendary dragon meat could make him recover...

In the process of capturing the "Dragon God", many villagers were injured. During a successful hunt that stabbed the "Dragon God", the eyes of the villagers who were splashed with "dragon blood" were still so red and swollen that they could not open them. degree……

Later, "Liu Maoxing" and Lan Feihong teamed up to capture the "Dragon God", and cooked "Silver Dragon Meat", which made the sick governor heal without medicine.

Of course, in fact, the two later revealed that the so-called "Dragon God" is actually a super giant eel!

Well, in this foodie world, even more than a hundred years ago, people's awe of supernatural phenomena could not overwhelm their appetite!

At least Liu Maoxing didn't think that in the world before he traveled, the ancients would dare to eat dragon meat...

The recipe for silver dragon meat was just recorded in Liu Maoxing's system, but this dish must be cooked with specific ingredients, ordinary eel is not acceptable!

Before, Liu Maoxing didn't think that he would have a chance to find ingredients that could make silver dragon meat...

After all, in the world before Liu Maoxing crossed, the longest known eel caught was only more than seven meters, and it was an American white eel, which was twice the length of the island eel!

And now Liu Maoxing perceives the meat quality of the super giant eel in front of him through his "super-tactile sense", and discovers that this thing can actually be used to cook "silver dragon meat"!

Only then did Liu Maoxing come to his senses, reminding himself again in his heart that this is a world that is in the same line as "Zhonghua Yiyi". Obviously, although this kind of super eel is extremely rare, it does not exist...

The "head" in front of me is nearly 14 meters long, and the thickness of the water tank is super slow. Compared with the "head" eel hunted by "Liu Maoxing" and Lan Feihong during the "Zhonghua Yiyi" period, it is actually smaller Not a lot.

The super eel, which was regarded as the "Dragon God" by the local people back then, had a cross section wider than a small sampan, perhaps as thick as two or three people hugging it together!

However, although the "head" eel in front of him is smaller than the "Dragon God", Liu Maoxing's super sense of touch told him that it can indeed be used as an ingredient for "Silver Dragon Meat"!

Liu Maoxing was naturally very happy to have the opportunity to reproduce this dish that Liu Maoxing thought would be buried in history because of the ingredients, but what also made him frown was that the eel meat...was too old!

That’s right, eels are fish with a long lifespan. It is said that wild eels can live up to 50 years. In an aquarium in Sweden, there was once a long-lived eel that lived for 88 years. Some biologists even believe that, The true face of the Loch Ness Monster is just a super long-lived eel... Yes, there is also a Loch Ness Monster in this world, and there are a lot of foodies squatting there every year!

But from the point of view of eating, one or two-year-old eels are actually the best, and generally eels will come to the end of their lives shortly after laying eggs, and they will not live to such an old age. The "head" in front of us Obviously an accident.

Just like in the first period of China, where "Liu Maoxing" and the others captured the dragon god, they also found many "huge" eel cubs that seemed to be the size of small fish, dozens of times larger than normal eel cubs!

It can be seen that this eel is likely to survive after spawning...

"Is this eel meat too old?" Liu Maoxing frowned.

"It's true that it's different from ordinary eels, but this will test everyone's level, right?" Hiroi said with a wicked smile.

"Wait... the students from the central gourmet agency will also be assessed with us? What are their ingredients?" Liu Maoxing asked.

"It's also an eel... just an ordinary eel, after all, they can't spend the funds of the academy, can they?"

Well, this reason is very good, but Liu Maoxing is not ready to accept it!

Obviously, this guy did it on purpose. The five judges would come only after the assessment was about to end and they could present the dishes, and it was obvious that the students of the college tried to use such old eel meat for cooking in a very short time of thinking. It is difficult for the strong...

And I also specially found people from the "Central Gourmet Organization" to cook with ordinary eels as a comparison...

Although several judges knew the situation, but in this way, the students from Yuanyue couldn't show their cooking skills as they should! At least the elimination rate will increase, and although there are good reasons, it is really not a happy thing to be overwhelmed by the students of the "Central Gourmet Organization"!

Liu Maoxing knew without thinking, although the assessment of the "Central Gourmet Organ" is independent, Hiroi will definitely find a reason and find a way to let several judges taste the dishes of the students of the "Central Gourmet Organ" at the same time... …

Afterwards, even if Jue Yue and the others understood the situation, Hiroi had the opportunity to "slowly disturb and entangle" and released the news that "Yuanyue's original students have been surpassed by the students of the Central Gourmet Organization" and so on!

So Liu Maoxing said directly: "Okay, then we also use ordinary eels."

"Wait, this is my specialty..."

"But I'm the highest person in charge of the assessment now, and this eel will be used for the eel feast at night, so it's better not to use it in the assessment!"

"It's a pity, there are no ordinary eels now, you can go and explain to the judges, because you don't have the confidence to cook this valuable big guy, so you have to postpone the assessment again." Hiroi sneered.

It seems that Hiroi did not fail to consider the possibility of Liu Maoxing directly flipping the table.

And Liu Maoxing gave her a warm and kind smile: "Who said there is no? We will get it now... All the girls stay on standby, except for Yu Mei and Miyoko. The other men come with me, we will grab it...cough Cough, I mean to get the ingredients! Now, as the person with the highest authority here, I have the right to mobilize all the ingredients here!"

"You, what do you want to do? Wait, you can't do this..." Hiroi didn't expect that this mighty fellow would go grab other people's food even if they disagreed with each other?

On the contrary, the people of Yuanyue Academy found it very fresh and exciting, and some girls also volunteered to sign up to go together...

Liu Maoxing considered the "war five scum" of the Central Gourmet Agency, even if there were more people, he, Yu Mei, and Miyoko could control the situation, so he simply asked the girls to follow along!

"Is there any problem? Isn't it written like this in the novels? The "inner courtyard" elites in the academy bully the "outer courtyard" poor students... Well, that's about it!" Liu Maoxing nodded as he spoke.

It seems that I have gotten used to it, and brought myself into the identity of the villain who can't survive three chapters!


The students of the "Central Gourmet Organization", the door of the cooking room that was undergoing assessment was directly kicked open by Liu Maoxing...

Two to three hundred students, one cooking table for every five people... This is also the same as stipulated in the assessment rules. The assessment rules of Yuanyue Academy, in the first assessment, are also groups of five, drawn by lot.

About 50 cooking tables, even the simplest cooperative cooking tables, occupy an area that is definitely not small. Rather than calling it an activity room, it is better to say that the auditorium is temporarily converted into a cooking room for assessment.

Seeing such a large space, there are two or three times as many students from the "Central Gourmet Organization"... If you only count the boys, it is more than three times as many as your own!

The ratio of male to female in the main campus of "Yuanyue Academy" is already quite unbalanced... That's why Liu Maoxing is particularly hated, and the ratio of male to female in the "Central Gourmet Agency" is even worse than that of the main campus of "Yuanyue Academy".

The most important thing is that just now everyone thought it was fun and excited, so they came directly with Liu Maoxing, and now they came in and realized that they didn't bring anyone with them? And on the other side's cooking table... there are at least two complete sets of knives!

At this moment, many students are a little ignorant...

There used to be a joke, probably about a group of hooligans who went to the cooking class of a technical school and wanted to hit someone, but when they saw in the classroom, everyone had a kitchen knife in their hands and after cutting vegetables, they closed the door again...

But Liu Maoxing is obviously not an ordinary hooligan, at least he is also a hooligan who knows martial arts!

Although Liu Maoxing himself doesn't know if only internal strength is considered martial arts, let's forget it...

Lian Nantaro was not surprised when he saw Liu Maoxing. Instead, he said playfully, "Huh? Isn't this the student Liu Maoxing who is the ninth seat among the ten outstanding? What's the matter? If it's not urgent, let's talk about it later! After all, even if you don't Regarding the assessment, as a cook, I don’t want to be interrupted after I’ve started cooking, especially... because of the ingredients!”

It's not surprising that they already knew what Liu Maoxing was going to do. After all, Hiroi had been trying to stop him all the way here, for example, he wanted to call the "General Counsel" and ask him to stop Liu Maoxing... …

After all, Liu Maoxing's attack before was "taking the opportunity" anyway, and Nakie Ji couldn't say anything, but now it doesn't make sense at all. If he really talks to Nakie Ji on the phone, it will be a bit troublesome.

But the premise is to talk to Ji Nakiri on the phone!

But it is a pity, because at the scene of the graduation assessment, Ji Nakiri’s mobile phone has been turned off, although Hiroi contacted Rui Shanede, who was with Jiji Nakiri and had completely joined the "Central Gourmet Organization" and was not required to participate in the assessment. Jin Ye, but Liu Maoxing directly said, "Guys who are not even qualified to directly participate in the Council of Ten Heroes, their opinions can be ignored, and they can't represent anyone" and pushed back...

Leaving aside Etsuya Ruishan whose face must be turning green now, it is not surprising that someone notified Lian Kuantaro and the others during the delay on the road!

Lian Nantaro has obviously already thought it over. Even though Liu Maoxing is qualified to use the ingredients here, he is a student of the "Central Gourmet Organization" for the sake of the dignity of the cook, so some conflicts among young people occurred. The final result Up to 50 boards each.

And if you really do it, at least the "Central Gourmet Agency" will definitely take advantage of it now...

Of course, although the "dignity of a cook" does not exist for them at all, there are still necessary universal morals. In this world, cooks usually do not use violence to solve problems, but if Liu Maoxing insists on going his own way, , that's another matter!

Well, before Liu Maoxing broke the faucet on his cooking table into a fountain, and took two handprints on the cooking table, even Nantaro thought so...

And although it is more difficult to press the fingerprints, Liu Maoxing is not alone in the "stunt" of straightening the faucet on the sink, Yu Mei and Miyoko can barely do it!

"Let's start choosing the ingredients! The three-hour time limit starts now. After choosing the ingredients, go back and start cooking. The judges will come in an hour and forty-five minutes!" Liu Maoxing waved his hand.

Looking at the three fountains, Lian Nantaro felt that although these faucets are not thick, and they are not very hard metal, after all, there is no "break-proof" attribute at the beginning of the design...but they are definitely harder than his bones!

Not to mention the two handprints of about half a centimeter...

Of course he didn't know, Liu Maoxing was still afraid of scaring him, otherwise instead of taking two fingerprints, he would have directly pressed two fingerprints!

But Lian Nantaro at least knows that it's best to shut up now... I decided to stick to my morals!

In fact, Liu Maoxing thinks that if it is purely a deterrent, breaking a curved kitchen knife may be more effective, but as a cook, even if it is not his own kitchen utensils, he is not willing to destroy them...

If the "Central Gourmet Agency" can gain the upper hand now, anyway, they can fight each other up to 50 times afterwards. It's nothing for young people to fight, as long as they don't suffer from any disabilities, but... it is obviously a bit stupid to fight with "monsters" now up!

It is a completely different concept to be hit with 50 boards each after being beaten up, and to be given 50 boards each after beating someone else!

So even Nantaro wisely chose to keep his mouth shut. The assessment here has only just taken the exam, and most of the students haven't handled the eels yet, so the students in Yuanyue can easily choose the eels they want to use, and then in the The students of the "Central Gourmet Organization" left calmly under the eyes of gnashing teeth...

Especially Yiwu Qijun, Liu Maoxing noticed that this guy actually chose the eel of Xiao Gulei, tsk tsk, is this a unique way of expressing emotions of the face-covering clan?

"Hey, is it too much?" Fei Shazi asked Liu Maoxing in a low voice.

Erina obviously wouldn't consider this kind of issue, and at this moment, she was acting as if it was a matter of course. Obviously, this level of "unreasonable" was already commonplace for the eldest lady.

"Do you really think there are no other eels here? The other party created it from the beginning!" Liu Maoxing said disdainfully.

And he said loudly: "Besides, what's so scary? Isn't it normal for the students of our academy to bully these 'named' guys? Are you worried that they will become famous chefs in the future and will not be able to take revenge?"

Yu Mei beside her couldn't help covering her face... Liu Maoxing really walked farther and farther on the road of the little boss at the entrance of the village.

In fact, Liu Maoxing did it on purpose, not to mention that the other party deliberately caused troubles from the very beginning, and since Liu Maoxing knew that people from the "Central Gourmet Agency" would come together for this assessment, he put his first priority from supervision and assessment The smooth progress of the game has become "strike the central gourmet institution from the superiority as much as possible"!

That is to say, the purpose is the same as the other party, but the goal is opposite...

The other party wanted to hit the students of Yuanyue Academy as much as possible, but Liu Maoxing did the opposite.

The reason why all the central gourmet institutes come together with the first-year students is to "kill chickens to scare the monkeys", so that the incoming new students can see the advantages of joining the "central food agency" and the disadvantages of continuing to be Yuanyue Academy.

"Okay, let's go, you guys continue the assessment." Liu Maoxing left in a big way after all the other students had left.

Afterwards, Liu Maoxing had to think of an excuse to join in the "eel feast" at night.

Although I don't see any benefits now, even in this world, if you miss this super eel, Liu Maoxing's "Silver Dragon Meat" may have to become a lifetime series...

It has to be said that Liu Maoxing's mentality has also changed a lot now. Even if he can't see any benefits, he is willing to actively fight for it just to make "Silver Dragon Meat" with his own hands...

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